Read Two For Rain Page 16


  We booked a 10:55 am flight to San Diego that would arrive at 1:30 pm. It was not a direct flight we would actually have to change planes in Phoenix. It would be such a quick stop that it would not be enough time to have Gwen and Nelly stop by. I sent them a text that read 'it's over' while we were walking through the corridor of the airport. We had over an hour until we boarded which gave us plenty of time to sit down for breakfast. Water on USA soil never tasted so good.

  Grace smiled. "I never knew I would be this happy having a bottle of water."

  "Cheers." I knocked my bottle against hers.

  Sebastian brought over a tray of breakfast burritos and a giant piece of chocolate cake that Grace ordered. She ate the cake before her burrito and it looked like she was savoring each bite. Food in my stomach instantly made me feel better. I smiled at Sebastian who was devouring his burrito with vigor.

  When I was on my second burrito I broke the silence. "Sebastian you have to tell us what happened back there."

  He smiled widely. "I will hold on a second."

  Grace looked around checking out the different people that walked by. I wondered if she was still leery of Ping showing up or if she was merely enjoying seeing all these people living freely. All the emotions she was experiencing had to be overwhelming.

  "Do you want anything else Grace?"

  She smiled. "Oh no I am so full now, thanks."

  "Oh man Grace we need to call Bo." Sebastian said. "Crap I don't have much battery."

  Grace beamed. "Oh my gosh I can't believe I am going to see Bo today!"

  I kept holding down the power button on my iPhone. "Bastian my phone is completely dead now! Why didn't you charge it for me? It barely had any battery left when you gave it to me this morning."

  "Leah I was not in the hotel room last night, I was there for only a short time."

  "What were y-"

  Sebastian read my mind. "Leah I'll tell you later. Let me call Bo I don't have much battery either."

  Sebastian called Bo. "He's not answering."

  "He's probably in class," Grace smiled.

  "I'll leave a message with our flight number and tell him we're bringing you home."

  Grace had a look of wonder on her face as if it was sinking in that she was really going to be returning to the life she left behind. Our flight would be leaving shortly but I couldn't help being on edge knowing that we had yet to complete our mission. Until she was in Bo's arms I would not be able to exhale completely.

  "Grace would you like to call your parents?" Sebastian asked.

  Grace hesitated. "I do but I would like to wait until I am back in San Diego. I would like Bo to be with me when I talk to them."

  Grace was like me she wanted to be home with this nightmare truly over before she relaxed. I could also tell by her voice and expression it was going to be extremely emotional when she reconnected with her parents. I switched my focus to the grime I felt on my teeth. We had our duffle bag and our backpack with us. I looked through the bag and found my toothbrush. "Aw yes!"

  Sebastian laughed. "You were missing that huh?"

  "You have no idea Sebi. That box smelled so bad I threw up."

  "Aw really?"

  I shook my head and looked at Grace. She smiled at me and shook her head too. The night in the box was not fun but it happened and it was an experience I would cherish.

  "That sucks," Sebastian said. "How are you feeling now?"

  "Not bad since getting food and water in me." I looked at Grace. "Come on I'll buy you a toothbrush and we'll go use a real bathroom for once."

  I found the toothpaste in our bag and Grace and I walked over to the store across the way to buy her a toothbrush. I told her to get anything she wanted for the plane ride. She scanned the magazines and smiled as she picked up Surfer magazine. We both grabbed some gum. Grace told me to wait a moment when I was checking out at the register. She scanned the candy and brought over a bag of gummy bears.

  Grace blushed. "It's for Bo."

  I smiled. "Nice."

  I brushed my teeth two times. It felt so good. I splashed cold water over my face multiple times. I noticed Grace staring at herself in the mirror. It was probably the first time seeing herself in a mirror in a long time.

  "You okay," I asked.

  "Yeah," she replied softly. "I'm different now."


  "I'm not the same person I was before. I'm different and everything is going to be different now. My life is changed."

  I thought back to Orlando when my life changed. I felt the same way then. "You're right you are different now. It doesn't have to be a bad thing though. For one thing you are a much stronger person today than you were three months ago, right?"

  Grace nodded. "Definitely."

  "It's not going to be easy Grace but you can do it. Just be true to yourself. You went through hell and back. And you came out smiling! Be you. You're beautiful, smart, and strong. You proved that nobody not even the lowly of the low in this world could take away the things that make you who you are. Live life fully. You're a survivor girl!"

  Grace kept looking at herself. She finally smiled slightly. "Hey Leah thanks. Thank you for everything. Without you and Sebastian I wouldn't be here."

  I smiled. "You're welcome. Hey I have some clean clothes in my bag. My stuff is probably rather big for but it's better than what were wearing right now."

  Sebastian was sitting at the table waiting for us. I kissed him on the lips and picked up the duffle bag. "We're going to change out of these clothes. And you should do the same you are filthy."

