Read Tumbledown Page 15

  Chapter 15

  The Journey to Juvinescence was an uncomfortable one for Maddie she felt Dylan’s eyes burning into her the whole time and with his virtual silence. Maddie could sense the accusations from him in the very air.

  Travelling mostly by night and keeping to the back routes they made good time and not once were they challenged on their Journey.

  “You have got it bad haven’t you?”

  It was the first time Dylan had spoken to Maddie for quite some time and his tone was not exactly pleasant.

  “I don’t know what you mean by that.”

  “Your urgent need to rescue John it can only come from the heart.”

  Maddie was not about to admit how she felt to someone who had threatened her life.

  “I think this is the best way to get both Lissa and John back, if you have a better idea then I would love to hear it.”

  “You don’t have to hide your desire for John from me Maddie after all I am only here for Lissa; the difference is I am willing to admit to it.”

  Maddie knew Dylan was telling the truth about his own motives but she was not really sure of her own.

  “Yes I want to help John but there are other reasons for what we are doing.”

  “You are lying to yourself or perhaps just lying to me if John had not been here then you would be on your way home by now. As for having a better idea than going into Juvi I could hardly have a worse one.”

  “If it is such a bad idea what are you doing here?”

  “Lissa will end up here anyway and I could wait until then to get her out but that could be six months from now, I cannot be without her for that long.”

  “What will they do with John?”

  A dark smile formed around Dylan’s face.

  “They will question him Maddie, first my father will be pleasant but if he doesn’t get the answers he wants it will get much more uncomfortable for John.”

  The idea that John might be tortured by these people made Maddie physically sick.

  “And this amuses you how?”

  “They are going to flog Lissa why should John not feel some pain also? It is his idiocy that has brought us all too where we are now.”

  Maddie could see that Dylan was blaming all of his present woes on John and her.

  “Yes it has nothing to do with your acceptance of how things are here and your failure to persuade Lissa to stay with you.”

  “Be careful Maddie I am not far from turning around and bringing you back to the Capital on your knees.”

  “You could try but I would not recommend it Cad.”

  If not for Jinn returning from his watch there may have been a lot more than just threats exchanged that night.

  “It is quiet out there and I could use some sleep.”

  “Good job Jinn I will take the next turn, the company here is not to my taste anyway.”

  Maddie needed to put some distance between herself and Dylan or she might just strangle him as he slept.

  One thing was true though and that was that in her urgency to rescue John Maddie had given little thought to anything else. Was Dylan right, was John the only reason that she stayed in this crazy place?

  The more Maddie thought of John the more she wanted him by her side and she began to realise the ache she felt deep inside was for his touch. It was nuts how could she be feeling this way for a boy that not too long ago she despised?

  John was not a boy thought Maddie just as Dylan and even Jinn were not boys they had never been given the chance to be children. In all of her time at home Maddie had only ever met boys that thought only of themselves but here you had to grow up quickly and forgo any foolish boyhood traits.

  John had certainly grown up here and become a man, a man that she wanted desperately to have close to her. It was unthinkable to her that he was in danger and maybe the subject of torture by these bastard Cads.

  “Wake up you pig and tell me when we will arrive at Juvi and the next time you smile when you talk of John being tortured I will knock your stupid head off.”

  Although shocked at his rude awakening Dylan managed a half-smile.

  “It is my turn to take the watch?”

  Dylan was being as irritating as hell as far as Maddie was concerned.

  “Get up off your arse and tell me when we will arrive or I swear I will make sure that you never get up again.”

  Dylan rubbed the sleep from his eyes and half raised himself from the hard ground.

  “One more day and night then we will be there now get out of my face or you will be the one on the ground.”

  Dylan got to his feet and pushed past Maddie to take up his watch.

  “You should be careful Maddie he was with the 1st and they know how to fight.”

  “Thanks for the warning Jinn, now get back to sleep and I am sorry if I woke you.”

  Jinn was right thought Maddie if Dylan wanted to he could certainly beat her in a straight fight.

  “The 1st are known for their cruelty and they have never been beaten by anyone outside of the Academies.”

  Maddie could see where they had gotten their reputation for cruelty both Lissa and Dylan were arrogant with what she could now see was a streak of ruthlessness about them.

  “Go back to sleep Jinn and you don’t need to worry about me I can take care of myself.”

  It was early evening when they reached Juvinescence and Maddie was shocked at the sheer size of the place.”

  “It is huge no wonder they cannot guard all of the exits properly.”

