Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Ghozal Dimension Part 2 Page 6

  Chapter 19 – Salt Sea

  After dinner all of them retired for the night. The next morning Acura decided to hold another meeting and asked everyone to get ready to leave for the forest and then their next destination the Salt Sea.

  There was a huge palace which had to be excavated and using the combination of the ‘Soma and Panacea’ the DNA in invisible form had to be activated so as to bring in the souls into their warrior bodies so as to destroy the Asuras.

  The entire group started on their journey towards the salt sea. Acura had got all the required things for excavating the palace lying underneath the sea, but he was still a bit apprehensive, was he hiding something deep down in his psyche? Nobody knew what the secret was.

  The journey was as usual using one of the mystic tricks which Acura always had in his sleeve. He summoned Bragloid the huge eagle which had helped Idaha on his journey before helping the cursed Giant Lizard get out of the huge well and helping it find mental peace. But now Bragloid had a huge carriage tied to his back. All of them got into it and away Bragloid went towards the forest.

  Their journey was very smooth and they did not encounter anything extraordinary or life-threatening.

  The forest was one of the most beautiful places on earth. All of them had so much spiritual effulgence on their faces which only Acura could probably explain. Idaha and Pelmec were called for a secret meeting by Acura.

  Acura said “There is now going to be a huge eagle which would descend on this island amidst the dense forest. It is the job of you brothers to defeat the eagle using your favorite weapons. The main reason I am entrusting you with this responsibility is the others who have joined the group the ‘Dustruds’ cannot fight with mythical birds; they are very good in combat. One more thing is their bodies need to be energized by the new concoction given by God during the sacrifice. So sons of the earth gather all the courage and fight your enemy.”

  Within no time both of them summoned the mace and the bow and got ready. Sun was eclipsed by what looked like a giant eagle, but when it started descending they were able to make out that it was no ordinary eagle. It was a Gryphon which had the body of the lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Idaha thought ‘not again’.

  Acura said “Use the incantations that I have taught you to remain calm, only then will you be able to use divine arrows to kill it otherwise it would be of no use.”

  Idaha was now able to remember the Wax Tower where Acura had conjured mythical underworld creatures for him to fight when Idaha had collapsed trying to fight many of them because he was still undertrained. Seizing the opportunity he released a few arrows so as to disturb the eagle’s eyes which were now set on Pelmec. The Gryphon gave a huge roar and started swooping down near Idaha when Pelmec used his mace and gave a heavy blow to the body of the Gryphon; it was surprising because the Gryphon was thrown to a very long distance.

  Pelmec started examining his mace as he knew he did not have so much physical strength to throw someone to such a great distance. At that time both Idaha and Pelmec became furious and started fighting the big beast in a completely different manner. At that time they knew it was possession. Acura had used the same technique that Chakra had used before to help Idaha. Within no time Gryphon was brought down to the ground and there was a huge blast and the giant eagle had disappeared.

  Acura gave a huge round of applause and said “Great work sons of the earth, brilliant job by the both of you.”

  Pelmec said “There was nothing great, you brought in some soul with great courage from the Ghozal dimension to possess our bodies temporarily.”

  Acura said “No I didn’t, you guys had a temporary activation of the life force energy stored in your spine when your brain became very fearful and thus all the energy vortices got activated and you guys had superhuman strength just for a fraction of a second and this energy by the grace of God did not die down and you achieved what nobody has achieved till date on earth.”

  Idaha and Pelmec were very pleased. Now they were able to understand that it is always the human brain which is fearful, if the subconscious energies are used then nothing is impossible.

  Acura said “You both to be frank have the same energy as that of any demi-god. God Gabhiro wanted you both souls to understand your true potential that is one of the major reasons you were tested so badly and will also be in the near future.”

  Idaha said “I want to get that energy feeling again; it was one of the nicest feelings in the gut which gave me tremendous confidence to fight anything on earth.”

  Acura gave a smile and said “This is where the hierarchy of souls comes into play. Not all souls can keep that spinal energy in continuous flow throughout the day. This can be done only by a few souls like ‘God of Wind’ and ‘God of Fire’. This is one of the reasons God has decided to send these two exalted souls to be born as your sons. One more advantage of the Nectar that we received through the sacrificial fire is to make your two sons who are now safe in the Budur dimension into adult warriors.”

  Idaha had tears in his eyes. He said “Then does this mean I will not be able to enjoy their growing up years?”

  Acura said “We will discuss this later, this is what destiny has in store, and everything is for the good of all the souls. That is how Lord Gabhiro, the lord of the universe has created all the worlds as, to make sure that everybody learns important lessons for the upliftment of their souls .”

