Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 Page 9

  Chapter 9 – The Death Drink

  Acura gave a stern look but then converted his expression into a smile.

  He said “Very curious that you are, I will show everything related to this pond or the fountain, but assure me that you would not panic after seeing everything, otherwise it will become difficult for you to save your tribe members after you leave this tower. Is that understood?”

  Idaha nodded his head like a student. Acura took him near the pond and chanted some incantations, within a few seconds a ray of bright light hit Idaha’s eyes and he was able to see everything present inside the pond. The moment he saw the things in the pond his body gave a very bad jerk and he ran away from it and fell down on the ground completely shocked.

  Idaha started speaking slowly after the shocking things that he had seen underneath “What are those things, they are scarier than the things that I have fought till now?”

  Acura said “The things that you saw are the attendants of the Asura Kalihan. They are always waiting to punish good people on earth, once it happened so that when the Daityas were almost on the verge of victory in taking control over earth and creating chaos on the entire planet, the Lord of the Universe Gabhiro along with his eternal servants, the demigods descended on earth and finished them off in a major battle which lasted 21 days, after their loss they were all sent to a separate plane of existence. But still as they say it is difficult to curb evil, Kalihan the leader of both the Asuras and the Daityas got another chance to be born on this planet to very poor parents, but both of the parents were very pious souls. He grew up amidst poverty and this led him to slowly burn from the inside causing harm to all creatures on this planet and now his real nature has started projecting itself fully on our planet and his so called followers have all started becoming active. It is just a matter of time when this portal will also be unlocked if Kalihan is not curbed again this time.”

  Idaha felt like he was being asked to give an examination without looking at the question paper.

  He asked Acura “If demigods were not able to curb him then how can I curb him this time?”

  Acura gave a smile which showed that this question from Idaha was expected.

  He said “Effort is always liked by God but not the results of our actions, so try your level best, leave the rest to God.”

  Idaha did not somehow like the idea of fighting an evil entity which lacked remorse.

  But he still managed to gather all the courage and said “I will fight till death and try to do my best for my people.”

  Acura patted his back and said “Do not worry, God is on your side, this is one of the reasons why you were sent to me by Chakra on Gabhiro’s instructions. Both the Mace and the Bow are the strongest weapons on earth right now. I know it would be difficult to carry both the weapons, I will teach you incantations so as to summon either of these weapons whenever you need them. Is that clear?”

  Idaha was about to ask him another question when Acura said “This is one of the reasons why this pond is known as the death drink, because the water looks very fresh which is just an illusion but inside, the poison of these cruel intentions and their memories lies in this water and if a person drinks this water then he would not live for a minute after drinking it.”

  Idaha was now suddenly becoming panicky, he felt like he had seen something which was no longer visible.

  Acura asked him “Did you see something or someone, Son?”

  Idaha nodded his head not even able to move his body freely. He was in complete freeze mode. Acura then using his power of meditation was able to make out that Idaha had seen a huge eagle with a very ferocious face.

  Acura then called the eagle into the huge room of the Wax Tower “Bragloid, please come here and wish Idaha.”

  Bragloid entered the room and with a deep hoarse voice said “Good afternoon, how may I help you?”

  Acura caressed the eagle and told Idaha “he is very shy, that is one of the reasons he was hiding from you, but now he must have felt hungry so he has come out, but to his shock has found you, and must have flown so fast to the other room.”

  Idaha also went ahead and started treating the eagle like his long lost pet. The eagle gave a huge sound which meant that he was happy on seeing Idaha.

  Acura told Idaha “He will be your means of transportation to the TOWN CENTRE of Chonohaush, he also is very good at pelting huge stones at his enemies, but please make sure that you shield him always, because I do not think he could resist a melee attack by any of those cruel Asuras and he will be dead in no time. They are all very cruel by nature so please make sure that you too do not get caught very easily by them.”

  Idaha had a doubt in his mind, all the while he knew that Acura was the one who was asking him to have confidence in himself, but now after listening to the advice it looked like as if he would need a few extra people to fight those Asuras in the centre of the town. Anyway now Idaha was well versed in the art of archery and warfare that he could at least kill a few hundreds of the Asuras before going down.

  Idaha still had many doubts in his mind, but he did not bother asking the 10,000 year old man about them, because he himself was shocked to find a 10,000 year old man teaching him. Anyways he took the courage to ask him how he had survived for that long.

  Acura looked at Idaha with the same way he had seen him when Chakra had introduced him for the first time. Idaha was not able to take the stare this time and his legs started shivering. Acura kept his hand on the head of Idaha and he felt a very pleasant current pass through his entire body and he stopped shivering.

