Read Two Little Women on a Holiday Page 9



  "Isn't he the funniest and the very dearest old thing in the world!"said Alicia, in a whisper, as Mr. Forbes disappeared. "I've got loadsof clothes, but I'm glad to have him give me a dress, for I'll warrantit'll be about the best money can buy."

  "Let's get the best New York can show us," chimed in Bernice.

  "I can't do it," said Dolly, decidedly. "My mother wouldn't like me toaccept a dress from Mr. Forbes."

  "Oh, fiddlesticks, Dollyrinda!" said Dotty, "it's not charity. Mymother wouldn't let me either, ordinarily speaking, but this isdifferent."

  "How is it different?"

  "Why, Mr. Forbes doesn't look on it as giving as clothes because we'repoor--"

  "He does so, Dot! You can't fool me! He knows that Alicia and Berniecan afford grand clothes and we can't, and so he gives us each a dressto make it easy for us to take them."

  Now, Alicia privately thought this was just about the truth, butBernice thought differently; "Rubbish!" she cried. "Uncle Jeff doesn'tthink anything of the sort! He's so kind-hearted, he wants us all tohave things nice, and he doesn't even think about whether it would hurtour feelings or not. Why, Dolly, the price of a dress is no more tohim, than a glass of soda water would be to us."

  "I know that's so," and Dolly's blue eyes looked very troubled, "but itisn't nice to take clothing from anybody but your own people."

  "But Dolly," argued Alicia, "if you kick up a bobbery, and refuse totake this kind offer, then we'll all have to do the same, and youdeprive us all of the pretty presents."

  "Oh, Alicia, I'd be sorry to do that!"

  "Well, that's what it would amount to. Now, be sensible, and go with usto-morrow, and we'll all get lovely dresses, and it will please UncleJeff. I know he'd be hurt and offended, if you refused, Dolly."

  "I'll see about it; I'll think it over," and that was all Dolly wouldsay about it then.

  But next morning, Mrs. Berry informed them that they were asked to anAt Home at Mrs. Brown's that afternoon, from four till seven, and shefurther said that of her knowledge, it would be an occasion where thenicest possible apparel would be required.

  "Gorgeous!" cried Alicia; "Uncle Jeff told us yesterday, we could getnew frocks as presents from him. We can get them at Follansbee's, andif they need alteration, they'll do it for us at once, as the case isso especial."

  Dolly's objections were overruled, even Mrs. Berry siding with theother girls.

  "Yes, indeed, Dolly," she said; "you will spoil the pleasure of theothers if you refuse to do as they do. And it would grieve Mr. Forbesif he thought you didn't appreciate or accept his kind offer. Runalong, girls, all of you, and get your hats and coats, the car will behere in a few minutes."

  "Won't you go with us, Mrs. Berry," asked Dolly, "to help pick themout? We don't know about these things as well as some one who lives inthe city."

  "No, dearies. But you won't have any trouble Just ask for Mrs. Baxterat Follansbee's and her judgment will be the right thing. Be sure totake what she advises. She'll know."

  In gay spirits the quartette started off, Dolly joining in the generalenthusiasm, for having decided to do as the others did, she had no wishto hesitate further.

  Mrs. Baxter was more than pleased to advise and suggest to JeffersonForbes' relatives, and she had her assistants bring out dozens offrocks for inspection.

  At last, after much discussion and trying on, the four were selectedand were promised for two o'clock that afternoon. What slightalterations were necessary could be done in that time, and there wouldbe no doubt of prompt delivery.

  The dresses were absolutely unlike any the girls had ever owned before.They were all imported models, and though of finest materials, weresimple in fabric and design. Yet they had an air and an effect neverachieved by a village dressmaker or a department store.

  Dolly's was of fine white net, frilled with delicate lace, and adornedwith tiny rosebud garlands, and knots of pale blue velvet.

  Dotty's, of apricot pink crepe, with hints of silver lace peepingthrough its chiffon draperies. Alicia's was corn-coloured crepe dechine with cherry velvet decorations, and Bernice rejoiced in a whiteembroidered net, made up over green silk.

  All had that indefinable charm which betokens the genius of a greatmodiste, and the girls were enchanted with the wonderful robes.

  "But what awful prices!" said Dolly, as they drove away from the shop."I'm sure mother will be displeased. I feel awfully about it."

  "Now, Doll," said Dotty, sensibly, "you can't help it now. So don't letit spoil your pleasure and ours too. When we get home you can tell yourmother just how it was. I'll tell her too, and I'm sure she'll see thatyou couldn't do anything else than get the frock, or kick up a terriblebobbery!"

  This was common sense, as Dotty's remarks often were, so Dolly acceptedthe situation, and made the best of it.

