Read Under The Moon Page 1


  MG Camacho

  Copyright © 2014 by MG Camacho

  Book cover art © 2014 by Nate Lindblad

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  Title Page



  Dear Readers

  Under The Moon

  Haunted House

  Fairy Magic

  Song Of The Sea

  Bonus Story: Bonds Of Fate

  Bonus Story: A Mysterious Caller

  About The Author

  “My short stories are like soft shadows I have set out in the world, faint footprints I have left. I remember exactly where I set down each and every one of them, and how I felt when I did. Short stories are like guideposts to my heart…” — Haruki Murakami

  For lovers of short stories. Hope you enjoy.

  Dear Friends,

  I am so happy and grateful to be able to share with you six short stories in this book. I had so much fun writing these stories and living in their world and now that it’s over, I know have to start working on a new short story collection but I find myself procrastinating and still thinking about Helena and her adventures.

  Anyway, I would like to share with you a few tidbits about the stories in this collection. First off, Haunted House came about from a dream I had way back in high school and the dream was the scene where Grace first meets Richard. It was so compelling, I just had to write it down and turn it into a book. Well, I did try to write Haunted House into a full-length YA novel but as I was about to write the last chapter, it didn’t feel right. It felt way too long, the pacing of the story too slow. So I chopped a huge chunk out of it and turned it into a short story. And I discovered that I like it better that way.

  Bonds Of Fate came about while I was talking to a radio personality of mine and we were talking about how doppelgängers are so different between cultures and growing up in the Philippines, this is somewhat an Asian take on doppelgängers.

  A Mysterious Caller is an inspirational short story that I wrote during a workshop and I decided to add it here.

  These three short stories I’ve mentioned were originally written a long time ago, so long ago, I can’t quite remember the year I started writing it. I wrote Under The Moon in 2013 and was planning to turn this into a YA novel but keeping it short and sweet would be better than drawing it out when it’s not really necessary. As for the rest of the stories in this book, I’ve written them all in 2014 including revisions for Haunted House.

  I hope you do enjoy this book as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

  Take care,


  Under The Moon

  “Helena will be turning thirteen in two weeks, on a full moon,” the wise Crone announced. Turning to the parents of said child, she asked, “Has there been any indication of her powers manifesting yet?”

  “No, not yet,” came the reply.

  “We need to make sure she is indeed the maiden as prophesied by our great ancestor who will break the curse. Our time is running out. We cannot waste anymore time. If a week after her thirteenth birthday and her powers has yet to manifest, then she is not the key and we need to find the girl who is,” the Crone spoke with urgency. “Drake, since you go to the same school with Helena, I am appointing you guardian and guide. Watch her carefully and look for any signs of her powers manifesting. And if she is indeed the key we’ve been waiting for, guard her with your life. The circle is dismissed — for now — until we convene again. Blessed be, everyone.”

  “Blessed be,” those in attendance answered back then slowly left the clearing towards their own homes.


  All around her, the stench of death is everywhere. Villages burned down to the ground, the pitiful cries of the wounded and dying fading fast. The marauding invaders long gone.

  “Helena, are you even listening to me?” her best friend Grace, grumbled, jolting Helena back into the present.

  “I’m sorry. It’s not like I do it on purpose,” Helena apologized.

  When Grace asked if she talked to someone about her dreams, Helena replied, “No, because they’ll think I’m going crazy,” while surreptitiously looking around the crowded hall.

  So, it has begun, Drake thought to himself as he met her gaze steadily.

  The day passed by in a blur when the final bell rang loud and clear.

  After waving goodbye to Grace, Helena continued walking down the street. She tensed. “Stop following me!” she yelled, turning to face her stalker.

  “I can’t. At least not without talking to you first,” Drake explained, running a hand through his wavy brown hair. “I know about your visions and I can help you,” he added.

  “Did Grace put you up to this?” irritation evident in Helena’s voice.

  Ignoring the question, Drake assured her, “Don’t be afraid, you’re not the only one. There are others like you.”

  “Others? Who?” curious now as to who the others are, Helena asked.

  “You’d be surprised because they’re very close to you. And no, Grace is not one of them,” he replied. “Do you remember a story your parents or your grandmother told you as a child?” Drake pushed on.

  “Helena can vaguely remember a fairy tale story of a girl with magical powers. “What about it?” she asked skeptically.

  “It is very much real and alive in you, Helena,” he confirmed. “You are the key to breaking the curse and I am here to guide and guard you until you have full access and control over your powers,” Drake explained.

  “You are crazy. I have no powers,” Helena exclaimed in denial.

  “You are more powerful than you think Helena, and those visions, they’re just one tiny manifestation of your powers,” Drake said adamantly.

  “You are — ” Helena trailed off as another vision overcame her senses.

  The woman stood in the midst of a circle of fire, hands outstretched to the heavens and a dark shadow, surrounding the fire loomed over the woman. “By breath, by blood, by air, by fire, by earth, by water, your dark and evil curse will be broken by a maiden of thirteen moons on the thirteenth year a hundred years from now. This is my will so mote it be!” the woman cried out before giving her last breath.

  “Do you still think you’re not the girl we all have been waiting for?” Drake asked quietly as Helena slowly came out of the vision.

  “What if you’re wrong about me?” Helena whispered, sounding unsure.

  “You only have to believe and stay strong,” Drake said, his tone soothing. “And whatever happens, we will always be there with you,” he added.

