Read Tumbledown Page 13

  Chapter 13

  As soon as they arrived at Jerome’s village he gave orders to find somewhere to hide Maddie and Lana.

  “Phoebe it is unlikely that they will come this far to search for you but that does not mean that we should not take precautions.”

  “All I care about right this minute is that my friend is taken care of.”

  “We do not have access to medical expertise but we do have someone in the village with knowledge that can help.”

  Maddie was eager to find this someone that Jerome spoke of.

  “Then get them here now, my friend needs help now.”

  Jerome tried to calm an anxious Maddie down.

  “You need to remain focussed Phoebe, the Cads are out in force and they are looking for you. We have a place to hide you and your friend but it must look like business as usual here if they show up. You have to understand ours and your safety is the priority here.”

  Maddie understood but her only priorities were to help Lana and get John back.

  “I will follow your instructions but you have to promise me that you will send help for Lana as soon as you can.”

  Jerome nodded and then made arrangements with his people for the girls to be taken to a place of safety.

  “You will be taken to an underground bunker that is fully equipped to cater for your needs. It will be a few days before it is safe for you to come out but I will send our healer to look at your friend before then.”

  Maddie was far from satisfied but felt she had no alternative but to agree.

  “Tomorrow morning at the latest or I am coming back to find this healer myself.”

  Jerome was highly impressed by Maddie’s compassion for her friend, it was a shame that the girl would almost certainly die.

  “I will find a way to get her to you.”

  Two of Jerome’s men carried Lana and a third escorted Maddie to the underground bunker.

  “Stay here until we come for you.”

  That was it the three men left Maddie to take care of Lana in the dark, damp bunker.

  “Well Lana it is just as well that you are not awake to see our accommodation’s because I can tell you they leave a lot to be desired.”

  Maddie knew nothing of first-aid but decided to look Lana over anyway.

  “Well there does not seem to be any blood anywhere and I don’t think you have any broken bones. Of course I am far from being an expert in this field; I neglected to go to the first-aid course they held at my school.”

  Maddie was not too sure why she was talking so much, as if Lana were conscious she would have had a lot less to say to her friend.

  “By the way I could have taken both of those Cads so the next time I tell you to run you bloody well do it my girl.”

  With her cursory examination over Maddie felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her?

  “Well I don’t have to tell you to sleep for once and I also don’t have to tell you to be quiet but I will say goodnight Lana.”

  Maddie slept through the night and was awakened the next morning by a young woman who introduced herself as Raea.

  “I am here to take a look at your friend Jerome sent me.”

  “Please she has not moved or made a sound since the Cad felled her.”

  Raea set about her business and gave Lana a much more detailed examination than Maddie had the night before.

  “There is no movement of her eyes, no verbal action and her motor response is nil. I cannot say for sure but in my opinion your friend will not regain consciousness.”

  Maddie was not ready to accept this diagnosis.

  “You are not a doctor and your examination could not possibly tell you that for sure.”

  Raea looked offended at Maddie’s questioning of her skills.

  “You are correct I am not a doctor and I do not have access to fancy machines that can tell me brain function activity but I do have experience and I am telling you that it would be a mercy if your friend were to die now rather than linger.”

  “I am sorry I know that you are doing your best but I just cannot give up on her not yet.”

  “That I understand but there is nothing we can do for her here except keep her comfortable until she……”

  “Until she dies, I see can you tell Jerome that she needs to be moved to somewhere less damp at least.”

  “Jerome is a good man and he will move you both when he feels it is safe for everyone and not before.”

  Maddie already knew this but still felt the need to have her say on the subject.

  “We will not wait down here forever, has there been any sign of the Cads visiting your village.”

  Raea looked at Maddie as though she was stupid.

  “You do not see signs of the Cads they just show up when they please and do as they please.”

  Raea could not help thinking it a little crazy for Jerome to expect them to follow this strangely dressed girl who asked foolish questions of her.

  “Thank you Raea for all of your help and I am sorry if I am putting your people in danger.”

  The young healer did not expect this genuine apology from Maddie and found her-self warming to the girl.

  “Jerome says that we need you and Jerome is not often wrong. I just know that a lot of us are going to get hurt in the coming weeks and months.”

  Raea’s statement was flat and devoid of emotion which is why it resonated so much with Maddie.

  “It seems to me that you are already hurting here quite a bit and to make a big change there has to be sacrifice.”

  Maddie was beginning to sound like John at least that was what she thought.

