Read Twisted All To Hell Page 43

ever improve does it? May I enter?" and he stepped aside. "Nice apartment... and I should know; I've lived in a whole lot worse. You must be an important man to live in this complex. This will be most pleasant."

  "Pardon?" he stuttered.

  Being direct to the point, "I've been assigned to dwell with you and provide stability," explained Nilsa. "It is our custom no one lives alone. Loneliness creates disharmony and job inefficiency." She surveyed the layout closer, "Yes indeed, you must be a very valued worker for the pod indeed, especially since you weren't adjusted."

  Nick was in no way prepared for this particular turn of events but still responded, "Do you mean to live here... with me... as a companion? Sorry, there has been a mistake. You see, I'm married and merely a visitor. I'm to return home shortly... as soon as a new portal opens." He could see she understood his response... but there was more to it than just his point of view.

  She smiled and dropped her luggage on the floor. "Oh, is that what they told you? You've been here for a while, yes? I thought a smart man such as yourself would have figured out no one leaves our, or any tri-pod . Many visitors have come from your side and most have ended in our basic work force."

  "Most? Basic?"

  "Hmm, yes, but not everyone," answered Nilsa. "Nearly every new entrant has resulted in contributing to the good of all," which he didn't understand or wished to pursue at this moment. "I'm disappointed by our Authority's lack of indoctrination regarding our culture, Nick. Not a problem, I will help you understand. It appears now's the time I inform you I'm here to stay. It is non-negotiable. Please don't fret. No one has been disappointed with me yet. However, if you absolutely feel we can not be amicable the Stability Committee will send a replacement, Dear. Now, where is the bedroom, Nick? I need to put my things away and freshen up. Would you carry it for me?" pointing at the suitcase.

  "Certainly. The bedroom is straight ahead... and I'll be sleeping on the couch."

  More weeks passed and Nilsa turned out to a good companion and somewhat of a friend. She was pleasant, knowledgeable and easy to pass time with. They were not intimate. Both worked ten hour days as did everyone, she on a construction materials assembly line. Nick's work schedule required an extra two hours for travel to and from the pod perimeters so his evenings consisted of a shower, dinner - a chemically flavored Nuitro bar, relaxing to classical music which sounded too familiar and conversing with his house mate. He learned she had last resided with a Weatherman, a most prestigious position within the Government. Unfortunate, he died of a sudden heart attack and she was placed on the Available listing.

  Locating portals were the top priority; she didn't explain why. There were many more occurrences than Nick had thought and every tri-pod worldwide responded as quickly as possible to an opening if it were within a three day's travel. Nick inquired why it was so important and she answered with that annoying, "For the good of all." Apparently he hadn't been there long enough to understand the intricacies of this foundation phrase. "Oh well, at this point I really don't care. I'll be leaving soon," he reasoned to himself.

  Working on the edge of the badlands and another lunch break, he bit down - carefully now and again encountered another foreign object. He dug it out and inspected it; this was becoming a most disturbing pattern. This time it appeared to be two connected bones, very small such as found in a child's foot. Nick didn't overreact and casually mentioned it to the Project Manager who had been changed, "I don't recall seeing any children in the city. As you know, I'm a newcomer and thankful to be living here. I wholeheartedly support all the wonderful Government programs. Educate me, please." Nick was learning to play the game. "Where are the children?"

  "Why in the Child Development Center, of course," he was informed. Nick gave a 'Please explain more' expression. "They receive the best care, education and job training so they can enter the regular work force smoothly at age fourteen unless they have been deemed worthy to receive advance education as I was." He seemed pleased with his up-bringing and himself - an obvious product of the system.

  "Yes, a most efficient program," concurred Nick as he tossed away a child's toe bone. He lost his appetite.

  On his return trip home from the Outlands his situation got worse - a lot worse.

  Nick's four vehicle caravan entered the north gate and was traversing through one of the industrial complexes. Upon nearing the Research and Development Center which had numerous glass windows, he noticed an orange clad worker gathering up his cleaning materials. "He must be finished for the day," he assumed. Nick observed, "But wait, that man looks familiar. Could it be?"