  And that afternoon, when they were all arrayed in the new frocks, andpresented themselves to Uncle Jeff for inspection, his approval was sohearty, that Dolly was very glad she hadn't put a damper on the wholething by remaining obstinate.

  "You are visions of beauty," he declared, as he looked at each in turn."Madame Who-ever-it-was, turned you out remarkably well. I don't knowmuch about feminine millinery, but I've a general idea of the fitnessof things. And I'll bet a thousand dollars that these affairs are inbetter taste than the rigs you had on yesterday, though those were fargayer."

  "You do know a lot about it, Uncle," said Bernice. "These are way aheadof our best dresses, but it's because they came from a high class shop.And when you get the bill you'll open your eyes!"

  "That's all right, Bernie. I'm an old bachelor, you know, and neverbefore have I had the privilege of buying dresses for anybody. I'mdownright glad if you girls are pleased with these, and I'm downrightproud of the little cavalcade setting forth from my house."

  The courteous old gentleman made a profound bow and the girls curtseyedin response. Then off they went to the party.

  As Mrs. Berry had foretold, fine clothes were the order of the day atthe Brown house. Everything was as formal as a grown-up affair. Thegirls were ushered to a dressing-room to take off their wraps, and thenat the drawing-room door, their names were announced by animposing-looking personage in livery, and they were swept along intothe room, by the crush of others behind them.

  Mrs. Brown and her daughter were receiving, and they greeted eacharrival with gay banter and smiles.

  "Ah, my dears, how do you do?" said Mrs. Brown to our girls. "I am soglad to welcome Mr. Forbes' young people. Muriel, dear, these are thegirls daddy told you about last night. 'Member?"

  "'Course I do. Aw'fly jolly to have you here. Sweet of you to come.Wish I could chin-chin more, but I'll see you after the rush is over."

  They passed in line, saying scarce a word beyond a mere greeting, andfollowing the example of their predecessors they took seats in whatseemed to be a large auditorium. A curtained stage faced them, and theylooked about at the fast gathering audience. It was a merry crowd ofyoung people all laughing and chattering, and all arrayed in beautifulclothes after the order of those the girls wore themselves. There weremany boys present, too, and they moved easily about, joking with theirfriends here and there. Presently two boys drifted toward ourquartette, and one of them said, "What'll be the show, do you know?"

  "No," said Dotty, her black eyes dancing with the excitement of thescene; "what do you guess?"

  "Dunno. Last time they had minstrels, and the time before, a magicker."


  "Yes; rabbits out of hats, and that sort. Can't we sit here? Engaged?"

  "No," and Dotty smiled as she looked toward the other girls for theirconsent.

  "Oh, let us stay," said the other boy, in a wheedling voice. "We'll beawfully good,--so good you won't know us."

  "We don't know you, anyway," laughed Alicia, and the first boyresponded, "Sure enough. Roof's the introduction, you know, but I'lladd that this marvellously han
dsome companion of mine is one GeordieKnapp, and I'm Ted Hosmer, very much at your service."

  "Well," said Alicia, "we're Miss Forbes, Miss Fayre, Miss Rose and MissSteele. Shall I tell you which is which, or let you guess?"

  "Let us Sherlock it out!" exclaimed Geordie Knapp. "I know you're MissSteele because you mentioned yourself last.'"

  "Right!" and Dotty clapped her hands in admiration of his quickness."Now, which am I?"

  "Rosy Posy!" declared Ted Hosmer, little thinking he had guessedcorrectly, but saying so because of Dotty's pink cheeks.

  "Yes, sir! you ARE a Sherlock Holmes. Now which is Miss Forbes?"

  "I'm not going to guess any more, I'll spoil my record," and Ted lookeduncertainly from Dolly to Bernice. "But as you two are named Forbes andFayre, I'll call you both Miss F., and so be sure of you."

  And then the curtain began to rise, and the young people became silent.

  The entertainment was very amusing, being entirely in pantomime, andperformed by exceedingly clever actors.

  The story depicted was funny, and the antics of the performers werenovel and humorous, and the room resounded with laughter from theappreciative audience. There were about a hundred young people presentyet the large room was only partly filled. Dolly concluded, as shelooked about, that it was a sort of small theatre where Mr. Brownrehearsed his own plays. In this she was partly right, although it hadbeen built more for entertainment of the actor's guests. James Brown,or Bayne Coriell, as he was more often called, stood very high in hisprofession, and had hosts of friends and acquaintances. His wife waspopular, too, and Muriel was just beginning to take her place insociety.

  After the pantomime was over, two celebrated dancers gave an exhibitionof their skill, and then Miss Marie Desmond appeared and sang two ofher songs from "The Lass and the Lascar."

