Read Tumbledown Page 12

  Chapter 12

  Dylan said goodbye to Lysette in private knowing that she would not tolerate any display of affection in public.

  “Whatever happens Lissa come back to me safe?”

  “I will always come back to you so stop being such an old woman about this and come join the others.”

  “Wait I need you to know that without you by my side there is nothing else that matters to me.”

  Lysette knew that Dylan thought he was being genuine but if he truly meant what he was saying he never would have left the 1st.

  “You will be fine just as you were fine when you left me at the Academy to come play leader of the Imps.”

  Dylan looked genuinely hurt by Lysette’s words.

  “You know I would have come back if you had not followed me and that I could not ask you to leave with me. No I could not ask that of you.”

  More words thought Lissa just more words, Dylan was good at talking.

  “You could have stayed and worked things out with your father but you chose to run away and hide.”

  She was being overly harsh and she knew it but Lysette could not help it.

  “I don’t want to argue with you before you set off Lissa but it does seem that we need to talk about this some more.”

  “There is no time now but if you want to hear what I have to say then I will be happy to talk when I return.”

  It was typical Lissa thought Dylan.

  “I will listen to whatever you have to say and what you have to say means the world to me.”

  Dylan took Lysette in his arms and held her there for as long as he could.

  “Time to go we are losing daylight.”

  John and Maddie had been waiting patiently for Lysette when she joined them with Dylan.

  “I see you found him some clothes to wear! He looks more like an Imp now that we have taken the uniform from him.”

  John did fit in with the rest of the camp with his worn and ill-fitting garments that Dylan had scrounged up for him.

  “Thanks I think I look rather elegant myself.”

  A confused look between Dylan and Lysette told John they did not really get his humour.

  “Elegant you look like a horses behind.”

  “Thanks Lana you always know just the right thing to say.”

  The laughter at John’s expense did not really bother him if anything it diffused the tension that surrounded them.

  “What about the girl she stands out in those clothes we should make her change too.”

  Lysette was of course right but john strongly disagreed.

  “No Maddie stays as she is, we are taking the back roads and will not be seen if we are careful.”

  “Why take any chances when it is a simple matter to find other clothes for Maddie?”

  It was a reasonable question from Dylan.

  “Because Maddie will be the inspiration that unites us all against the State and she needs to remain true to herself.”

  Lysette was not convinced that you needed a particular set of clothes to be true to yourself even though she only ever felt comfortable in the uniform of the 1st.

  “It is your decision but if she gives us away and there is trouble it is on you and then it is everyone for them-selves.”

  That was clear enough thought John, any trouble and Lysette was gone. It was good to know and he admired her straightforwardness in telling them.

  “Trouble I eat that for breakfast and spit it out at lunch.”

  A chuckle from Lana made John feel a little self-conscious at his sudden bravado.

  “Come on my hero as you are so strong, brave and fearless you can lead the way. That and you are the only one that knows where we are heading.”

  Maddie was smiling and her words were dripping with sarcasm.

  Leading the way John could not resist a little gentle ribbing.

  “Yes that is right the man should always lead and show you poor girlies how things are done.”

  “Just in case you are wondering Lissa that is sexism and if John doesn’t shut up he will get my boot up his arse for it.”

  Lysette was not really paying any attention to what John was saying; she was too busy keeping a watch for any stray Cad patrols.

  “You two can be as foolish as you like but I would suggest you pay more attention to what is around you.”

  It was like being reprimanded by a teacher thought Maddie.

  “You never let up do you Lissa.”

  “If you mean I never let my guard down then you are correct and that is why I have not been caught unawares by some poor wandering Cadet.”

  Maddie knew that Lysette was right to take precautions and was even glad of her presence. She just wished she wasn’t so solemn.


  With this one word Lysette seemed to stop time as they all froze.

  “I have you.”

  Lysette speed was extraordinary as she pulled the crouching girl from the bushes behind them.

  “Get your hands off me you big dumb blonde.”

  It was Lana but the words were all Maddie’s.

  “What the hell are you doing here Lana?”

  “I thought you might need some help but if I knew I was going to be treated this way I would have stayed at home.”

  You had to love Lana even when she was caught in the wrong she tried to turn it back on you.

  “You never should have come and I am not taking you back so turn around now.”

