Read Two Loves and One Decision Page 12

Street”. “Let’s go show this guy who his dealing with!” Josh said as he hurried for the door. “Josh, Josh wait before you go barging into a bunch of trouble, we want to do this the right way”. Detective Ingram said as he closed the door of the office. “Detective this guy might be using Clarrisa to get to me, I got to stop him”. “As soon as you get a badge and a squad car, look I know you a bit anxious but we don’t want you taking the law in your own hands kid, let us handle these clowns; in the mean time I want you to keep yourself out of the way and watchful”. “I can’t believe what I am hearing, you got a half brother out there that is possible trying to harm Rissa to get to you, this is insane!” Dan said. “Get on the phone to your girlfriend and warn her about her new beau!” Detective Ingram said.

  The Best Date that Never Happened

  Rissa nestled in the leather seat of Allen car and closed her eyes as she listened to the smooth jazz music on the cd, “I hope you like jazz music, I usually listen to jazz when I want to unwind for the day”. Allen said as he lower the sound of the cd. Truthfully Rissa was an oldies rock type of girl but tonight she wanted to just enjoy being with Allen, even if she had to endure some jazz. “Clarrisa, I was thinking about cooking dinner for you tonight instead of being in a crowded restaurant, maybe lobster tails, with grilled shrimp and scallops, a crisp salad and mint jubilee soup; how does that sound to you”. Allen said as a looked over and smile to Rissa. Clarissa really wanted to go to the new restaurant but she really wanted to spend more time with Allen and besides she really did enjoy seafood. “Alright that sounds nice, should we go to the store and pick up some items”. Clarissa said. “Nay, I love to cook and so I have everything at my place set up to go”. Allen said as he continued to smile at Clarissa. “Okay your place it is”. Clarissa said as she nestled back again in the seat.

  The race to rescue

  Crissy was nestled down for the night with her favorite ice cream and her favorite movie, she enjoyed some alone time, especially since she has done more work around the shop than Clarissa, she enjoyed the peace and quiet but tonight Josh has been calling back to back and she refused to answer his calls but enough is enough. The phone rang again and she looked at the caller I.D. and picked up after the fifth call of the night. “Hello”. Crissy said annoyed. “Crissy, this is Josh I need to talk to Clarissa”. Josh said frantically. “Well Clarissa is not here Josh and I am not sure what time she is coming back”. Crissy knew that Clarissa would have a fit if she gave Josh any information on her date with Allen. “Listen this is very important, did she go out tonight with that new guy”. “What new guy”. Crissy said annoyed. “Geez, Crissy this is serious, look I have reason to believe that Clarissa is in danger with this guy”. “Ah, come on Josh, this has to stop, Clarissa is moving on with her life, why can’t you let it go”. “Because I love her that is why, I don’t want to see her hurt”. Crissy was getting really annoyed with Josh; he was cutting into her movie time. “Look when I see Clarissa I will let her know that you called”. Crissy hung up on Josh, she knew he was crazy about her but he is really taking this to a new level. “Shoot!” Josh said as he threw the phone up on the dashboard. “Dude, let’s just go over to Clarrisa house and talk some sense into her knuckleheaded sister, I got your back my man”. Dan said as he tighten his seat belt. “Onward!” Josh said as he pointed forwarded.