  "I will but please hurry up I want to have time to tell you about my night before we board the plane."

  "Okay, okay, we'll hurry. Bo call you back?"

  "No. I sent him a text message just in case he didn't check his voicemail."

  I didn't have a lot of clean clothes to pick from. Grace wanted to be comfortable so she picked out Sebastian's long sleeve Chicago Cubs shirt that I had brought to sleep in along with a pair of my sweatpants. They were baggy and she looked like she was twelve years old. I changed into my only other clean long sleeve shirt and put on my pair of dark jeans. I still felt filthy and couldn't wait to shower.

  Sebastian quickly took a turn in the bathroom and when he came out we found seats near our gate. It was Sebastian's turn to tell us what happened to Ping at the border.

  "First tell me what's with the dirt," I said. "Did they make you do something for them?"

  Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Leah are you going to let me tell you the whole story?"

  "Sorry I'll be quiet go."

  "After you guys got locked up Ping led me downstairs and tried to get me to eat at the restaurant, 'Eat at Ping's you get full you get full' he yelled in his screechy voice."

  Grace and I laughed at his accurate Ping impression.

  "I ate at the bar and Ping stayed near me. I talked with him about food and just tried to stay calm. I was going crazy though because I had no idea what would happen to you guys in that box. I stayed in the restaurant as long as I could so I could be close to you. I left around ten o'clock. You don't understand how chaotic it was everywhere last night. It was ten times crazier than the night before. Which was good because it allowed me to check out the trucks with no one noticing."

  "Yeah what the hell was with Ping and the trucks?" I asked. "Grace said he would want more than just the money and to drive a truck."

  Sebastian nodded. "That's what I wanted to figure out. His whole demeanor changed last night when Eduardo and him returned with the truck proposal. I was suspicious and thought he must want me to smuggle drugs, weapons or some other type of contraband over the border for him. It was fairly dark by the trucks and it started to rain lightly."

  I snickered. "You inspected them for hours didn't you?"

  "Yes of course I did. So listen. I scope out every inch of the two trucks. I look under the truck, on the side panels, I jump in the bed of the truck, I look at the tread of the
tires, I inspect the hubcaps. I take a look at the headlights and the backlights. I look through the window for at least an hour trying to see what I could. I was completely stumped."

  "And!" I impatiently exclaimed.

  Sebastian smiled brightly. "I am pissed off. I am frustrated and I start to get really worried about you and what will happen in the morning. I don't trust Ping at all and I start thinking worst case scenarios. I stand up and in frustration I kick the tire hard."

  I could picture Sebastian doing that. He probably didn't even swear out loud only to himself then kicked the tire with all his might.

  "It made a thumping sound. It was odd. I kicked it again and it was the same sound. There was a bounce back instead of sounding empty like they should. I went to the other three tires and it was the same sound. I went back to the black truck which is identical to the white truck the only difference is the color. I kicked those tires and they were empty."

  Grace smirked. "Only Ping."

  "So the tires on the white truck he wanted you to drive were filled with something?" I asked.

  "Yep he had something in them," Sebastian beamed. "So I went to get the tire iron and jack from the Buick. It's late now and it's raining hard so the crowd is fading."

  Grace smiled. "You took the tires from the white truck and switched them with the ones from the truck Ping would be driving didn't you? That would explain how dirty you are."

  Sebastian nodded. "Yep. It took forever to change them. I took the tire and rims on the white truck and exchanged them with the ones on the black truck. In the pouring rain and lightning. So yes this is why I am all muddy. And this is why I told you to run once you guys were near the checkpoint."

  "Wow Sebi I can't believe that," I smiled. "And what about Ping, do the border agents check tires thoroughly on every car? I have never even heard of trying to hide drugs in a tire."

  "No they don't automatically check tires," Sebastian laughed. "When I went through the checkout I told them to take a good look at the tires on the truck behind me because the guy had them filled with something."

  "Wow." Sebastian never ceased to amaze me. "Dang Sebastian. So you had a busy night."

  He frowned. "Yeah it was quite the night."

  Our section was being called for boarding. All three of us stood up to get ready to join the line that was forming. I looked around and knew for sure nobody else boarding this plane was as happy as Grace was to be flying to San Diego. Grace had a bounce in her step and a look on her face of a kid getting ready to open Christmas presents. Nobody on our flight to San Diego had gone through more than Grace Yu. When I finally fell into my seat I felt a weight lifted off of me. Not everything was right in the world but one girl's world vastly improved and for that I was thankful.

  Bo had his arms crossed and an uncertain look on his face when I spotted him through the security checkpoint. His face was all perplexed probably from the millions of thoughts that were running through his mind since he received Sebastian's message. He was looking around and I wondered if he had checked the monitor to see that our plane was arriving 20 minutes early. It didn't look like he did because he was not looking in our direction. We were in a sea of people when we passed the security checkpoint and crossed into the main area. Grace was smiling in her oversized clothes when she spotted Bo. She started to run towards him.

