Read Tumbledown Page 16

  Chapter 16

  As they left the Forum Maddie felt the heavy weight of defeat and could only console herself with the fact that soon she would see John again. It would be too cruel to be taken to the Capital and for them not to let her see him one more time at least.

  “You are Maddison?”

  Maddie turned to face the voice that came from behind her.

  “Yes I can see that you are the girl I have been told of.”

  Maddie knew straightaway that this was Jasmine and did not need Jinn to confirm it for her.

  “Yes I am Maddison and I assume that you are Jasmine.”

  A beaming smile escaped from the tall brown skinned woman whom Maddie estimated would be in her late thirties.

  “Your assumption is correct young lady and may I say that I am very pleased to see you?”

  Maddie could feel the warmth from Jasmine and sensed that she was genuinely pleased to meet her.

  “Thank you this is Dylan and Jinn my friends.”

  “You did not look too friendly a moment ago Maddison.”

  Dylan was looking at the Jasmine’s entourage when he assured her of their friendship.

  “Just a minor disagreement, we have come here together to help those of you in here that want to escape.”

  Jasmine’s smile diminished as she replied.

  “Escape from here is not possible for the majority of us, if it were we would not need the help of three such as you.”

  “Jinn spent time here and escaped so it is possible to leave here.”

  “Yes Maddison it is possible if you are young and small like Jinn to just walk out of here as the guards do not tend to shoot children. I can assure you however that if I attempted to do the same I would be shot instantly.”

  Maddie felt the hopelessness of the situation overwhelm her.

  “Then we have come here for nothing and wasted our time and yours.”

  “Don’t feel so bad Maddison I am sure that we have much to talk about and I would love to have you as my guests for the night.”

  Maddie had no idea what she would talk to this woman about but the invitation was gracious and she was hardly in a position to refuse.

  “Thank you we will stay the night but then we must get back to the Capital.”

  Dylan did not look happy and was reluctant to waste any more time in Juvi.

  “We should leave now there is no point in staying here a minute longer than we have to.”

  “Nonsense Dylan you are my guests and one more day cannot possibly make a difference.”

  Feeling more like Jasmine’s prisoner than her guest Dylan felt he had no choice but to comply.

  “So Jinn you have been here before tell me did you join the Devs or were you a scavenger?”

  “I did whatever I had to when I was in here so I listened to the Devs avoided the 5/7s and stole whatever food I could get my hands on.”

  “A scavenger then and that is just fine with me when I first got here I too scavenged for food without joining any of the groups in here.”

  Maddie was fascinated by the almost beautiful Jasmine and wanted to know more.

  “How long have you been in Juvi Jasmine?”

  “I have been here for nearly fifteen years now Maddison and all in all I would rather be on a beach in Saint Tropez.”

  Jasmine flashed a knowing smile at Maddie after saying this.

  “Saint Tropez that sounds a long way from a prison city like this.”

  Maddie was trying not to give anything away but could not hide her excitement at finding someone from home.

  “It is a place in my head Maddison it is located on the French Riviera and has the most magnificent beaches in the world.”

  It was most certainly not just in Jasmine’s head thought Maddie as she thought perhaps she could detect the slightest trace of a French accent.

  “Sounds lovely I wish I could go there myself.”

  Dylan was listening carefully to Maddie and Jasmine’s conversation but could not find an opening to join in so kept quiet.

  “We have beaches here or so I am told but I have never been to one.”

  Jinn looked a little sad as he reflected on this.

  “This is an island Jinn so yes there are definitely beaches here but I have to admit that I too have never had the privilege of seeing one. Of course that may be because I have spent half of my life in this dung hole.”

  Maddie had learned something else about Velaria and wondered if this knowledge would be useful but mostly she wondered how Jasmine had come to this place.

  “How did you end up in Juvi Jasmine?”

  “Wrong place, wrong time but that is a story for another time Maddison.”

  “My name is Maddie it was someone else’s idea to use my full last name to inspire the Imps to follow me.”

  “Whoever this was I think it was a good idea and I shall continue to call you Maddison as will everyone else in here.”

  “There is no reason to I have failed in here and all we can do is go back to the Capital and hope that the State shows mercy.”

  Jasmine stopped and took hold of Maddie by the shoulders.

  “You are a fool if you think that the State even knows the meaning of the word mercy and it is too soon for you to admit defeat.”

  Jasmine’s anger seemed to subside as quickly as it had appeared.

