Read Two For Rain Page 17


  Before opening my eyes I savored the moment. It had been awhile since I experienced a peaceful night's sleep. I felt rested and fresh. I opened my eyes and turned to Sebastian. He was still out cold. After my dip in the ocean the day before we went back up to Bo's with the intent of getting ready for a night out on the town. When I got done taking a shower I found Sebastian in bed watching a movie. We ate leftovers we found in the fridge and were both sleeping by 7:00 pm.

  I wondered what time it was and how long I had slept. I unplugged my phone and turned it on to see. It was completely dead yesterday. I finally plugged it in when I got back from my swim in the ocean. I leaned up and gazed at Sebastian while my phone booted up. He was sleeping so peacefully. I kissed him gently. I grabbed my phone. It was 8:17 am.

  "Oh shit!" I screamed.

  Sebastian jumped. "What the hell Leah?"

  "Holy shit! I have like 600 texts from Nelly!"

  My stomach turned and my head started to get dizzy. "Shit Sebastian."

  Sebastian was now fully alert. "What Leah? What's wrong?"

  I swallowed slowly wanting to be anywhere but there. "She, she fucking called Pauly!"

  "What?" Sebastian yelled. "Why the hell for?"

  I pretended to scroll through her many texts but I already knew why. She wrote a book.

  "Leah why the hell would she call Pauly?" Sebastian nervously grabbed his phone of the nightstand. "Tell me!"

  "Yesterday before we flew out I texted her 'it's over' while my phone was starting to die. Nelly must have interpreted that to mean we were in big trouble."

  "Fuck Leah!"


  "If she called Pauly that means he sent the files to Mr. Tang and Bo!"

  My face was flushed. I felt like I was going to collapse.

  Sebastian reached for his phone. "Shit this gets better. Get dressed and grab your purse! We have to get out of here!" Sebastian scrambled to find clothes. "Now! Leah come on move!"

  I looked around then ran to the dryer. I grabbed a shirt and jeans. Sebastian put the backpack on and threw me my purse.

  "Leah let's go!"

  Sebastian forcefully locked the door and jogged down the hall. I followed him working hard to keep up with his pace. We took the stairs instead of the elevator. Once we reached the garage both of us hurried to Bo's BMW. Sebastian peeled out of the garage. Two cars pulling in honked their horns.

  "Sebastian slow down!" I screamed.

  He didn't slow down until he was a half a mile down the street and Bo's apartment complex was out of the rear view mirror. I stayed glued to my seat.

  Sebastian exhaled. "Look at my fucking hand." He held out his hand it was shaking. He looked at me with fear. "Leah we had to get of there like that because Bo text me 'GET OUT OF MY CONDO NOW!!!' it was from last night at around midnight."

  "Why what else did he say?"

  "Leah that was the only text I saw and we bolted. Here take my phone see what else he said."

  With my hand shaking I grabbed his phone from him. He had missed calls from Bo and Pauly. The only other text messages from Bo were more warnings to get out of his place and to call him. Pauly sent him around 20 messages asking if we were okay. When he didn't get a response Pauly sent a text that he was following instructions and would send the files.

  "Call Bo," Sebastian said. "You know what this means right?"

  "Yeah Bo's dad knows about Ho banging his wife, he knows Ho is the one responsible for Grace's disappearance."

  "It means Ho is coming after us."

  "You think? Bo's not answering."

  "Leave him a message to call us as soon as possible then text him that. Also text Pauly we are alive and back in the states. And yes I do think Ho is after us. Bo urgently texted to get out of his condo...yeah Ho or his dad is coming after us."

  I thought of Ho and his threats he made to us when we made the deal with him. Bo sent us the text last night. I shivered at the thought of Ho busting down the door while we slept soundly. We were silent for a few moments. "What's the plan where are we going?"

  "Getting far away from San Diego for the time being. Pull up the directions for that brothel girl's address we can still go there. Once we do that if we haven't heard from Bo we can continue on to Los Angeles."