  The Best Date That Never Happened

  Clarrisa looked around Allen apartment to notice all the collectible baseball trophies in the glass casing. She notices that his place was neat and tidy but not as extravagant as Josh. She didn’t see any pets or a speck of dust. She thought to herself a man that keeps a nice clean place is a man worth dating. “Clarissa let me take your jacket”. Allen said as he took off her jacket, Allen let out a long whistle, as to suggest that she really look nice. “Gee Clarissa you sure look stunning”. Allen said as he kissed her hand and walked her over to the couch. Clarissa took over two hours to just pick out the perfect dress, a nicely fitted shimmering black dress with spaghetti straps; Clarissa high heels mimicked her dress material as well. “Thanks, can I help you in the kitchen”. “Heaven sakes no, I want to spoil you, so all I want you to do is just seat there so I can admire you”. Allen said as he prepared the pots for the lobsters. “Here let me pour you some wine, “so tell me Clarissa; why did you and your fiancé decide to call it quits, I mean a beautiful looking woman such as yourself, with class, elegance and very intelligent, that guy was a fool for giving up a woman like you but his loss is definitely my gain”. Allen said as he raised his glass of wine in a salute. “Well Allen I left him and he was not happy about it”. Clarissa said as she slowly sipped her wine. “I bet he wasn’t”. Allen said as he started to prepare the lobster and shrimps. “Josh and I, well we were so close but we were never close spiritually, he just couldn’t get pass in believing in God, he didn’t want to go to church, when he had problems he didn’t want to pray about it. I didn’t want to marry a man who only down fall could ruin our marriage”. Clarissa said as she sat down the glass of wine and held it tight. “Clarissa I am sorry but you know things do happen for a reason, why I was saying just to day how great it was that we are now dating and if it wasn’t for your break up I wouldn’t have a chance now”. Clarissa slightly smile because of the onset of being dizzy, maybe she should have eaten a small snack before she left. “Clarissa are you all right”. Allen said as he came over to her. “Yes I’m fine just a little woozy; I didn’t have much of a breakfast and didn’t really eat anything later in the day”. Clarissa said as she adjusted herself but before she was able to sit properly, she blacked out and fell in the arms of Allen. “Clarissa, Clarissa! well well I see pops little potion actually work quicker than I thought, now missy lets get you all tide up”. Allen said as he carried her into the bathroom.

  The Race to Rescue

  Crissy started in on her second bowl of ice cream and lounge in her favorite recliner of her dads while watching her favorite movie and even though she was enjoying her personal time, she noticed that Clarissa didn’t call or text her in over two hours but she did say that she would keep her cell phone off for the sake of having a great dinner with Allen and if Clarissa was no longer interested in her date she would have texted a S.O.S to come and rescue her. Crissy remembered many times when she had to pretend to be the overly emotional sister that needed help right away to pull her away from her dates but fortunately she hasn’t had to play that role in quite some time. The doorbell rang right before she got a chance to put the chocolate rocky road ice cream in her mouth. Crissy looked out the window to see Josh and some other guy standing on the porch. “Josh, Clarissa is not here”, Crissy said as she leaned against the door and rolling her eyes. “Crissy, I need to speak to you”. Josh said very frantically. “Josh I am kinda busy right now”. Crissy said as she yelled out while she walked over toward her ice cream. “She’s not going to let us in; we’re never going to know where she is”. Josh said upset. “The heck she won’t”. Dan said as he moved in front of Josh and pounded on the door. “Hey drama queen, your sister is out with a pervert!” Dan yelled out loud, so loud the man walking his dog doubled looked at Dan and Josh. Josh whispered to the man he was joking but deep down Josh had no idea what type of guy she was with. Suddenly Crissy opened the door. “What’s going on, what you are talking about”. Crissy said shocked. Josh and Dan came in and stood in front of Crissy with there eyes fastened on her. “Crissy, that guy that she has been dating is looking to possibly harm her”. “What! What in the world are you talking about”? Crissy said as she closed the front door. “In a nutshell, the guy that your sister is with is the brother of Josh who happens to have the same father who just got of jail and now is ready to possibly take revenge”. Dan said as he went over to flop in the lounger chair. “Josh, are you saying my sister is in trouble or danger”. Crissy said feeling lost. “Duhhhhh”. Dan said as he looked at Crissy. “Dan come on, stop it, let me tell you everything so this can make sense”.
Josh said as he walked Crissy over to the couch. Josh told Crissy the whole story from when he was a little boy being shot at by his father to Detective Ingram delivering the news of his family still being alive and the reason for his not believing in God. “Josh you’re an Idiot! how can you let my sister go through this break up with you, all because you don’t want your feelings hurt!”. Crissy said astonished at the story. “Say missy he didn’t have to tell you at all, come on Josh let’s get out of here, you see it is useless”. Dan said standing up. “No, no Dan wait, she is right, I was selfish, I didn’t want to get hurt anymore so I kept her from this just so I could feel no more pain”. Josh said as he held his head down and sat back down on the couch. “Look you can feel sorry for yourself later, we need to find Clarissa, now she said she was going to that new restaurant near the pier, let me get the number to call and see if the manager there can locate them”. Crissy used her cell phone to look up the number of the restaurant and immediately called. “Oh,