  “I am sorry Maddison but I will not stand idly by and watch you make the same mistakes that I have made.”

  “I do not know what else to do all I do know is that I have to help my friend.”

  Dylan noted that Maddie had used the term friend and had not included anyone else but John in her stated intention.

  “You are wrong Maddison you are here to help everyone not just one person however Important they are too you. If you do not act selflessly when you are here then you too will end up stuck here just like me.”

  Maddie knew that Jasmine was right and she would dearly love to help Lissa, the Imps and even the Cads but all she could think of was John sitting alone in some dark cell.

  “How Jasmine how do I help all the people I am just one girl?”

  Jasmine stopped again and this time the hands on Maddie’s shoulders were altogether more comforting.

  “I will help you Maddison tonight you and your friends will stay under my protection. Tomorrow I will arrange a meeting with the 5/7s and the Tarians to formulate a plan to get you out of here.”

  Jinn was the first to speak after hearing this.

  “We need to find a way to get everyone out and not just us three.”

  “I admire your ambition Jinn but everyone may not be possible.”

  “Then we stay if we cannot free everyone we stay.”

  Maddie could see Jinn’s courage growing all the time and wished she could match his convictions.

  “Jinn it may not be possible to get everyone out now but if we listen to Jasmine we may be able to come back for those that are left behind.”

  Jinn was not at all happy with this turn of events but kept quiet anyway.

  “They’re right Jinn getting everyone out was a little over ambitious and we do have to be realistic.”

  All Dylan received for his trouble was a glare from Jinn who was still smarting from their earlier confrontation.

  “This is my palace and here you will be treated as my honoured guests until you choose to leave.”

  Looking at the dilapidated building/house before her Maddie thought this could not be any further from a palace.

  “It is great and we are very grateful for your hospitality.”

  Jasmine could see that Maddie was deeply unimpressed by her new accommodations.

  “Now Maddison let’s not be snobby about this and I do have electricity and running water of sorts.”

  “You have electricity and water, how have you managed that?”

  “We are very resourceful here in Juvi Dylan and having your own generator helps.”

  All Maddie could think of was havin
g a bath/shower anything to wash away the grime and the dirt from her journey.

  “Is it possible that I could have…….”

  “Of course my dear you could all do with a good clean-up and there is a bit of an odour coming from you if you don’t mind me saying?”

  Jinn looked a little embarrassed as Jasmine mentioned the smell.

  “Yes we have not had much of a chance to see to our personal hygiene on the road so I suppose we do whiff a bit.”

  It was Dylan who quickly covered for the poor embarrassed boy going someway to getting back into his good graces.

  Although the building needed to be knocked down and rebuilt rather than refurbished Jasmine and her followers had made it as comfortable as they could. The added benefit of electricity and water made it the most luxurious of homes that Jinn had been in since he was a young boy.

  “We can talk more in the morning Maddison, tonight you need to rest.”

  Maddie did not want to wait until the morning to find out more of how Jasmine came to be in Valeria.

  “Once I have cleaned up I would like to speak to you, I am not sure that I will be able to sleep with all of the questions I have for you on my mind.”

  “Very well Maddison I will talk to you later but I think your friends should rest and besides I am sure they are not interested in our girl talk.”

  Dylan was very much interested in what these two strangers had to say to one another and would love to have been invited to sit in on the conversation.

  “I take it we will be included in the talks of how to get out of here tomorrow?”

  “Of course Dylan we would not dream of doing anything that concerns you behind your back now please go clean-up and rest yourselves.”

  Maddie spent much more time in the shower than she first intended but the luxury of having the hot water running over her was irresistible and the time slipped away from her.

  “You look far more relaxed my dear did you enjoy your shower?”

  “I don’t think I have ever enjoyed a shower that much before in my life it was heavenly.”

  A generous smile from Jasmine opened the door to Maddie’s questions.

  “You are not from here Jasmine; I am from London where do you come from originally?”

  “I am originally from France a small town called Murat.”

  A wave of relief swept over Maddie as Jasmine confirmed her suspicions.

  “My god then it is true I am not the first to come through?”

  “No Maddison you are not the first but you must be the one to succeed in your mission.”

  “And what mission is that I don’t even know what I am doing here?”

  Jasmine looked Impatient as she answered Maddie.

  “Do not lie to me or yourself Maddison you know exactly why you are here and what you must do.”

  It was true thought Maddie but why her and how could she achieve what Jasmine had clearly failed to do?