  I pulled up the address on my phone and set it up in Bo's GPS. I didn't want to look but I made myself scroll through all of Nelly and Gwen's text messages.

  "I have to call Nelly and Gwen to tell them I'm okay."

  Sebastian rolled his eyes at me.

  "Sebastian it happened what do you want me to say? She was scared."

  Sebastian shook his head. "I am more pissed off at you."


  "It's over? You text to Nelly it's over?"

  I shrugged. "I needed to say something quickly I had like 4% battery and I just wrote it. It's over usually means like it's done all is...all is well. Fudge!"

  Sebastian snarled. "It's over, we're coming home would have worked a little better."

  Still twitching from nerves I tapped the call button on my phone.

  "Leah!" Nelly squealed.

  "Nelly it's me."

  "What the fuck?"

  "We're okay."

  There was silence then I heard Nelly talking to Gwen. "Fuck Leah we thought you were captured or dead!"

  "Are those tears of joy or anger and I thought you were making strides with your language."

  "Not funny! Fucking Leah I am going to fucking kick your ass when I see you. And tears of both you had Gwen and I so fudging scared. We were up most of the night by the phone not knowing what else we should do."

  "I'm so sorry we were at the airport and I wanted to text you quick but I didn't have time to go into details. My phone was about to die."

  "So you say it's over?" Nelly cried. "That sounds like you were exclaiming there was nothing left to do it's the end for you."

  "Sorry Nelly. I didn't realize you would take it like that."

  "Seriously!" She snapped. "It's over? You could have at least elaborated."

  "I wanted to get a text sent to you guys and my phone was dying. I meant it as it is all over now, it was done, we were finished with the mission."

  "Whatever," Nelly sighed. "So you found the girl and your back in where, California?"

  "Yeah and I will tell you the details when we get back I have to go now."

  "And when will you be back?"

  "By the end of the week."


  "See you soon Nels!"

  "Bye bitch."

  "It's b-zitch!" I said it sarcastically hoping she would lighten up.

  Nelly laughed then caught herself. "You owe us Lee!"

  "I know I will make it up to you."

  "You better."

  "I will! Talk to you later Nels."


  Sebastian stayed silent while he continued driving along the coast. He opened up the windows and the sunroof. I sat back with the wind whipping through my hair pondering the possibilities of Ho coming for us.

  We were getting near the address the Chinese girl from the brothel gave me. Looking at the map we were less than 15 miles away. I shut my eyes for a few moments and thought about what we would say to the people who would answer our knock on the door.

  "Sweetie," Sebastian said. He rolled up the windows so it was easier to hear. "Don't freak out sweetie but I am pretty sure we are being followed."

  "Are you serious?" I looked in the rearview mirrors. "Ah Sebastian."

  "Don't panic okay Leah?"

  I took a few deep breaths in and out. "Okay. The one right behind us?"

  "Yeah the big maroon truck. It's keeping about a five car length distance between us."

  I fidgeted in my seat and glanced back over my shoulder out the rear window. "What are we going to do?"

  "I noticed it awhile back. The truck kept changing lanes when I did. I have been testing it going different speeds. They are definitely tailing us."

>   "Can you pull over?"

  "And what Leah? They will follow us."

  "What if you go into a crowded area?"

  "I don't think they will care sweetie. There is nowhere to stop here anyway. Can you try to get a good look at the driver?"

  I looked back. "There are three guys I can't tell details Sebastian. They are back there a little ways. It's probably Ho and two of the bodyguards. "

  "The backpack. Check it we should have the binoculars in it."

  I leaned over the seat and grabbed the bag. I sifted through it and found the binoculars. I tried my best to steady my hands while I peered through them at the men in the truck behind us. My heart sank. I quickly dropped the binoculars down and faced forward. My voice quivered. "Eduardo."

