Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Ghozal Dimension Part 2 Page 9

  Chapter 22 – Monastery

  The five of them reached the monastery and Idaha received a hero’s welcome. The monks who had been present at the time when he had defeated Zotreiver were also present there. There was a huge surprise for him, many familiar faces were present there, and Idaha became a bit nervous on receiving so much adulation from everyone of them.

  Zotreiver, Qazvin (The giant lizard), Hurst the ‘Lord of the Ants’ and the other six sages representing the Orion constellation were present. Zotreiver gave a warm smile; Idaha did not know how to react as he knew he had defeated him in a duel thanks to his father Chakra the ‘ethereal being’.

  At that time a few of the monks were found to be discussing something which was very important the guests there, Idaha and the others were able to make out that they had to do something over there otherwise Brahm would not have asked them to go there.

  Uvaca came forward and said “Idaha if you remember the place where you and Zotreiver had fought, there was a big opening which had been sealed, do you remember it?”

  Idaha thought for a while but could not remember it, probably because he had been knocked out cold for a second by Zotreiver.

  Uvaca said “The opening leads to the place where Vilom’s father had been murdered.”

  Everyone was shocked to hear this. Vilom had thought that he was an orphan, but he did not know that he had been orphaned because of a heinous crime that someone had committed.

  Vilom said with tears flowing down his cheeks “Please revered monk, let me know the truth regarding this.”

  Uvaca consoled Vilom and said “Your father was a very great warrior Vilom. He was so strong that a mere foot stamp on the battle field would send waves of energy so as to destroy thousands of soldiers. The great physical strength became a cause of big trouble for your dad. He was poisoned with a substance and was mummified and left in this tomb. It is believed that his spirit still roams about waiting to wreak vengeance on Shako who has reincarnated on earth and is right now near the Wax tower standing as the deputy commander to Kalihan. He is the closest friend of the worst Asura Kalihan.”

  Vilom interrupted “So how can we be of help then?”

  Uvaca said “You guys need to drill this hole and get the body out and use a bit of the liquid that Acura had used so as to resurrect the soldiers.”

  Idaha said “But we do not have that substance with us.”

  Uvaca calm that he was pointed towards Idaha’s pockets and winked. Idaha searched his pockets and was able to find a small bottle with the divine liquid. Idaha nodded his head which showed his inability to understand metaphysical things.

  Vilom was excited that he was going to see his dad.

  Uvaca said “But this is not an easy task. There is a difficulty here.”

  “What,” asked everybody in chorus?

  There is believed to be a very old army of carnivorous ants inside this giant hole inside the monastery, legend says that the moment the body will be removed these ants would try attacking the ones who have drilled the hole and would try to devour the body that has been preserved.

  Your job would be to somehow escape out of here without allowing even a single ant to even touch the body, because if these ants would eat the flesh of the body then it would be difficult to bring the soul back into its old body.

  After hearing the explanation perfectly, the six of them got down to work, when they were about to enter the monastery.

  Hurst spoke in his usual voice “How can you ignore me and go, I have brought with me the ant army so as to help you guys, you guys think you can do whatever you like is it without my help?”

  Idaha who had got used to Hurst gave a sarcastic laugh and started walking towards the arena where he had fought Zotreiver. The others were shocked at the attitude of the ant King. Idaha asked Hurst to accompany them and Hurst did so happily.

  Inside the arena Idaha was able to spot the sealed hole which Uvaca had explained about earlier. The six of them used tools available at their disposal so as to drill the hole and retrieve the body of Vilom’s father.

  Around 40 minutes into drilling the hole they were able to spot a large mummified body, everybody wondered how tall his father should have been that he had been wrapped in what looked like metres of cloth material.

  The moment Idaha touched the body; the hole started shaking with so much force that it looked like as if it was an earthquake. Hurst on seeing this commanded his army of ants to attack the hole, the six of them were able to carry the body with ease probably because it had lost all the water content by now and ran towards the entrance of the monastery.

  Hurst was the hero of the moment, the ant King seized the opportunity for fame and destroyed the opposition. Within minutes the carnivorous ant army was decimated and Hurst was shouting his victory slogans. His voice was so loud, louder than a human’s voice that it was audible near the entrance.

  Uvaca asked the six of them to cross the island near the monastery and get to the other side so as to activate the DNA and to make sure that Vilom’s father would enter the body safely.

  The six of them did as they were told and within no time the giant body woke up and stood in front of them. Vilom was shocked to think that he was born to a giant. At that moment the person believed to be Vilom’s father spoke.

  He said “My name is Bahluk; I was one of the best warriors this world has ever produced. But as fate would have it cowards poisoned me and left me to die. But I got help from great human beings who had been born on earth many years back. And right now I am standing in front of all of you so as to help the people of this epoch so as to get rid of the cruel people on earth.”

  Vilom had a doubt. He did not know how he could be his son if his dad had been born many years ago.

  Uvaca who was present there at that moment said “Every epoch is characterized by shrinking and expansion of the cosmos. So every epoch the creatures will reduce and increase in size. This is God’s play.”

  Now Uvaca was ready to wage the war but a monk that he was, was in two minds. At that moment Bahluk said “Uvaca will you also be joining us in destroying evil on earth, we would require spiritual warfare also?”

  Uvaca had no option but to agree. Now the stage was set. All of them were ready for the battle. The armies of the good and evil had been arranged. Everyone was waiting for the signal from God.