  “And what are you willing to sacrifice? You have already lost your friend and I here that John is on his way to the Capital.”

  “Lana is not lost and I will find a way to get John back.”

  “Your passion is Impressive but the odds are against you ever seeing him alive again.”

  This girl was beginning to get to Maddie who was having enough trouble staying positive without her negativity.

  “You should get back to Jerome and your people. Remember to tell him that I will not stay here forever.”

  It was a further two days in that damp hole before Jerome decided it was safe for them to come out.

  “We have prepared rooms for you in one of the work cottages; you will be comfortable there until we decide how to proceed. Your friend is no better I see?”

  “She is the same Jerome but that does not mean that I am ready to give up on her and I will not let you do so either.”

  Shaking his head Jerome replied.

  “You are being unrealistic in your thinking, it would be better if you accepted that she will not last more than a few days more and that John has been lost to us.”

  “You accept what you want Jerome I do not have to agree all I ask of you is that you help me take care of Lana.”

  Maddie knew that she was going to ask much more of Jerome in the coming days but felt now was not the time to say so.

  “We will of course see to her needs for now but once you are settled I need to talk to you.”

  The cottage was small with running water and electricity which surprised Maddie although she did not know why. John had told her that the Capital had these utilities and it made sense that the surrounding work villages would also benefit from them.

  Lana looked ashen faced in the light of the bedroom as she lay there without sound or movement. Maddie thought it eerie that she could be so still it was as if the spirit had left her body and the Lana she knew was gone.

  “I know you are there you little pest now come back to me or I will come over there and kick your pesky little arse.”

  The idea that Lana could not respond to her teasing distressed Maddie more than she thought possible and so she left her alone there to seek out Jerome in the hope that he had news of John.

  “Have you heard anything more of what happened to John?”

  “No Phoebe and I consider us very lucky th
at we were not visited by the Cads.”

  “Stop calling me Phoebe my name is Maddie.”

  “John told us that your name was Phoebe.”

  “My name is Phoebe Maddison and I choose to be called Maddie.”

  “Do you hear that everyone she chooses to call herself Maddie, that is fantastic it plays well don’t you think?”

  There was a general agreement from those surrounding Maddie and Jerome.

  “What are you talking about it plays well?”

  “Maddison that is what you will be called and the Imps will be told that you chose to use your family name.”

  “Hold on their big man you are getting carried away and I do not understand what you mean.”

  “Here if you do not get into an Academy you forfeit your family name and are forbidden to use it. We will tell our people that the girl in the black jacket chooses to call herself by her family name of Maddison. It will help to unite them and it will have meaning for them.”

  “If you want me to play along with your little charade to mislead your people then you will have to give me something that I want.”

  Jerome sounded wary when he answered Maddie.

  “It is no charade and if I have to mislead my people to have you lead them so be it. What is it you want in return for your help?”

  “John I want John.”

  Maddie could not have been more succinct.

  “You ask the Impossible, he is on his way to the Capital and nothing can stop him getting there.”

  “Then I am leaving and I would advise you not to try and stop me.”

  Jerome was stunned by Maddie’s stubbornness.

  “You are being ridiculous where would you go?”

  “I am going back to Dylan’s camp; he will help me get Lissa and John back.”

  “Dylan betrayed you and that is why the Cads have your friends right now.”

  Maddie knew this not to be true; Dylan would never sacrifice Lysette she meant too much to him.

  “We were betrayed but not by Dylan and that is where I am going.”

  Jerome looked as though he was struggling with the decision to tell Maddie something.

  “A time after John left to find you the Cads of the 1st paid a visit to our neighbouring villages looking for a girl. We heard of this and knew the girl they were searching for so we hid her in the very bunker you spent time in. By the time they came to us their leader had lost all patience with the Cad that knew the girl and bullied him into pointing her out.”

  Maddie thought Jerome’s story interesting but had no idea what any of this had to do with her.

  “I don’t see why you are telling me this it is in the past and has no relevance to me now.”

  “After a while the Cadet desperately picked a young girl not the actual young girl they were looking for as you know she was safely hidden away.”

  Seeing that Jerome was determined to tell his story Maddie had him continue.

  “Go on.”

  “Their leader had the Cad use his Lektro on the girl and he kept using it on her until he was ordered to stop by which time she was lying dead on the ground. After this the leader had the Cadet hung as an example to his men.”

  “It is a horrible story and I feel sorry for the girl but still I do not see the relevance of this to me.”