  “I can show you the way to get in Maddie but I think that I should go with you.”

  A shake of Maddie’s head told the young boy that she thought this a bad idea.

  “I spent almost two years in there and I know all of the safe places inside, you will need me to show you around.”

  Dylan who had been quiet since Maddie called him out chose this moment to speak up.

  “Jinn is right we will need him once we are inside.”

  Maddie was surprised that Dylan had included himself.

  “So you want to come inside with me, why?”

  “Lissa would never look at me the same way again if she heard that I skulked around outside while you went bravely in there to rescue the prisoners.”

  Maddie knew Dylan was right Lissa would have considered this weak and she could never forgive that of Dylan.

  “It is best to go in when it is dark so we should wait for a few hours then I will lead you in.”

  Maddie saw once again how courageous you needed to be to survive in this world and felt pride in standing beside Jinn as he said this.

  “I know this is not easy Jinn and I want to thank you for having the courage to come this far with us. Me and Dylan can take it from here just point us in the right direction.”

  Maddie could not stand the thought of losing someone else and did not want Jinn in danger.

  “Don’t be a fool Jinn is coming with us and that is that, without him we have no chance in there so just face it.”

  Jinn looked up at Maddie with determined eyes that showed no fear.

  “It is ok Maddie I know that as long as I am with you nothing bad will happen.”

  His blind faith put Maddie to shame and she gave in.

  “Fine we will all go just remember that we stick together in there.”

  The next few hours seemed to last forever and were spent in virtual silence.

  “It is time.”

  Dylan’s voice brought Maddie back from her thoughts which were all of John.

  “I will take the lead you two follow me.”

  Jinn crouched down as they reached the outer limits of Juvinescence and waited as the spotlights waved back and forth.

  “There you see where they intersect there is a blind spot, that is where we enter.”

  Maddie was not at all sure this was a blind spot.

  “Are you sure Jinn it looks just like anywhere else around the place?”

  “He is right if
we time it correctly we can make it but we have to go in separately.”

  Dylan’s confidence in Jinn made up Maddie’s mind for her.

  “Ok seeing as you are so sure I will go first and you two are to follow just tell me when to run for it.”

  Dylan and Jinn nodded in agreement and waited for the first opening.

  “Go Maddie go.”

  Maddie ran as fast as she could and stopped only when she had reached the spot that Jinn had described to her.

  “Jinn go.”

  A few minutes later Jinn appeared by her side and they were waiting for Dylan.

  “He is taking longer than he should.”

  “Shssh Jinn he will be here soon.

  And to Maddie’s great relief Dylan arrived shortly afterwards.

  “Where next?”

  “There is a small unoccupied building not far from here; I used to bed down there at night.”

  The place was eerily quiet as they made their way to Jinn’s old sleeping haunt.

  “Is it always this quiet at night here?”

  “It is not safe to be out after dark so nobody should be around we just have to make sure that we are not seen by the Five/Sevens.”

  It was slow going as Jinn seemed to stop at every corner to wait and make sure their path was clear.

  “Is this caution really necessary Jinn I can’t see anyone around.”

  Immediately Maddie said this Jinn faded into the shadow of the wall next to them and gestured his companions to do the same.

  “What is it?”

  There was no need for Jinn to answer Dylan as he soon saw what was holding them up.

  “Who are they Jinn?”

  “Devs they are the only others that come out at night everyone else is afraid of the 5/7s.”

  They waited for the Devs to pass and only then did Jinn move.

  “We are nearly there just a few more streets to go.”

  It had taken them over an hour to travel through the city to their destination and the strain had taken its toll on the three of them.

  “Check the building is empty then we need to get some rest.”

  Maddie was getting tired of Dylan’s take charge attitude.

  “You check the bloody building I am getting some sleep now.”

  She was being childish and she knew that Dylan was right but to hell with him.

  “Some leader you will make, you have no idea of basic security and you lack the discipline to take orders.”

  “I may not be good with orders but as a leader I sure know how to give them so you check this place out while Jinn and I rest.”

  The irritation she was causing Dylan was etched into his face and Maddie took great delight in his discomfort.

  “You are not in command of anything Maddie and from what I saw of Jerome you never will be he is a born politician and an expert at using people like you.”

  Strange thought Maddie that Dylan and she would have the same opinion of Jerome.

  “Jinn you take us around the place and we will all check that it is safe before we bed down for the night. I will take the first watch and you can get some much needed beauty sleep Dylan, has anyone ever told you that you are grouchy when you are tired?”

