Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Ghozal Dimension Part 2 Page 10

  Chapter 23 – Conch Shell of Lord Gabhiro

  The six of them with Bahluk leading from the front reached the place where the demi-gods Brahm, Acura, Ugra were all completing their designated work near the wax tower. There was a lot of bloodshed near the place. Brahm was waiting to get his hands on Kalihan.

  Vittal along with his reduced army had already reached the place. Idaha along with Bahluk and the others also reached the place safely. At that moment Sonste arrived on his ‘VIBGYOR’ horses. The same garden which they had seen before leaving for Mount Ekimmu was also present there. The seven horses tied to fantastic trees were looking so good that it looked like heaven. But they were wrong, in a few more hours from then, the entire place was going to look like hell.

  Kalihan was spreading his army towards all four corners of the land of Chonohaush. If people of Chonohaush would not prevent him, then the so called modern world would also be destroyed by these Asuras.

  At that moment, Brahm was able to see his full wild, cruel form. Brahm the most courageous soul that he was on the island charged towards him and called him for a fair war.

  Kalihan also grew with rage; look at the play of God the best soul in the hierarchy of demi-gods and the worst soul in the hierarchy of the devils were waiting to throw themselves at each other, one the eternal servant of Lord Gabhiro and the other a hater of Lord Gabhiro.

  Kalihan said “If you are serious about this war then I want a signal from the so called God of yours.”

  Brahm said “Do not talk nonsense about God, wait till I break your neck and throw it to the dogs.”

  Everyone was waiting anxiously and observing what these two would do to themselves. At that precise moment there was a loud sound of thunder and in a second or so there was a pleasant but very loud sound of conch shell.

  Brahm looked at the skies and said “I think you have got the signal that you required. Let us begin the war, when do you want to start it?”

  Kalihan was flabbergasted. He was sweating completely. He did not know that his end would be so near, a truth that had been shown by God.

  Gulping his excess saliva, Kalihan said “Let us begin the war at sunrise tomorrow morning and vanished into thin air.”

  Brahm was laughing furiously. His work had been done. He had lured Kalihan into a fair war and now he knew that the earth would be in safe hands.

  Everyone was waiting with bated breath for sunrise. In the morning it was a beautiful scene both the armies had taken their respective positions. Vittal was all the more excited as he was commanding this army for the first time.

  Brahm, Ugra, Sonste and Acura were standing at the first part of the army formation. Kalihan was looking as sly as usual. Brahm knew that a bad and a deemed soul that he was would try to do things against the rules of the war, so he had his eye fixed upon him.

  Shako was laughing wildly looking at Bahluk. He shouted in a thunderous voice “You have come back alive to die at my hands again, is it?”

  Bahluk was furious he replied back “I had been killed through an act of complete cowardice, there was nobody then or now who can kill me physically,” and gave a roar resembling that of a lion. Shako was shocked; he was having panic attacks thinking about what would happen to him next?

  Brahm removed his conch shell tied to his cloth which he had tied around his waist and blew it so loudly that the entire battlefield shook. Ugra growled like a tiger, Bahluk had his eye set on Shako and Vittal was shouting in joy, this war is for my brother Tindher.

  All of them started charging at each other. The entire battlefield looked like a hellish place. Bodies were piling up on both the sides; Brahm and Bahluk were killing the Asuras in thousands. The army of the Asuras was larger than the demi-god army but nevertheless they were fighting it very bravely.

  Asuras were joining the side of Kalihan from the death drink. It looked like as if evil was overpowering good, but as GOD says always evil has an upper hand initially but later on the good takes over.

  Vittal was fighting brilliantly, the ones on his side were all brave heroes of the past, they had faced all this before, and so there was no lack of self confidence. They were all ready to die for the good of earth as they all knew that the soul was eternal and Earth was just a stage for performing actions according to the nature of the soul.

  Shako who was one of the worst next to Kalihan in terms of strategic warfare and so decided to cheat though Kalihan had accepted for a fair war. They were going against the rules of the game. Bahluk was busy fighting with thousands of soldiers very huge that he was, when Shako tried to attack him from behind. Bahluk caught hold of Shako and gave a resounding kick on the chest and Shako fell to the ground motionless. Bahluk gave out a huge laugh. Brahm appreciated the talent of Bahluk and went ahead with the war.

  On the other side Idaha and the others were finding it a bit difficult. Jeneele and Guido were disappointed as they were asked to stay near the tents and help the casualties. The Orion people were curing the soldiers to whatever extent they could using their mystic powers.

  It was a fair war and so women were not allowed to take part in the war. Guido was but more than happy as she was too delicate to kill anyone. Idaha and Pelmec were killing soldiers like as if they were in a virtual game. But calamity struck when Idaha was caught by two soldiers and a third one was approaching him trying to cut off his hands, but then Zotreiver came forward to help him and charged ahead, the creature that he was. He lunged forwards and grabbed hold of both the soldiers and threw them in mid air, the soldiers came crashing down to earth and left their physical bodies. Ugra like a ferocious lion had caused enough devastation but still deemed souls were coming back onto the battlefield and were causing much havoc.

