Read Tyler Smiths: A Summer Illusion Page 2

Chapter Two:

  The morning is still young but one could see the sun already peeping behind the violet-like cloud. Catching the sight of how mother earth is this morning before its time comes to reign over her subjects with hotness. After all, they are in its full season.

  Tyler and Mavis set out with Tyler carrying his guitar with him even after all dissuasion from his sister not to carry it. They decided to walk through the city before going to the beach. This will allow them to wind time off before getting to the beach where its excitement will set them apart.

  They walked many metres without discussing their previous issue. The excitement that the city entails made them to at least forget that they were living in that city. They were amazed at the new look the city puts on. For Tyler, he had stayed in school confinement for five years. Save for holidays when he comes home and even, he doesn’t go beyond a kilometre from their house. This is a new world to him.

  As for Mavis, she had been in the university for straight two years without coming home even for holidays. Her father had to convince and plead with her before she could come. She now acts as the mother of the house since the demise of their mum. Their dad has then been living alone. On working days, he would have to go to his office where he works as a computer engineer. During weekends, he either stays at home and sleep his eyes out of his socket or go to his favourite pub—city pub—owned by his friend. The pub that his son—Tyler—would have to start working.

  They are now leaving the excitement of the city behind as they drew nearer to the outskirt of the city where the beach is perfectly located. Mavis was the first to talk having seen the expression on her brother’s face—

  “I guess we were both carried off by the city’s look!” She said staring at Tyler who is looking straight at where he was going.

  “Yeah! It’s been a whole hectic five years of confinement. It’s good to be back!” Tyler said flashing a big grin.

  “Me too!” Mavis said returning a faint smile.

  There was another moment of lullessness. After few minutes of silence, Tyler broke the chains of silence.

  “Can you tell me how I can become the Mr Superman and then go on to be the Jack—the lover boy after all that happened…”

  Mavis interrupted him

  “Easy bro! One word at a time!” She said gesticulating.

  Tyler sighed and kept quiet.

  “You see, Mavis began—most often, we think we don’t need love again whereas what we need most is that love. We oft allow others to decide for us how to handle our emotional probs. The wrong girl of yesterday might be the right one today…”

  Tyler cuts her short

  “That’s like holding on to the past! How do you move on when you can’t let go of the past…”

  Mavis cuts in.

  “Exactly! That’s what I’m saying. You are holding on to the past!” Mavis paused, looking at Tyler who’s still looking straight.

  Mavis continues.

  “You and Vanessa broke up at last prom is the past. The present situation is that both of you are heartbroken. The future and tomorrow that I want you to picture is this; you two can be together again.”

  Tyler stopped, facing Mavis now.

  “So, how do I act as Superman and Jack in all these history of yours?” Tyler asked holding his guitar with one hand and placing the second at his hip.

  “You call it history but I call it love arithmetic. Now, if you’ll ever listen to Mavis, you are of three characters. You had been the Mr Charlie—the passive lover of the past. Now, you are going to act as Mr Superman. You are to rescue Vanessa from her emotional breakdown and act as if you were never heartbroken. Then, in the future you are to picture with me; you present yourself as Jack—the lover boy. With this, she won’t be able to resist your charm… ‘Cause why? You have rescued her at a time she needed help. You’ve rebuilt your trust!” She concluded and started walking again.

  Tyler clapped his hand discreetly.

  “But Mavis, you never told me you’ve being attending extra-mural classes on love lectures. Thanks a lot!” He said flashing a big grin again.

  “You are most welcome! Just that you have to reduce the way you flash your grin. It pisses most we girls off. Who knows, Vanessa might not like it!” She said advisedly.