  Idaha and Pelmec had forgotten about Gryphon. Gryphon had got his energy restored. Acura asked Idaha to sever his head by using a celestial arrow. Idaha did as told and everybody gave a huge cheer for they found the giant bird dead on the ground. There was a huge blast and the head immediately joined the body and Gryphon came back alive. Idaha and Pelmec repeatedly tried killing the bird but they found out that it was in vain.

  Acura asked them to use the Eagle incantation; both of them did it when the Dustruds kept the huge bird busy though they didn’t have the skills to kill the huge bird. There was pleasant ethereal music and the vehicle of Lord Gabhiro ‘Garud’ came descending down to earth with folded palms.

  He said “How may I help you?”

  Acura paid his respects to Garud and said “Can u please help these men destroy Gryphon?”

  Garud said “Gryphon is invincible he has got a boon from ‘Lord Ceres’, but I can help these men by taking him away to a far away land and will lock him up near Dragon Mountain. But please be careful and make sure that the place where he would be locked up is not released otherwise there would be massive destruction. The more his freedom would be snatched away from him, he would keep all his inbuilt anger in his psyche and when that negative energy would be released then it could lead to more dangers than what the world is now facing from Kalihan and his friends.”

  Acura was more than pleased, because he knew that Gryphon was a thorn in the bush on their journey of saving the earth from the negative entities. Lord Garud the eternal servant of Lord Gabhiro left earth like a rocket and the Dustruds gave a huge round of applause for the twins.

  Gryphon was now locked up near Dragon Mountain. Thanks to Lord Garud. Acura along with the twins, Jeneele and the Dustruds left for the edge of the forest where they were supposed to spot the mystical Salt Sea.

  Their journey was smooth after the great battle with Gryphon. Acura was using the power of his mind to find the exact location of the salt sea and within no time they arrived at the palace where the famed palace of yore was present on the sea bed with heroes of a previous battle which had taken place long time ago.

  Acura said “Bringing the palace from the sea bed to the shore will be a difficult task physically and one more thing is we do not have the technology of the modern world. We have remained separate from the developments of the modern world. We have no trade relations with any country and this is one of the reasons none of the countries are planning to even bother if something happens to us. But we have the strongest spiritual background when compared to any other nation, so the creator
of this beautiful universe always helps us when in need. We will have to but take the help of two demigods who can help this get done, but before all this we need to take the help of my father Sonste.”

  Sonste arrived at the scene this time in a physical form. He spoke to Acura regarding everything and in no time Maya was standing in front of Idaha along with Idaha’s two kids. Idaha was happy on seeing his kids but was anxious on not spotting his beautiful wife Olivaha.

  Maya said “My dear son, do not worry Olivaha is safe with the other mother souls in the Budur dimension, I have brought your sons as they are going to help you in defeating the Asuras and wipe them out from the face of earth.”

  Idaha had a good time with his sons and they enjoyed their time with uncle Pelmec as well though they were getting confused who their father was.

  Acura and Sonste completed their discussion and arrived at a concrete solution .He spoke to Idaha and said “We are going to use one of the oldest methods that Lord Gabhiro had taught to mankind for rapid cell regeneration because of which your sons will reach adulthood immediately.”

  Idaha was not complaining as he knew everything was being done for the welfare of the world. Sonste chanted incantations fed the sons of Idaha with the nectar. Both of them collapsed and vanished into thin air. In a few minutes there was a blaze of lightning standing in front of them. It was the ‘God of Fire’; he had become a giant of a man. Idaha became teary eyed on thinking that he had lost the chance of being a good father but then cheered himself on seeing that one of his sons was standing like a majestic hero. Acura was searching for the God of Wind and he too came like a tornado and stood in front of them.”

  They paid their respects to all the elders. Sonste asked Idaha to name his sons. Idaha named them ‘Ugra’ and ‘Brahm’, God of Fire was Ugra and God of Wind was Brahm. Both of them were standing as two handsome giants.

  Brahm said “Let us get to work fast. I will ask for the help of Garud to excavate the palace.”

  Garud arrived in no time. The three demigods jumped into the sea but now there was a problem, it was not known as salt sea for no reason. Three gigantic bodies were now floating on the sea bed.

  Acura started laughing wildly looking at three demi-gods floating on the sea. At that time Sonste prayed to the God of Sea ‘Varn’ and he appeared. All of them paid their respects and asked the sea to allow them to go into it so that they could excavate the huge palace city lying underneath the sea.