  The war went on till evening and it was time to stop the war as the sun had set. Kalihan pointed towards Brahm and said “See you tomorrow!”

  Brahm ignored him and went near the tents. All of them decided on their next day war strategy and slept for the night. Night Brahm had woken up before everybody and blew the conch which woke Kalihan and the others.

  Kalihan came out of his tent like a crazy monkey and started behaving like one.

  He said “How dare you wake us up in the middle of the night?”

  Brahm said “It is not night, it is already day time, if you have good eyes then observe the sky properly.”

  Lord Gabhiro’s discus had eclipsed the Sun and was rotating very fast. Kalihan knew that this in itself was a signal that their end was near.

  The war started as usual and Asuras were falling like logs of wood on the battlefield. Idaha and Pelmec were injured because of a surprise melee attack and were rushed to the tents where both of them were cured by Qazvin, he was happy that he could be of help and could get rid of the guilt which was inside him for a very long time.

  Idaha and Pelmec were advised to take rest for the day. As usual the war had to be stopped at sunrise; there were so many dead bodies that there was such a bad stench on the battlefield.

  During the night after dinner Brahm and Acura called everybody for a meeting. Brahm said something that surprised everyone.

  He said “Tomorrow is going to be the last day of the war. Kalihan has a boon through which he can release millions of Asuras non-stop onto the battlefield and this war will never stop, if this goes on then probably there will be nobody left on earth. But this God will not let happen, so he has told me in my vision when I had gone into the heavenly trance that at 4 in the afternoon just before sunset, I will receive a devastating weapon known as the ‘Astra’, I will use this, but before I do so I will blow the conch again which will confuse those stupid Asuras. Seizing this opportunity all of you head back to the tents, Acura, Ugra, Sonste and I will be present on the battlefield, all of you will not be able to digest the energy that will emanate out of the ‘Astra’ so please do not stay on the battlefield. Is that clear?”

  All of them answered “Yes,” in chorus and Brahm gave a pleasant smile.

  Time had arr
ived to make sure that Mother Earth would see the last of the Asuras. Battle raged on and at sharp 4 in the afternoon just before sunrise Brahm blew the conch so loudly that Asuras started running helter-skelter on the battlefield. Taking advantage of the situation the people fighting on the side of the demi-god army ran back to their tents and was waiting with bated breath to see the expected explosion.

  Kalihan said “How dare you blow the conch before sunrise, and where is your army, they all ran away in fear is it?”

  Brahm went into a trance and within seconds a tremendously huge missile suspended in mid air was staring at the Asuras. Before Kalihan could realize his mistake the Asuras had understood their folly, but it was too late. The Astra pierced through each and every section of the Asuras and landed right in the centre of their army formation. For a few seconds there was no activity and after that there was a huge explosion which shook the earth. The tents near both the sections of the battle field collapsed.

  The entire battlefield was now empty except for the four demi-gods.

  The Astra had done its job as promised by God. The portal from hell had been closed and all deemed souls had been sent back to eternal hell ‘Tamas’. The demi-god army started celebrating their victory.

  Sonste summoned his chariot with seven horses the garden vanished, all seven horses merged into a blazing white horse and Sonste wished the sons of the earth well and went back into Ghozal Dimension.

  Brahm and Ugra blessed everyone and left back to their plane of existence. It was a bit weird the sons blessing their father, but nevertheless, the position was that of a father but the souls who had been born to him were for the sake of cleansing earth, so Idaha didn’t mind that either.

  Acura was the only left now. He chanted an incantation and a celestial architect stood before him. He asked him to create wonderful palaces and everything that the citizens of Chonohaush needed and asked them to fulfil their wishes.

  The architect built beautiful palaces for Idaha, Pelmec and Vilom. The couples went into their palaces but Idaha did not.

  He asked “Acura, if you don’t mind please let me know when I can see my wife, is she alive?”

  Acura gave a pleasant smile as usual and snapped his fingers. In front of Idaha stood his lovely long-haired wife Olivaha, she was beaming with energy now that she had come back to earth from one of the heavenly dimensions. All of them went back to their palaces. The entire island of Chonohaush looked completely different. New temples had been built. The entire place was looking highly spiritual. The modern world also had been spared because of the help that they had received from the demi-gods though the modern people would question the very existence of God and soul.

  Acura vanished from there and instead of going to his father ‘dimension travelled to another part on Earth where surprisingly Brahm, Ugra, Garud and Sonste were standing. There was a congregation of the demi-gods. Was there something evil still left on earth?

  To be continued.....

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