  Dylan had been told that often by Lissa but he did not want to think about that right now.

  “We should check the back of the building first, sometimes there are strays that find this place and settle there for the night.”

  It turned out that the building was empty and the three settled in for the night with Maddie taking the first watch and Dylan the last one.

  “You should have woken me Dylan.”

  “There is nothing going on here right now and I needed time alone away from you.”

  Dylan was still holding a grudge against Maddie for leaving Lissa.

  “I am sorry for the way things have turned out Dylan but I will do anything that I can to put it right.”

  A shrug of Dylan’s shoulders was the only response Maddie received.

  “You have to understand that I had no choice but to leave Lissa and John behind.”

  “I don’t give a damn about John and if not for you Lissa would not be where she is now. Don’t forget that I hold you totally responsible for her capture and that if anything happens to her I will have no choice as you put it but to put you down.”

  “I am hungry if we make our way to the Forum there might be food there.”

  Maddie and Dylan looked at Jinn and asked in unison.

  “What is the Forum?”

  “It is a meeting place where you can speak and air your beliefs it is mostly used by the Devs.”

  “Where is it Jinn, is it far?”

  “It is in the city centre and we should make it by mid-day.”

  The outer limits of Juvi seemed mostly deserted and the trio made it to the city centre without incident.

  “What makes you think there will be food at this Forum Jinn?”

  Maddie was curious to know more of how Juvi operated.

  “If supplies are high then the Devs sometimes distribute food to those who will listen to their ideas.”

  “Can anyone get up and speak at the Forum?”

  “Yes Dylan you are free to speak and say whatever you want but the 5/7s will most probably be there to shout you down and mock you for getting up to speak.”

  “That is your chance Maddie you have to get up and make a speech, make your presence known. You need to get the attention of those in charge of this place.”

  Great thought Maddie, a speech in front of god knows how many people and with no idea of what she needed to say.

  “You sure you don’t want to do the honours Dylan? I have heard you speak and when you do people stop to listen.”

  Dylan was not quite sure why Maddie was hesitating.

  “You are the one that wants to change my world and you are the one that had the idea to come here. If you don’t have the courage to stand up for what you believe in then how can you expect anyone to follow you?”

  Damn the man thought Maddie, once again he was right and she knew that it was the only way.

  “Just don’t listen to the 5/7s Maddie they can say some pretty rotten things to those that speak.”

  Jinn was just trying to help but his reassurance was just making Maddie more nervous.

  “I will be fine Jinn just get us there and I will think of something to say.”

  When they arrived at the Forum Maddie could barely hear the speaker over the jeering and felt sick about having to perform the task before her.

  “I think they are giving food out over there I will see if I can get some for us.”

  Jinn was off, leaving Maddie alone with an unhelpful Dylan.”

  “Just get up there and get the attention of those that matter in here.”

  Dylan was beginning to sound like Lissa thought Maddie.

  “Everyone matters in here and that is part of why we are here to show the State that everyone matters.”

  The only one that truly mattered to Dylan was Lysette but he did not feel the need to burden Maddie with this knowledge at this time.

  “Tell them they matter not me.”

  The present speaker seemed to be winding down until he found a second wind giving Maddie a chance to look around at his audience.

  “Those over there the ones that are making most of the noise they must be the 5/7s.”

  “Yes Maddie I guess it is the ink they are displaying that gives them away.”

  Maddie did not appreciate Dylan’s sarcasm much but he was right they all had 5/7 tattooed on various parts of their bodies, arms, neck, cheek, and some on their knuckles.”

  “You know you can be a real arse sometimes Dylan?”

  Dylan chose to ignore this remark as Maddie continued to survey the crowd.

  “Who do you think they are over there?”

  Dylan looked at where Maddie was pointing to a group of old men.

  “It can only be the old Tarians they wer
e thrown in here a time after the State took control.”

  “What was there crime?”

  “They opposed the State and so were deemed a threat and all threats to the State have to be dealt with.”

  Maddie now had a sense of those she would be speaking to and though she still had no idea of what to say she knew it had to be done.

  “I think he is finishing.”

  “Thanks Dylan I never would have seen that for myself.”

  The present speaker stepped down disappearing into the waiting crowd of Devs amid a mixture of applause and jeers.

  “Is there any other that wishes to be heard?”

  Maddie made her way through the crowd at hearing this question.

  “I would like to speak.”

  “And who are you and who do you speak for?”

