Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Ghozal Dimension Part 2 Page 3

  Chapter 16 – Journey to Mount Ekimmu

  When they were about to leave the dimension with Acura guiding them through, Sonste appeared in front of them and said “Remember the Soma cannot be used to activate the DNA alone, you will need a mixture of some ‘Panacea’ which can be found on Earth near the mountain of ‘Ekimmu’.

  Pelmec and Idaha were happy that they would now have to fight some beasts and demons near the mountain so as to complete their mission. Acura winked at Sonste and all of them sat in their usual posture and in no time were sitting at the same spot from where they had left in the temple of the five elements.

  Vilom asked Acura “Why didn’t any of the beings there try to grab the Soma, we were all vulnerable right?”

  Acura said “We were not vulnerable. Sonste my father is a great warrior; he would have done something on his plane where he is the King so as to make sure that nothing would affect us. Do not forget Kalihan and his friends are the most vulnerable right now as they would get no protection from anyone in case they get caught on Ghozal. Sonste has all the help he would need on his plane. I had asked us to be careful because we had to protect our physical bodies otherwise I was sure that nothing could harm us.”

  Acura dug for something in his pockets and took out a big globe. Globe was a magical one with all the coordinates of all the places. He searched for Mount Ekimmu and found out the exact location of Mount Ekimmu.

  He gave a wild smile and said “Now that you guys were complaining that there were many unexplored areas on our island of Chonohaush, let me take you to another island where the modern world initially will be a nightmare for you three to adjust with , but will get used to it while trying to retrieve the ‘Panacea’. The people of the modern world now have forgotten that our island exists because of the spiritual greatness of our island. They now no longer believe in the concept of soul, rebirth, God, etc. So it will be easy for us to mingle with those people and retrieve the liquid to mix with the ‘Soma’ to activate the DNA. Are you guys ready for another adventure?”

  The three of them groaned.

  Acura said “Come on sons of Earth, I am the oldest here and you guys do not have the zeal and energy that I have.”

  This statement gave them a huge pep and all of them retired for the night as they now had to plan and strategize everything so as to save their Mystic Island Chonohaush from the Asuras and Daityas.

  Their sleep was interrupted by a huge lightning accompanied by a thunderstorm. Acura got up immediately and went out of the temple. Idaha was the only one awake at that time. He too got up and started following Acura. When he was about to go out of the temple he bumped into something and started writhing in pain. Acura found out something was wrong through his intuition and came back to help Idaha.

  He asked “Why did you follow me son, I was actually trying to make sure that these things which were planning an attack on us would not enter the temple, that is one of the reasons I was stealthily moving out of the temple, but you thought otherwise and followed me.”

  Acura with the magic touch of his palm cured Idaha and when Idaha was about to thank Acura another strange creature tried to grab the head of Idaha but Acura killed the creature in no time.

  Idaha was shocked.

  He asked “What is that thing, why does it cause so much pain in the head?”

  Acura said “These creatures are very active during thunderstorms. I had a hunch about these the moment I woke up because of heavy lightning and the thunderstorm. These creatures are known as ‘Berundas’, they have the capacity to channelize the lightning and convert it into electrical shocks and cause pain to the victims.”

  Idaha gave a frustrated look. He had had enough of these things, but somewhere deep inside; his soul was trying to pacify the distressed mind of Idaha, the irritation probably being caused because of lack of sleep.

  Acura and Idaha retired for the night.

  Morning there was some great news awaiting Acura. He had asked help from a few ethereal beings for necessary items on their trip to Ekimmu so as to retrieve the ‘Panacea’. A few souls descended to the earth’s surface and handed a beautiful box to Acura.

  The three of them had woken up by then.

  Pelmec asked “How is it that these beings can change form into physical from being ethereal but for us it is difficult to enter the other dimensions but we have to protect our physical bodies there?”

  Acura said “These souls are at such a spiritual level where they are in constant touch with the universal source of energy of Lord Gabhiro the Lord of the Universe, but normal humans who have not reached those levels are always vulnerable to psychic attacks by negative entities that is one of the reasons all souls need to descend onto Earth to understand the secrets of the Universe, otherwise it is very difficult on other planes of existence.”

  The three of them were day by day looking happier; probably gaining so much important information from Acura about Gabhiro was leading to inner happiness which the soul was projecting into the human bodies.

  Acura said “Even I can convert myself into ethereal form and get back into physical form at ease, but all these account for something known as the Law of Karma or the Law of Nature. All actions of each and every soul is stored in a very large database maintained by God known as ‘Akashic Records’,so this actually shows that God is not punishing anyone, it is the karma of the soul which leads to negative incidents in the life of the souls on Earth. One more thing mind you, karma is not punishment at all, sometimes too many positive and good actions can lead to difficult lives on earth because God tests the soul so as to raise the consciousness levels of the soul which is the inherent quality of the soul.”

  The three of them asked in chorus “Inherent quality?”

  Acura said “Yes, inherent quality. There is a gradation among all the souls, each and every soul has an inherent energy and nature, and the souls have sense organs too. When the soul starts its spiritual journey it is always God who directs all the souls through the inner voice known generally as intuition or Extra Sensory Perception. When a human being starts listening to this inner voice rather than the reptilian brain then he is on a very good path which would lead to ultimate glory here and in the other planes of existence too.”

  “Then where does God Lord Gabhiro stand in the gradation list,” asked Idaha?