  Bo turned and gasped. "Ah!" His arms instinctively flew open.

  Bo hugged Grace picking her up off the ground forcefully. We could hear them both shriek with joy and relief. Bo was shocked and overcome with emotion. Sebastian and I stood back letting them have their moment together. I couldn't help but cry myself watching them cry and rejoice together.

  "We did it Leah," Sebastian whispered in my ear. "We did it sweetheart."

  I couldn't believe it was over. When we started our quest to find Grace I had major doubts we would find her and if we did if she would be alive.

  "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound." I said. "This feels unreal."

  "I know." Sebastian kissed my head and rubbed my back with his hand. "I love you sweetie."

  Sebastian brought me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. We hadn't even had a chance to talk to each other. All three of us had sat separately since our tickets were purchased last minute. We both slept the whole way. I felt mentally and emotionally exhausted.

  "I love you too Sebastian." I wiped my tears with his shirt.

  Bo and Grace finally walked over to us. Bo had a huge smile on his face. It was a smile I had never seen before. He looked like a different person.

  "I don't even know what to say to you guys," Bo exclaimed. "I am just so ecstatic. You don't even know how happy I am and how extremely thankful I am."

  I hugged Bo. I would have liked to be able to say something but I was crying.

  "Our pleasure man," Sebastian said as he embraced him. "You just take care of this girl she is pretty special."

  Bo nodded. "I will."

  Grace had tears streaming down her face. The floodgates were opened and Grace fell into Bo's arms. He found a bench and he held her. Sebastian and I found the bathrooms then found the magazine rack in the store next door.

  After awhile Bo whistled at us from outside the store. We followed him through the airport and to the parking garage. He let us know they called her parents and he was going to drive Grace to Los Angeles that day so they could reunite. Bo held Grace's hand the entire way to the car. I wondered what was next for them. I knew it would take Grace awhile to adjust to being back home and it would take awhile for her fresh memories of being held captive in Mexico to fade. I wanted to know what Bo would do. In two months he was supposed to walk down the aisle and marry a woman hand picked by his father.

  Grace requested that Bo take her straight to In-N-Out Burger and he gladly complied. We went through the drive through and I was giddy in anticipation.

  "Relax Leah," Sebastian laughed.

  "You don't understand how excited I am to be here. In the US, at In-N-Out, about to have a burger, fries and a shake. Less than, what eight hours ago I had no idea what the future held."

  "You're telling me," Grace smirked. "This is paradise."

  Bo looked at Grace and I could tell he wanted to know everything about her time away but may not be comfortable hearing it. I believed Grace would eventually tell him what she went through it just might take her some time. I imagined she would want to keep certain things to herself. Things she doesn't even want voiced, things she would never want to think about again.

  I sunk my teeth into my burger and let out a huge sigh. "Yes!"

  "Perfecto!" Grace yelled.

  It was quiet on the drive to Bo's apartment while we ate our food in peace. When we were getting near his condo Bo told us they were going to pack a bag and be on there way to Los Angeles. He said we could stay at his apartment as long as wanted to.

  I was embarrassed when we walked into Bo's condo the one that he had turned over to us spotless. I had left my pajama pants on the couch along with my bra and the kitchen counter had beer bottles scattered all over it. Bo went straight to his room to pack a bag and I tidied up the kitchen. Grace scoped out the apartment like it was the first time she had ever seen it. She walked out on the deck and took in the view. I joined her.

  "It's beautiful here," I said. "I never thought last night when I was peeing in a bucket in the middle of the night we would be standing here today."

  "I know right!" Grace exclaimed. "It feels like I am dreaming."

  Bo peeked his head out. "I'm all ready to go."

  That was fast. Our time together was quick and I felt like I was saying goodbye to a friend that I knew I would never see again. I wanted to tell her that love may not be enough but everything would be okay. I wanted to tell her she was young and she would fall in love again if Bo didn't end up being the one. I wanted to pull Bo aside and tell him not to break her heart. I wanted to tell him that he was a coward if he went through with the arranged wedding. Instead I walk
ed with them to the front door.

  "Again I am truly thankful for your help," Bo said. "You guys are the best!"

  Bo shook Sebastian's hand and I gave him a hug.

  "Grace I wish it was under different circumstances but it was a pleasure meeting you," Sebastian said embracing her.

  "Thanks for everything Sebastian."

  Grace let go of Sebastian and looked at me. I tried to keep myself from crying again.

  "Thank you Leah," her voice quivered.

  I hugged her. "You're welcome Grace."

  Both of us wiped our eyes.

  "I won't ever forget you Leah and our night in the box."

