Read Two Loves and One Decision Page 11

wonderful as Josh but here I am getting ready for another date with Allen. Of course I am still getting use to him but I really liking him so far, he seems to know exactly what I want, what I like and he is so patient with me; maybe that is it, maybe the fact that he is patient and understanding about my breakup with Josh, makes him some what irresistible. Maybe I have made a mistake and maybe I didn’t see Allen before because I was blinded by the wrong guy; now is the time to shed myself of the past and look forward one step at a time. “Clarrisa, telephone!” Crissy said as she yelled upstairs. “Who is it; I am getting dress right now for my date”. Rissa didn’t want anything spoiling her evening out, she had her cell phone turned off to concentrate on her big date with Allen, Rissa wanted to look her best and so far it has been two week into their dating and each one is better than the first, so total concentration on what to wear was important for tonight because he told her their were going to the new Asian restaurant in town. “It’s Josh”. Crissy said yelling upstairs while muffling the phone to keep Josh from hearing. “Crissy! Seriously I don’t want to talk to Josh! Especially now!” Rissa said as she was deciding on which dress to wear. “He sounds excited like, Clarrisa”. Crissy yelled as she tighten her grip on the phone receiver”. “So! Tell him I busy”. Clarrisa said as she stopped the bubble bath water. “Fine”! Crissy said yelling upstairs. “Geez, all of a sudden she don’t want to be bother, I tell you that girl has two personalities”. Crissy said under her breath. “Josh, I am sorry but she is kind of busy, can she call you back later, ok thanks”. Crissy said politely. Crissy ran upstairs to find out what in the world has gotten into Clarrisa and one time or another she couldn’t get Josh out of her mind and the next thing you know she is avoiding his calls. “Okay girlie what gives! When did you get a sudden get over feeling for Josh”? Crissy said as she plopped on the bed. “Well, I have been dating and talking to Allen on the phone for the past two weeks and truthfully I really am starting to like him, he is so thoughtful, compassionate, we talk for hours and he has even gotten into volunteering at the food bank at the church for the homeless; I got to say that I am slowly but surely falling for this guy”. Clarrisa said as she dropped her robe and stepped into the garden tub full of bubbles. Crissy walked into the bathroom were Clarrisa was and sat in front of the mirror trying on Clarrisa perfume. “I am kind of stunned at the transformation of you getting over Josh; I thought you would take at least a full three months of whining over Josh”. Crissy said as she continued to smell the variety of perfumes on Clarissa vanity counter. Clarrisa giggled at her sister off the wall joke but she knew she was really falling for this Allen guy and she knew that it would take a new guy to get over an old guy so let Crissy Joke all she wants, Clarrisa didn’t care she knew she had something new and special now in her life. “Crissy, I am moving forward, it has been close to a month since Josh and I have broken up and nearly two weeks with Allen, don’t get me wrong Chris, I still have strong feelings for Josh but the fact that those feelings are masked by Allen who has made me forget all my hurt means a lot”. Clarrisa said as she submerged her body in the scented bubbles. “Just slow down some, you know how you get super zealous over a new relationship; you’re like a new bird out the nest”. Crissy said as she lean against the sink. “I do not”. Clarrisa said throwing bubbles in the direction in the way of Crissy. “Please, Rissa you are the queen of mushy romance novels and love sonnets, you just become jello in the brain when it comes to relationships”. Crissy said now rambling in her nail polish. “Are you not the one who introduced me to him in the first place”? Rissa said as a matter of fact. “Truthfully he came to me and asked about you himself and I just helped him out with your phone number, it was up to him to call you or not”. Crissy said. “Well, I am glad that he called and I am glad you gave him my number but you always did have a problem in sticking your nose in my business”. Clarrisa said as she started bathing her self with a sponge. “It’s my job to be nosey to my little sister and don’t you forget it”. Crissy said as she started polishing her nails with the hot pink nail polish she picked out. “Well as long as you know when to stop snooping”. Clarrisa said. “So are you going to call Josh back and find out why he sounded so excited”? Crissy said blow drying her nails. “I dunno, I mean I am curious but again I just want to concentrate on Allen, it’s not like Josh got a revelation on God and now his ways as changed”. Clarrisa said snickering. “So where are you and Allen going tonight”? Crissy said. “His taking me to that new restaurant by the pier, I heard it has the best Asian food ever”. Clarrisa said. “Well don’t forget to text me and let me know how the date is going”. Crissy said standing up to walk out the bathroom. “No problem miss nosey”. Clarrisa said laughing.

