Read Tyler Smiths: A Summer Illusion Page 1

Tyler smiths:

  A Summer Illusion

  Daniel Olas

  Copyright 2014 Daniel Olas

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  Table of Content

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  Let’s bring the summer back with its fun and intrigues. Let’s tell a tale of love in a summer season… lets continue our story of Tyler Smiths.

  With Mavis back to give Tyler love lectures and Eric not around to check the potency in those lectures, Tyler has got no option than to put on the characters of the love lecture—Mr Superman and Jack; the lover boy. All because of who? Vanessa! Surprised? Well, Glen is out of town leaving Vanessa heartbroken—as it seems in the beginning. Reluctantly but desperately and inevitably—since Tyler and Vanessa is now working in the same pub—Tyler became the Mr. Superman, saving Vanessa from her heartbrokenness. On the verge of putting on Jack the lover boy character, crisis began as Jason, the son of a rich business tycoon fell in love with Vanessa… and it seems Vanessa is interested until Glen came back ready to claim his love back again…

  I don’t know what happened next… and don’t ask me! Find out yourself!!! But what I’m sure of is this; you are going to be thrilled throughout this book because you’d be left to face some illusions yourself… how? Not what you’re thinking is going to happen!

  Be careful of this character in this book named Sophia. Don’t interact with her if you’re keeping a secret because you’re going to divulge it all… don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!

  Chapter One:

  The bright sky and the sun that peeps behind it; the dancing and whistling birds that brings the morning splendour; the rising and falling waves of the ocean.

  The hot afternoon when the sun goes merciless on its victim’s body; where everyone seeks a cool solace. Many takes to beach and some won’t even leave their abodes. The season that portrays brightness and beauty. The trees are green; the leaves are dancing to the music of the wind. The lilies and grasses in their full splendour and grandeur. The blossom flowers waving at the bees.

  What season can ever afford a tale of love other than the one in great beauty? Welcome to summer! Welcome to its illusions. Its sun whispers love, romance echoes in its hotness. Not only the sun can melt you, summer fantasy will burn all your emotions and sentiments.

  …To let go

  The love that holds me slavery

  That bounds my emotions

  Let the summer sun

  Melt away all emotions

  This time I’m closing my heart

  To whispers of love…

  Tyler was cut short of his emotional lyrics by a knock on his door.

  “Yeah! Come in!” he said placing down his acoustic guitar on his bed and making way to the door.

  “Good morning!” Mavis said and she entered

  “Good morning!” Tyler replied and heading back to the wardrobe.

  “Coffee is ready!” Mavis announced, heading back to the door way and then stopped abruptly. Turning back, she called out—


  “Yeah?” Tyler answered also turning back to face Mavis.

  “I overheard your lyrics, it was nice.”


  “And Ehm… what’s it all about?”

  “Nothing! Just in the mood!

  “Really?” Mavis asked doubtingly. “Anyway, I have news for you! Join me at the table. Dad has asked me to tell you the new development.”

  With this, she turned back ready to go but Tyler called her back.

  “What’s the nature? Good or bad?” Tyler asked curiously.

  “Well, join me at the table and I will tell you!” She said and closed the door.

  “Hmm… News? I hope dad is not gonna spoil my fun this summer.” He sighed and made for the bathroom.

  Tyler rushed his bath and wore a casual shirt and a faded jean. He barely treated his hair as he rushed downstairs to join his sister at the table and to grab the news.

  Mavis has already set the table. Hot coffee with baked pancakes will definitely cool some nerves this morning. But Tyler could not even let down enough pancakes as he waited anxiously for his sister to speak out.

  After several minutes of silence save for the crunching noise of pancakes in mouth, Tyler finally asked the pressing question in his mind.

  “Mavis, hit me with the news!” He said holding a piece of pancake and looking at Mavis who’s busy with her coffee.

  “Well, well, well! You have two types of news. I have for you the good one and the bad one. Which one do you want first?” Mavis asked without looking at Tyler who is now frozen with suspense.

  “Huh! Okay! The bad one first!” Tyler requested.

  “Okay! Dad has made some arrangement with Mr McLean, the owner of the city pub. They’ve agreed that you’re gonna be working there for now till you get back to the college…” Tyler cut her short.

  “What? Dad doing a kind of arrangement without me knowing? The old man does not even care about my own feelings and lifestyle… all he wants is his choice to prevail over…” Mavis cut him short.

  “Well, you will be starting tomorrow… Eight o’clock on the dot. Mavis said biting another piece of her pancake.

  Tyler sighed dropping his coffee mug.

  “Okay! The good news.” Tyler asked looking more curious and nervous.

  “Yeah! Vanessa will be working there too!”

  “What? Vanessa? That’s a bad news. Worse than the first! Or you’ve forgotten, we’ve broken up at the last prom’s night?”

  “And it’s time to get back again!” Mavis said with this hopeful look—a hope to convince her brother that he can still fall in love again.

  “Look Mavis, aint in for those stuffs again. Vanessa and I are done for good” Tyler said with finality.

  “You think so? Your lyric was all about her right? So you think you can close your heart to love just like that? Look Tyler, Vanessa is the right girl for you…”

  “No! You weren’t present at the last prom. Vanessa has gotten another guy…”

  “Glen?” Mavis cut in with her question.

  Tyler was shocked. How did her sister know Glen?

  “You know him?” Tyler asked flabbergasted.

  “Yeah! Glen is a friend and presently, he’s out of town…”

  “And so?” Tyler asked curiously.

  “Vanessa is already heart-broken…”

  “So…” Tyler countered

  “Time to play the Mr Superman and Jack the Lover boy!”


  This time, Mavis has already finished her breakfast but for Tyler, he had only managed to bit off a small piece of his pancake and his coffee untouched.

  “Finish up your breakfast. We are taking a walk to the beach and we are going to discuss about your question—how? Is that okay by you?”

  “Uhhmm… it’s okay but I would have to change my clothes or what do you think?” Tyler asked now devouring her pancakes and gulping down the coffee—very fast!!

  “Yeah… You will have to. But you must be fast. I’ve got a date today at two o’clock!”

  “Date? Well, I hope your date won’t l
eave me freezing with single’s fever?”

  “That’s if you really want to freeze”

  “Okay!” Tyler said biting the last piece of the pancake and empting the rest coffee into his stomach as he rushed upstairs to change his clothes. Tyler called it a date with my sister to give me dating lectures!