  "Yes," I laughed through tears rolling down my cheeks. "We will always have the night in the box...and Bodhi."

  "Ha yeah and Bodhi."

  Sebastian and Bo looked at each other. They both shrugged and smiled.

  "Okay let's hit the road Grace." Bo picked up his suitcase.

  "Take care guys," Sebastian said.

  "Bye Grace, bye Bo." I wiped my eyes again with my hand. "Drive safe."

  "See you Leah."

  "Oh yeah." Bo turned to look at us. "If you leave before we get back from L.A. just leave my keys at the front desk."

  "Will do," Sebastian said. "Thanks Bo."

  "No thank you. Talk to you guys later."

  Sebastian and I walked out to Bo's deck overlooking the ocean. Finally we could breath easy. I hungered to dip my body into the ocean and cleanse myself of Ping's Comida China. Sebastian's eyes were blood shot from lack of sleep. Even though he looked dreary eyed he had a grin on his face. It was all over and we managed to come out unscathed.

  "Come on Sebi lets go jump in!"

  "I need a hot shower Leah."

  "Just jump in the ocean with me it will feel so good."

  "I have mud caked on me everywhere. I want to shower then I will go down to the beach with you."

  "I'll be down there," I groaned.

  "No I am not letting you out of my sight. Get over here." Sebastian wrapped his arms around me. "You are so beautiful sweetie." He showered me with kisses. "You smell amazing."

  "There's no way!" I laughed.

  He sniffed my neck. "You smell like you. I do detect a hint of being locked up in a small Mexican cell overnight but I can smell your scent and I love your scent."

  "I have missed you!"

  Sebastian groaned. "Me too! You have no idea how much torture last night was without you." Sebastian's frown turned to smile. "So now that's it's over I want to spend a couple days hanging out in Cali before we head back to Phoenix. Plus I want to wait until Bo gets back so we can get our money before we leave."

  I hugged Sebastian tightly. "That sounds perfect. I want to relax, lounge on the beach, and enjoy life."

  "Cool. I am going to shower can you throw in a load of laundry? I don't plan on being here much I want to be out and about as much as possible before we go home." He started to strip off his clothes as he walked back inside. "These clothes should just be burned."

  I laughed. "No you have to keep them as memorabilia."

  While Sebastian showered I put on the swimsuit I felt guilty about packing. I brought our duffle bag into the laundry room and dumped it into the washer not wanting to touch the items. I didn't want to feel any of Mexico on me. I held my breath the best I could so the smell didn't send my thoughts back to that hell we had endured. I put two cups of detergent in. Before shutting the lid something caught my eye. I carefully moved one of my shirts out of the way to pick up the small piece of paper. I unraveled it and saw it was from the girl I encountered in the first brothel we went to. She had desperately wanted me to send a message to the people at the address listed.

  "Hey Sebastian look at what I found."

  "I can't understand you Leah!"

  I opened the sliding door to the shower. "Remember this? I forgot about it."

  "What is it? Hold on I'm almost done."

  I waited patiently for Sebastian to shut off the shower.

  "Damn that shower felt good. Okay what is it?"

  "The piece of paper that chick in the brothel in Mexicali gave me. She begged me to make sure to send a note to this address on here saying she was alive."

  "What's the address?"

  "It's in San Clemente. Her name is Li Hua Mui. She has something written below in Chinese." I held up the piece of paper for Sebastian to see.

  "Well let's get an envelope and mail it out tomorrow."


  I went to the kitchen to pack a cooler to take down to the beach. When I went back into the bedroom Sebastian was laying face down on the bed with his towel around his waist. "Tired my love?"

  "Exhausted." He slowly flipped over. "I don't think San Clemente is that far from here why not go see whoever is at that address in person?"

  "I guess we could."

  "Look the address up on my phone. This way we can give them more details on her location and it's just better hearing this sort of news in person than a letter."

  I waited for his phone to return search results. "It's only like an hour drive. It's along the coast. Let's do it."

  "We'll have a nice morning drive then we can hit the beach, have lunch, we can even keep driving and hit our favorite spot in Santa Monica. We can see if our vacation rental is available."

  I smiled. "Yes let's do it! Now come on you promised me the beach. Get up. Get dressed or go like that."

  It was sunny and 70 degrees. I knew the water would be freezing but I was going in. The other night while being locked up in the small, smelly room I thought a lot about what I would miss if I never saw the light of day again. I would miss running into the ocean and running back out while the cold of the water chased me away. I shed my towel when my feet hit the sand and I started running toward the water. The ice-cold water zapped me but I didn't slow down or run back to the beach. Instead I kept going at full force high stepping into the water and falling when the force of a wave knocked my whole body in. The cold was electrifying. I joyfully jumped up and screamed. I looked at Sebastian who had a huge smile on his face. I felt alive and free! Life in all its twists and turns was definitely worth living.