Read Unbreak the Woodsman Page 6

  I made my way over to him and leaned up against the bar just a foot away from his overwhelmingly sexy presence. “What are you doing here?”

  Ryder hitched up a shoulder in a shrug. “Just out.”

  “Hmm.” I smiled up at him. “You maybe want to dance?”

  Ryder’s gaze drifted to the dance floor then back to me. “I’m not much for dancing.”

  “That’s too bad.” I pushed away from the bar, offering him another smile. “Dancing can make for some excellent foreplay.”

  I moved out onto the dance floor where a small cluster of people were moving to the music. The beat of the drums, the music got inside my blood, and I let myself just relax and dance.

  I felt his eyes on me as I swayed to the music, lifting my hands and drawing my hair away from my neck, my hips moving to the rhythm.

  A few other guys approached me, but I smiled and shook my head. I wasn’t there for anybody but me…and maybe Ryder.

  His eyes burned over me, and I could almost swear I could feel the path they took as they roamed over me from head to toe then back up.

  I didn’t know how long I was on the dance floor, one song, maybe two, then Ryder shoved off the bar, and I grinned at him, feeling like I’d scored.

  He caught my hand and tugged, and I let him drag me off the dance floor.

  I pressed myself up against him and smiled. “I told you dancing was great foreplay.”

  He paused at the edge of the dance floor and cast me a long, heated look. I felt that look echo in every part of me, warmth rushing through me and making my skin feel too hot and too itchy.

  As he drew me closer, it only made the sensation increase, and I shivered a little at his nearness.

  His hand tightened around mine, and once more, he gave a slow tug.



  The music faded to a dull roar as I followed Ryder through the pub. I didn’t recognize where we were, but then again, I had eyes more for the man in front of me than anything else.

  Somebody bumped into me, and I staggered, crashing into Ryder. He went still, half shifting and turning to face me. He lifted a hand and stroked my cheek.

  I shivered at the feel of his touch, tipping my head back to meet his gaze.

  For a moment, I thought he’d kiss me, right there in the crowded hall.

  But then he shook his head, as if answering a question only he knew, before taking my hand once more and tugging me along behind him.

  We ended up in an office, and I looked around as he shut the door. The music faded to a dull roar, and I clearly heard the click as he locked the door.

  “We’re going to get thrown out if anybody finds us in here,” I said. But I didn’t really care.

  “I know the owner,” he told me, approaching me with slow, almost predatory steps.

  “How…convenient.” I backed away until I leaned against the big, solid desk on the opposite side of the room.

  He kept coming until he had me pinned in between him and the desk. “Do you want to leave?” he asked, pressing his mouth to my ear.

  “No.” I shivered as he caught my earlobe between his teeth and tugged. My ears had never felt as sensitive as they did in that moment.

  “Good.” He nuzzled me, then sought out the delicate space just behind my ear.

  He slid his arms around me and pressed the flat of his hand against the small of my back, bringing me flush against him.

  Through the black wrap-style dress I wore, I felt his cock pressing into my belly, and my girlie-parts all but whimpered in anticipation. I was already aching for him, like that one time we’d had together had primed my body, leaving me craving more.

  That wasn’t far off, either.

  Ryder cupped my face and angled my head back. His eyes met mine as he slowly lowered his head, but the moment his mouth touched mine, my lashes drifted down. His tongue swept across the seam of my lips, seeking entrance to my mouth. I gave it to him, shuddering as his taste filled me.

  I felt him tug at the tie at my waist.

  The tie was purely decorative, giving the dress the impression, it would open with one hard tug. When it didn’t, he lifted his head and studied the dress.

  “It doesn’t open,” I told him.

  One side of his mouth lifted. “False advertisement.”

  His words startled a laugh out of me, and I grinned up at him. “Knowing my luck, I’d accidentally untie it in the middle of the workday and end up flashing everybody.”

  “It would make their day.” He reached for the hem of the dress and began to drag it up.

  He trailed his fingers along the bare skin of my thigh. I’d worn another pair of woolen thigh highs paired with my knee boots, and his lids drooped as he traced the sensitive skin. “I like these,” he commented, brushing the top of the sock.

  “They’re warmer than pantyhose or tights.”

  “They also leave you bare for me.” He cupped me then and my breath caught in my throat. “I like that too,” he said.

  I stared at him, trying not to whimper as the feel of his fingers explored my flesh, learning my body.

  “The sounds you make when I touch you. I like those a lot.” He pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth, then murmured, “Moan for me, Breanna. Let me hear what I do to you.”

  He slid his hand inside my panties, and I gasped as he spread my folds, then pushed two fingers inside me.

  “That’s it,” he muttered. “Don’t hold back on me.”

  The idea of holding back had never occurred to me. I gripped his arms as he slid fingers across slippery flesh, his thumb seeking out the nub of my clit. That contact had me shivering, and I sagged back against the desk behind me.

  Ryder boosted me up onto the surface, and I held my breath as he stripped my panties away, then pushed my thighs wide.

  “I want you open for me,” he said, pushing the skirt of my dress up over my thighs.