  Sebastian gripped the wheel. He listened to the lady from the GPS and exited off highway 5.

  "You're still going to the address?" There was panic in my voice and the face of Eduardo etched in my mind.

  "Where else should I go Leah? If we're off the main road I can try to lose him."

  I clutched onto the overhead bar. I braced myself for the worst. "Do what you have to do."

  Sebastian drove at a steady pace. The truck was keeping a safe distance. Following the GPS directions was taking us into an industrial section of San Clemente. Traffic started getting sparse and it made the truck obvious. We were approaching a stop sign. I gripped the bar tightly and clenched my teeth.

  Sebastian kept his eye on Eduardo in the rearview mirror as he slowly stopped. A car was coming down the road at the intersection to our right so we had to wait our turn. Sebastian gripped the wheel and rang it back in forth nervously. Eduardo waved his hand out the window. Both of us froze. The maroon truck tapped into Bo's car and Eduardo waved again.

  "Hold on," Sebastian said quietly. He slowly accelerated and drove straight. "Get ready to hold on tight."

  "Okay," I murmured.

  Sebastian took a right turn. The GPS lady's voice was becoming unbearable. Another turn and I wanted to punch the GPS screen. "Shut the hell up!" I reached to turn it off.

  "Don't!" Sebastian snapped.

  I glared at him. "She's annoying."

  "We need her."

  We were in the middle of an industrial park. There was a big building with the name of a welding business in big letters.

  "Hold on!" Sebastian yelled.

  After making a turn Sebastian gunned it. The sound of the engine helped drown out the GPS voice. Sebastian weaved through turns zigzagging through the industrial park to our final destination that was fast approaching. Eduardo struggled to keep up.

  Sebastian made the final turn. It was some sort of car junkyard. There was a small rundown building at the end of the way.

  "Run in the building when I stop the car."

  I clenched my legs. I needed to pee. "Okay!" I yelled. I gripped the door handle tightly.

  Sebastian slammed on the brakes. With adrenaline pumping through my whole body I pushed open the door. I slipped on the gravel when I shut the car door. I regained my footing and sprinted towards the entrance. Sebastian burst open the door. The bells that hung from above clattered together loudly. Seven of the hardest Chinese looking dudes I had ever seen stood up. They looked like a biker gang with cut off jean jackets and tattoos. In any other scenario I would have needed new underwear but in this moment I was happy as hell to see them.

  The scariest one put his hands out with his palms up. The silver gun on his side was shiny. "What's the problem?" His Chinese accent was thick but his English was perfect. "You better talk!" He put his hand to the gun.

  "Leah tell them the name!" Sebastian shouted.

  "Oh ah, um Li Hua Mui sent us!" I stammered. All seven men had the same reaction their faces flushed like they saw a ghost. I tried to steady my voice. "Li Hua Mui."

  "Li Hua Mui." Two of the men whispered pronouncing the name much different than I did. In a synchronized motion they all took a step toward us and growled in disgust.

  Sebastian had his hand against the door checking out for Eduardo. "Look we need your help! We can tell you where she is."

  I glanced back and saw the maroon truck pulling to a stop. Sebastian grabbed me bringing me behind him away from the door and near the wall.

  The main man pulled his gun out of his holster and cocked it back. He kept it pointed at us while he briskly walked closer to us. He lunged grabbing Sebastian's neck. "Well you better start talking! Where is my sister?"

  "Those fuckers have her!" I blurted out pointing at the door. "They're the ones who have her in Mexico at a brothel!"

  The man let go of Sebastian and turned toward the door that was swung open. In unison the six other men pulled their guns out. Sebastian pushed me to the ground. Loud fast Chinese and the bells ringing was all I could hear. Sebastian yelled at me to stay down. I stayed low but peeked up.

  Eduardo riffled off words in Spanish before speaking English to the Chinese men who with their seven guns had forced him and his two men to place their guns on the ground. "My beef aint with you!" Eduardo yelled. "You got the wrong guys!"