  “Even if I thought that I could save these people why me I am nothing special so why choose me to come through here and be their saviour?”

  “Those are questions that I do not have the answer to but now that you are here and we have met I intend to give you all the help that I can.”

  “What happened to you to get yourself thrown into Juvi and why do you think that I can succeed where you failed?

  “I failed because I did not have the courage or belief to succeed it is that simple you need to believe.”

  “I have no such beliefs you may believe in some higher power or destiny like the rest of the Devs in here but I don’t.”

  “The Devotees believe in many different things the one thing they have in common is the idea that everyone has the right to their own faith. I myself like you have no religious belief but I have come to believe in myself and that is what I am talking about when I say you must have belief, you must have belief in yourself.”

  “Does Tumbledown still exist when we are here in Velaria?”

  “I have no idea of what Tumbledown is Maddison and that is enough questions for now, it is time to sleep.”

  How is it that Jasmine had not heard of Tumbledown, had she found another way here? Maddie had so many more questions that she did not want to leave.

  “There is so much more that I don’t understand and you could help me with that.”

  “And I will but not tonight you look tired and even if you are not I am.”

  It was no use Jasmine was not going to continue talking tonight.”

  “Tomorrow we can talk more tomorrow, you promise?”

  “Yes Maddison but there is much for us to do in the morning so please get some sleep.

  Jasmine escorted Maddie to where Dylan and Jinn were quartered.

  “Jinn is asleep, so what did you two talk about?”

  Maddie did not want Dylan to know that Jasmine came from her homeland and so told him very little of their conversation.

  “Jasmine is going to hold a meeting with the other leaders and we will formulate a plan to leave here together.”

  “Is that it? It seemed to me that you had a lot more to talk about.”

  “I have only just met her what else would there be to say?”

  Dylan was not happy with what he was being told and felt he was being kept in the dark about something but turned over to sleep without another word.

  “Maddie, Maddie there is something happening outside.”

  It was a very excited Jinn that woke Maddie up.

  “Come look out the window there are 5/7s and Tarians all over the place.”

  It was a bit of an exaggeration thought Maddie as she looked through the dirty window pane.

  “Do you recognise any of them Jinn?”

  “Not really but I think Axel must be here or coming otherwise there would not be so many 5/7s gathering outside.”

  Dylan was the next one to ask Jinn a question.

  “Who is this Axel you are talking about?”

  “He is the leader of the 5/7s of course and he doesn’t go anywhere without taking a lot of his men with him.”

  A coward thought Dylan who despised a leader that had to surround himself with guards.

  “It doesn’t sound like such a man will give his help to us.”

  “Maybe not Dylan but if Jinn is right and he is here then it is because Jasmine has summoned him.”

  “Then we should be there listening to what they have to say.”

  Maddie could not disagree with this.

  “We should go downstairs then and see what is happening after all we are not prisoners here.”

  Maddie led the three down the flights of stairs to find Jasmine.

  “Can you tell me where Jasmine is I need to speak with her?”

  Maddie’s enquiry was met with blank stares from two of the Devs that stood before her door.

  “Is she through there?”

  Dylan attempted to go through the two of them when he received no answer to his question.

  “Stop Jasmine is busy and does not wish to be disturbed at this time.”

  At least a reaction this time thought Maddie.

  “Can you please tell her that Maddison and her friends are outside or I am afraid we will disturb her by kicking the door down?”

  Maddie said this as pleasantly as she could in the hope that they would tell Jasmine they were there.

  “She is not to be disturbed and that is final.”

  A not from Maddie to Dylan and he took action.

  “You really should have moved Dylan is not the most patient of people.”

  Maddie said this to the two guards as they lay on the floor licking the wounds inflicted by Dylan.

  “Me I am the personification of patience now hurry up and let’s get this door open.”

  To Maddie’s surprise when she tried the door it was not locked and swung open easily.

  “Hello dear I was hoping to let you sleep some more you looked as though you needed it.”

  Jasmine was not alone in th
e room there were others standing around but only one really caught her eye and she knew instinctively this was Axel the leader of the 5/7s.

  “You seem to have started without me Jasmine, a little Impolite don’t you think?”

  An older man standing some way away from them all as though he wanted to distance him-self from Axel spoke up.

  “Hello my name is Randall and I do apologise if we have offended you but it seemed prudent for us to talk first to see if we could come to some accord between ourselves before giving you too much hope.”