  Acura said “Now, listen my son, it is possible to stay within this body for any number of years provided God allows the law of nature to not destroy the body, but the efforts initially lies with us. If we show the inclination towards being spiritual then it will become an easy task otherwise it would be a very difficult proposition. Well, to be frank even I seriously do not know how I have survived for so long; the only not so logical explanation would be that I have God’s grace on me.”

  Idaha was able to understand that Acura was probably telling the truth and there was no magic in it and it was possible for all spirits to lead a life like him if they would be spiritual throughout their allotted life span. Now, Idaha felt that it was time for him to do the job of the savior, so he decided to leave for the Town Centre, but little did he know that the journey was not going to be that easy and simple.

  Acura had one final thing to say to Idaha and he said “When you leave the tower on the extreme right to the forest areas there is a very old well inside which lives a very old and huge lizard, please save the lizard and retrieve an old bag which the lizard will give you. I will teach you an incantation with which only you can open the bag, you were very much worried about fighting all these evil forces alone so you will have some company about which you will find out when you unlock the secret bag.”

  Idaha was happy at the prospect of getting help, but his ego was hurting as he wanted to fight all the evil forces alone. Acura taught him the incantation to open the bag and Idaha hugged Acura one last time before leaving the wax tower and was on his way back home. Bragloid knelt completely and Idaha got on top of the huge eagle. Bragloid wished Acura in the usual way by folding his hands together as a mark of respect and flew out of the tower through the huge ceiling window which was present for sunlight to enter the tower.

  Bragloid asked “Master, do you know where we can find the well and the huge lizard?”

  Idaha had no clue as he had heard Acura’s instructions perfectly but still had no clue as he had no Chakra with him to guide him this time. Idaha was thinking very hard so as to find out about the direction when an idea struck him. He asked Bragloid to fly eastwards in the forest area and decided to test his courage by mimicking the sound of the lizard. Idaha had no clue from where he had the talent of mimicking but it was helping him around this time. Idaha started making the noise of a lizard very loudly and in around 5-10 minutes his patience w
as rewarded and he got back an answer from a lizard in the extreme right to the forest area. Bragloid a huge eagle that he was used his wings with all his might and both of them were standing in front of what looked like an old well.

  Idaha got down from the eagle and bent down to find out if the lizard existed there in the old well and to his shock found a very huge lizard almost the size a building weeping. Idaha’s heart felt like it was being crushed, so he decided to help the lizard. He spoke to the lizard, I have come here to save you, and please let me know a way of getting you out of this well.

  The lizard was happy on hearing this, but here was the problem, it would be almost a humanly impossible task to get the lizard out of it as the vacuum of the lizard is so strong that just pulling it out of the well is simply not sufficient.

  Idaha understood the reason the lizard was crying, probably many of them had tried doing this earlier but had been unsuccessful. So, Idaha thought for a while and an idea again struck him. The only way of getting the lizard out was to ask Bragloid to hold Idaha with its beak and to use its beak as the anchor and lower Idaha into the well and pull the lizard outside.

  Idaha explained this to Bragloid who agreed immediately, but who would want to catch hold of the slimy moist feet of a gigantic lizard? Anyway Idaha had little time to lose as he knew there was massive devastation going on in the heart of Chonohaush and so he asked Bragloid to do the needful and he was being lowered into the huge well by Bragloid when Idaha asked the lizard to hold on tightly to the wall of the well. Idaha held the lizard at its torso and within no time Bragloid pulled both of them outside and the lizard changed its physical form into an old monk.

  The Monk started speaking “Thank you so much son, my name is Qazvin, I am one of the seven monks who had descended from Orion constellation. The other six did their duties to God properly and went back to the celestial worlds but I was caught here because of my karmic debts. I had been cursed by Acura to become a lizard for a sin that I should not have been committed; I had been given 2 options by him, either to spend time here inside this well for over a thousand years or spend time in a hellish dimension. I wasn’t prepared to spend time in a hellish dimension, so I decided to remain here as a giant lizard. And I was so lucky to have found you as my savior, because to be frank with you I had wronged one of your relatives when I was a human because of uncontrollable anger and that is one of the reasons why Acura had cursed me.”

  Idaha interrupted him saying “You could not have wronged my relatives, as far as I can remember I do not have any relatives in this birth except my wife and the 2 sons whom I have not seen till date.”

  Qazvin gave a smile and said “There is not just one birth for us souls; we all are reborn many times till we learn the lessons that life teaches us till we go back to Godhead.”

  Idaha was having a headache; he could not make head or tail of all these things. There was so much mystery associated with the island of Chonohaush. Qazvin understood from Idaha’s expressions that he was confused, so he started explaining it clearly to Idaha.