Read Tough Love: Episode 6 Page 1

Tough Love

  Episode: 6


  Copyright 2015, Alexander Dingeman, All rights reserved


  (Scene opens with an establishing shot of the temple entrance that pans downward until Jasmine, Jade, and the Mistress come into frame. The entrance is in the side of a cliff and covered with moss and vines. It is being illuminated by two torches placed on either side of the door. There are inscriptions written on the door in ancient Greek lettering as well as two keyholes. The camera focuses in on Jasmine, Jade, and the Mistress.)


  Well what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s go inside.


  We can’t. It’s sealed shut.


  So? What’s stopping us from smashing our way in?


  The will of the gods.


  Fair enough. How do we get in then?

  (The Mistress walks up to the wall and runs her hand across the markings.)


  This gluttonous lock desires two keys. One held by the highest governor, the other by a common man. Only when there is true peace shall the door be opened.


  So we have to bring order between the social classes?


  Don’t be absurd. If that were possible then we wouldn’t need the Heart to begin with.


  If the first key is in the hands of the “Highest Governor” then I suggest that we start brushing up on our politics.

  (Camera zooms in on the lit torches and then fades into next scene.)


  (Scene opens on a close-up of the torches, which have now burned out. The camera zooms out to show Duke, Wilt, Lana, and Professor Oblex standing in front of the temple entrance. Lana and Oblex are inspecting the writing while Duke and Wilt are engaged in a fierce thumb war.)


  Two keys… common man… yada yada… when there is true peace… (Shrugs) something cool will happen.

  (Lana walks over to Duke and Wilt who are still too busy to look up from their thumb war.)


  So how do we get in?


  We need a couple of keys to unlock the door but since a key could technically be anything, I’m not quite sure what we’re looking for.


  So does that mean that we’re back to square one? (Gets thumb pinned under Duke’s.) Damn it!

  (Duke and Wilt stop playing. Oblex turns away from the door to speak.)


  Not necessarily. I recognize this shape here in the door. It looks exactly like the Medal of Truth.


  (Skeptical) Medal of Truth?


  I admit the name sounds better in Greek. Anyway it’s a marathon that’s always held right before the festival that only working class citizens are allowed to participate in. It started as a layman’s alternative to the Olympic Games in ancient times. It was thought that since the working class were more humble and honest, this contest was by extension more noble. Each year the medal is passed on to a new champion so that no one could be corrupted by fame or glory.


  Ok, so we have to earn this medal. How are we going to do that when none of us have trained for the race and Duke still has that leg wound?


  (Scene opens with an establishing shot showing downtown Lágnos where Jasmine can be seen walking in the distance. Cut to a tracking shot of Jasmine as she walks down the street. As she passes an alleyway a hand reaches out and grabs her shoulder. Jasmine gets startled then grabs the man’s arm and flips him over her shoulder. Esau falls into the light. Jasmine steps back and takes a fighting stance. Cut to a medium shot of Jasmine and Esau.)


  Wow. You really are your mother’s daughter aren’t you? (Stands up and brushes the dust off of his clothes.) The names Esau, collector and dealer of anything that’s difficult to come by.

  (Esau extends his hand to shake Jasmines. Jasmine takes another step back. Esau shrugs and withdraws his hand.)


  The same Esau that the Mistress interrogated after we arrived? I didn’t think that you would still be alive.


  Surprised me too. Though she does a pretty good job of hiding it, the Mistress can still be sentimental sometimes. That’s actually why I need to talk to you.


  What do you mean?


  Haven’t you been wondering why the leader of a supposed charity organization has been resorting to such violent tactics as of late?


  Mistress says that the ends justify the means.


  I’m sure you already know plenty about the means but how much do you really know about the ends?


  We’re supposed to bring about world peace.


  A broad statement to appeal to the lowest common denominator. But world peace doesn’t just happen. Mankind simply doesn’t work like that. This is going to be very difficult if you truly are this naïve.


  Why don’t you just say whatever it is that you’re trying to tell me?


  Because you’re not ready to believe me yet. But since you are the only person who can help me, I’ll give you a hint. (Pause) Next time you’re cleaning the Mistress’s room, open the top drawer on the nightstand to the left of her bed. There should be a false bottom in the drawer with a small, leather-bound, high-end notebook hidden inside.


  What? When were you inside of our base!?!


  Relax, I’ve never set a foot in your precious headquarters. I’m just good at reading people. Anyway, after you see that journal this mess is in your hands. (Turns to walk away.) You won’t be seeing me again. But tell the Mistress I had fun catching up with her.

  (Esau disappears into the dark alleyway. Cut to a one shot of Jasmine looking conflicted.)


  (Scene opens on a close-up of a wristwatch. Pan out to show a man in a suit walking through a metal detector with a guy standing next to it. The metal detector makes a sharp beep.)


  Please remove your watch sir.

  (The man sets his watch in a side pouch and walks through the metal detector again. This time it does not go off. The guy waves the man through then gestures for the next person in line to step forward. Cut to a one shot of the Mistress standing in line for the metal detector. She is disguised wearing a blazer, mini skirt, and heels. She is also wearing fake glasses and has her hair up. She approaches the detector and the music rises to build tension as she gets closer and closer. She steps into the detector when the music reaches its peak. It does not go off. The music stops and the Mistress keeps on walking. Cut to inside of the Mayor’s Office where the mayor is flirting with his secretary. There is a knock on the door.)


  That must be your interview.


  I don’t remember being scheduled for an interview today.


  It was very short notice. You said we had to work on your public image right?

  (Before the mayor can respond the secretary opens the door. Cut to a shot of the door as it opens. The Mistress steps inside holding a clipboard.)


  (To secretary) Thank you. (To mayor) I’m glad that you could find time in your schedule for our little chat.

  (The secretar
y goes back to her desk. The Mistress holds out her hand to shake the mayor’s. They shake hands.)


  Uh, sure. It was no problem at all. (Pause) That’s quite a firm grip you’ve got there.

  (He lets go of the Mistress’s hand and starts rubbing his own like it is sore. Both the Mistress and the mayor take a seat. Cut to a medium shot of the two. The Mistress removes a pen from behind her ear to write on her clipboard.)


  So I’m told. Tell me, to what do you owe your success?


  Why to the fine people of this island of course. Without them all of my efforts would be meaningless. In fact, this year I plan to cut taxes and increase funds for schools and support programs.


  (Bored) Uh huh. (Notices the pin on the mayor’s shirt collar.) That’s an interesting pin you’ve got there. What can you tell me about that?

  (Cut to a close-up of the pin then pan out to a one shot of the mayor as he talks.)


  Oh this? It’s called the Brooch of Peace. It’s just a little trinket that gets passed down to each mayor in office. If you look closely it’s got the word “Peace” inscribed on it. That’s to remind us of what the end goal of our campaign always is.


  That’s all I needed to hear.

  (Cut to a full shot of the room as the Mistress stands up and throws a knife, killing the mayor. She walks over to the mayor’s body and removes the pin which she puts in her pocket. She then turns to look at the secretary who is cowering in the corner.)


  You seem like a reasonable woman. Why don’t we keep this just between us girls?

  (The secretary runs over to the mayor’s desk and hits a button under the table. Alarms start blaring and then the secretary runs screaming out of the room. Cut to a one shot of the Mistress as she takes off her glasses and lets down her hair as she talks.)


  Great. These alarms are going to give