Read Unbreak the Woodsman Page 7

  But I couldn’t make that happen until she was ready for it.

  The ad campaign Stella and I were working on for a local bakery was coming together.

  We’d just had a meeting with the mother-daughter team who ran the place, and they’d been thrilled with our ideas. The daughter was already on top of handling some of the things we’d normally recommended – a stronger online presence, active social media platforms. They were wanting to expand, and because of that, they were reevaluating their branding.

  They were my favorite kind of people to work with – open, interested, eager to look at new ideas. That was half of the battle sometimes, convincing a client to take a risk with the promo.

  The word risk tended to worry a lot of business-oriented people, but one often had to take risks to grow. It was so much easier to make people get that when they were already prepared to take a few risks.

  Stella had another meeting right after ours, so I’d told her I would handle making the notes and starting the team on the few changes the clients wanted.

  Just as I was finishing, a shadow fell across my desk.

  Looking up, I found myself the target of an intense pair of dark gray eyes.

  Ryder stood there.

  “Ah…hello.” I licked my lips as I leaned back, taking in the sight of him hungrily.

  “Hi.” He glanced around, then nodded in the direction of the conference rooms. “Do you have a few minutes? I’ve got a proposal I’d like you to consider.”

  “Okay.” I grabbed my laptop and rose, following him through the brightly-lit work area.

  The same conference room was empty, so I headed in there, putting my laptop down and turning to face him as I turned on the lights. “What can I help you with, Ryder?”

  He didn’t answer right away.

  He walked over to stand in front of me and stopped just a foot away.

  My heart thudded hard against my ribs at the expression in his eyes.

  He looked intense. He looked…hungry.

  When he didn’t respond, I glanced at the table where I’d put my laptop, then back at him. “Did you bring any new material for me to consider? Do you have a budget in mind?”

  He shook his head and reached up, pressing his fingertip to my lips. “I’m not here about the job. I’m here because of you.”

  His words made me shiver.

  Blinking, I shook my head. “Because of me…how do you mean?”

  “I can’t stop thinking about you.” He tucked his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels as he studied me.

  Flustered now, I brushed my hair back. As he continued to watch me, I heard myself responding, “I’m having a hard time of that myself. I mean…I think about you a lot too.”

  He reached up and brushed a lock of hair back from my face, tucking it behind my ear. His fingers trailed along my skin before falling away. I’d swear a path of fire blazed where he’d touched.

  “I want to know if you’d be interested in us developing a…physical relationship.”

  I blinked. “Haven’t we already done that?”

  “An on-going one,” he said.

  Still confused, I shook my head. “This is…well, kind of surprising. I wasn’t sure I’d see you again after what happened at the pub.”

  His lashes drooped. “Why should it matter? You’re on the pill. We’re both clean. I can have bloodwork drawn, and you can see the results if it would make you feel better.”

  “I…um…no. That’s not necessary.” I hesitated, then asked, “Would you want me to get blood drawn?”

  He shook his head. “Since there shouldn’t be any problems from that, I don’t see any reason to let it interfere with the here and now. I like sex. A lot. But it can be…problematic because some women automatically assume sex means a deeper commitment. That’s not what I want. You said so yourself, you’re just looking for fun. We’re both attracted to the other, and we’re compatible in bed.”

  I puzzled over what he’d said, slowly letting it settle in my mind. “You’re looking for a friend with benefits sort of thing.”

  “We can be friends,” he allowed. “But the benefits thing is more important to me. I have friends. I don’t always have a bedmate when I’m in the mood for one.”

  He was blunt and to the point, and there was no way anybody could confuse this for anything other than what he was outlining – a purely physical sort of relationship.

  Things inside me went loose and limp as I thought about spending more time with him. Under him. Over him.

  Before, I’d even had a chance to consider how I felt about his suggestion, I found myself nodding. “Okay. That sounds like a decent idea to me.”

  He took a step closer to me, and my heart rate skyrocketed.

  “It would be exclusive,” he said. “While we’re together, it’s just us. I’m not saying this to prevent you from seeing other men, but if you decide that’s what you want, let me know. You can end things whenever you feel the need, no questions asked.”

  “Okay.” I nodded, uncertain how else to respond.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card.

  I eyed it as he held it out. Taking it slowly, I read the address on it before meeting his eyes.

  “Are you free Friday night?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Good. I’ll see you then. I assume you can find the place?”


  As I ran my finger across the embossed type on the card’s front, Ryder turned on his heel and strode away.

  I was still studying the card when I heard the click of the door as it closed.

  He’d already left.

  Dropping into the chair, I stared at the wall as I processed what just happened.

  I’d committed myself to a sexual relationship with a man I barely knew.

  I must have lost my mind.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Stella hissed, squeezing my arm.

  “Keep your voice down,” I said, resisting the urge to look around the breakroom and see if anybody had stealthily entered.

  I doubted anybody was paying us any attention, but still, I blushed self-consciously. I was painfully aware of the business card in my pocket and thought about pulling it out, stroking the surface just to remind myself what had happened a short while ago.

