Read Two Loves and One Decision Page 13

wait! I don’t know Allen last name, I don’t know what reservation name he would use”. Crissy said throwing the phone on the couch. “Then we have to go there now”. Josh said as he headed for the door. “Come on guys we got to warn her about him”.

  Race to the Rescue

  Josh, Crissy and Dan rushed into the lobby of the restaurant and spoke with the Hostess. Josh really didn’t care if he had to make a scene; all he wanted was to make sure that Rissa was safe. “Ma’am I would like to look around your restaurant to see if I can find my fiancé. Josh said as he rushed up to the podium. “Do you have a reservation?” The young hostess said. “No we don’t have a reservation but she is my sister and we have an emergency going on”. Crissy said annoyed. “Ma’am, I’m sorry but if you do not have a reservation I cannot let you go in”. “Listen, this is important can I speak to the head person”. Dan said puffy out his chest. Dan knew that being six feet and five inch tall held some advantage. “One moment sir, I will get some one for you”. The hostess said as she briefly walked away. “I don’t know guys maybe we should look in the parking area to see if his car is out there, I do remember him driving a Ford”. Crissy said looking out the window. “Well first let’s check out the restaurant and then we can check the parking area”. Josh said. Just as the three finish talking the hostess returned with an older man with a stiff frown. “Good evening I am Theodore and I am the owner, Mary my hostess stated that you wanted to look around the restaurant”. “Yes, it’s important that we find my sister”. Crissy said. “Ma’am I am terrible sorry for any inconvience but due to safety policy we cannot allow you to walk around unless you are the police and have a search warrant, this is a place of business”. “Geez, this is ridicules! Let’s go guys maybe we can check things out in the parking area”. Dan said. Josh, Crissy and Dan ran out into the parking area to look for Allen car, all three split up but came up empty in finding the car. “Well, guys that’s it, his car is not out here, well at least not the color you said Crissy”. Josh stated as he blew out his breath. “Hey, you said he was your half brother right! So why don’t we call and ask to speak to Mr. Stephens maybe you two have the same last name”. Crissy said as she snapped her fingers. “Josh that is a good one, here use my phone”. Dan said as he handed Josh his phone. Josh called the restaurant but the hostess stated that there was never a reservation for the name Stephens. “Okay now what”. Dan said. “I dunno, wait a minute maybe that detective knows where”. Josh said as he quickly walked over to Dan car. “Wait, wait! Josh remember that detective said he wanted us to stay out of this and let them handle it, if he finds out we’re looking for Clarissa, then he’s gonna keep a watch on us”. “Then you tell me, what are we gonna do now”. Josh said throwing his hands in the air out of aggravation. “Listen, usually Clarissa calls me or text me right now it has only been a little bit over three hours; let’s just try to not to panic we might be making to much out of this”. Crissy said. “I don’t know, Cris this just seem a bit fishy to me”. Josh said. “Look, why don’t we go back to your place and wait for Clarissa and we’ll go from there”. Josh said. “I can use the company now, your welcome to come along to Dan”. Crissy said. Solemnly. “I wouldn’t have it any other way”. Dan said trying to comfort Crissy.