  Acura gave a broad smile and said “He stands at the top at number one and at the second is his consort the Goddess of Wealth Lakini.”

  Idaha and the other two were now convinced regarding the nature of the soul. Now they were all being trained spiritually by Acura in such a way that they would not have an inclination of doubt during any war because they now knew the transient nature of the physical world and that they would get another body if they would lose this while trying to follow the Laws laid by God.

  Idaha asked “Then who are these Daityas and what sort of nature do their souls have?”

  Pelmec and Vilom shook their head in such a way that they were also expecting the same question.

  Acura said “There is a classification of souls into three where there exists a gradation among these three classes. The classes are the Demi-Gods, the Passions and the Daityas. All the souls are inherently programmed and there is a hierarchy among the souls of these three classes.

  The Demi-Gods are always trying to get the grace of Lord Gabhiro; inherently they have very minute qualities of the infinite goodness of the lord of the universe. They very rarely tend to cause harm to others but always fight for just causes.

  The Passions class of souls is always behind passion. How much ever they achieve in life they would not think about salvation, they would always love to come back to the material world and achieve more than required.

  The Daityas along with the Asuras are almost same, except that sometimes a few good souls get trapped in Asuric bodies, but the Daityas are inherently programmed to always hate God and they always call themselves God and suffer from too much of false ego.
r />   It is because of these reasons that the Soma or the nectar is always guarded by Demi-Gods in higher dimensions and the Panacea is guarded by the Passions souls. The Daityas are never given any sort of responsibility because of their lack of efforts and their nature to rules over others and cause trouble, very cruel are these souls. They can only be defeated by souls like the ‘God of Wind’ and ‘God of Fire’. But these souls rarely incarnate on Earth, so when we attain the Panacea then we can at least request Maya to bring in your twin boys who are none but the ‘God of Wind’ and ‘God of Fire’ who decided to be born in your lineage because of the austerities that Idaha and Olivaha undertook. So now it is our job to retrieve the ‘Panacea’ and bring in those souls to destroy the Daityas and Asuras who would spread like wild plague on Earth and our mystic island in a few days time.”

  The three of them were looking at Acura with their mouths wide open. Idaha did not know that demi-gods were going to be born in his lineage. Pelmec was also more than happy now that he was going to be the uncle of such great souls.

  Idaha asked “But how would they attain adult form when they are still babies.

  Acura said “Do not forget that they are in another dimension and time flies away very fast there. Do you know the number of days that had passed on earth by the time we went to Ghozal and came back?”

  Acura did not get any answer from the three of them and hence gave the answer “Approximately fifty days had passed since the time we went to Ghozal and came back.”

  So much of metaphysical information was making them tired. They had got the clue of how Idaha’s sons were now going to help them on their journey of permanently saving the planet from the evil souls. So they decided to take a break.

  Acura was more than happy and asked them to take a break and relax as they now had lot of work to do so as to retrieve the ‘Panacea’ and bring back the souls of the great warriors of yore back to life so as to help them secure the island from further destruction so that good souls could descend Earth and learn their lessons and go back to God head.

  The three of them had a stroll outside the temple. It was a very beautiful place, a forest area that was unknown to many of the fellow citizens of Chonohaush. There were beautiful trees, but their eyes fell on something that they had not seen till then. There was a beautiful garden with trees ranging from Violet to Red or the rainbow colors. But there was something enchanting and fantastic about the garden that lured the three of them into it.

  When they were entering into the garden they saw that the garden was locked from the inside, the outside view was so good that they wanted to at any cost enter inside. They tried their level best but could not get into it. At that time Acura bought the box which a few ethereal beings had brought down for him. He opened the box and the three of them were able to see a very beautiful key.

  Acura said with a smile “Open the lock using this key,” and unlocked the gate.

  The three of them along with Acura went inside. The brothers along with Vilom started behaving like kids entering a park. Next to each of the rainbow colored tree stood a very beautiful horse of the same color of the tree.

  Mystic land was the appropriate term for the island of Chonohaush.

  Acura said “Listen my sons, stop playing and concentrate on what I am going to say. This garden was created by my father Sonste from the Ghozal realm. Sun God that he is, used his mystic powers and has recreated the rainbow theme that can be found near the Sun of our galaxy, on Earth but mind you this garden has the portal openings to seven of the higher realms of which ‘Budur’ is also one of them. Remember many our loved ones are in Budur dimension and are safe there. We have to make sure that we do not give any clue to any of the citizens. Apart from this we will have to make use of one of these horses to go to Mount Ekimmu too, so please have patience when I contact my father and ask him which of the horses to use.”

  Vilom, Idaha and Pelmec were very happy at the prospects of travelling using one of the enchanting horses standing in front of the trees.

  Acura sat in his usual meditative posture and went into a trance. The three of them waited for Acura to come back to his earthly mood and instruct on what they were supposed to do next.

  Acura got up and spoke “There is some very good news. Sonste has asked us to take the Red Horse on our journey to Mount Ekimmu. The box which contained the key to unlock the gate of the garden also has a key which has to be used to unlock the gate of another place on Mount Ekimmu which contains the ‘Panacea’. So get ready sons of the earth to take on the most negative force on this planet and eradicate this plague for good.”

  The three of them gave a loud cheer and Acura summoned the Red Horse. Acura touched the ears of the horse and to the surprise of the others the horse grew longer so as to accommodate the four of them on it. The four of them sat on it and off they flew on their journey to Mount Ekimmu.