  I was going to get involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with Ryder.

  It was based purely on sex. Nothing else. And the idea was mildly nerve-wracking as well as a little intimidating.

  I loved sex – loved it with Ryder even more.

  But before this, any time I’d gotten involved with a guy sexually, we’d had a deeper connection.

  Ryder was making it clear – very clear – that ours would be purely physical. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  My body knew. It was all the way onboard with the suggestion and counting down the hours until Friday.

  Nerves had driven me to follow Stella when she took her regular afternoon break, and after locking the breakroom door behind us, so we weren’t interrupted, I’d turned on Stella and unloaded.

  She was dismayed by the time I was done, shaking her head as if still trying to think through everything I’d told her.

  Now, though, she looked concerned. “Are you sure you know what you’re getting into?” she asked doubtfully.

  “Yeah. Ryder and I are going to get engaged in a very, very physical relationship.”

  “Just a physical one,” Stella echoed. She shook her head and watched me doubtfully. “Are you sure you’re up for that?”

  “Yes.” I smiled at her, feeling more confident now of my decision.

  Stella didn’t look convinced. She reached up and rubbed her brow, her gaze falling to the side.

  “Hey, don’t look so glum,” I chided her. “A big, sexy man wants to get me in the sack. That’s a nice thing.”

  “Seeing as how I have a big sexy man who likes to get me in the sack, I can’t argue th
at,” Stella said tartly. “It’s more along the lines on a purely physical relationship thing that’s got me worried. Breanna, you adopt every stray you come across – me, Tabitha. Hell, you would have adopted Lukas if he’d given you half a chance.”

  I snorted and shook my head. “Trust me, Ryder isn’t a stray.”

  But Stella watched me doubtfully. “Are you so sure of that? I mean…have you two really talked much?”

  Annoyed, I shook my head. “Talking doesn’t much come to mind when we’re together. But I’m a big girl. I can separate sex from something deeper. Right now, I’m fine not having anything deeper. A physical relationship could suit us both. I don’t have to worry about hooking up with some psycho I meet at the bar. He’s got company when he wants it. It’s a win-win,” I told her.

  But Stella still looked unconvinced.

  Sighing, I leaned over and covered her hand with mine. “I’ll be careful. Will that make you stop scowling at me?”

  “Hush,” she muttered, wrinkling her nose. “I’m just…look. I don’t want to see you hurt. And Ryder isn’t the guy for long-term commitments.”

  “I’m not looking for a long-term commitment,” I insisted.

  Stella turned her hand over and laced our fingers together. Squeezing my hand, she continued to study me for a long moment before finally nodding.

  “Just…” Her words trailed off, and she averted her gaze for a moment before finally looking back at me. “Just be careful, okay, Bree? I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “I promise.” I held my hand up and met her solemn gaze.

  I had the feeling she didn’t entirely believe me, but she must have been willing to try, because she squeezed my hand once more, then let go. “As long as you’re certain.”



  The rest of the week seemed to drag, but finally, Friday rolled around.

  Earlier in the week, I’d gotten a call from the mechanic who told me he’d been able to fix my SUV, so Thursday, Stella drove me out to the mechanic and followed me home.

  The cost had sucked up a good quarter of my meager savings account, but it was better than me having to buy a new car just yet.

  And I didn’t have to try and figure out how to get from one point to another – specifically, to Ryder’s place.

  The hours between the time I woke up and the time I was supposed to see Ryder again stretched out in front of me, and I spent way too much time thinking about what was coming that night rather than work, as I should have.

  I’d promised Stella that being with Ryder wouldn’t become a distraction and because I was determined to keep that promise, I was able to muddle through the day.

  Still, I was relieved when the end of the workday finally came, and I could escape.

  I’d already googled the address Ryder had given me, and I had time, if I hurried, to get home, freshen up a little, then still be there when he expected me.

  Plan in mind, I slid out of the office and strode to my car.

  Butterflies fluttered in my belly as I started the engine. Relief poured through me when it started easily, and I patted the dashboard with affection. “Good car,” I told the vehicle. “Just hold together until spring, okay?”

  I got home in record time and dashed inside, stripping my clothes off the moment I kicked the door shut behind me.

  I had the outfit, including a lingerie set, that I planned to wear tonight laid out on my bed, and after dumping my dirty clothes, I went over and gave tonight’s wardrobe a critical assessment.

  The little black dress, paired with nude thigh-high stockings and a red pair of heels wouldn’t make for a warm outfit, but I’d sure as hell look hot.

  I hurried through a quick shower and brushed my hair out, leaving it to fall unbound past my shoulders.

  I redid my makeup, giving myself a smoky-eyed appearance and pairing it with red lipstick that matched the heels. Once that was done, I returned to my room, shivering a little at the coolness.

  I dressed quickly, shimmying into the dress and stepping into the heels before turning to inspect my reflection in the mirror across from me.

  I grinned at what I saw.

  “You better be ready for me, Ryder.”