  The Chinese man kept his gun on Eduardo and turned toward Sebastian. Sebastian spoke forcefully. "Look man we got caught up in the middle of something we're not supposed to be a part of. We went to Mexico looking for a girl that went missing and we came across Li. She was desperate for us to give you the message that she was alive. She is in a brothel called Rasas in Mexicali these guys are after us because we freed one of their girls."

  The Chinese man looked back at Eduardo and shook his head. Eduardo started yelling trying to plead a case.

  "Shut up! Jian grab that wire and tie their hands together."

  The youngest looking one of the group grabbed a roll of thick wire.

  The leader looked back at Sebastian. "We are indebted to you two for getting us our sister's message. Now go, get out of here! We will take care of these three."

  I stood up and nodded my appreciation to the Chinese men.

  Sebastian grabbed my hand and kept me close to him while we walked to the door. "Thank you."

  Eduardo's blood was boiling. I walked past him slowly and glared at him. He growled and started to speak but the Chinese man interrupted him. "No! You don't speak or I'll shoot your ass. You'll need to do a lot talking in a few minutes you wait until I tell you to speak."

  Sebastian let go of my hand and looked at Eduardo. He smirked and punched him in the stomach as hard as he could. "PEDENJO!" Sebastian opened the door for me. "After you my lady."

  I looked back at Eduardo on his knees before I hurried to the car feeling like I was a king slayer. "Holy shit Seb! Did all that just freaking happen? That was awesome. Nice punch!"

  "Relax sweetie." Sebastian calmly reversed the BMW then gunned it down the gravel road. "That was pretty fucking crazy."

  "You think! Thank Long Wang for those seven Chinese men or we would have been toast."

  Sebastian grimaced. "Long Wang, who is Long Wang?"

  I laughed. "Long Wang is a Chinese god. It's the only thing I remember from taking a class about China in college. I thought the name was so funny."

  "You are so mature," Sebastian snickered. "What's he a god of?"

  "I don't remember much more than the name. Oh wait I think he is the god of the ocean or rain."

  "That's fitting," Sebastian said. He had his cell phone at his ear.

  "Who you calling?"

  "Bo I missed his call."

  I listened to Sebastian talk to Bo and tried to figure out the details by only hearing one side of the conversation. It was a short call.

  "Bo said to go to the compound it's the safest place for us to stay."

  I sighed. "So Ho is still coming after us?"

  "No. Ho personally can't harm us his dad has him taken care of. It's the unknown people Ho is associated with that he's worried about. Bo had no idea who Eduardo or Ping was but from the sound of it his dad didn't give him any details. He only gave him strict instructions f
or us to stay at the compound. He assured Bo he would give us safety from any of Ho's associates in Mexico."

  "So do you think Ho contacted Eduardo when the files were sent? Giving him instructions to take us out."

  "That or after Ping got locked up from the contraband in his tires he got word to Eduardo to go get revenge."

  "I don't want to go to the compound I wanted to do our drive up the coast."

  "I know me too."

  We were nearly back to the interstate.

  "Laguna beach is so close."

  "I know. I kind of like staying alive though and I don't need anymore encounters like the one we had back there."


  Sebastian sped down the interstate wanting to get far away from Eduardo. Both of us were so wound up from what happened that we went over every detail from when we noticed Eduardo was tailing us to Sebastian getting revenge. We ate a big lunch near the beach before arriving at the compound.

  Lupe answered the door with two serious looking bodyguards at her side. I didn't recognize them. Sebastian was friendly to Lupe exchanging a few words in Spanish while we walked inside.

  Sebastian frowned. "Lupe says we're safe here but we have to obey Mr. Tang's rules."

  Lupe nodded toward the bigger bodyguard. Without looking directly at us he spoke. "Cell phones and the keys to Bo's car."

