Read Two Weddings & a Funeral Page 1

  Two Weddings’ & a Funeral

  Chapter One


  'I Love You honey, I love you very much. Will you marry me?' Jessica could not believe what she was hearing and she kept repeating the lines in her mind. Her happiness had been obvious. Her longtime boyfriend and her best friend just proposed to her. Suddenly her beautiful thoughts were interrupted by a phone. As she picked up she realized the call was from her mom. 'Hello Jess darling how are you?' her mom greeted her. Before she could continue, Jessica blurted out,' Mom, I’m getting married'. Her mom knew how much she loved Lincoln and both her parents wished for them to stay together. They knew Lincoln was her best friend as well as the love of her life. They had been 12 and over the ten years later she witnessed best friends turning into soul mates. Thus, she prayed to God silently for making their union a permanent one. 'Mom are you there? I said I’m getting married.' Yes honey, I’m here, just processing the great news. I can't explain how happy I am for you. Wait till I tell your dad!, This is what we always wanted for you and Lincoln. After some more congratulatory words from her mom Jessica hung up the phone. The news of her daughter’s impending marriage made her mum’s day even greater than it already was. What more could she ask for than knowing that her daughter was truly happy. Jessica really had it all—an exceptional boyfriend and wonderful parents.

  It had been a true surprise when, last night. They had been relaxing on the sofa, cuddled together, watching Two and Half Men when suddenly Lincoln went to the bedroom and called her to come in, 'Jess will you come inside for a moment?' When Jessica came into the room, she was stunned at what she saw. With a beautiful diamond studded ring in his hand, Lincoln was waiting for her, already down on one knee. 'I love you honey, I love you very much. Will you marry me?' This is what Jessica had been dreaming of for years. 'Mr. Lincoln Fanning, are you by any chance proposing to me?' Jessica tried to joke, as she could still not believe what she was seeing. 'Honey, what else do you think that I could be doing, down on my knee with a ring in my hand?' Lincoln teased and gave her a half-giggle. ‘Link you know this is what I always wanted. You don't need to ask me, stupid. Just come and put that damn ring on my finger!' Jessica responded, laughing happily. Lincoln placed the diamond ring on her finger and gave her a long passionate kiss.

  Chapter Two

  The wedding date had been set for September 16th and Jessica had only a month for the wedding preparations. The first thing which she did was to order a wedding gown and she knew perfectly who to call.' Hello Laura when do i come?' Jessica called her childhood friend who had a successful career in designing wedding dresses.' Jess why don’t you come tomorrow at 3pm and did i tell you how happy i am to hear this news.' ‘Yes Laura i can make that out from your voice.'

  ‘Honey, I called Laura and she’s ready to help me with the wedding gown. I remember I have been at her shop once sometime back and she has some beautiful collection lined down there.’ Jessica called Lincoln to tell him about the arrangements made for the wedding dress. ‘That’s very good Jess, when do we go?’ Lincoln asked her. ‘She called us tomorrow at 3.’ Jessica said excitedly. ‘Ok baby then ill book a motel there. We will spend the weekend there. Jessica couldn’t hide her happiness and said, ‘I love you Link.’ ‘I love you too honey.’ Saying this Link hung up.

  They started their journey the next day to Dublin which was 128 miles from Galway. They had planned to spend the weekend in Dublin and so Lincoln had booked a motel room for both of them. They reached Dublin in about an hour and half and went straight to Laura's shop. ‘So good to see you Jessica.’ Laura came to greet her. ‘Good to see you too Laura.' ‘Hope you are doing good Lincoln?’ Laura asked Lincoln as she saw him entering the shop. ‘I’m fine Laura it’s good to see you after ages.’ Lincoln addressed Laura giving a half smile.