  Then he went to his knees, and I whimpered as he pressed his mouth to my flesh, sending hot waves of desire through me as he raked his teeth over my skin. I stared at him, dazed and hot as he pushed my skirt even higher before lowering his mouth to my pussy.

  He licked me, and it was like lightning had streaked across me, a hot, startling caress that sent waves of pleasure whipping through me.

  He did it again and again, learning bit by bit what I liked the most. Sagging back across the desk, I groaned and shoved my hands into his hair, urging him on.

  Ryder worked me right to the edge, and when I was bucking and shuddering on the edge of climax, he stood.

  I panted for breath as he freed himself, pulling a foil package from his pocket.

  He tugged the rubber on, then, eyes locked on mine, he pressed the head of his cock against my entrance. He pushed inside slowly, and I arched up, trying to pull him deeper inside me.

  But he kept up that slow, lazy pace as he filled me, then withdrew.

  I brought my knees up and braced my heels against the surface of the desk, pushing upward.

  Ryder reached down and placed the flat of his hand on my belly.

  “Not so fast,” he murmured. “I want you to break…slowly.”

  Need clamored inside me, a greedy fist that gripped my entire body. As he surged inside me again, my body quaked.

  Squeezing his hips with my thighs, I tried to hold him inside me, but he kept up that inexorable rhythm. Soon, I was scrabbling at the desk with my fingers, all but writhing on the surface as he continued to move.

  I clamped down around him, and his cock jerked. I did it again, instinctively and watched as a muscle pulsed in his cheek. A bright sheen overlaid his eyes, and a faint shudder rocked his body.

  Finally…seeing the signs of his control as it neared the breaking point, I focused on pushing him over.

  I milked his cock with my internal muscles which was just as erotic to me as it was to him. I felt the ridges of his erection, stroking against my sheath, then I felt the pulsations as his cock jerked insi
de me again and again.

  He snarled, and I shuddered as he bent over me and began to ride me harder.

  Pleasure, too hot and bright to control, erupted inside me and after another hard thrust, I started to come.

  And still, Ryder moved, relentless.

  It sent me flying over the edge again, and I cried out just as his mouth crushed to mine.

  “Think your friend will mind us using his office for…ah…personal reasons?” I asked him a few minutes later.

  He straightened over me, a faint grin crooking his lips. “I’m one of his investors. I think he’ll let it slide. I don’t plan on making a habit of this.”

  For some reason, it pleased me just a little too much because it made it sound like I was the reason he’d done this in the first place.

  I liked the idea of driving him to act with more recklessness than he’d normally show.

  Something told me that recklessness wasn’t in his nature.

  I got the feeling he valued control. Suspecting I’d pushed him past the point was a stroke to my female ego.

  He pulled away, and I watched as he turned and walked over to a door I hadn’t noticed until that moment. He opened it, and I caught sight of a mirror and countertop – a bathroom.

  He disappeared inside, only to reappear almost immediately.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked, his voice abrupt, almost harsh.

  I blinked, caught off-guard by the question. “Yes,” I said slowly, shifting a little as he closed the distance between us. “What’s wrong?”

  He shoved a hand back over his hair and looked away for a few seconds. When he looked back at me, his face was grim. “The condom broke.”

  I blinked. “I…what?”

  “The condom broke,” he said again.

  “That was what I thought you said.” My words came out soft and weak, and I buried my face in my hands for a minute to process what he’d told me. Finally, I looked back up at him. “I’m on the pill. I…” I hesitated to go into any detail. He didn’t need to know I was on it for medical reasons as much as anything else. “We’re covered on that front.” I chewed on my lower lip for a few seconds, watching as a rush of emotions flickered across Ryder’s face. “I’m clean.”

  He gave me a short nod. “So am I. I just…” He blew out a breath. “Sorry. This is the first time that’s happened to me.”

  “Same here,” I said softly. I gave him a smile that was hopefully less strained than it looked. “We should be fine. I’m…uh…well, I get tested regularly. You don’t need to worry about that.”

  “Same here.” A muscle pulsed in his cheek as he stared at me. “I’m clean, too.”

  “Okay then,” I said, blowing out a breath. “We’re good.”

  He lingered there for a few more seconds, then turned back to the bathroom. I could see him standing at the sink as he washed his hands.

  I pushed off the edge of the desk as he emerged from the bathroom. My legs wobbled under me, and I braced my hand on the surface next to me until I steadied.

  He cupped my elbow, and I gave him a quick smile. “I’m fine.”

  He nodded, and his hand fell away.

  He didn’t touch me as we left the office.

  I tried to tell myself it didn’t matter, but I felt a little bereft.

  Sex, I told myself. This was just about sex. Neither of us is looking for anything more than a good time.

  And it was probably the end of it, too, considering what had just happened. Nothing freaked a man out like the possibility of birth control failing.

  He brushed his hand down my back, then lost himself in the crowd as I made my way back to the table where I’d left Tabitha.

  I swore when I saw that two other couples had taken it over. Although I knew I was wasting my time, I circled the pub, looking for her.

