Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 Page 10

  Chapter 10 – Long Lost Twin

  Qazvin said “I have one secret bag with me hidden inside a very old tree which I will give you for your return journey towards centre of Chonohaush, but remember do not open it till you encounter a group of Asuras just before you reach the main town of Chonohaush. Is that clear?”

  Idaha drew courage from the inner most recesses of his soul and said “No, respected sir, can u please explain it clearly?”

  Qazvin was in tears, Idaha thought he had offended him by telling him something wrong.

  Qazvin said “I am the sole person responsible for your rebirth, you had reached the Kingdom of heaven but it was I who forced you to take another birth, because I wanted to confess to something that I had done a few thousand years ago before I was cursed to become a lizard. The bag that I would give you contains the soul and cell structure of your twin brother of your previous birth.”

  “What” asked Idaha?

  Qazvin started his explanation again “You and your brother were great with archery and mace fighting respectively. It so happened that one day you twins were enjoying playing in the forest and somehow reached the place where I was in deep meditation. I had started accruing some supernatural powers and I had developed a bloated ego. Your brother started bothering me by pulling my clothes, I had reached the pinnacle of the meditative state when I was brought down to earth by your brother, with one angry glance I burnt your brother who to this day is still inside one special bag which was designed by Acura so as to make sure that his birth of that time would not be wasted.”

  Idaha asked “Special bag?”

  Qazvin said “Yes, special bag, it was designed by Acura so as to preserve the soul and the cell structure, otherwise his karmic debts would have made sure that he would have lost contact with you.”

  Idaha asked “But, why did he want to have contact with my soul?”

  Qazvin said “A single soul was split into 2 bodies and you both were born as the twins to two great human beings, Chakra and Maya.”

  Idaha said “Chakra is then my father?”

  Qazvin said “Yes, he was known as ‘Odzohl’ in your previous birth, this is one of the reasons why you could not remember regarding your present birth’s parents till date. Your birth is divine so please make good use of it. Chakra due to his spiritual nature had got elevated to the position of an elevated ethereal being and so he orchestrated the events for your birth on this island so that you could complete your previous karma which you had left after you had lost your brother.”

  “But why Acura in the picture then,” asked Idaha?

  Qazvin said “It was Acura who was your teacher in the previous birth too. Both you and your twin brother had learnt archery and mace fighting from him. Acura had come in search of you both when you had got lost and had reached my hutment. Acura on seeing that I had misused my spiritual powers had cursed me to become a giant lizard and spend my time inside the well till you would show up. I had been told by Acura that I will have to give the special bag to you and that I would remember everything on seeing you. So, here I am standing in front of you guilty of separating brothers.”

  Qazvin was in tears and Idaha felt bad and consoled him by saying “It is fine, please do not feel bad, anger is the root cause of misery in this world, all of us become victims of it sometime or the other. So please hand me over my brother.”

  Idaha was instructed to hold the bag till the area where four rivers would converge so that the sun’s rays would penetrate the cells which are still preserved in the special bag and that Idaha’s twin would automatically jump out of the bag rejuvenated with high energy and that Idaha at that time would remember everything regarding the previous birth as well as his previous birth’s karma which he had left unfinished.

  Idaha was very happy. He took the special bag from Qazvin. He held it close to his heart like as if he was holding a new born baby. He hugged Qazvin and got on top of the huge eagle Bragloid and when both of them were about to leave, Qazvin threw something from inside of his long robe dress that he was wearing. Idaha caught it and it was some sort of a golden compass, “what is this for,” asked Idaha?

  Qazvin said “This will help you find the position where the four rivers converge; you are going to find the true hero from inside.”

  Idaha felt happy and Bragloid gave a huge flutter and both of them sped off into the air and vanished from Qazvin’s sight in no time. Idaha kept on analyzing the situation as he was keen on meeting his brother from another birth, at that time he saw a valley, where it looked like four rivers were flowing with great force. Idaha instructed Bragloid to make sure that they reach the location fast. Within no time Idaha reached the location where he was supposed to open the bag.

  Idaha got down from the huge eagle; it was as if he was always getting down from some old type of aircraft, Bragloid was that huge. Idaha got down remembered the incantation and chanted it mentally, the moment he did that the bag went high up in the air for a few minutes after which there was a huge blaze of lightning and the bag became larger than its size and out popped out a handsome human being who was blazing like the Sun.

  The moment Idaha looked at him, Idaha’s brain reacted sharply and he went into a trance. He was able to see the previous birth when he had been born as a twin brother of the stranger who had popped out of the bag. Idaha remembered his previous birth’s name as Olmec and his brother’s name as Pelmec. Idaha was still getting visions of his previous birth when suddenly he felt like he was being hugged very tightly, he immediately got back to the conscious state and he was able to see Pelmec in tears.

  Pelmec said “Brother you are still alive, what a fortunate moment this is for me.”

  Idaha said “Yes, I am very much alive, I have now come to know the purpose behind our birth, I am no longer scared of anything, I have come to know the eternal nature of a soul and that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So I think we will have to save our people from the clutches of Kalihan.”

  Pelmec said “Kalihan is still alive Olmec?”

  Idaha was not used to the previous birth’s name, so he asked Pelmec to call him by the present birth’s name and explained everything to Pelmec. Pelmec was convinced about everything and he started calling his brother by the name of Idaha.