  "Stop the bus!" yelled Nick. The driver screeched to a halt, thinking he was about to have an accident. Nick hurried to the door and jumped out. He cautiously approached the worker who had his back toward him. "Glenn... Glenn is that you?" The man turned slowly as if he were in a trance. "Yes!" It was his missing friend Glenn! He ran to him and affectionately hugged his shoulders. "Buddy, where have you been? I've been searching months for you!" Glenn appeared thinner; he had lost twenty-five pounds. His face was shallow and his eyes were sunken. "What the hell? How are you? You look bad." Nick didn't notice the worker transport bus which had stopped next to them. "Glenn, answer me. What happened to you?"

  His friend's mouth moved slowly - a struggle, a hallow voice said, "I am good... this life is better." Suddenly two black-clad security men carrying Tasers pushed their way in between. One touched his weapon and gave Nick a warning look as the other began leading Glenn toward the labor bus where a dozen riders stared in a blank daze. "Wait, I need to talk to him."

  The first 'guard' blocked his way and ordered "Stand back" as the other guided Glenn inside the waiting transport.

  Nick felt his project manager grab his arm and state, "You're interfering with an official city work operation. You may inquire of this person later through the proper channels," as the labor bus departed.

  Nick rode back in silence as his supervisor watched him closely. "Okay," he reasoned. "Now I know where and what Glenn's doing. I'll find him later, if he isn't relocated." Nick strategized, "I don't want his work location changed," and decided to mislead Big Brother. "I'm sorry, Boss. I was in error. I don't know the man. He looked vaguely familiar."

  The project manager surprised, responded, "You don't know him? Are you sure?"

  "Yes," answered Nick. "A complete error," then apologized to the other riders on his transport. "Sorry to delay you guys. I made a dumb mistake." His supervisor seemed satisfied and didn't report the incident.

  Later in the evening Nick revealed to Nilsa his two experiences. She conceded to herself he would never be the truly compatible partner she desired and decided Nick should return to his own world or at least make an effort. She revealed there had been a few previous Newcomers as he with desired, specialized skills at other pods but they hadn't lasted long. The cultural differences were too much for them to bear. They either committed suicide or violently confronted the authorities which resulted in their being given a chemical semi-lobotomy and placed in the menial labor force... and of course, eventually led to their being added to the Food Bank.

  Recycled people were the protein in Nutri Bars. That's why the portals were so important; normal population reproduction wasn't sufficient to fill their survival needs. Armed Raiders crossed over and abducted victims - For the good of all. Humans, animals, everything they could lay their hands on - even the classical music was stolen from the other side. Nick was beyond shock but listened quietly because it was all beginning to fall into place. She made it very clear: "No Newcomer has ever escaped... as far as I know."

  Nilsa assured Nick she sympathized with his plight and said she would contact a good friend, her ex-companion's brother who still worked at the Weather Bureau, to learn of any portal occurring within their own tri-pod range. Nilsa also stated if a Retrieval team were dispatched she would be notified a.s.a.p... and again reminded him of his dreadful chance of success. Nick said, "Thank you" and meant it. In spite of
this spark of hope, Nick's heart remained heavy for not being home with his beloved wife.

  A freak of nature

  Another Green Flash appeared at 3:00 am, a mere eighty miles north, an incredible rarity. Even more so, there also existed a road adjacent to the site. This could be a bonanza to the NA#'d inhabitants. They may be able to capture twenty or more subjects - four Taser-armed Raider transports were to be dispatched at daybreak.

  Nilsa received an early morning call from her friend at the Weather Bureau and immediately passed the info to Nick. The Retrieval team had just left a few minutes ago. Nick reasoned he could trail and beat them into the portal with a little luck. He grabbed the canvas sack brought with him through the Green Flash gateway, there were a few specific items contained which could be helpful. His pistol came foremost to mind. This world didn't have lethal weapons, even so he had to stay out of their Taser's range. Nilsa relayed there would be twenty Raiders on this operation: four drivers and sixteen retrievers. Their convoy would require approximately two hours to establish their cordons and restraints. Nick felt he would have time to park out of sight, scoot around their perimeter and enter the portal first. They would probably see him