  The house was just as impressive as his cabin, although in a different sort of way. Instead of the rustic chic ambiance the cabin possessed, this house was elegant. It was a cool sort of elegance, though and I couldn’t decide if it suited Ryder or not.

  I parked at the side of the big house, following the instructions he’d given me and left my car there as I approached the door.

  The cold air caressed my legs, and a breeze tugged at my skirt. I smoothed the material down and snuggled deeper into my coat.

  Ryder opened the door before I had a chance to knock, and I stepped inside, grateful for the warmth as it wrapped around me.

  “Let me have your coat,” he said, moving behind me.

  I let him slip it off and rubbed my hands while he hung the garment up.

  I didn’t hear him move, but I sensed that he was back to standing behind me. I was proven right just a second after the thought formed as he caught my hair and pulled it over my left shoulder, baring my right one and exposing my neck.

  I gasped as he dropped a gentle kiss on the sensitive slope.

  But he didn’t do anything else, just moved to stand in front of me and offer a hand. “Let me show you around.”

  I wasn’t there for a tour, but I couldn’t exactly tell him that I wasn’t in the mood to see his kitchen.

  I thought maybe I should have at least tried, though, because as he led me from room to room, the nerves fluttering inside my belly grew more and more out of control.

  I did have to sigh in appreciation when we reached the second-floor landing as I caught sight of the elegant landscaped backyard. There was a hot tub just off the deck, and I glanced over at him. “You use it in the winter?”

  His eyes gleamed at me. “Absolutely. Maybe if you’re good, we can take a soak in it.”

  “No way.” I laughed and shook my head. “Sitting in the water might be great, but then you have to get out into the cold.”

  “It’s exhilarating.”

  “So’s sex,” I said tartly.

  His pupils flared, and he reached up, cupping my cheek in his hand. For a second, I thought he might kiss me.

  But he didn’t.

  “Come on. We’re almost done.”

  The second floor was mostly bedrooms, and my heart started to beat harder and faster as he slowed in front of a doorway at the far end of the hall. We’d only seen half the upper floor, but I knew instinctively that the tour was over.

  He pushed the door open, and I stepped inside, my mouth going dry at the big, lake-sized bed that took up the far wall.

  The gas fireplace was on, and the lights were turned down low.

  The comforter and sheets had already been drawn back.

  “Lovely,” I said, my voice hitching a little as I moved deeper into the room. The heels of my shoes sank into a plush carpet of some indistinguishable dark color. Curling my toes in, I waited.

  There was a soft click as the door closed, and I licked my lips in anticipation.

  Ryder circled around me and moved to sit in a chair that flanked the fireplace. “I want you naked,” he said in a calm voice.

  The blunt words made me shiver, but I didn’t look away from him as I stepped out of my heels, then reached for the side zipper of my dress. The fabric peeled away as I dragged the zipper down. It stopped just at my hips, and I wiggled a little as I urged it down.

  From under my lashes, I watched Ryder.

  He rubbed at his jaw as I stepped out of the material that now puddled around my feet.

  “Come here,” he said, holding up a hand.

  I placed my hand in his and let him guide me closer until I was standing between his splayed thighs. Once that was done, he let go of my hand and sat back in the chair, slumping just a little. A faint smile tug
ged at the corner of his mouth, and he said, “I want you to touch yourself.”

  The softly spoken order caught me off-guard, and I had to fight not to squirm nervously in front of him. The butterflies in my belly took on a more frantic quality, and I breathed in slowly, then out just as slowly to still them from taking over.

  I met his gaze and saw a challenge in them.

  That, surprisingly, steadied me.

  I’d never been one to back away from a challenge.

  “How?” I asked, pushing my hair back from my face, tossing the heavy length over one shoulder. Long strands still fell over my left, the ends curling around the nipple and playing peek-a-boo. I’d never been so aware of my own hair before, my own skin.

  “However, you like. I just want to watch you.”

  I wet my lips and reached up with one hand to cup my breast. I circled the nipple, and it puckered up, drawing tight. I did it again, holding his gaze.

  His lids drooped, then his gaze fell from mine and focused on my hand.

  “Is this how you want me to touch myself?” I asked him.

  “I already told you what I wanted, Breanna,” he said in a level tone, although his voice was grittier.

  I let myself smile a little and brought up my other hand, plumping my breasts together and teasing the areolas as he stared at me. His gaze dipped down between my thighs before returning to mine.

  I spread my legs wider and slid one hand down my torso. Heat pulsed between my thighs, and even before I touched myself, I already knew I’d be wet.

  The heat that met my fingers still made me gasp.

  The way he watched me was disconcerting, and my fingers skipped, hesitated.

  “Getting nervous now?” Ryder asked softly.

  “Hell, no,” I told him. Maybe I lied…a little. But I wasn’t about to back out at this point in the game. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feel of my fingers sliding wetly over my folds.

  I pinched my nipple with my other hand and felt an answering tug between my thighs. I whimpered a little and sought out my clit. It was already hard and pulsing, and when I tugged on my nipple, I felt an echo right there.