  Idaha began answering the question of Pelmec and said “Yes, as far as I have been told by Acura and Chakra he must still be alive. He has held majority of our island captive and is almost on the verge of completing the construction of a huge idol of the demon which they worship and then is going to sacrifice all the people one by one.”

  “What happened to the Death Drink by the way,” asked Pelmec?

  Idaha was surprised how his brother of the previous birth remembered everything when Idaha had to be told everything by Acura and Chakra. Pelmec said “We need to make sure that the people are saved, otherwise if he does complete the construction of the demon idol and if he captures the ‘Trophy Heads’ of his ancestors which are preserved near the Wax Tower then he could unlock the ‘Death Drink’ fountain and there would be utter chaos on the island, why the entire world would then be destroyed by these Asuras.”

  Idaha now understood why Acura had been rude with him when he had tried to peep into the fountain inside the tower. There were still many secrets which probably had to be unraveled.

  Pelmec asked “How Acura is by the way and who is Chakra?”

  Idaha said “Acura is hale and healthy even at this age of 10000” and gave a broad grin.

  Pelmec again asked “Who is Chakra?”

  Idaha said “He was our father in the previous birth, he has reached the level of an ethereal being because of love towards God and humanity, he had descended to this island for a temporary purpose and left to the other dimension after introducing me to Acura.”

  Pelmec felt like he had missed out on the chance of meeting his father, but he was all the more happy that his brother was at least with him. Pelmec said “You do not have enough elec
tromagnetic energy in your body we do not look like twins anymore. Let me help you.”

  Pelmec rubbed his palms very fast and kept his right palm on top of Idaha’s head and Idaha felt electric current pass through his entire body, there was a slight shift in the spinal column and Idaha also started blazing like the Sun. Idaha felt like there was a stronger force and energy which was now controlling his body.

  When both of them were happily discussing their previous birth activities, there was a loud recurring noise, which sounded like as if some giant beings were running towards the area where they were standing. Both of them sensed that the Asuras might be coming towards them as they were almost standing near the centre of Chonohaush.

  Pelmec asked “Where is my mace?”

  Idaha now understood why he had had to struggle to get these weapons; both of them had been masters at using the bow and the mace respectively in their previous birth.

  Idaha used the incantation and the mace was in his hand. He gave it to Pelmec and was about to teach him the incantation when Pelmec stopped him and told him that he remembered everything and was simply testing if Idaha remembered them.

  Idaha winked at Pelmec and when they were about to turn, a huge stone came with great force and missed the brothers. Bragloid was shocked; he gave a loud noise which showed his displeasure that a huge stone had been aimed at his master Idaha.

  Idaha also used the incantation and was ready with the Bow. Both of them were standing like heroes. Ready to take on anything that was going to be thrown at them. Pelmec swished his hand and a loud celestial music started playing in the background, the charging Asuras were surprised at the courage of Pelmec. There were around 100-200 of them charging at them, when Idaha gave an eye signal to Pelmec the tone of the music changed into an inspirational ‘Mortal Kombat’ like song. There was a surge of energy in both of them, through their spines and Idaha took a special aim at the ribs of all the Asuras which Acura had taught him and chanted an incantation and there was a flurry of arrows all targeted at the ribs. The arrows were blazing like fire. The moment the arrows hit the targeted locations all of them fell down like huge trees.

  There were a few of them who had been unharmed by Idaha’s arrows and Pelmec seizing the opportunity licked his lips and went ahead to fight with a lion’s roar towards the advancing Asuras. Pelmec was so good fighting with the mace that the fight was in fast forward motion. Nobody survived the attack by Pelmec. Majority of them were dead after the attack by the ‘Twins’ but the few of them who survived the brutal attack vanished into thin air and disappeared out of their sight.

  Idaha asked “how did they vanish just like that?”

  Pelmec said “Brother, looks like you have forgotten everything about mysticism, they are Asuras who are born with natural magical powers, but the only thing that they cannot do is to confront bravely, but apart from that they can do everything to confuse the person with whom they are fighting.”

  Idaha asked “Then you mean to say they are present somewhere in the vicinity now?”

  Pelmec answered back “Yes I am sure that they would attack us again.”

  Idaha was not scared this time, what with so much energy still left in him and the moral support of his brother. They waited for sometime but no one was in sight for some time, so Idaha took the opportunity to ask Pelmec one question which he was dying to ask.

  Idaha asked “If you were cursed by Qazvin to become like what you had become for so many years then how did you learn the art of fighting so well?”

  Pelmec gave a sweet smile and said “I was not inside a physical body, but I had my subconscious mind which was very much active. Acura had taken you to the same Wax tower in the previous birth and had tried teaching you the art of fighting, you learnt a bit of it but you were disinterested because of what had happened to me. So Acura had sent you back from the tower and had told you that you would meet him after a few thousand years again to learn the same art of fighting and you would learn everything well because of certain orchestrated situations by God. I had flown there to the tower in spirit form and had observed the way Acura had taught many great warriors of the yesteryears, that is how I can remember everything.”

  Idaha asked “Then does this mean that I can also remember each and every event of my previous birth if I would enter into subconscious mode?”

  Pelmec said “yes surely but the task is difficult because the conscious mind is very difficult to tame and the subconscious mind of the soul is very difficult to activate, when present inside the physical body.”

  Idaha was able to understand after the conversation that the physical body is just a vehicle to perform actions and the soul is eternal. At that precise moment Acura appeared all of a sudden out of nowhere.