  Sebastian didn't hesitate. He handed over the keys and his cell phone. Lupe shook her head slightly and rattled off a fast sentence. Sebastian motioned me to hand over my phone. I dug it out of my handbag and held it out for the intimidating bodyguard. His shirt was so snug on him that I thought the armpit of it would rip when he quickly extended his hand to snag my phone from me.

  "What's going on?"

  Sebastian shrugged. "No idea. Lupe doesn't know either only said to do what they tell us and there would be no trouble."

  Lupe and the two men escorted us the east side of the compound to a room that had a floor to ceiling door. It felt like we were in a castle. When we entered Lupe pointed out the bathroom and where the towels were kept. She then showed us the area adjacent to our room that had access to the backyard where there was a pool, a gazebo and a large garden. Lupe showed off the amenities as if they were her pride and joy.

  Sebastian nudged me. "Look, they replaced the trellis you annihilated."

  "Oh my gosh that damn trellis," I whispered. "That hurt!"

  Lupe escorted us back to our room. Before leaving one of the bodyguards told us Mr. Tang had one rule for us to follow - we couldn't leave the compound and we needed to stay in the east wing. He assured us there were cameras watching our every move. I looked at Sebastian and knew he was thinking the same thing I was. Why didn't we hit the beach instead of rushing to the compound and what trap did we just walk into?

  Waking up in the compound was like waking up at a distant relative's house or the house of a friend of a friend's cousin. You know you don't belong. It's uncomfortable, awkward and you can't wait to leave. Neither Sebastian nor myself slept well. The bed was super soft but the pillows were the size of a boulder. The only nice thing about the room was the dark red walls and the heavy shades that masked all the light. It was pitch dark when I woke up from my restless nights sleep. I removed Sebastian's shirt that I used to cover the alarm clock. It was just before 9:00 am. I was sick of being in that bed with those awful pillows so I went into the bathroom to shower. The bathroom was luxurious with a large walk in shower. I stayed in the hot shower until Sebastian came in and said Lupe was here to fetch us for breakfast. I put on the same clothes from the other day since we didn't have anything else.

  Venturing out of the east wing and into another section of the compound was a delight. My eyes scanned the place trying to soak in all the details of the stale confines the Tang's call a home. While Lupe and Sebastian had a conversation I studied a painting on the wall. It was red, black and gold with Chinese symbols. It was eye catching and the only item I had seen in the house that I actually liked. Another maid helped Lupe in the kitchen. They brought out a smorgasbord of breakfast items. I put together a breakfast burrito with eyes bigger than my stomach. It all looked so good. I bit into a chocolate chip muffin and let out a gasp of pleasure.

  "Seriously sweetie?"

  I laughed. "What? This is delicious. I haven't eaten like this in awhile. I want it all!"

  "Relax," he smirked. "And wipe the chocolate off your face."

  One of the bodyguards got up in a split second and motioned to the other bodyguard. He had a finger to his ear. "He's here."

  Both of them darted out of the room. Sebastian and I instinctively rose out of our chairs. I looked nervously at Sebastian. "Oh no is it Ho?"

  Sebastian started walking after the men. I followed him cautiously. From the large window at the front of the house I could see a shiny Mercedes pull up. I waited patiently for the men to get out. I breathed a sigh of relief it was Mr. Tang and what I presumed was another bodyguard.

  A bodyguard walked toward us. "Please wait in the study Mr. Tang will address you in a few moments." He put out his hand to direct us to the hallway that the study was at. "The second door on the left."

  We obeyed the orders glancing behind us while we slowly walked to the study. We barely had a chance to say two words to each other when Mr. Tang walked in all high and mightily with a three-piece suit.

  "Good morning."

  Both of us nodded as a response not knowing what the hell was about to happen. Was I now going to be a slave of Mr. Tangs? It wasn't a cheery good morning greeting and my nerves were going crazy.

  Mr. Tang's bodyguard set his briefcase on the counter at the back of the room. Mr. Tang cleared his throat. "Please have a seat."

