Read Two Little Women on a Holiday Page 10



  That evening, in the drawing-room, Mr. Forbes questioned the girlsrather closely as to their enjoyment of the party at the Browns'.

  "I liked it," said Dolly, "but it was queer,--that's what itwas,--queer. The idea of just seeing a performance on the stage, andthen rushing through a very fancy supper, and then scooting for home asif the house was on fire!--that's not my idea of a party!"

  Uncle Jeff laughed. "And you, Dotty," he said, "how did it strike you?"

  "I adored it! Everybody was so gay and smartly dressed andquick-spoken,--I do like to hear people say things fast."

  "How queer you are!" exclaimed Bernice; "why do you like to hear peopletalk fast?"

  "Not talk fast exactly, but say things suddenly, funny things, I mean."

  "I understand," said Mr. Forbes; "you mean bright at repartee andquick-witted."

  "Yes, sir, that's just what I do mean. And everything was so wellplanned and well arranged,--oh, I enjoyed every minute of it."

  "Well, I didn't," said Bernice. "I'd rather go to a regular party,where they play games and dance and act sociable."

  "Why, the people were sociable enough," put in Alicia. "I'm like Dot, Ithought it was lovely! Muriel is as pretty as a picture--"

  "She scarcely said three words to us!" complained Bernice.

  "She couldn't help that. There were so many guests, that she hadn'ttime to more than speak a minute or two with each one of them."

  "I like Berwick parties better," persisted Bernice. "There we all knoweach other--"

  "But, Bernie," said Dolly, laughing, "all the people at this party kneweach other,--nearly. We were strangers, of course, but the rest seemedto be well acquainted with Muriel."

  "And I thought the party was to be for us," went on Bernice, "and Ithought we'd be introduced to everybody, and be--well, be SOMEBODY, youknow."

  "Oho! you wanted to be honoured and lionised!" and Uncle Jeff's eyestwinkled.

  "Not exactly. But I understood from Mr. Brown that the whole affair wasgotten up for us, and so I think we ought to have been noticed more.Why, the boys just scraped acquaintance with us, and even had to askour names!"

  "That's the way they do at large parties, Bernie," said her uncle. "Youare supposed to talk to any of the other guests without introduction."

  "Well, it's no sort of a way! They were awfully nice boys, but I don'tsuppose we'll ever see them again."

  "Oh, yes, we will," said Dolly. "They asked to call on us, and I saidI'd ask you, Uncle Forbes. Would it be all right?"

  "Bless my soul, Dolly! I don't know. I've so little knowledge ofetiquette for young people. Ask Mrs. Berry, whatever she says, you maydo. Who are the boys? Hosmer? Knapp? Oh, they're all right. I know thefamilies. But as to their calling, put it up to Mrs. Berry. And, by theway, how'd you girls like to have a party, a real one?"

  "Like the one we went to to-day?" asked Bernice, doubtfully. "I don'tcare much about it."

  "Well, have some other kind. There must be other ways of entertaining.What would you like, Bernice?"

  "I'd like a little party,--but I suppose that would have to be formal,too."

  "Oh, gracious, you old hayseed!" exclaimed Alicia. "You go back to thecountry! I'd love to have a party, Uncle, the biggest and grandestthere is! Muriel Brown would invite the people for us, I'm sure. Oh, itwould be just heavenly! We'd have an orchestra, and a midnight supper,and--oh, and everything!"

  "Hold on, my child, don't go too fast! We'll only have what you allagree on. Come, two D's, what do you say?"

  "We oughtn't to say," laughed Dolly. "It's for your nieces to choose.And anyway, Dot and I like everything, and we'd enjoy any kind of aparty--or no party at all."

  "You've a nice disposition," said Mr. Forbes, looking at her. "Don'tyou ever lose your temper?"

  "She hasn't any to lose!" Dotty answered for her. "In fact, she's tooawfully good-natured for any use! But she has other faults. She's asstubborn as a perfectly good mule! Aren't you, Dollums?"

  "I s'pect I am," and the golden head nodded. "But only when I careenough to be stubborn. As to this party, I don't care what sort it is,'cause I know it will be lovely, anyway. That is, if we have it. Butseems to me invitations for a big affair ought to be sent out severaldays in advance, and we'll be going home the middle of next week."

  "Why, you've only just got here!" said Mr. Forbes.

  "Well, it's Friday night now, and we came last Wednesday for a week.So, if we go home next Wednesday, that party would have to be in threeor four days, and that's a short time."

  "Of course," agreed Alicia. "We couldn't give a big party on such shortnotice."

  "That's easily arranged," and Mr. Forbes laughed; "stay another week."