  It Time for the Truth

  Josh and Dan headed into the police station and the two were more nervous than two boys in a principle office. “I’ve tried calling Rissa cell phone at least five times and she doesn’t answer but I finally got a hold of her sister who claims she was busy”. Josh said as they waited in the seating area of the police station. “Well give her time, she’ll come around”. Dan said as he gave Josh a swift pat on the back. “Yeah, here comes detective Ingram”. Both Josh and Dan stood up to greet the detective. “Detective Ingram, this is my good pal Dan, I brought him along for support in case I need it”. Josh said as he patted the back of Dan. “Well hopefully you won’t Mr. Stevens.” Detective Ingram said as he shook the hand of Dan and waved them over to an unused office. “You gentlemen want some coffee or water”. Detective Ingram said as he poured himself a cup. “No, no I think we both had enough coffee for the day”. Josh said as he and Dan sat side by side in the wooden chairs. “So Detective what can you tell me about my family, what is going on at this point”. Josh said as he leaned forward against the desk with his hands folded. “ I’ll try not to make this story to long for but I need to take you to the beginning, your mother and sister were shot by your father but they survived, for weeks your mother was in critical condition and your sister was unconscious but after a lot time past, physical therapy, psychotherapy things got better for them and by the time the two were well enough to manage on their own, it was time for your father to stand trial and because your family did live the charges he received were a little over forty years but only served twenty-eight years, well until now.” Detective Ingram said as he sipped on his coffee. “So his dad has been in jail for twenty-eight years”. Dan said as he made a loud whistle. “It wasn’t long enough!” Josh said angrily. “Well, after the trial your mother and sister were put in the police witness protection program to protect them, your dad deemed himself that he would get out again and try to kill them, we had no choice but to create a whole new identity for the two of them and that meant no contact with you, your mother was very stern on making sure you didn’t know where they were, even after the courts found out your where about in the foster care system. “Well at least they are alive and safe, if only I could see them, is there any way arrangements can be made to see my family”. Josh said frantically. “Josh that’s not all. We found out during the trial that your dad was living a double life, while he was married to your mother he also was seeing someone else in the same town, they had a son and we recently found out that the son as been keeping up with your where about”. “How is that possible, detective; I had my last name changed when I was adopted”. Josh said confused. “We honestly don’t know, maybe it has been inside help through the courts, foster centers, or even social security number but so far I am leading toward foster centers.” “You don’t think he knows were my mother and sister are, do you”. Josh said as he nervously shook his legs. “That we know he doesn’t know, you see we got an inside tip from a singing bird in the jail that is looking for an early release that your dad and his son have cooked up some plan to get back at you and the men who killed his mistress”. “Geez, this story is getting weirder by the seconds, how did his mistress get killed”. Dan said as he saw Josh roll his eyes as to suggest he didn’t car
e. “Ahhh she worked at a bar and got caught in a scuffle but the point is we want to let you know what is going on, so you can be aware and watchful, we also want to put a couple of squads in front of your building for a few weeks just to be on the safe side, oh yeah I want to show you a picture of his son so you know what to look out for”. The detective took a large manila folder out of the draw and slid it across the desk to Josh. Josh opens the folder frantically and looked at Dan and the detective nervously before looking at the picture. “What the! Yeah I know this guy; this is the guy that I saw Rissa with at the café”. Josh said standing up quickly. “Are you sure about that! take another look Josh”. Detective Ingram said stunned. “Please! I know the guy that is trying to move in on my girl! this scumbag is dating Rissa, I can’t believe this! Am I in the twilight Zone, this is crazy Dan”. “Calm down Josh, calm down! I know this guy too; he works at the bakery over on Claremont