Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Ghozal Dimension Part 2 Page 2

  Chapter 15 – Sonste – The Father

  The three of them practicing the incantations looked like had a special effect in the atmosphere especially because they were doing all this inside one of the oldest and the most secretive temples of ancient times. There were fruit bearing trees sprouting everywhere inside the temple and were growing at such a rapid pace that a few of the branches started penetrating into the walls from all sides and started disturbing the three of them.

  Their intense concentration was disturbed and Vilom opened his eyes and gave a loud shout. Pelmec and Idaha could not believe their eyes. They did not know they could do all this so easily. They had heard such stories from their fellow islanders but were seeing all this for the first time.

  They stopped chanting and were all happy and started exploring the areas around them. Everything looked like had changed since the time they had started chanting the incantations. There were abundant fruits available for entire humanity inside the temple of ‘Five Elements’. Vilom was searching the entire place like a curious cat; he had grown up in the same place and was now finding it difficult to explain the supernatural things that had taken place inside the temple. All of them were waiting for an explanation from Acura.

  At that precise moment Acura arrived. He started laughing at the plight of the three of them.

  He said “Looks like you guys have chanted the incantations perfectly well.”

  Idaha asked “Why did our incantations which were supposed to protect us in temporary dimensions create flora here?”

  Acura asked “Do not forget you are inside one of the oldest cave temples representing the five elements, all the things in all the dimensions created by Lord Gabhiro are related to these five elements. So when you guys were chanting at this place where all five elements are very much alive though not visible to the naked eye, this created the necessary vibrations so as to produce fruit bearing trees. This is a very good omen, believe me. Fruits either in dreams or in reality bring forth good things to every human being on our planet.”

  Pelmec and Idaha smiled at each other. Vilom had still not come out of the shock.

  Acura patted the back of Vilom and said “You will also become like them pointing towards the brothers, a hero that you are.”

  Vilom nodded his head which showed his displeasure of entering another dimension.

  Acura said “We will be entering the ‘Ghozal’ dimension in another few minutes. Listen to me carefully. I will sit for meditation for some time, in the meanwhile all of you start chanting the incantations that I have taught you in the posture similar to mine. In a few minutes all of will start feeling very light bodily. Before you will realize we will be near the entrance of Ghozal dimension. There are chances of all of us getting lost so wait for me to assemble all of you near the entrance, do not panic and start moving in different directions, believe me it will be difficult for me to search you there. Wish ‘Guido’ the angel who guards this dimension from unknown entities. He will recognize you because all of by then would have angelic auras so the energy differentiation will be taken care of by him, but still wait for me to arrive at the scene otherwise all of us will get lost there for eternity.”

  Idaha asked Acura sarcastically “Then how is it possible for Kalihan to have taken refuge there, don’t tell me he has an angelic aura?”

  Acura said “He is an Asura, do not forget, he can take the form of anything. Except for a few souls who have divine vision granted by Gabhiro, none of the others can catch such tricks. But as far as I know, the laws laid by Lord Gabhiro and the mystic spells in the other dimensions would prevent Kalihan from creating havoc on these dimensions, but still he can tune the subconscious minds of other souls and can capture the minds and prevent them from working for some time. This is one of the reasons I have asked all of you to chant the incantations. You may encounter him in any form.”

  The three of them were pleased with Acura’s explanation. They were adept at chanting the incantations, so their self-confidence was high. Acura asked them to shy away from anything that would look suspicious on Ghozal dimension and all of them sat in the posture which Acura had asked them to follow. Acura took a deep breath and started chanting the incantations, the three of them followed suit and within no time all of them felt like they had lost weight, the three of them were in another dimension which was very well lit, and it looked like a room full of lamps. Vilom was missing, but instead of panicking the brothers went near the entrance.

  Angel Guido was a beautiful angel, Pelmec felt like staring at her because of her beauty. Idaha a married man that he was, refrained from such things but Pelmec somehow could not take his eyes of her. It was a blessing in disguise as they had to wait for Vilom and Acura to turn up.

  Guido could not help but notice Pelmec staring at her; she got up from her seat and walked towards Pelmec.

  She asked “How may I help you?”

  Pelmec was shell-shocked, he felt like déjà-vu. He felt like he had seen her somewhere before.

  Idaha understood Pelmec’s feelings and answered instead of his brother “We have come to meet Acura’s father, we are waiting for Acura to come to this exact spot so that we can follow his instructions on what has to be done next.”

  Guido said “Acura is coming here? Oh my God, how blessed I am. He is one of the reasons why I have been able to wait here without having to take birth on Earth. I am waiting for my resurrection on your planet, so that I can unite with my husband on Earth.”

  Pelmec’s dreams were shattered but still somewhere deep inside his subconscious mind felt like he was the war hero who had died. Maybe he was right, who knows the mysteries of the ‘Law of Nature’.

  Idaha understood why she was waiting to get the same body. He had faced all this already when he had carried his brother in cell form in the bag which had let to Pelmec’s resurrection; Karmic backlog was the reason for all this.

  Guido gave a brilliant expression which is unexplainable and the brothers understood that Acura must have been the reason for this. Vilom was also following Acura but looked rather tired of all of this. Idaha and Pelmec felt something had gone wrong with him otherwise Vilom a highly spiritual person that he was could not have given up hope so fast.

  Angel Guido offered her respects on seeing Acura.

  Acura blessed Guido and said “How are you my dear?”