  They were looking at the wedding dress when Lincoln called her, ‘Honey why don’t you try this one?' saying this Lincoln handed a very stunning white gown with silver stones to Jessica. Jessica liked the dress and went to the trial room for trial. When she came out Daniel was surprised to see how beautiful Jessica looked in it with her golden brown iron straight hair running down her bare back and her brown eyes twinkling with happiness.' Honey you look gorgeous.' Jessica blushed at and decided to buy this gown without checking others. ‘Jess why don’t you check other dresses? I just gave you an option honey , you don’t need to buy this if you don’t want to.’ Lincoln was surprised when Jessica took the dress to the counter. ‘Link I love the dress and I’ll buy this one itself.’

  Later that day they had dinner and went straight to the motel room. Playing with her hair hardly able to resist any more Lincoln said, 'Jessica i love you'. Jessica rested her face on Lincoln's chest and heard his heart beating very fast. This is what she always wanted and it felt so good. So good to be with the love of her life to be with him for the rest of her life to share every single second of the life with him. Thinking this and resting beside Lincoln Jessica fell asleep around 2am. The next day they spend the whole day in the motel room lying in bed thinking about their future. Jessica thought how lucky she was to have a man like Lincoln in her life not only was he successful as a businessman he was also remarkably handsome with green hazel eyes and tanned skin with a huge built and was as tall as a building. Jessica was only 5'3 and Lincoln was almost a feet taller than her .And she loved it because she felt protected with him. Later that evening they left for Galway. Jessica was wearing a red shirt with black jeans and Lincoln loved her all the more.' Honey you look marvelous, mind if i take a bite from that sexy lips of yours?' Lincoln was getting all naughty in the car.' Darling why don't you just drive and stay focus.' Jessica said teasing him. But it was getting harder for Lincoln to drive when he had her beside him looking so stunning and refreshing. He parked the car in the nearby parking.' hey! What’s wrong? Why did you stop?' Jessica asked shocked to see him stopping at the car park.' Baby there’s something there on your face and its bugging me, mind if i? 'Ok sure honey.' Jessica said a little surprised. Lincoln moved his fingers gently. They had never felt so attracted to before. Maybe it was because they knew they were getting married in a month. But whatever it was they both loved it.

  Chapter Three

  Jessica had met Lincoln when she was 12.He was her neighbor and they went to same music classes. He was 3 years her senior. He had had feelings for her since then. He used to tease her a lot because she had braces than but still she looked beautiful, Beautiful because he loved her. They had been best friends since. Time passed and it was 3 years later that Lincoln was sent to England for higher education.' I will miss you Link, promise me you will come back for me.' Jessica said with tears in her eyes.' I love you Jess and you know that i swear to God even if am dying I’ll come back for you baby, because for me you are the one and I’ll have you beside me one day.' Lincoln said holding her face between his hands kissing her on her forehead. And now Lincoln has kept his promise even after six years .He graduated from Oxford University and continued his studies completing his MBA and was back to Ireland and had a successful business in Galway. Meanwhile Jessica completed her high school and did a dietary course of 4 years.

  'Laura a little more fitting from the top, don’t you think?' Jessica addressed Laura while looking at herself in the mirror.' Ok that would be done apart from that you look stunning darling, I’m sure if Lincoln sees you now be would go all heads over heels.' Laura said giggling. It was a week before her wedding. Jessica came to Dublin alone this because Link was out of town for some business meeting. All the wedding preparations were completed. Lincoln arranged a hall for the reception. 'I miss you honey ‘Lincoln was telling her over the phone.' So tell me how did the fitting go, i am su
re you looked as hot as anything in that wedding dress wish i were with you ‘Yes honey it was all ok apart from some fitting it looked awesome and why won't it look good after all it was you who chose it for me baby.' Jessica said half giggling. Later that night Jessica had a very bad dream she saw that Lincoln was in some sort of accident and couldn't make it. She got up sweating and panting. The clocked showed 3:30am.She called Lincoln.' Jess what's wrong? Why did you call at this hour?' Lincoln asked concerned,' Link i had a very bad dream I’m so scared i lost you in the dream baby i.. .’Before she could finish her sentence Lincoln said,' Honey i am alright don't worry i am not leaving you ever. Even if i die God forbid i am going to chase you as a ghost because i love you so much baby.' Lincoln added a little joke so as to calm down Jessica. Jessica gave a sigh of relief and hung up the phone. Lincoln looked a little concerned. He remembered how Jessica believed in dreams coming specially the early morning’s ones.