  An old Tarian thought Dylan and they were as weak as he had heard.

  “Any decisions that you make here affect us and we should be part of the decision making process.”

  “Dylan is right we need to be involved.”

  The man that Maddie had assumed was the leader of the 5/7s approached her and while standing far too close to her for comfort spoke for the first time in her presence.

  “You may look a little different than the average Imp but you are still just a girl and the 5/7s want no part of your crazy plan to get shot.”

  Maddie stood her ground in front of the man with the 5/7 tattoo on his forehead.

  “I have no desire to get anyone shot not even an ape like you.”

  “You have spirit girl but that will only get you so far and to make my point I could snap you in half with my bear hands and a bullet can easily tear your flesh apart.”

  Axel was even closer now with his breath upon Maddie’s face yet she still would not back away from him.

  “I don’t like you much but whatever your crime was you still deserved a trial and a sentence being thrown in here without either of those is wrong. If you are too scared or weak to even try to find a way out then I feel sorry for you.”

  Dylan stood ground with Maddie as Axel looked ready to explode on her.

  “That is enough Axel you have said your piece and I think it is time for you to leave.”

  Axel looked at Jasmine with barely concealed contempt before leaving.

  “You will all be killed and that is just fine by me it just means more food for the 5/7s.”

  “I am sorry you had to see that Maddison I was hoping that I could persuade the 7s but it was always a long shot. I do however have the Tarians with me and I think our plan to get you out is pretty solid.”

  Maddie was feeling pretty put out at being left out of the talks.

  “You never should have started without us being here Jasmine.”

  “It was unforgiveable Maddison I know but we needed to know if we could count on any help from the 7s and as Jasmine has said it was not very likely. We just did not want to get your hopes up please do not be too upset with us.”

  Maddie found it difficult to be angry at the old man he completely disarmed her with his old world charm.

  “What kind of plan have you come up with Jasmine?”

  “Thank you for asking Dylan it is simple really you are going to walk out of Juvi with all of the children following you.”

  Simple thought Maddie but completely crazy.

  “When I first arrived they thought I was nuts but what you are proposing is beyond crazy and falls into the realm of insanity plus.”

  Jasmine looked amused as she answered.

  “Insanity plus that sounds like a lovely place to be and if it is a little insane then so is living your life in a place like Juvi.”

  “But it is not your life that you are risking is it Jasmine?”

  “I would not ask anyone of my people to do something that I was not prepared to do Dylan and while you are marching to the south perimeter of Juvi I will be marching to the north.”

  Maddie was confused and this plan was sounding crazier than ever.

  “You need to explain Jasmine as far as I understand they will shoot adults if they attempt to escape but probably will not shoot at children and if that is correct you will be killed.”

  “Maddison we have been incarcerated in here for a very long time and I have had many conversations with Jasmine not only do I know where she has come from I also recognise that you are from the same place. Our sacrifice will be worth it if you succeed in your mission as one of the original members of the government whose mistakes gave rise to the State I owe It to the people to do everything that I can to help them.”

  Dylan was Impressed at how genuine the old man sounded.

  “Dying does not help anyone all it does is show that you were foolish enough to walk into the bullets of the StatePol.”

  “Young man I thank you for your concern but you should recognise the value of martyrs in society and if I must die to change the order of things then I am perfectly willing to do so as are all of the Tarians in here.”

  Dylan did not really understand but he recognised courage and conviction when he saw it.

  “So what are the details of this plan then?”

  Jasmine was the one to explain.

  “Maddison will take the lead as all of you and the children march south at the same time I will lead those that choose to follow north. We will not stop for anything or anyone if you hear shooting in the south you will not look back you will carry on until you are out of Juvi, do you understand you will not stop or turn back?”

  Maddie understood they all understood.

  “And if they shoot Maddie or the children?

  Jinn asked the question that was on all of their minds.

  “Then you carry on if you are still alive you pick yourselves up and you carry on marching. Maddison is Important and she will lead you out of here but if she does not make it you keep going is that clear?”

  “It is very clear but if Maddie does die out there as you are surely going to then what good does it do anyone?”

  “Dylan can’t you see that it all has to change, it needs an act of courage and defiance to ignite the fires of resistance. Can you think of anything more courageous or more inspiring and even if we are all killed they will never kill the story of how we went up against the State unarmed and unafraid.”

  “You maybe unafraid but I am pretty damned terrified.”

  It took Jinn to reassure Maddie with his own quiet courage.