  Sebastian and I sat down on the couch next to each other. I kept my leg against his wanting to stay close.

  "I know I can say with confidence you were treated properly during your stay here and your needs accommodated. Yes?"

  "Yes Mr. Tang you have an extraordinary place," Sebastian said.

  I only smiled in response knowing he prefers to speak to men. His demeanor never changed. It was a permanent look of a serious no nonsense man of power.

  "Good. Now I have something for you for your troubles. I can't put into words how grateful I am for you bringing my employee's shortcomings to the forefront. For your valor and honor I give you this compensation. I can't stress enough how I need you to keep all of this confidential. Your findings need to remain confidential at all cost."

  Mr. Tang locked eyes with Sebastian for at least thirty seconds. It was a stare down from hell. I got chills. Finally Mr. Tang tapped his briefcase and motioned his bodyguard to take it to us. The bodyguard set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

  Mr. Tang continued his speech. "You will be given transportation to the airport and can go to the destination of your choosing. You are safe from my employee's associates and take my word when I tell you that this employee is by no means available to seek you out."

  My stomach turned. What did he do with Mr. Ho? Now I understood how Bo could not disobey his father. The way he spoke, the tone of his voice, the sharpness, his mannerisms, he oozed control and power. It was like he was hypnotizing us with his words.

  "Look into the briefcase," Mr. Tang beckoned.

  Sebastian slowly released the two clasps. It was full of money. It looked like fake money it was that crisp and clean. Sebastian took out one stack and inspected it closely.

  "Now I consider this matter closed." Mr. Tang shot us a laser gaze. "Do we have an understanding?"

  I bopped my head up and down letting him know I was complying. Sebastian said a quiet yes.

  "Good. Please gather your belongings and I will have you driven to the airport."

  "Sir we have belongings at Bo's apartment that we need to get."

  Mr. Tang tightened his lips looking at us with disapproval in his eyes.

  "It's not much we can have it packed up in 10 minutes."

e I will give my driver a key to Bo's you can stop there on the way."

  "Remember this matter is over there will be no other contact with any party. You live your life and my son lives his. I don't see you again."

  Sebastian nodded with a surprised expression. "Yes."

  I didn't think it just came out. "So does this mean Bo can marry Grace?"

  I thought Mr. Tang's eyes might pop out of his head.

  "No! The wedding is scheduled and will go on accordingly."

  I flinched and leaned back in the seat of the couch. "Oh I just, I mean you said Bo can live his life so I assumed maybe you were allowing him to be with Grace."

  "Grace and her family have been given more than a fair consideration for their troubles. This matter is closed."

  "Understood," Sebastian quickly said. "Thank you sir."

  Mr. Tang moved his head ever so slightly as he motioned us to leave the room. A bodyguard was waiting at the front door with our cell phones. Lupe and the other maids were nowhere in sight.

  At Bo's apartment we gathered our stuff somberly. The feelings from the entire ordeal crashed all around me. From when we walked into Bo's apartment for the first time, to when we returned late into the night from our failed Mexico trip, to returning with Bo and Grace a few days earlier. I walked out on the deck and cleaned up the mess we had made. It was over. It seemed so final yet lacked the closure I desperately wanted to feel.

  "Come on Leah let's go," Sebastian called from inside the sliding door.

  We accomplished our mission. We found the girl, we got paid for it, but leaving didn't feel rewarding to me. Something was missing. Maybe in time it would all surface and I would feel satisfied. I get too emotional and attached. Oh how I wish I didn't have to get like that. It felt like we were leaving someone's world never to return and it made me sad. I knew tomorrow we would wake up and there would be nothing left for us to do. Not that I wanted to stay in this crazy messed up world that had engrossed our lives for this short yet long period of our life - it was the feeling that we didn't change it.

  "Leah," Sebastian pleaded. "Come on let's go home sweetie."