  On to the Next Plan

  Allen paced the floor of his apartment for nearly an hour before his father came walking through the door. “Is everything good to go son”. Jeff said looking throughout the apartment. “Everything is good to go pops; I got her tied up in the bathroom”. Allen said as he clapped his hands together. “The bathroom! Why the bathroom”. Jeff said as he opened the closet”. “I dunno, I just thought it would be better you know and besides it’s the only lock on the door”. Allen said shrugging his shoulder. “Well get her outta there and put her in the bedroom, I gotta pee something awful, I had too many beers”. Allen open the bathroom door to find that Clarissa still unconscious and on the floor. “Pop, she still outta of it, you sure you measured those knock out drops right”. Allen said picking her up. “Of course I did, she’ll probably wake up in a couple of hours”. Jeff said as he rushed in the bathroom. “Say pops how are we suppose to get that Josh guy over here, he don’t even know who I am”. Allen said as he closed the bedroom door and flopped down on the couch to turn on the television. “That’s where is little girlfriend comes in at, see what we’re gonna do is get her to call him see, then when he finds out we got her, his gonna to do whatever it takes to get her back, so we’re gonna make him sign over beneficiary papers, bank papers, property papers and other thing worth while getting”. Jeff said as he yelled out the bathroom. “Sounds great”. Allen said as he flipped through the channels. “Yes it does, it sounds even better knowing that he’s gonna sign all those papers over to you, you see boy your gonna take ownership of all his possession including beneficiary on his insurance policy”. “What if he don’t have one”. Allen said scratching his head. “Then he just got to go out and get one”. “I don’t understand pop, why you don’t just become the one to own all of his stuff”. “Don’t you see boy, if he signs everything over to his new found brother, then I won’t have anything to do with it, so even if I go to jail by the time I get out, I’ll have a nice little cushion for myself, besides I was never able to do anything for you kid and now this way I can make sure your set and you don’t have to pretend to be the owner of that bakeshop”. “I like being the manager there; I really do like it there”. Allen said as he turned his attention to his dad. “Being a manager and owning a store is two different things, I want you to have something, things I never had myself”. Just then they heard muffled screams. “You want me to give her some more of that knock out potion”. Allen said as he rushed to the door. “No, she has to call her boyfriend first”. Allen and Jeff stood in the open doorway and looked into Clarissa scared eyes. “Listen little lady, if you don’t stop that screaming I’m gonna have to sock you in your jaw and I don’t want to mess up that pretty little face of yours, all I want you to do is make a simple phone call”. Jeff said as Allen handed him the phone. “Now let me introduce myself miss, so sorry I’m not being polite, I’m Allen’s father and your fiancé’ is my son too as well as Allen brother of course but you see I don’t to much care for the first son, it’s the second son I care about, which is why your gonna help me get everything I need out of that Joshua bank account and then some, your also gonna bring him back here after he finishes all that because all four of us are gonna take a little trip back to his little home state”. Jeff said as he sat on side of the bed. “Now if I take this tape from off of your mouth you promise not to scream cause if you do I’m gonna sock you dead in your jaw, I’ve been known to go to jail for domestic battery here and there so this ain’t no different”. Jeff said as he reached for the tape. “There we go, now don’t say a word only what we tell you and you and your little boyfriend, won’t get hurt”. Jeff said looking at Allen and grinning. Clarissa couldn’t believe what was going on, she thought she was in a horrible dream, she was dizzy and her head was spinning out of control. Clarissa was scared out of her wits but she knew she had to remain calm and she knew she had to get out of there, she was not about to go to another place with these horrible men. “Allen how could you do this, why would you do this to me”. Clarissa said sobbing. “Listen love, it’s not you I want, truthfully it was never you; now your sister Crissy”. Allen said as he let out a long whistle. “Enough of the small talk now what’s that boyfriend of yours number”. Jeff said listening to the dial tone.

  Race to the Rescue

  Josh, Dan and Crissy stayed awake as long as they could but they eventually fell asleep in the living room waiting on Clarissa to come home. “Crissy, Crissy wake up it’s one in the morning, look at your cell phone and see if Clarissa called or texted. Crissy reached over and discovered that her cell phone was turned off because the battery was low. “Oh, great I have to charge my phone but at least what ever calls or text I missed will pop
up after being charged”. Josh knew that every minute count and for Crissy to not pay attention to her cell phone was not the smartest thing but he knew he couldn’t waste valuable time in getting angry with Crissy. “Did she call you”? Dan said as he stretched. “No she didn’t”. Josh said as he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. “Look don’t panic dude, this is Saturday night and we might just be jumping the gun a bit”. Dan said as he nestled back down on the couch. “You know what maybe Dan is right, I mean Clarissa has gotten home later than one in the morning or did you forget Josh”. Crissy said. “Yeah that was with me not some new guy!” Josh said panicky. “Listen dude, let’s just go home and”. Dan said as he picked up his jacket and headed for the door. Just then Josh phones ring. “It’s Rissa! Yeah baby what’s going on are you okay”. Josh said as he threw down is jacket and sat in the recliner. Josh was so relieved to see Rissa number that he didn’t even recognize the shaking in her voice. “Josh, Josh please