  “We will be alright Maddie they will not shoot they just won’t.”

  “When do you want to do this Jasmine?”

  “It will take some organising and I will have to leave you here for today while i get things ready but it will happen tomorrow afternoon if everything goes to plan.”

  “Will I get a chance to talk to you this evening or tomorrow morning, there is still so much I would like to know?”

  “I hope so Maddison but I cannot make any promises there is a lot to do.”

  Once Jasmine had left Dylan spoke as though he knew her secret.

  “She belongs in your world Maddie and she is just as crazy as you and John are.”

  Maddie automatically came to Jasmine’s defence.

  “She may be crazy but she is about to put her life on the line for this world and the people in it. I think she is the bravest person I have ever met.”

  “If we go ahead with her plan we will all probably be killed but I find the idea irresistible just like I know that Lissa would. If she were here then she would be up front taking the lead and she would expect no less of me.”

  Maddie was surprised that Dylan was so easily persuaded to participate in Jasmine’s plan as she herself wanted nothing more than to run away. If not for John she would have done just that but she was beginning to think that although she was attracted to John and admired his courage. It was more the guilt she felt that was spurring her on, after all if not for her John would be at home with his parents instead of languishing in some dungeon being tortured.

  “Jinn I would like to see more of this place would you show me around?”

  “Of course Maddie but we will have to be back by dark as it gets dangerous to be out on the streets then.”

  Dylan was a little put out that he had not been invited but then he was beginn
ing to feel like the outsider in their little group.

  “Fine I will wait here for word from Jasmine.”

  Maddie was not listening to Dylan as they left and only really wanted to explore the place to keep her mind occupied. The more she thought of walking out of Juvi ahead of an army of children the more she thought of slipping out of there alone under the cover of night.

  “It will be alright Maddie we will get out and Lana will recover I can just feel it.”

  Maddie could only raise a half-smile for the boy.

  “So show me where you lived while you were here Jinn.”

  “I lived in a lot of different places I never felt that safe staying in one place for long.”

  Jinn took Maddie to some of the places he had hidden out in to keep away from the 5/7s and treated her to a visit to scavenger’s row.

  “This is where all of those that don’t want to join any of the groups in here come.”

  “Surely you can only really join the Devs or possibly the Tarians as to be one of the 5/7s you have to have committed a violent crime?”

  “No Maddie if you are willing to fight one of them and you win they will let you join but they are tough.”

  Interesting thought Maddie not all 5/7s were really violent criminals and if they were like Jasmine not all Devs had religious beliefs.

  “Do you know much about the Tarians Jinn?”

  “Only that they are mostly old men and have no power in here, it is said that they were once more powerful than the State but I am not sure that I believe that.”

  “From what I can see there are a lot like you here that don’t belong to any other group why not band together?”

  “The Devs leave them alone but the 7s pick them off one at a time and break up any large group of Scav’s that they think could become a threat to them.”

  “It must have been hard surviving here on your own for so long?”

  It seemed that Jinn did not want to talk about his time in Juvi.

  “We should get back now; there is nothing much more to see anyway.”

  It was almost dark by the time they returned to find Dylan in a foul mood.

  “You took your time and there has been no word from Jasmine while all this time they have Lissa in their hands.”

  At least they are not torturing her thought Maddie.

  “Jasmine said it would take some organising and we need to be patient.”

  “Patient my ass I think we should just get out of here and take our chances by going back alone.”

  Dylan could not have known how tempting that was too Maddie.

  “I am going nowhere and if you want to see Lissa free again I think you should stick to the plan.”

  Dylan was pacing up and down now.

  “You know something about this Jasmine that we don’t isn’t that right Maddie?”

  Maddie was not about to give up Jasmine’s secret to Dylan or anyone else for that matter.

  “I know that she is risking her life to help us and that is all I need to know.”

  “You talk to her Jinn maybe she will tell you the truth.”

  “If Maddie trusts Jasmine then so do I and I don’t need to know any more than that.”

  It was not fair to keep Jinn in the dark thought Maddie but it just was not her secret to tell.

  “I am turning in now and as soon as Jasmine returns you can ask her any questions you like Dylan, goodnight Jinn.”

  Maddie knew that she would not sleep but it was becoming too difficult to be around Dylan with his accusations and open distrust of her.

  “Goodnight Maddie and don’t worry tomorrow will be a good day.”

  Jinn was beginning to remind Maddie of Lana with his eternal optimism and high spirits.