  She wasn’t anywhere that I could find, and I found a section of the bar that was unoccupied. Pulling out my phone, I sent her a quick text, hoping she’d reply soon. I wanted to get out of here now in the worst way, but I couldn’t exactly do it until I knew where Tabitha was.

  Hey…where did you disappear to?

  Her response came back immediately.

  Saw you with the hot guy and figured I’d head on out. I was ready to go anyway. You know me. I can only tolerate crowds for a little while.

  I made a face and texted back.

  I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have abandoned you.

  Tabitha sent me back a smiley face.

  You didn’t. I told you to go after him. I guess you did?

  I couldn’t tell if she was asking for details. Knowing Tabitha, I decided against telling her we’d had a quickie in an office and just went with:


  I hesitated, then texted another message.

  I am sorry. I don’t like to be that girl who abandons her friends all because of a guy.

  She sent back another reply.

  Stop. You didn’t abandon me. It’s fine. I’m almost home and going to get ready for bed. You be good.

  I sighed and slid my phone into my pocket.

  The bartender appeared in front of me and asked if I wanted something. I just shook my head. I should follow Tabitha’s example and get out of there, head home and get some rest.

  It had been a long day, followed by a little more activity than my Tuesdays usually involved.

  I was tired, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t sleep as easy as all that.

  First the thing with the rubber breaking, then Tabitha up and leaving because I’d abandoned her.

  Don’t brood over the rubber. You’re on the pill, I told myself. It was easier to focus on Tabitha, even though I was kicking myself for how I’d acted.

  As I left the club, I told myself I was going to stop and buy some bagels for Tabitha on my way into work. I didn’t need to spend the money, but I still felt guilty about leaving her alone.

  I didn’t want to be the girl who abandoned her friends or started neglecting them all because of a guy.

  No matter how hot he was or how amazing the sex was.

  My belly fluttered as my mind conjured up a mental image of him as he’d stood over me, driving inside me.

  Amazing barely covered our experience together.

  But…amazing or not, I valued my friends. I wouldn’t abandon them again.



  “The bagels weren’t necessary,” Tabitha said as we sat at one of the tables in the brightly lit breakroom.

  The bagels were turning out to be lunch for both of us. Tabitha had hustled in just before it was time to start the day, and she’d had a wild-eyed look to her – or at least wild for her. I overslept…rough night.

  The bagels had proved timely because she’d skipped breakfast, thanks to missing her alarm.

  I’d never seen Tabitha anything less than put together and now as we sat across from each other, I studied her pale face. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” I asked her.

  “I’m fine.” She offered a weak smile. “I just didn’t sleep all that great.”

  “Anything bothering you?”

  She hitched up a shoulder in a shrug. “Crazy dreams, that’s all.”

  “I’ve had those nights.” Reaching for my coffee, I took a sip and grinned at her over the cup. “Did you appear naked in front of your high school algebra class?”

  “I didn’t take algebra in high school,” she said absently. “I had calculus.”

  I blinked, angling my head to the side as I studied her. “Wow. You were a nerd?”

  She grinned. “Still am.”

  “I suck at math. I always did great in everything else, but math? I could barely keep up.” Just the thought of calculus was enough to give me hives. “Are you one of those geniuses who graduated college early?” I asked, seriously curious. I could see that in her, although part of me wondered what she was doing working as a receptionist if she was as smart as I was starting to suspect she was.

  “A little ea
rly.” She hitched up a shoulder and looked away. “Everybody’s smart about something. All my smarts are related to books and the like.”

  “That’s not a bad kind of smarts to have.”

  “I guess not.” She munched on her bagel for a few seconds, then put it down. “What happened with you and…Ryder? That’s his name, right?”

  “Yes.” I squirmed in the seat and debated on what to tell her.

  She must have read the debate on my face and deducted the reasons behind it because as she watched me, her eyes widened, and her lips parted. “You didn’t…there, in the pub?”

  “We found an office,” I said, sounding defensive to my own ears. “It’s not like we ducked into the bathroom.” I opted not to mention the condom failing on us. It seemed like a wiser idea to just ignore that. I was on the pill, right? I was covered. How many times did I have to remind myself of that fact?

  To my surprise, Tabitha giggled, tugging at the neck of her sweater like she was overheated suddenly. “I live vicariously through you, Breanna. Never change.”

  “You should live your own life,” I told her, nudging her shin with the toe of my boot. “You’re young, gorgeous, and sweet. I totally need to set you up.”

  “No.” She gave a quick shake of her head, nerves flashing in her gray eyes. “I’m good just as I am.”

  “Why settle for being good?” I asked lightly. “I don’t believe in being anything less than fantastic.”

  Tabitha just smiled and ate a little more of her bagel. “Not all of us are as lofty or confident as you are, Bree.”

  Something sad flickered across her face.

  I wanted to ask her what was wrong but judging by the way she abruptly hunched in on herself, I knew she wouldn’t answer.

  Maybe, sooner or later, she’d open up to me or Stella. Both of us.