  “No Lissa she cannot go back on her own and we are not about to leave her.”

  A triumphant smile appeared upon Lana’s face.

  “I don’t know what you are smiling for it is a long trek and we will not be slowing down for you so you had better keep up.”

  John looked like he disagreed with Maddie’s decision and was about to side with Lysette.

  “Don’t even think about saying it John, she is coming and that is final.”

  Lana tucked herself in beside Maddie and they continued on for a time without anything else said.

  “It is getting dark, we should camp here.”

  Lysette practical as ever had picked a perfect spot for them to spend the night.

  “Lana I hope you brought something to keep you warm tonight.”

  The blank look on the girl’s face answered Maddie’s question.

  “Don’t worry she can have what is in my pack and I will take first watch.”

  Once they had settled in for the night and Lysette had built a fire a tired Lana quickly went to sleep.

  “You are a sentimental fool for allowing her to come with us; she will slow us down and possibly get us caught.”

  “And you are a callous bitch who would send her back on her own with no protection.”

  These two were just never going to get along thought John.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore Lana is here and we are safe for the night, I will take up position over there and you should both get some sleep.”

  Lysette and Maddie both nodded as John moved away.

  “I will take the second watch; your man seems competent so it should be safe to rest.”

  There was something about Lysette that really got under Maddie’s skin.

  “John is not my man and I am glad that he meets your standards to watch over us for the night.”

  Lysette was unaware of how she had offended Maddie but it was clear to her that she had done so.

  “Maddie you always seem so angry when you talk to me and I don’t really understand why. Do you think of me as a threat? If so I can assure you that I have no interest in John and I know that he is only interested in having you as his woman.”

  For god’s sake my man, his woman, who talked like that it was ridiculous?

  “I don’t like you Lissa and I know that you do not like me.”

  “I have no dislike for you in fact I admire your spirit for someone who did not go through Academy training you fight bravely and ruthlessly. John has admirable qualities also though
I do think him a little soft when it comes to fighting. He lacks the will to win and in a fight that just means that you are setting yourself up to lose.”

  “Lissa you have nothing but contempt for the Imps and I can assure you that if I was born here then I would have been classed as one of them.”

  “Perhaps but the fact is you are not one of them and you never can be just like Dylan can never be one of them. You can pretend all you want but you are different from them and so am I, we will never just lie down and accept our fate, we will fight with our last breath to live a better life.”

  Lysette was right about one thing and Maddie could not deny the fact that she did not understand the casual acceptance of their fate by the Imps.

  “You are right I have never let anyone ride rough shod over me and I never will but these people have never really been given a chance. Look at Lana she has courage, intelligence and shows more spirit than I did at her age. Yet you dismiss her because she is a few inches shorter than you think she should be.”

  “Lana is an exception and if you had been here long enough you would know this to be the case. The majority of the Imps fall into line and never question their place in the order of things.”

  “You admit that Lana is worthy of your Academies then.”

  Lysette thought about this for a time.

  “Yes Maddie I think Lana would have made a fine Cadet and it is unfair that she has been excluded for such a seemingly silly reason. I like Lana and others in the camp but this is the way it is here. If you are to genuinely change things then you not only have to unite the Imps you need to defeat the Cadets. It is not something that I see happening and I can tell you now that it is not something that Dylan wants to happen.”

  Maddie did not understand what Lysette meant by her last statement.

  “Dylan leads a camp full of Imps and shows genuine concern for those weaker than him-self, why wouldn’t he want to change the system? He left the Academy to help the Imps and as far as I can see he is doing a fine job.”

  A knowing smile from Lysette was followed by a surprising revelation.

  “Dylan left the 1st for entirely different reasons than you imagine Maddie. It had nothing to do with helping others it was for entirely selfish reasons.”

  “If you are trying to be all mysterious then you have succeeded but if you want to tell me something it would be better to just come out with it.”

  “I have told you all that I wish to and if you want to know more then you should ask Dylan. I am only trying to make you aware of the reality of your situation and the fact is that Dylan enjoys his status as leader of the Imps. He likes the way they look to him and he loves the adoration of those less fortunate than him.”

  Maddie had thought Dylan’s motives were suspect but did not really want to believe what Lysette was telling her.