  “John was wearing the uniform of the 1st and it came from the Cad that was hung, the only person outside of the village that knew of this was the Cad and John. We had the uniform for over a year then suddenly when John leaves they come looking for the girl that was involved with acquiring it.”

  Maddie was now beginning to see where Jerome was going with this.

  “You think John blabbed to someone and it got back to the Cads?”

  “That is exactly what I think because nothing else makes sense.”

  Maddie could still not contemplate the thought that Dylan gave up Lysette.

  “There were others there when John told how you acquired that uniform; anyone of them could have said something. I am going back to enlist Dylan’s help and I would prefer that to be with your help but if you will not help me then I will go alone.”

  There was that stubbornness again thought Jerome and as far as he could see there was no way around it.

  “I don’t deny that we need you and that is a fact but going back there is foolhardy as is hanging onto the idea that you can rescue John but if I have your word that when the time comes you will help us in our protest then I will agree to take you to Dylan.”

  Protest that was a weak word thought Maddie what happened to the revolution that John talked about?

  “Agreed but you must also do everything you can for Lana while I am gone.”

  Raea stepped up and spoke softly.

  “Of course we will take good care of her but I fear the worse for your friend.”

  The soft voice filled with compassion reassured Maddie who disregarded Raea’s last words.

  “Then we should leave as soon as possible, I have a map that will help to guide us back to Dylan’s encampment.”

  Jerome stepped aside and spoke to one of his men returning with his decision.

  “We leave tomorrow morning, we will be travelling in one of our work trucks. Maddison will be hidden in the back while I drive. You Tariq will accompany us and if there is any trouble we are on a trip into town to get supplies.”

  Maddie was looking Tariq up and down unashamedly when he spoke for the first time.

  “Do not worry Maddison there are no betrayers here.”

  It was an insult aimed at their destination.

  “We do not know that anyone at Dylan’s camp betrayed anyone so let’s reserve judgement until we get there.”

  The idea that it was Dylan himself that gave them up was not one that Maddie would even consider.

  “If you do not trust Dylan then you two can wait outside while I talk to him.”

  “That is not necessary we will accompany you into the camp and talk with him.”

  Maddie was now getting the sense that Jerome did not trust her either.

  “If that is what you want it is fine by me just remember my objective is to get Dylan onside to help rescue John and Lissa.”

  It was the first time that Maddie had given any thought to rescuing Lysette and her selfishness in only caring about John’s well-being did not sit well with her.

  “You should go see your friend and be with her this night. We leave at first light.”

  It was more than just a dismissal from Jerome it was also a plea for her to see that this would be the last night she would spend with Lana.

  “I will see you in the morning Jerome and I thank you for all that you have risked on my behalf.”

  Raea once again saw a side of Maddie that she liked and gave her unsolicited opinion to Jerome.

  “She is stubborn, bright, loyal, and passionate, she will in all probability get us all killed.”

  A smile from Jerome did nothing to allay her fears.

  “Perhaps she will Raea but you and I know that something needs to be done or we will all die slowly under the increasing pressure from the State to produce food for all their needs while near starving ourselves.”

  It was a valid argument thought Raea and one she had heard a thousand times from Jerome.

  “You think a protest against the State with an outsider at its head will sway the first minister?”

  “I think that a united army of children marching on the Capital will sway the people and galvanise them into action.”

  “This Maddison is expendable and just a means to an end. Once we have used her as a symbol of rebellion and we have enough followers then we march. At that time we will have little further use for her and she will no longer be able to make demands of us.”

  Raea thought that Jerome was beginning to sound like the people they hated and wanted no part of his plans.

  “You wish to fight against oppression and yet you are willing to use a young girl up as though she was
nothing. You are no better than those you oppose Jerome and if you continue to think as you do then there is no hope for you or us.”

  It was a damning statement from a friend that Jerome had known all of his life, a friend that he both trusted and admired.

  “They have weapons, they have the power, and they have the Statepol all we have is hope. If you cannot see that then I cannot in all conscious let you roam free.”

  Jerome motioned to Tariq and another of his men.

  “Take her away and make sure that she talks to no-one.”

  “You are making a mistake Jerome I am not your enemy and are you going to lock away anyone that disagrees with you? Does that remind you of anyone else?”

  Jerome had turned his back to Raea and was doing his best to block her words out.

  “Raea you have been my friend for many years please do not test me, get her out of here.”

  With Raea gone Jerome gave orders to spread the word that Maddison would be leading them to the Capital. It may have been opportunistic of him thought Jerome but having Maddison as a symbol of freedom was too good an idea to let go of.