  Chapter Four

  'Honey look at you, you look like you just stepped out of heaven.' Sarah said addressing her daughter Jessica on her wedding day. Jessica truly looked beautiful in her white wedding gown with silver studs’, she kept her hair open her long silky hair falling straight down her back. On the other hand Lincoln himself looked handsome in his black suit. He was still on his way to the church.

  This was it, an hour more and then Jessica would be rolling in Lincoln's arms forever. The mere thought bought shivers in Jessica's spine .Lincoln all excited about the wedding was driving the car faster than his usual speed.' jess I’m going to have you for myself forever' suddenly coming back to reality Lincoln saw a truck speeding towards his car. He lost color and thought,' it’s too late now.' Jessica's dream flashed his mind and he remembered all the sweet moments’ privates ones spent with her. Her smile, her lips, her scent. He’s going to miss it all and this was supposed to be his big day. Before he could think any further his car crashed the truck and his car came rolling down the bridge.

  'Jess darling i am afraid i have some bad news for you, Link met an accident on his way down here.' Jessica's father told her. Before he could say anything else she fainted.'

  After sometime when Jessica regained consciousness she remembered about Lincoln’s accident. She saw her father sitting nearby.' how’s link dad?' Jessica asked scared to hear any bad news. ‘Darling his car was hit by a truck and his car landed down from the bridge. The poli.' ‘Dad i asked how’s Link?' ‘Jessica I’m sorry but he died on the spot.' David assembled courage to deliver this deadly news to her daughter. Jessica felt silent with tears rolling down her eyes. This was supposed to be her big day, the day she married Lincoln, to start her new life, the life she always dreamed of. But God has something else in store for her.

  Chapter Five

  'She’s not saying anything David nor did she when she saw Lincolns body, I’m getting worried now. I guess she needs a doctor.' Sarah was consistently trying to speak to Jessica after the accident but all Jessica did was cry, cry her heart out. It was a week later when she came down to her mom and said,' mom where’s Link? See i am ready, he was should have been here by now? Sarah lost all her face color when she saw Jessica wearing her wedding gown. ' Darling why are you wearing this, Lincoln is dead and he is not coming back accept the reality Jess it’s been a week now you haven't said a word since his death and now you come down wearing your wedding gown.' 'No mom.' Shouted Jessica ' Link said he won’t leave me, mom he promised me he loved me, he can't leave me mom, no he can't.' Jessica was sobbing terribly by now. It was than her dad took an appointment for the psychiatrist.

  Chapter Six

  ‘Dad I said I am ok, I don’t need a psychiatrist.’ Jessica tried to convince David.’ Jess you are not eating properly, you don’t visit your friends, you have quit your job and more importantly you keep crying. Honey it’s been a month now I think it’s about time to start living again.’ ‘But I am living dad.’ Cried Jessica. ’ I’m still breathing when I think I should have died along with Lincoln’. ‘You call this living Jessica? Just because you are breathing doesn’t make you alive, living means enjoying life, going with the flow, accepting the reality, not just breathing. Honey I think you need counseling. I know a very good psychiatrist and I’ve arranged an appointment for you for next Saturday and you are going there and that’s final.’ David completed his statement and Jessica just shrugged her shoulders in agreement for she knew she had no choice.

  'I Love You honey, i love you very much. Will you marry me? Darling his car was hit by a speeding truck and his car landed down from the bridge. I’m sorry but he died on the spot.’ Her father voice echoed her mind and Jessica got up from the bed shivering and sweating and drank some water. She looked at the clock.’ 3am, when will I get some sleep.’ Jessica sighed. She had been in bed since 11:30 and did not get a minute sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  It was Saturday and Jessica had an appointment with the doctor, someone named as DR Daniel Murphy. She had an appointment at 2pm and she was at his clinic at 1:45pm. She had just about time for a cup of coffee.