  Remembering Jerome’s plan Maddie gave her name.

  “I am Maddison I speak for all of the people here and I speak to all of the people here.”

  “You may speak Maddison.”

  Standing there before the waiting crowd Maddie could not think of a thing that she had to say. It was only a moment before the jeering started and the anger welled up in Maddie.

  “I am Maddison, I do not come from this place and from what I have seen of your country so far I wish that I had never set foot in it.”

  Maddie’s opening shot seemed to quieten her audience, even the 5/7s seemed to be listening.

  “You treat the fact that you have been cast out by your own society with a casual acceptance that is beyond my understanding, you embrace the name Imp as if you are proud to be called Imperfect and treated as second class citizens, no scratch that you are treated as non-citizens. You have no rights in your own country; you are thrown into a prison city without trial and the worst of it is you seem not to have the will to fight back.”

  As Maddie paused for breath the jeering from the 5/7s became louder than ever and she thought there was no way that she could be heard over them.


  Maddie had lost her audience and she knew it.

  “They could not even bother to jeer towards the end.”

  Dylan had been listening and watching very carefully.

  “You were focussing on the 5/7s if you had been paying attention to the less vocal part of your audience you might have noticed they were actually listening to you.”

  “What now?”

  Dylan had no more idea of what to do next than Maddie.

  “I guess we wait here and hope that you made enough of a stir to get the leaders of this places attention.”

  “You got their attention alright Maddie.”

  Jinn handed Maddie some food that he had scrounged up.

  “After you had finished the Devs gave me this food and asked me who you were.”

  “What do you think that means?”

  A blank look from Dylan told Maddie that he did not know.

  “It means that Jasmine is coming I am sure of it.”

  “Who is Jasmine Jinn?”

  “She is the leader of the Devs and I know that after your speech she will want to meet you.”

  It seemed to Maddie that Jinn had been holding out on them.

  “You have never mentioned Jasmine before.”

  “That is because I never really thought we would get to see her, I have only heard of her and she is never seen in public.”

  “And yet you think she will come to see me?”

  “From the way the Devs were talking I think she will most definitely want to see you.”

  There were a few more speakers that day one more from the Devs and an old man that they believed to be an old Tarian who spoke of free speech and liberty.

  “It looks like they are finished for the day.”

  Jinn looked at Dylan and agreed.

  “Yes it is around this time they break it up.”

  “There is still no sign of your Jasmine.”

  Jinn looked a little disappointed at being mistaken.

  “I am sorry Maddie I felt sure that she would come, we should go too it is not safe to be on the streets at night and we need to find shelter.”

  Dylan looked angrily at them both and let loose.

  “It seems that you have wasted my time in bringing us here and what for? Did you really think you could persuade a bunch of Imps to think for themselves and follow you out of here?”

  This could be it thought Maddie; this could be the moment when she would have to fight Dylan for her very life.

  “It is not over yet Dylan we can try and find Jasmine tomorrow and she may help us.”

  Too vague thought Dylan it was too vague.

  “I am going to take you back Maddie and if you try and stop me then I will carry your lifeless body there on my shoulder.”

  Scrawny little Jinn squared up to Dylan.

  “You are not taking Maddie anywhere and if you try then I will stop you.”

  The laughter from Dylan was more from shock than amusement.

  “Don’t be a fool Jinn you are no match for me and I have no wish to harm you.”

  Maddie could not believe that Jinn was willing to put his life on the line to defend her from Dylan and was not about to let that happen.

  “It is ok Jinn there is not going to be any fighting between us, if Dylan thinks it best that I go back with him then I will go willingly.”

  Jinn was not happy with this decision and said so as forcefully as he could.

  “It is not best to go back it is best to stay here and finish what you started. I heard the Devs talking and you impressed them when you were talking. If you go back then nothing will change and Lana will be lying unconscious for nothing.”

  “Jinn everyone is gone and not one of them stayed to talk to us does that not tell you they are not interested.”

  “Shut up Dylan you don’t know everything and we may all be just a bunch of Imps to you but to Maddie we are people. That is what will make the difference Maddie sees us as human beings and you see us as weaklings that need to be protected by you.”

  Dylan may have been impressed by the boy’s courage but that would not deter him from doing everything in his power to get Lissa back.

  “My father is not to be trusted but without another option I will take you back to trade you for Lissa.”

  “Jinn it is over we tried and I cannot let Lissa stay where she is while I go free, do you understand?”

  It was clear from his face that Jinn did not understand but he stood down anyway.