  “You do not paint a very pretty picture of the man you are with.”

  “I love Dylan but I am not blind to his faults and I advise you to open your eyes too or you may make some ill-informed decisions.”

  Maddie was getting the Impression that Lysette was trying to warn her of something but was unwilling to give away too much information.

  “Thanks for the advice but like all free advice it is worth exactly what you paid for it.”

  “You are stubborn Maddie but just remember I tried to help you and please do not expect too much from Dylan or me if you do you will be bitterly disappointed.

  “I expect nothing from you Lissa but I won’t lie I did hope for Dylan’s support.”

  Lysette had nothing more to add so turned away from Maddie to get some sleep.

  “Lissa you are up.”

  John’s wake up call for Lysette also awoke Maddie who watched as she took up her position in silence.

  “Lissa does not seem to think that Dylan will be of any help to us.”

  “I know she said as much to me and I had already come to that conclusion myself.”

  “Then why are we bringing her along with us?”

  “I believe that Lissa will bring a dispassionate report of what she sees back to Dylan and if she is persuaded to our cause she may be able to bring him on board.”

  John sounded like some schoolboy dreamer when he said this and Maddie tried to bring him back down to earth.

  “Lissa is not someone that will put herself or Dylan at risk for those she considers lesser than them. It is just not in her to see their suffering and help to alleviate it.”

  John was still optimistic and was keen to defend Lysette.

  “She is a little blunt and her communication skills could use some work but I believe she has a good heart. I think that when it comes to choosing sides Lissa will come good and choose us.”

  It was no good thought Maddie he had made up his mind and nothing she could say would change it.

  “You should get some sleep John and so should I for that matter.”

  Lysette woke Maddie up a few hours later and they exchanged places without another word between them.

  Lana was the only one of the four that got an unbroken night’s sleep and this showed as she was full of beans the next morning.

  “How long before we get there John?”

  John could not help but laugh as he said aloud.

  “Even here all kids say are we there yet it must be universal Maddie.”

  “Actually I said how long before we get there and I am not a kid.”

  The huffy little voice Lana used sounded false to John.

  “Sorry Lana it is just in my country….., never mind it would take too long to explain and it is not that interesting anyway.”

  Maddie agreed it was not that interesting but it had amused her as well.

  “We need to be quiet now, there is a village coming up and I think it best if we go around it without them seeing us.”

  “There are none of your people in this village then John?”

  “We have supporters in every town and village Lissa but I have not been in communication with this place as yet.”

  Maddie thought that Lissa’s question was just her way of pointing out that not everyone wanted to change their society.

  “You don’t quit do you Lissa? Just because this village does not show open support that does not mean it is happy with the way things are.”

  “Sssshh that is enough from you two and Lana I need you to keep quiet for a while to; we have another few days before we reach my friends. It would be nice if we could all get alone until then and we need to work together here.”

  The group fell into silence as they negotiated their way around the village shown on Dylan’s map.

  “We won’t reach the first check-point on the map until tomorrow evening so until then we can follow the back roads and with a little luck we will get there without incident.”

  A nod from Maddie and Lysette informed John of their agreement.

  “This trip is so boring, I thought we would be visiting all of the places on the way and talking to the people about Maddie.”

  “Lana you invited yourself along and although I love your company you have to understand that we are in danger as long as we are on the road. We cannot expose ourselves to any further risk by talking to strangers.”

  A disgruntled look from Lana was John’s only reward.

  “You need to listen to John girl or you could put us all in danger.”

  Maddie’s protective instinct kicked in as she defended Lana.

  “Leave her alone Lissa and her name is Lana not girl. You need to chill out a little and John said all that was needed to say.”

  The bickering between Maddie and Lysette did not seem to be getting any less as John had hoped it would.

  “You and I both know that she should not be here with us, she is nothing but a liability.”

  If this carried on he would have to get between the two warring women thought John.

  “Maddie I would appreciate it if you kept quiet and Lissa please we do not need both of us to tell Lan
a that she should not have come.

  The evening before the first check-point was an awkward one with none of the four having much to say. Lysette took the first watch as the other three slept then Maddie was up leaving the last watch to John.

  “Now this morning I want to make steady progress without any squabbles.”

  “So you are in charge now John?”