  “Maddison come with me.”

  It was a mere whisper but that did not stop it from disturbing Dylan.

  “Where are you taking her? I think I should come with you.”

  Jasmine looked at the boy and dismissed his request.

  “This does not concern you Dylan it is between me and Maddison.”

  Dylan wanted to argue but could see that Jasmine was not to be swayed.

  “If there is anything that you need to know from our talks I will tell you when I get back.”

  Maddie was not sure why she said this to Dylan because she was sure that nothing they discussed would concern him at all.

  “It is all set Maddison and I have the majority of the prisoners on board even some of the younger 7s will be joining you.”

  “So this is really going to happen then?”

  “Yes Maddison it has to happen and it has been a long time coming. I arrived here when I was about your age and I should have been the one to change things but that was not to be and it is now down to you.”

  Maddie wanted to know more of how Jasmine had arrived in Valeria.

  “How was it that you came to be here if you did not come through Tumbledown then how?”

  “That is a story for another time Maddison but right now you must have courage I know that it is a lot to ask but if you do not do this I believe that you will become a prisoner of this place just as I did all those years ago.”

  Maddie persisted with her questions.

  “But I need to know how you arrived here and what it is that makes us so special that we are expected to lead a people that we don’t even know?”

  “Maddison even if I knew the answer to your last question it would not make any difference to our situation. You just need to know that if you do not lead these people to victory then you will never find the way home and I do not want that for you.”

  Maddie was becoming frustrated with Jasmine’s lack of answers.

  “You don’t seem to be telling me anything and yet you expect so much from me. I don’t know that I can do what you ask.”

  “Then you should wake your friends and leave now because if you stay I expect you to be at the head of the march to the south perimeter.”

  That was all she was going to get from Jasmine thought Maddie.

  “You will certainly be killed if you try to walk out of here and then I will have no one here that understands where I came from.”

  “If all turns out well then you will be returned home and from what you have told me you have your friend John.”

  Yes she would have John if he were even still alive.

  “If that is all that you have to say to me then I will see you in the morning.”

  A solemn nod from Jasmine signalled their time was over.

  “What did she have to say?”

  “Everything is set for tomorrow, we walk out of here with the children following us.”

  Dylan wanted Maddie to give him more.

  “And that is it? If that is all she had to say why did she object to me being there?”

  Maddie was not in the mood for questions and just wanted to think about what Jasmine said to her.

  “That was it and now I need to sleep so stop talking to me.”

  Jinn lay there awake listening to every word but decided there was nothing for him to say.

  “Good morning Maddie there is food to be had downstairs we should get down there before it is all taken.”

  “Jinn is that all you think of your stomach?”

  “If you don’t eat when you can then you might not get another chance so yeah I think about it a lot.”

  Jinn was such a skinny kid that Maddie could not see him as a big eater but when he was near food he sure as hell could shovel it down.

  “Where is Dylan?”

  “He got up a while ago; I think he wanted to talk to Jasmine.”

  After Maddie had eaten she went to find Jasmine to see if she could extract any more information from her but found her with Dylan.

  “Hello Maddison I hope you slept well last night for we leave in one hour.”

  An hour god that was quick thought Maddie.

  “An hour are you sure that everyone will be ready by then?”

Everyone is ready now we are just waiting for the change of guard not that it will make much difference but there may be some advantage in it.”

  Maddie was struck by Jasmine’s calm.

  “You don’t seem to be too worried considering that you are probably walking to your death.”

  Jasmine could not help but let a wry smile show as she answered Maddie.

  “Maddison I have died a little each day since I entered Juvi and if I am killed outright today that would be a blessed relief.”

  Great thought Maddie she was following the plan of a suicidal maniac.

  “Have you even given any consideration to the fact you might live?”

  A full on laugh from Jasmine, caught Dylan and Maddie by surprise as she gave her reply.

  “Don’t get me wrong Maddison if by some miracle they don’t shoot my sorry ass and I walk out of here a free woman then I will be happy to follow you to the Capital and settle some old scores.”

  “Anyone in particular you wish to settle those scores with?”

  “The First Minister Judd Holt he is the bastard that had me thrown in here and if I were to meet him again that would please me greatly, Dylan Holt.”

  Maddie was shocked to see that Jasmine knew who Dylan was and even more shocked at the strength of her hatred towards his father.

  Jasmine could not resist having the last words on the matter.

  “Honey with that dress you are set for success.”