  Varn accepted their pleas and did some sort of magic and the waves died down and the color of the sea changed indicating the absence of salt. The three Gods who had descended down to Earth dove into the sea. The three of them went underwater for a very long time and in around half an hour there was a loud noise of water splashing against the shore. Brahm was carrying a huge palace on his shoulders and he was looking bigger than before. Garud was also giving a helping hand and Ugra was roaring with happiness.

  All of them present there gave a huge round of applause. Brahm though big in size had a pleasing face with a smiling countenance.

  He said “We have done the required thing to please Lord Gabhiro, he is the one who has sent us here to help the good people of earth and to drive away the wicked back to eternal hell ‘Tamas’. Please Sage Acura bring back all these soldiers to life and let us wage another great war on Earth to kill God haters and atheists.”

  Acura gave a wild smile, Idaha and the others were thinking great souls and worshippers of the Lord of the Universe never look at anything except pleasing the one who has given the souls a body to enjoy on earth. So they thought they should also inculcate such things in their everyday life than just enjoying till death without achieving anything great.

  Acura then went ahead and whispered something in Brahm’s ear, and Brahm agreed and broke a huge pillar in the huge city which was now occupying a huge portion of land and half of the forest cover had vanished because of the huge palace which had been excavated and had been placed there by Brahm and the other Gods.

  Sonste along with Acura started chanting incantations and one by one tall well built soldiers started appearing in front of them. The nectar was doing its work and the twin brothers along with Jeneele were surprised to see an advance race of beings standing in front of them.

  Acura said pointing towards the twins and Vilom and Jeneele “If you guys can remember the school of souls which was explained earlier the Demi-Gods, the Passions and the Deemed Souls the Asuras have a hierarchy, I will explain about the Demi-Gods. The Demi-Gods are the good natured souls who are always eternal servants of Lord Gabhiro and his Consort Lakini.

  Lord Gabhiro also called Visnu is at the top of the table and the next in the hierarchy is Goddess Lakini. Visnu is the Lord of this Universe. He is the one with special powers and demi-gods who worship him also get the powers of the Lord just like exchange of energy.

  Next in the hierarchy comes the God of Creation along with God of Breath or Wind whose incarnation is Brahm and he is standing amongst us. So all of you can clear your doubts whatever it maybe and try to attain the highest positions which all of the souls yearn for.”

  Brahm folded his hands and said “I am always at the service of souls.”

  Acura was teary eyed looking at the humility of Brahm. It is easy to attain power but it is very difficult to use it properly. Power is always misused by all souls except a few.

  At the other end a soldier with a very hoarse voice cried out. We also want our commander Lord Tindher to be on our side. We will be comfortable if we have him on our side.

  Acura thought for some time and said “He has attained the status of a demi-god and is perfect but you guys know if provoked his anger can burn all the three worlds and only Lord Gabhiro can pacify him. Lord Gabhiro would never enter earth during this epoch what with evil spreading so fast. Best thing would be to appease him.

  The soldier who had spoken was Vittal, the soldier who had wrecked havoc on the enemy camp during the previous war which had taken place. He was the younger brother of Tindher in the previous epoch.

  Acura said “We do not have enough time to appease Tindher. So you being the same blood as him, please take charge of the large army. Brahm, Ugra will help you out.”

  Garud who had completed with his work wanted to leave as he was getting instructions from Lord Gabhiro through the power of his mind to get back to the Abode of Eternal Bliss, the heaven of Visnu. He took leave of everyone and said “I can come down once more to earth so please feel free to call me, but only when urgently required,” and vanished into thin air.

  Acura was happy with everything that had happened. The army had been resurrected; Idaha and the others had been taught valuable lessons about God. Everyone was happy except Pelmec. Brahm observed this and said “I know why you are sad; you would want to meet your soul mate don’t you?”

  Pelmec’s face lit up. Brahm sat down in a yogic posture and went into a trance, he started speaking to an invisible entity and in a few seconds a beautiful lady was standing in front of them and the moment Guido looked at Brahm she paid her respects and went ahead and hugged Pelmec. Pelmec was shocked and did not know what to do.

  He asked “Why didn’t you recognize me in Ghozal, you behaved like as if you did not know me at all?”

  At that moment Brahm intervened and said “Ghozal dimension souls cannot remember things of the past that had happened on earth before. Certain things can be remembered only in that plane of existence. For example if you would meet Maya in Budur dimensions or if Idaha would meet Olivaha in the Budur dimensions then they would understand that there is some familiarity but would not know that they are husband and wife. Similarly Guido actually knew that she had something to do with you just like how you had felt about her but you both could not make out what sort of relationship it was.”

  Pelmec went ahead and hugged Brahm tightly but felt a bit awkward as it looked like as if an ant was trying to hug a huge lion.