  “Make sure that you tell the story of her arrival and how she named herself Maddison. Tell every one of her fight with the Cad and how she rescued an Imp single-handedly. Feel free to embellish as much as you like.”

  The morning came quickly for Maddie and she could not wait to get back to Dylan so that she could make progress on John’s rescue.

  “You have said goodbye to your friend?”

  “Yes Jerome I have said goodbye and her name is Lana.”

  “That is good it is best to have made your peace with her passing.”

  Maddie did not bother to argue with Jerome about Lana’s chances, somehow she knew that the feisty young girl would never give up.

  “Where is Raea I wanted to say goodbye and thank her for all of her help.”

  “She is busy not everything here revolves around you Maddison.”

  Jerome’s answer was Impatient and a little over the top thought Maddie.

  “Do you have to call me Maddison? I mean I know it is your whole plan to make me some heroic symbol but when we are alone maybe Maddie would be fine.”

  “We are never alone Maddison.”

  Wow this guy was one serious dude thought Maddie and she did not relish the idea of being in his company for the foreseeable future.

  “You know Jerome you really need to lighten up that rod you have strapped to your back must get damned uncomfortable.”

  The questioning look on Jerome’s face told Maddie he had no idea what she was talking about.

  “Never mind, I will introduce you to Lissa she has a similar affliction.”

  Jerome did not really understand much of what the girl was saying but he got the idea that he was being made fun of.

  “This is serious business we are embarking upon and you would be wise to take it seriously. Please now get in the back of the truck and remain quiet until we come for you.”

  “How long will it take?”

  “If there are no detours or stops then we will be there by nightfall.”

  A journey that had taken the four of them days was now just a few hours ride in the back of a dirty old grain truck.

  “We could have done with one of these on the way here.”

  “Yes it would have been better if John had commandeered a vehicle as we discussed. It was foolish of him to veer from our plan.”

  Maddie did not like Jerome criticizing John.

  “You were not there and John did the best that he could to get us here.”

  Although Jerome did not agree he did not want to argue either.

  “You are right I was not there and I should not second guess John’s decisions.”

  Maddie knew that she was being placated.

  “In the circumstances you would have done as John and used your initiative to get us here anyway that you could.”

  That was true enough thought Jerome but he still could not see the necessity for going on foot.

  “I have no wish to argue with you Maddison I have already said that John was right to do as he thought best. Now please we need to be on our way.”

  Maddie was not really satisfied with Jerome but then she was beginning to think that she would never really be comfortable around him.

  “I am getting in just don’t forget I am back here.”

  The inside of the back of the truck was far from comfortable and Maddie hated that she could not see anything for the lack of windows.

  If not for the sounds and bumps on the road the journey would have been even more tedious for her but it was the not seeing that was really difficult for Maddie.

  Once her eyes adjusted to the dark of the truck Maddie saw old grain bags and what looked like farming tools scattered on the floor.

  It struck her hard that this could have been the same truck travelling down a country road in Kent on its daily business but instead they were driving down roads that could be filled with treacherous Cads out to do them damage.

  “We are close Maddison, we are going to leave the truck here and continue on foot.”

  Maddie climbed out of the truck and began to stretch her aching legs.

  “Do you recognise where you are?”

  It was Tariq who wanted to know if Maddie knew where they were.

  “Not really Tariq, I am a City girl and all of the countryside looks pretty much the same to me.”

  It was an honest answer from Maddie but she soon regretted answering Tariq so openly.

  “You expect us to follow someone who does not even know where she has been?”

  A brief hard look from Jerome silenced his companion.

  “I am sorry Maddison my people have a habit of saying what is on their mind.”

  “Just follow the map that I gave you and we will find Dylan and as for Tariq his opinion means nothing to me.”

  Maddie said this loudly making sure that Tariq heard her.

  “I think silence is now in order.”

  The three walked for a further twenty minutes before Jerome broke the silence he had requested.

  “This is it as far as I can tell this is where you set off from.”

  “Then we wait, Dylan will discover us soon enough.”

  Maddie was right it was only another hour or so before Dylan’s inevitable arrival.

  “You seem to have brought some friends and lost some comrades Maddie.”

  Dylan somehow looked diminished without the Impressive Lysette by his side thought Maddie.

  “They have John and Lissa.”

  Dylan’s face set in stone as he looked at Maddie.

  “You three will come with us and you Maddie will tell me everything that has happened on the way to camp.”