Read Twisted All To Hell Page 44

when he makes a run at the gateway and that's where his gun will come into play. A warning shot should dissuade them from making an immediate pursuit. It sounded like a viable plan, but then they all do beforehand. Glenn was his first major hurdle - he had to be at the same work location. Nick would not abandon his friend.

  He and Nilsa said their goodbyes with kisses and hugs, both were sincere. She went to work as if nothing were happening and dropped her soon-to-be ex-housemate at the City Transport Pool to check out a land cruiser - Nick had the necessary clearance being a Restoration engineer.

  He then drove to the Research and Development complex which was large, covering at least two city blocks. No Glenn. "Oh crap. Where is he?" Nick began circling the facility of four separate buildings interconnected with overhead catwalks. "I sure didn't expect this!" he growled. Around, around... a delivery road between the structures... a figure sweeping a platform in the distance. Could it be? Nick turned and pulled closer. It was! He sped to the foot of the loading dock, hopped out and rushed to him. "Glenn, Glenn, we've got to go. Drop your broom and come with me." His friend gave a dazed look and said nothing. A supply supervisor was reporting to work and gave a questioning stare at the pair. Nick flipped his plastic ID. Card at him and stated, "Priority reassignment. We need laborers in the badlands immediately." The man seemed satisfied and nodded assent. Nick hustled Glenn into the cruiser and drove away at a lawful speed. His friend just stared ahead; he was living in a slow motion, non-thinking world. "The doctors back home can fix him," Nick assured himself.

  Nick, with Glenn as a front seat passenger, caught up and trailed the Retrieval caravan at a safe distance - far behind and barely visible. He had first tried to engage his friend in light conversation but Glenn was unresponsive. So Nick decided to dumb it down to the simplest yes/no questions; alas, to no avail either. The best he received was a repeated, 'I am good... this life is better.' Every time he heard it he cringed and fumed. Nick assured his buddy, "Don't worry, Glenn. We're gonna fix you up just fine when we get home." He was incensed even further when he finally grasped that Director Tal had lied: the portal had not closed prematurely early - he had tricked them into thinking they couldn't leave and were trapped temporarily. Even worse, those five subjects he discussed on the phone were the family in the forest who gave them a lunch to take with them... captured and facing eventual death. "Bastards, bastards all!"

  Nick had driven two and a half hours when he glanced ahead after another frustrating attempt with Glenn and discovered he couldn't see the convoy ahead anymore. "Oh, no. Did they see me and speed up to get away?" He checked his watch and remembered Nilsa saying, 'about eighty miles.' He reasoned, "Therefore, they must have seen the portal or be searching for it off-road. Of course, silly me the gateway wouldn't be sitting in the middle of the highway!" He then realized the countryside wasn't lined with trees as he had expected, in fact there was hardly any foliage at all. "Geez, I guess this eliminates my sneaking around them. I need a plan B or C now."

  He slowed to just above walk speed and made a calculated, guess to where they may have turned off. No vehicles in sight. But wait! There appeared to be multiple tire tracks in the soft dirt exiting on the left side. He scanned their direction - nothing. He pondered, "Still, those must be theirs and there are undulating foothills ahead. They could be in a dip or out of sight perhaps as much as two miles ahead; either way I can find them by tracing their tire marks."

  After following their trail and hoping what he was tracking wasn't the remnants of an earlier excursion while his real quarry had driven/escaped thirty miles away, the convoy vehicles came into view. "Thank goodness," Nick exhaled. And then as in a revelation, the distant portal came into view: a light-green glowing doorway to Home... guarded by twenty armed men!

  Nick could not approach undetected and guiding Glenn through the contingent of Raiders would be akin to passing a meat cart through a den of lions. He devised another 'new plan'... this one was for all the marbles. If it didn't work he and his buddy would end up ingredients in the Food Bank pronto.

  The convoy came into full view; their vehicles had formed a half circle on the portal's west side. Nick estimated their troops were setting up approximately thirty yards from this world's gateway entrance. He had learned from Nilsa the portal always faced east/west and the dimensions were constant. Nick couldn't perceive any way to get between the Raiders and his way home or into position to fire a warning shot to keep them back. If he actually killed one of them they would all rush him and surely get to his slow-moving friend. Any type of fear displayed or running beforehand would tip his hand. He pondered and came up with: Deception. He would pretend to be a last minute attachment to their team.