  Guido said “I am very good, by your grace. I have never been happier, except for waiting for my resurrection.”

  Acura said “This is one of the reasons why I came here to this difficult dimension along with these three heroes. It is almost time for your resurrection. Your DNA along with many other heroes lies on Earth under the sea bed of ‘Chonohaush’. I am here to take the help of Sun god Sonste and reactivate the entire DNA so as to help the people of the island destroy the remaining Asuras and Daityas who are still locked up in ‘Death Drink’.”

  The three of them asked in chorus “Sonste the sun god, is your father?”

  Acura gave his usual pleasant smile and said “Yes, he is the one who is responsible for sustaining life on Earth under the instructions of Lord Gabhiro the master of the universe.”

  The three of them already knew that Acura could not be a normal human being, as no one can survive for over 10,000 years, but still the way he used to behave generally led to the doubts vanishing from their minds, but they were now in a dimension where there subconscious minds were stronger than their normal animal or reptilian brain. So they were now able to recognize the demi-god qualities of Acura.

  Acura mentally summoned his father and before them stood a pleasing personality whose effulgence was eye damaging. It was a good thing that they were in another 3 dimensional plane of existence where their eyes were not being damaged by the effulgence of supernatural and super spiritual beings.

  Acura introduced the four of them to his father. Angel Guido though was the one responsible for monitoring the entry of all the souls; she had not seen the Sun god till date. Th
e four of them along with Acura paid their respects and got the blessings of the Sun God Sonste.

  Sonste who looked like a human being of the color of pure water said “Welcome to my dimension. I know the purpose of your visit. But before you can get the thing necessary to activate the DNA of the war heroes and soldiers on Earth, I would like to show something to all of you which even Acura has not been able to see till date.”

  Subconsciously Acura had actually seen everything, but he knew that his father Sonste was a very generous being, so wanted to make the trip special for the other souls and Guido too, who would in sometime become an earth bound soul again.

  The five of them followed Sonste on his instructions. Inside the Ghozal dimension there were beautiful castles everywhere. But instead of taking them to places which would look like regular earth like structures he took them to a place to the far north of the Ghozal dimension. It was taking very less time for them to travel to different corners of the dimension. It was way faster than what it would take if they had travelled the same on earth.

  Sonste took them to what looked his palace on the Ghozal dimension. Inside the palaces there were many beautiful people angelic beings, but Pelmec felt no attraction towards them like the way he had felt when he had seen ‘Guido’ the angel. One more thing was that they were on another dimension where their earthly desires would be locked from their subconscious minds, so he knew there was more to it than what met the eye.

  The angelic beings wished Sonste as he passed through the different areas of his palace and took the other five to a very large room. Inside the room there was a very big machine what looked like a huge computer. The people of Chonohaush had not seen anything like that before, but Vilom gave an expression which showed that he was familiar with the device that he was looking at.

  Vilom said “I know this; this has been explained in our ancient texts. This machine helps the Sun produce different colored radiations so as to sustain life on earth. The colors vary from Violet to Red which is the basis of the rainbow. Apart from this all human beings have energy centers in their bodies which correspond to these colors and according to the actions that a soul commits it gets another physical body to suit the needs of the soul’s karma.”

  Sonste was flabbergasted. He knew that whatever Vilom had explained was completely true.

  He asked him “Where did you learn all this from?”

  Vilom said “My grandfather was a priest at the temple of Five Elements, he taught me all this.”

  Sonste gave a smile and pointed towards a beautiful cupboard which was decorated with all sorts of gemstones.

  He said “The thing that Acura needs is inside this cupboard, but please be careful it is a very precious liquid. This liquid will help to activate the DNA of all the soldiers who will be waging the war against the remaining Asuras and their evil cousins the Daityas. Before you leave there will be attempts by a few bad souls who can enter our dimension from lower dimensions and tune your subconscious minds so as to get hold of this liquid. This liquid is also known as ‘Soma’. This is the nectar which they have been looking for since ages, this can make them immortal, so please be careful. Make sure all of you chant the incantations taught by Acura so as to protect yourselves and the nectar from evil entities.”

  Angel Guido asked “What about me? When will I get resurrected on earth then?”

  Sonste said “Acura knows everything. He will be in touch with me. I will instruct him on what to do next .You have an important part to play in what looks like the last war to be waged on Earth before peace and prosperity will reign on your planet again.”

  Sonste was able to sense something running in Idaha’s mind.

  He turned towards him and asked “Son, what is it that is eating your mind?”

  Idaha asked “How is it possible to resurrect people when their physical bodies would have got decomposed?”

  Sonste said “The physical bodies would have got decomposed, but the DNA would still exist on earth. The soul can be summoned from other ethereal as well as other physical dimensions and the DNA can be used to activate the physical bodies for these souls. Tell me something, if you would have observed in lakes on Earth, when the lake dries up all the fish generally die. But when it rains and the lakes get filled the fish can be found in the lakes, which puts them into the lakes. It is all the work of God and nature. Everything is under the control of the ‘Law of Nature’ of which I am also playing a part by governing the processes. I am the King of all planets. All the other planets are under my command. When it rains, from dimensions like these demi-gods on the command of Lord Gabhiro, send specific invisible liquids on to the earth’s surface and this helps in activating the DNA which leads to an endless cycle of life on earth.”

  Idaha understood every bit of the information that the sun god had provided. He was very happy and took the blessings of Sonste. The others also followed suit and the five of them with Guido at their backs started moving towards the entrance of the dimension.