Read Under Suspicion - The Legend of D.B. Cooper Page 35

What a waste of time and talent, Alan thought as he stood in line at the Dick’s burger drive-in on Capital Hill. He’d spent most of the afternoon cruising the high schools, looking for kids buying and selling pot.

  “May I take your order?” came the voice from behind the glass.

  “Yes, I’ll have a Dick’s Deluxe, large fry, and a large coke—no wait, make that two large fries,” Alan said as he pulled out his wallet. He knew they weren’t healthy, but Dick’s fries were the best in town and he just couldn’t resist. He planned on working out that evening, which he hoped would make up for it.

  I deserve better than this two bit marijuana case, he thought as he picked up his order and walked to the corvette. If it wasn’t for that old road block, Cranston, he’d be running a higher profile case. He would have to step up his efforts to push the old fart out the door, he decided with a smile. Alan got into his vette and opened the bag.

  “Mmm,” he said, taking in the aroma of his lunch. He then started up the car and drove onto the street. “Where to now?” he wondered aloud, continuing down the street and stuffing his face with fries. School would be out soon and he decided to go down to Rainier Park and watch for anything unusual.

  Twenty minutes later, Alan pulled to a stop on the street next to the park, shut off the engine, and looked around. It was fairly quiet, just a couple of joggers and a man playing frisbee with his dog. Opening the bag, he looked inside and saw that the fries were already gone. Next time he would have to get three orders.

  Alan took a long drink from his coke then slouched down low in the leather seat. Maybe I’ll take a nap, he thought as he took a bite of his Dick’s Deluxe. The girl, whatever her name was and he didn’t recall even asking, had kept him up all night. Besides there was nothing going on here anyway.

  A few minutes later, Alan finished his lunch and began drifting off. Through half open tired eyes, he barely noticed the Suburban approaching. His consciousness followed it, not for any particular reason at first, but just because it was the only movement around. His keen powers of observation, though sluggish at first, started registering information in his head. A few questions started popping up, but Alan wasn’t really listening and wished he could turn them off.

  The Chevy 4x4 was covered in mud. Where did he get so dirty? It parked across from him, and the driver stepped out and looked around slowly. He was a teenage boy wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and a green Forest Service jacket. His pants and sneakers had dried mud still caked on them.

  Alan’s eyes followed the kid walking past the vette and into the park. A bulge in the kid’s jacket was held securely—securely enough to lift an eyebrow. A Forest Service worker didn’t exactly fit the profile of the area, and an alarm went off in Alan’s brain. An old case file tugged Alan away from his slumber. He recalled a case where some nature loving pot smokers grew their stash out in the boonies where it couldn’t be found. They would then bring it into the city to sell to the locals.

  Alan decided to tag along for a while and stepped out of his car carrying his drink. He followed Clifford through the park, making sure he was far enough behind not to be noticed. Clifford made his way towards a stand of trees and bushes then stopped and looked around cautiously. A moment later, he disappeared into them.

  Alan moved quickly around to one side of the trees and quietly worked his way inward. He peered through a bush and saw Clifford surrounded by five other kids wearing gang colors. Alan watched as they talked. A few of the boys appeared to be keeping a lookout. Clifford pulled out a silver brick and showed it to the other guys. “It’s a drug deal alright,” Alan smiled to himself as he put down his drink and pulled out his gun.

  “Federal officer! Stay where you are and put your hands up!” Alan yelled from behind the bush. The boys frantically looked around then all ran in different directions. Stay with the drugs, Alan reminded himself, running after the kid in the green jacket.

  Clifford looked behind him as he sprinted through the park carrying the package like a football. Oh no! he thought when he saw Alan chasing after him. He knew he couldn’t get caught with the package.