  "Oh, I couldn't," cried Dolly. "My mother wouldn't hear of such athing. The other girls can, though."

  "I wouldn't if Doll didn't," declared Dotty. "But Bernie and Aliciacould stay."

  "So we could," said Bernice. "My father will let me stay as long asUncle Jeff wants me."

  "I can stay, too," said Alicia, "But it's lots more fun to have youother girls with us."

  "We'll see about all that," and Mr. Forbes dismissed the subject.

  A footman came in to say that Miss Fayre was wanted on the telephone.

  "Oh!" cried Dolly, her face turning white, "do you suppose any thing'swrong at home? Mother had a cold; maybe it's developed into pneumonia!"

  "Nonsense, child; don't borrow trouble. Probably it's nothing of thesort."

  "Isn't that Dolly all over?" said Alicia, after Dolly had left theroom. "She always thinks the worst there is to think!"

  "Maybe she's right," said Dotty. "Mrs. Fayre does have awfulcolds,--hark, I hear Dolly laughing! It's all right!"

  They all listened, and they heard Dolly say, "Oh, perfectly splendid!I'd just love it!--Thank you!--Yes, indeed!--I'm 'most sure--oh,delightful!--Well, I'll ask her--Fine!--Yes, yes,--just wait aminute,--I'll ask her now--hold the wire."

  Followed a whispered conversation, and the girls caught the sound ofMrs. Berry's voice.

  Unable to restrain their curiosity longer, the three rushed out to thehall and saw Dolly, her hand over the transmitter, talking to Mrs.Berry.

  "What is it? Tell us all!" cried Bernice, and Alicia crowded close tolisten.

  "Oh, girls," and Dolly beamed at them, "it's the loveliest invitation!Marly Turner wants us to go, to a skating party to-morrow afternoon atSt. Valentine's rink! And Mrs. Berry says it will be all right for usto go. Yes," she continued, speaking into the telephone. "Yes, we cango. And we're all most happy to accept. What time?"

  "Four o'clock," came the answer. "Meet our crowd at the rink. So gladyou can come."

  "So are we," returned Dolly, "and thank you, ever so much. Good-bye."

  "Good-bye," said Turner, and Dolly hung up the receiver.

  "Tell us more," cried Alicia. "What did you hang up so soon for? Whydidn't you let US talk to him? What an old selfish you are!"

  "I couldn't, Alicia," and Dolly looked hurt. "I knew from his mannerand speech that he only; wanted a reply to his invitation, and I wasn'texpected to say more."

  "But why did he ask for you?" grumbled Alicia; "why not for me?"

  "I don't know, I'm sure," and Dolly laughed; "he did, that's all. Let'sgo and tell Uncle Forbes about it."

  "All right, girls; all right. Glad you're going. Have a good time.Marly Turner? Yes, yes, son of the Bayard Turners. Nice boy. His crowdwill be all right. Can you all skate? Did you bring your skates? Ifnot, get some. Get whatever you want. Look as good as the rest.Good-night now. Good-night, all."

  Abruptly, as usual, Mr. Forbes left the room, and as the girls weregetting accustomed to his eccentricities they nodded their good-nights,and then began to plan for the skating party.

  Mrs. Berry appeared and helped them decide on certain details ofcostume and accessories.

  The two D's had brought the pretty skating costumes they had worn atthe Berwick carnival,
but as Bernice had been the queen that night, herwhite velvet gown was out of the question. Alicia, too, had noappropriate garb, so these two bought new dresses.

  The final result was four very becomingly attired girls who startedmerrily off on Saturday afternoon for the party at the rink.

  Four bunches of violets, with Marly Turner's card, had come to thehouse, and each fair damsel wore one at her corsage.

  Dolly's suit was of light blue cloth trimmed with silver fox, andDotty's was red cloth with dark fur.

  Bernice looked very handsome in white cloth, and Alicia had chosenemerald green.

  They were met at the rink by Marly and his chums, and at onceintroduced to the chaperon of the affair, who was Marly's marriedsister. She didn't look much older than the boy himself, but shegreeted the girls with a charming hospitality and declared herselfdelighted to take them in charge.

  The other boys whom they had met at Muriel's party were there, andMuriel was, too. She welcomed the four warmly, but as she wasconstantly in demand by other gay young friends, they had no chance forconnected conversation with her.

  Indeed, connected conversation was not thought of, unless with one'sskating partner.

  "You're all right on runners," commented Geordie Knapp, as he skatedwith Dotty. "You must be fond of it."

  "Oh, I am. I skate a lot at home; that is, when there's ice. We'redependent on that, you see, as we haven't an ice rink in Berwick."

  "Berwick? Small town?"