  He drove up, parked at the top of the caravan's perimeter and slipped his thirty-eight pistol into his waistband. Nick exited his vehicle then directed Glenn to carry his gunny sack and fall in behind. No hurry, yelling or quick motions; he must present himself as a person of authority. All members of the Retrieval team halted their preparations: placing rope cordons, erecting tables filled with restraints and blinding hoods. They didn't become alarmed or defensive - more akin to curious.

  Their team leader came forward to question the pair's intrusion. Nick casually addressed the man, displayed his credentials and stated, "Nick Fleming, Restoration engineer."

  "Yes, I recognized your department's color. Sir, are you aware this is a Retrieval mission? Why are you here... with a common laborer?" queried the leader.

  "Of course, I know the nature of your mission," he shot back. "I have been sent to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a construction supply relay depot in this quadrant. I was instructed to make you aware I will be canvassing the area and return with your convoy. We'll quarter with you during the night. Does that meet your approval?" The leader nodded consent. Pointing at Glenn, "Don't worry he won't hinder your operation, he's my grunt." Nick squinted at the glowing green gateway. "I'll admit I'm concerned about that pocket of swirling gas over there. Is it dangerous? The Department can't establish a facility in a hazardous environment. You may utilize him (Glenn) if you need a test subject."

  That won't be necessary sir," answered the trooper. He pointed at the Green Flash portal, "It's safe. That's our passage to the other world. We've hoping to retrieve forty to fifty subjects over the next two and a half days. Then it will dissipate. The Weather Bureau believes we may be located close to one of their towns. A capture of that magnitude would be a great boost for the good of all. We won't be ready to enter for another thirty minutes. Would you like a closer look?"

  "Indeed!" gushed Nick.

  "Follow me please," directed the leader. He led his two visitors within ten feet of its entrance as his men resumed their preparations. "This is as close as I may allow you... regulations. We can't chance an accidental penetration which may startle subjects on the other side and cause them to retreat. Our operating procedure is to send two men through to recon, they report back then we enter en force after nightfall."

  "Sounds like a plan," retorted Nick. "And speaking of plans, I have one also." He grabbed the pistol from his waistband, held his arm at his side and aimed it at the man's stomach in a manner so as not to be visually evident to the others. "Do you know what I have in my hand? Whisper your answer."

  "Yes," returned the surprised trooper. "But why are you pointing it at me?"

  "Because we're going through first and if you make a noise or move I'll shoot you." The Raider leader still seemed confused until Nick added, "We're from the other side and we're going home."

  The man's eyes grew wide as he moaned, "Oh, no."

  "Glenn, stand next to me," instructed Nick and then they both began backing toward the gateway. Nick warned anew, "If anyone sticks his nose through, I'll blow his brains out." He hoped the threat would slow the enemy. He knew they had to pursue in order to stop him from alerting his world. Nick pushed his buddy into the portal and coached, "Keep walking Glenn, you'll be fine." He then began backing hims
elf and said, "Remember my gun," as he disappeared into the swirling, green mist.


  A Duval county park within the Jacksonville, Florida city limits

  Nick and Glenn emerged to find themselves surrounded by a National Guard armored brigade under the command of the World Security Council. The U. S. soldiers were hunkered down with a vast assortment of weaponry aimed at the jump-suited invaders. Their troops were positioned a hundred yards distant and clearly saw the advancing green-clad man carrying a pistol, drop into a crouch as if to fire.

  The major in charge confirmed his orders on the radio and commanded, "Lieutenant, rifle squad one, commence firing!" Twenty shots rang out in unison, most hitting and killing the invading duo instantly. A few missed and passed into the portal, silently striking the flustered Raider leader. Several of his troopers saw him drop and rushed to investigate.

  "Lieutenant, send squad two to the portal and throw those bastards back through as far as you can." Eight, strong U.S. Army soldiers seized the arms and legs of Nick and Glenn and with a mighty heave hurled their bodies twenty feet on the other side, nearly on top of the fallen Raider leader. All the NA#d