  “He is a man Lana and we just let him think he is or it will bruise his delicate ego.”

  Lysette did not join in the friendly banter and kept silently to herself.

  “There is nothing delicate about my ego or anything else thank you very much.”

  The good humour between the three of them lasted all of that day and John was glad that Lysette made no comment that might spoil their mood.

  “We should be thinking about making camp the check-point is close now. We can get a closer look at it tomorrow in the daylight.”

  “No I will find it while you setup camp.”

  It was the first words that Lysette had uttered all that day.

  “If that is what you want to do then we will see you back here in half an hour or I come looking for you.”

  The clearing they were in afforded reasonably good view all around them but still they did not see the Cads coming.

  “You four what are you doing in this area? It is no place for a bunch of filthy Imps.”

  There were five of them and they wore the uniform of the 1st.

  “We are heading for the town of Arcadia but I admit we are a little lost.”

  John sounded suitably subservient thought Maddie who was more worried for Lana. In a whisper she told the young girl to lie down in the grass.

  “Lana stay low and get to the bushes, when the fighting starts run.”

  “Stupid Imps couldn’t find their ass with both hands Arcadia is miles away from here.”

  Lysette took the initiative and spoke to the young leader in a way that he had not been spoken to by an Imp before.

  “No but I can find the weakness in your defences you jumped up little prig.”

  Seeing that Lysette was picking a fight with the Cads Maddie readied her-self.

  “You really should not speak to your betters like that or they just might have to teach you a lesson in manners.”

  “You have nothing to teach me little boy and as for you comrades they look like a sorry bunch of rejects is this really the best that the 1st can send after us?”

  That was it thought John she had injured their pride and they would not be able to resist coming after them.

  Lysette countered the leaders attack with ease and John took care of two of the others leaving two for Maddie.

  “Are you boys really going to attack a poor defenceless girl?”

  As the words left Maddie’s mouth they were upon her.

  “I guess you are and I guess you are going to get your arse’s kicked by a girl how messed up is that?”

  Maddie was not as confident as she sounded and thought she could really use some help right about now.

  “Lissa help Maddie?”

  John’s plea reached Lissa who was finding the leader to be a little more competent than she first imagined.

  “She will have to take care of herself for now.”


  The warning came from Lana who rushed out of the bushes to tackle one of the Cads who was about to use his Lektro on Maddie.

  “Get off me you filthy little Imp.”

  Lana had jumped on the Cad’s back and had her hands around his throat until he threw her to the ground.

  “Don’t worry Maddie I have got him.”

  It certainly did not look to Maddie that Lana had the boy at all but she had her hands full with the other Cad and could not get to her to help.

  “John you must get to Lana and help her now.”

  Maddie’s warning came too late as the Lektro struck Lana and she went down with a thud.

  “Lana is hurt let’s finish this now.”

  Seeing Lana go down like that gave Maddie a surge of adrenalin enabling her to take down her opponent. Almost simultaneously John finished the last of his attackers off and Lysette won out over the leader.

  “She is not moving John.”

  Lana was lying still on the ground when Maddie reached her.

  “We have to leave now, there will be more coming.”

  It was Lysette and though Maddie knew she was right there was no way she could leave Lana.

  “You go I will take my chances here.”

  Seeing Lana could not go on and that Maddie would not leave her behind Lysette bent down next to the fallen girl.

  “There will be more and they will take us back to the Capital and then in my case to Juvi. I am not sure what they will do with you and John.”

  Pointing at Lana she continued.

  “The girl is finished she cannot go on and in all likelihood will not make it anyway.”

  “I don’t care I am not leaving her here to die alone, go if you want to.”

  Lysette could not help but admire the determination and bravery of the strange girl next to her.

  “You are a fool Maddie but sometimes there is no difference between foolishness and blind courage.”


  John’s warning was sudden and did not give them much time.

  “Maddie pick her up and head for the woods and do not stop to look back.”

  “No I will fight with you.”

  “There is no need for all of us to go down and if you stay then that is what will happen now do as I say and run.”

  Maddie did not want to leave John but she knew that if she stayed the Cads would capture them all and leave Lana there to die.

  “I will be back with Dylan to find you both.”

  “Tell Dylan we were betrayed, they knew we were coming. Oh and I have been meaning to say that is a great dress you are wearing.”