  Dolly was enthralled. She sat, listening to every note, and admiringthe graceful manner and deportment of Miss Desmond as well as enjoyingher music.

  "Well, you seemed to care for that, Miss F.," said Ted Hosmer. "Youdidn't move an eyelash while Marie was on!"

  "Oh, I did enjoy it!" and Dolly's eyes shone with delight. "Isn't she asplendid singer!"

  "Top notch! I like her lots. Hello, here's our charming hostess."

  The programme was over now, and Muriel Brown sought out the Forbesparty to invite them to the refreshment room.

  "I feel that I know you," she laughed, "from Dad's description. He saysthe fair girl is Miss Fayre, and the rosy girl, Miss Rose."

  "Oh, that's it, is it?" cried Ted; "then this is Miss Forbes, and nowall the problems are solved!" He looked at Bernice, who acknowledgedthe fact, and then Muriel was pounced upon by a rush of young people,and literally carried away.

  "Great girl, Muriel," said young Hosmer. "Never saw such a favourite. Isay, mayn't we take you girls to the supper room? Or don't you eat?"

  "Indeed we do," said Alicia, laughing, "but I may as well own up I'm sointerested in looking about me, I'm not conscious of hunger."

  "Well, come ahead to the dining-room, and you can eat and look about atthe same time. I'll corral a couple more henchmen to help in yourservices and we'll flock by ourselves."

  Geordie whistled to a couple of his chums, whom he presented as MarlyTurner and Sam Graves.

  "Now," went on Geordie, who was a born manager, "we're eight ofus,--that's enough for a table to our own selves. Nail one, Samivel."

  The way to the dining-room lay through a crush of guests, every one, itseemed, headed in a different direction.

  "Why don't they all go one way?" asked Dotty,

  "Few of 'em eat," replied Ted. "Most of 'em going on. But the food'salways fine here, and anyway you girls want to see the dining-room ifyou've never been here before. It's a whole show."

  It was. The splendid great room, with vaulted ceiling, represented anold English hall. There was a raised platform across the end and agallery on either side. Fine paintings and tapestries adorned thewalls, and a multitude of small tables offered places for all who choseto sit at them.

  "Here we are," and the boys decided on a table in a desirable position,from which the girls could see the gay scene. "Now for some supper."

  Obsequious waiters appeared and soon the party was served with viandsfit for a king.

  "Told you so," said Ted. "Trust the Coriell bunch to give you eatsworth-while. Oh, I guess yes!"

  "But it's getting so late," sighed Dolly, as she caught sight of an oldEnglish clock that hung near by. "And Mr. Brown promised me I couldspeak to Miss Desmond. I'm afraid she'll be gone."

  "'Fraid she's gone now," said Ted. "But I'll flee and discover."

  He left them and threaded his way among the crowd.

  "Here we are!" he cried gaily, as he returned, bringing the lady inquestion. "Just caught her on the fly. Trust little Teddums to get youwhat you want, Miss Fair Dolly."

  Marie Desmond greeted the girls as Ted named them.

  "You lovely kiddies!" she cried. "What a delectable bunch! I could eatyou all up. And your frocks! Paris! I know; you needn't tell ME! Areyou all sisters? Oh, no, I remember now; you have variegated names.Which one of you wanted to talk to me? I've a whole minute to spare!Never say I'M not a lady of leisure!"

  "I'm the one," said Dolly, her eyes fixed on the lovely, laughing faceof the actress. "But a minute is no good, thank you. I want to talk toyou about a whole day!"

  "Oh, I DO wish we could manage it," and Miss Desmond appeared to thinkthat was the one thing on earth she desired. But Dolly noted herwandering attention, and was not surprised when she left them assuddenly as she had come, and with a fleeting, smiling good-bye.

  "Oh, isn't she exquisite!" breathed Dolly, her eyes on the disappearingfigure.

  "You bet she is!" assented Marly Turner. "And it's a wonder she took astep out of her way to speak to us kids. But friends of Coriell,--ofcourse."

  "Is she so very busy?" asked Dolly her eyes wide with interest.

  "Well, she's a society belle as well as a popular actress. So, Is'pose, she has more or less on all the time. There's no time for muchof anything in New York. I say, can't us fellows come to see you girls?When? Where?"

  "I don't know," said Dolly, mindful of the Coriell episode. "I'm notgoing to say yes till I know what's right. I'll ask Uncle Forbes."

  "Do. Here's a telephone call that'll reach us. Let us come soon." Andthen Mrs. Brown appeared, spoke a few words to the girls, and the hoyswith them, and in a moment everybody was going home. Our girls followedthe example set them, said their good-byes, went to the cloak-room fortheir wraps, and bade the footman at the door call the Forbes car.