  ‘I loved him very much, we were getting married that day it was 16th of September. I was all ready and made up for him when I received a call from the police informing me about his accident. I I. ’before she could continue Jessica started crying. Daniel handed her a tissue and offered her a glass of water and said. ‘I understand your position MS Jessica but this was your fate. And he left for a better place. We all will die one day and his time had come. There was nothing you or I could have done.’ ‘No, you are wrong DR I could have died along with him.’ Jessica said sobbing. Daniel knew it would take more than 3 sessions for her. Daniel normally offered 3 sessions of 1 hour each before his patients recovered completely without giving any medications to them. But Jessica seemed highly depressed and was one of those few rare people who did not wanted to see themselves getting recovered. Daniel sighed and said, ‘Jessica I’ll help you and I promise myself you will be Ok in no time.

  Chapter Eight

  Daniel was 28 and he was practicing psychiatry since 25. He completed his degree from Harvard University and shifted to Ireland after his father’s death. Since then he never went back to USA.

  'I Love You honey, i love you very much. Will you marry me? Darling his car was hit by a speeding truck and his car landed down from the bridge. I’m sorry but he died on the spot.’ ‘.Lincoln’

  Jessica got up from bed full of sweat and was sobbing loudly.’ Link I love you baby, why did you leave me alone? Don’t you remember you promised me, promised me to never leave me you said you loved me? Didn’t you Link.’

  Life for Jessica was getting up in the morning, having a cup of coffee, reading newspaper, going for a walk in the evening and crying her heart out at night. She hardly ate anything. Sometimes she just had a slice of cheese all day long. It was almost 2 months since Daniels death and life for Jessica was stagnant.

  It was Saturday and Jessica had to visit Dr. Daniel at 2pm. Like always she was there before time. She was waiting in the lounge when a voice from behind called her, ‘Jess what are you doing here?’ Jessica turned around to see who it was and was happy to see Laura.’ Laura how are you? I’m here to visit Dr. Daniel. What about you? ‘Jessica, Daniel is my cousin. Remember I told you few years back about a cousin living in US and shifting here because his dad died. His dad was my Uncle. I’m here to pick him up we are going out for lunch.’ ‘Oh!! Yes I remember. What a small world it is.’

  ‘Dr. I had the same dream again.’ Jessica told Daniel all about the dreams she had been having since before Lincoln’s accident. Daniel noticed a change in Jessica since her last three visits. She was getting better now. And Daniel noticed how beautiful she was. Chestnut brown eyes, golden brown silky hair those red li.’ Dr. are you listening?’ Jessica was a little surprised at the way Daniel was staring at her. ‘Yes, Jessica I am. Daniel got a little red from the cheeks.’ Jessica those dreams will stay a part of you, what you went through was trauma
tic and it will take time to fully recover but I am happy to see how you have changed since the time I met you 3 weeks earlier.’ Jessica gave a little smile.’ Thank you Dr. I couldn’t have..’ ‘Daniel.’ Interrupted Daniel,’ call me Daniel Jessica.’ Jessica smiled openly and said,’ Thank you Daniel I couldn’t have done it without you.’ Oh by the way Daniel Laura is waiting for you in the lounge.’ How do you know her Jessica?’ Daniel was surprised. And so Jessica told him how she knows Laura.’ Why don’t you come with us Jess?’ Laura asked her when she came to the lounge along with Daniel. ‘Oh no Laura I don’t think I can make it, I have some work piled up and..’Daniel why don’t you say anything?’ Laura stared at Daniel straight in the eye. Daniel got embarrassed and said, ‘Jessica I would like if you join us for lunch today.’ Jessica was lost in thoughts.’ Jessica I would love it if you join me for lunch today?’ ‘I would love that too Link.’ ‘Jess? What’s taking so long? Daniel just asked you for lunch not taking you not on a date.’ Laura teased Jessica. Jessica got red. ’Ok I think work can wait a little longer.’