  Lysette stood to join John who had been keeping watch.

  “Come John let’s take the fight to them.”

  John did not hesitate and without looking back they headed forward towards the sounds of gathering troops.

  “John… “

  Maddie tried to say something but it was too late they were gone and what was there to say anyway?

  “Come on Lana let’s get you out of here.”

  Maddie picked up the stricken girl threw her over her shoulder and ran. If Maddie had taken the time to look back she would have seen Lysette and John being surrounded by Cadets from the 1st.

  “Let’s see what you have really got John Harrison.”

  John smiled at Lissa and could not help but think of Maddie as the Cadets attacked.

  “I got power Lissa and with you by my side who knows we might even make it out of this.”

  They both knew that this was not really a possibility but they bravely made their stand together.

  Lysette was magnificent and deadly, her speed was the perfect counterbalance to John’s power and for a time they held off the growing weight of numbers.

  Cad after Cad fell before them and John wished that he could stand back to watch the beauty of Lysette’s movements, she really was extraordinary. Inevitably her defences were breached and she was felled by the prod of a Lektro in her back. It was a sneak attack from a Cad that was not worthy of her courage and skill.

  John was taken down by the force of a blow to his head that gave him the gift of loss of consciousness almost immediately.

  It was not the first time that Lysette had felt the sting of a Lektro, at the Academy it was part of basic training that you take the full force of the weapon. The trainers wanted to test your strength and see if you could stand after such an attack.

  Dylan was the only one in her year that had gotten up and seeing him rise to his feet had given her the strength to rise partially.

  “Patrice is that you?”

  Through the pain Lysette thought she could see her old comrade but she
could not be sure if it was real.

  “Lysette it is good to see you once again.”

  It was the last thing that she would hear before Patrice’s boot came crashing down on her left cheek.


  The Cadets from the 1st dutifully loaded the unconscious John and Lysette onto a transport and set about searching the area for Maddie.


  They searched in a methodical grid pattern but fortunately for Maddie the fight with John and Lysette had given her enough time to get far enough away for now.

  “You maybe small Lana but you sure do have some weight to you.”

  Maddie was exhausted and could not carry on; she needed to rest and could only hope that she was far enough away from the Cadets of the 1st.

  “When you wake up I shall have to have a word with you about gate crashing other people’s party’s young lady.”

  “You always talk to yourself Phoebe?”

  Maddie got to her feet and stood defensively as she searched for where the voice had come from.

  “It is ok Phoebe I am a friend of John’s, how else would I know your name?”

  John had told Maddie precious little of his friends and she was beginning to regret not asking more questions about them now.

  “Show yourself and then maybe we can talk about what you know.”

  A tall well-muscled man with dark skin appeared from the brush and introduced himself to Maddie.

  “Hello Phoebe I am Jerome and it is me that you were coming to meet.”

  “How can I be sure that you are a friend of John’s?”

  “I am not alone here Phoebe and if I were not a friend of John’s there are plenty of Cads around for me to turn you into.”

  It made sense thought Maddie and besides she had no choice but to trust him.

  “Ok you are a friend of John’s so let’s get out of here and then we can think of a way to find him.”

  “You are right that we need to leave here quickly but as for John the Cads have him and he will be headed for the Capital.”

  “Fine then we will go to the Capital and get him back.”

  There was faint laughter coming from the trees as Maddie made her statement.

  “If your friends think that I am joking they should show themselves so that I can assure them I am deadly serious.”

  Jerome was impressed by Maddie’s determination to get John back and her loyalty to him was admirable but thought she was being unrealistic in her thinking.

  “Right now we need to leave and get away from the search area of the Cads which is increasing by the minute.”

  “Ok so let’s go, I will need help with my friend here.”

  Jerome looked Impatient as he answered Maddie.

  “We have no time for passengers your friend is unconscious and not moving it is very likely that she will die. I am not going to risk any of our people to help a dead girl.”

  Maddie was beginning to hate this place and their casual attitude to death.

  “Fine then get out of my way and stay out of it.”

  Maddie attempted to pick Lana up but could not find the strength.

  “You want me to go with you then you better take her or I am not moving from this spot.”

  Jerome could see that Maddie meant what she said.

  “Very well we will bring her along, now let us get going.”