  "Yes. 'Bout as big as a minute," and Dotty laughed good-naturedly.

  "That's why you're so up to the minute, then," Geordie laughed back."Want to sit down and rest a bit?"

  "All right. Let's," and they sat down for a few moments.

  "There goes your chum,--with Ted Hosmer. She is your chum, isn't she?The Fair Dolly?"

  "Dolly Fayre? Yes, indeed; we're super-inseparable."

  "That's the way with Ted and me. We're always together. Funny, isn'tit, how you like one person better'n anybody else?"

  "Yes; I couldn't keep house without Dolly. And we do keep house!" andDotty told her companion all about Treasure House and its delights.

  "Wow! That's some stunt! A house like that I I'd like to see it."

  "Do. Some day next summer come out to Berwick and I'll show it to you.We've great little old brothers, too. One apiece."

  "Have you? I s'pose you can cut up larks in the country that youcouldn't here?"

  "It's awfully different." Dotty sighed. "I like the city better in lotsof ways, but, altogether, I guess I'd rather live in Berwick."

  "What are you two confabbing about?" sang out a voice, and Dolly, withTed Hosmer, came gliding up and stopped in front of Dot and young Knapp.

  "Settling the affairs of the nation," said Geordie; "also, it's a caseof 'change partners.'" He jumped up, took Dolly's hands in his, andthey swayed off across the ice, leaving Dotty and Ted together.

  "Don't mind him; he's crazy," said Ted, as he dropped onto the seatbeside Dotty. "And anyway, we're such chums we share our best friendswith each other!"

  "Glad you do! I like to talk to different people--"

  "I'm a different people; oh, I assure you I am. Please like to talk tome!"

  "I do. Or, at least, I'm sure I shall. What shall we talk about?"

  "Sports in general. What do you like best, next to skating?"

  "Tennis, don't you?"

  "Sure, if you do. But that's mostly for summer. Come on, let's skateround a couple of times, and then go for the tea place."

  It was good fun skating with Ted, and, as Dolly told him, he remindedher a little of her friend, Tad Brown.

  "Any kin of Muriel's?"

  "No, a boy in Berwick. He has a twin brother, Tod."

  "Great names! Tadpole and Toddlekins, in full, I suppose."

  "They are called those sometimes. Oh, Mrs. Graham is beckoning to us.We must go."

  They joined Mrs. Graham, who was their chaperon, and she marshalled hercrowd of young people to the tea room.

  At last Muriel Brown found a chance to talk to our girls.

  "We seem like old friends," she said, gaily. "Isn't the ice fineto-day? Are you going to the dance to-night? What? Not invited? Thatcan easily be remedied. I say, Sam, don't you want these four angelchildren at your party?"

  "'Deed I do!" and Sam Graves beamed broadly, "I didn't dare ask themmyself,--meant to get you to do it. Coax 'em, Muriel. Make 'em say yes."

  Alicia took it upon herself to accept this invitation, though Dollyinsisted it would depend on Mrs. Berry's sanction.

  "Who's Mrs. Berry?" asked Muriel. "Is she a dragon?"

  "No, indeed," smiled Dotty; "she's the dearest old yes-sayer in theworld!"

  "Oh, she'll let you come then. Tell the girls all about it, Sam," andMuriel moved away.

  "She went off and left her ice cream untouched!" exclaimed Dotty.

  "She's always on the hop,--Muriel is," said Sam. "Now you girls cometo-night, won't you? It's a small and early at my house. Mr. Forbesknows me, and I know your Mrs. Berry, too. Just tell her it's littleSammy's party, and she'll send you flying over."

  "Tell us something about it," said Dolly. "Is it to be very grand?We're hazy on the subject of New York dances."

  "Can you dance?"

  "Yes, though maybe not the very latest steps."

  "That's all right, then. Put on a clean sash and come along. You won'tbe wall flowers!"

  "What time shall we come?" asked Bernice. "Tell me about the details;I'm Mr. Forbe's niece."

  Bernice was always a little jealous if the D's seemed to be consultedrather than herself or Alicia.

  "Oh, no details specially. All informal, you know. Come when youlike,--nine, maybe, or half past. If you're feeling conventional aboutit, my mother will call on you--by telephone--and ask you proper."

  "Oh, no, she needn't do that," and Bernice laughed at the idea. "We'reonly little girls. If Mrs. Berry says we can go, your invitation isenough."

  "Good work! Be sure to come. Crazy to have you. 'Scuse me aminute,--there's a girl I want to speak to."

  Sam darted off, and another boy dropped into his vacated seat. It wasthis touch and go effect that Dotty liked, but to Dolly it seemed awhirling maze.

  And, indeed, almost before they knew it they were all whirled off home.