  Helena was not at all surprised to see all of her family and Drake’s gathered together in the living room waiting for her when she got home, Drake close behind.

  “We are all proud that our family has been blessed and that you are willing enough to believe and try,” Helena’s grandmother said in a clear, strong voice despite her old age. “We have much to do and you, Helena, have a lot to learn. Drake, as her guide and guardian, protect her at all times and guide her in this magical journey that will save us all,” her grandmother added.

  Helena’s training couldn’t start soon enough. That night, she was given a
leather bound book that contained all the secrets that her family held and kept throughout the years and that which was passed down from mother to daughter, and was sworn to secrecy.


  “You seem to be hanging out with Drake a lot these days,” Grace observed one day at lunch. “What’s going on?” she added, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

  “I know and I’m sorry I haven’t spent time with you as much as I’d like to,” Helena apologized. “Our families are really close and we were given this research project to work on,” she added by way of excuse.

  Grace, having all sorts of romantic notions running through her head, smiled and said playfully, “You’re fine, I’m pretty much busy with extra credit projects too so I’m glad you have Drake to keep you company when I’m not around.”

  Helena could only sigh and shook her head in response.

  As the days passed by, Helena learned a lot. Her powers grew and her mastery over the elements grew stronger still. As for the evil wizard, he lurked in shadows and nightmares, waiting, counting down the days until the full moon on All Hallows’ eve so he can finally defeat the witches and the maiden that will bring about his destruction.

  “Isn’t this great? A full moon on Halloween!” Grace exclaimed with excitement. “You are coming to the Halloween dance tonight like you promised, right?” she confirmed.

  “Yes, I’ll be there but I can’t stay long,” Helena replied, a bit distracted.

  “No worries,” Grace smiled, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

  That night, Helena dressed carefully in her ceremonial clothes, a white shimmering dress shot with gold and silver threads, in the style of Greek Goddesses, a strand of pearls woven in her long, wavy blond hair and silver sandals on her feet. Grace on the other hand was dressed like a medieval princess off to meet her prince. Her black straight hair curled and half of it piled atop her head in an elegant up do. The gym where the dance was being held was decked out with every imaginable Halloween creature, with purple, black and orange streamers completing the theme.

  Almost everyone is out on the dance floor and having a grand time with their dates. All except Helena. She could not take her mind off of what is to come next, what she must do at the stroke of midnight.

  Drake came for her at ten o’clock and they were met at the school’s entrance by Helena’s mother, who then drove towards the forest on the northern edge of their small town. They rode in silence, each deep in thought as to how best to fulfill their parts in this very important moment in their family’s history.

  Reaching the clearing where the two families assembled, Helena shivered. Not for the cold weather but for the fear rising up from her belly, threatening to choke her.

  “All will be well,” Helena’s grandmother took her cold hands in her warm, gnarled ones. “Do not fear, my dear child, for we are all here for you and with you. Remember what you have learned,” she added as she squeezed Helena’s hand for comfort.

  Helena smiled and squeezed her grandmother’s hands in return, saying, “I am ready.” Taking the athame from the altar, Helena drew a circle on the soft earth, a circle large enough for the two families to comfortably sit inside, with the altar in the center. Once everyone was inside the circle, their hands clasped together, Helena stood in front of the altar, raising her arms high up to the heavens, she called on the elements for protection, mental clarity, strength, and healing. “By the powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, by the powers of all that his holy and good, rid this land of darkness and evil, cleanse the land with light and good. This is our will, so mote it be,” she finished chanting, lowering her arms.

  As Helena’s words rang out in the quiet stillness of the clearing, frosty winds blew, battering the circle with it’s mighty force, and dark shadows gathered, formed into a man.

  “Do you think you can defeat me?” the wizard, whose eyes glittered red with hate, laughed menacingly. “Your powers are no match for me! Prepare to die, all of you!” was his battle cry, hurtling a ball of fire towards the circle.

  Fire, bright red and hot, surrounding the circle. “Hold on tight! Don’t let go!” Drake shouted. “You can do this, Helena. You have the strength and the knowledge, look inside yourself,” he yelled encouragement.

  Taking a deep breath, Helena brought her right hand up towards the wizard. With a flick of the wrist, she summoned forth vines and roots to trap the evil wizard and pushed the frosty winds back at him. He staggered at the assault, his rage intensifying the heat of the fire. She then quickly rained down sharp shards of ice on him before he could retaliate and redirected the fire surrounding the circle, back towards the wizard.

  The wizard fell to his knees as Helena chanted, “By these holy and sacred powers, by breath and blood, by earth and air, by fire and water, be gone from us and be no more. This is our will, so mote it be.”

  With a final cry, the fire consumed the evil wizard as Helena fell to her knees. “It is done,” she whispered tiredly. No one is threatening my world without permanent consequences, she vowed.

  Haunted House

  Grace leaned against the balcony, staring pensively at the empty street of the neighborhood. A cool, soft summer breeze blew steady, teasing a few tendrils of her straight, shoulder-length black hair.

  Grace straightened when she noticed two people, each covered in a long, black hooded cloak, walking along at a clipped pace. In a warm and humid weather like this, why on earth would anyone be wearing a black hooded cloak like that? she wondered, staring at them.

  They looked up and stared right at her, their faces pale against the bright sun. The woman looked at her like she was some sort of food source, while the man looked at her with some sort of warning in his eyes then she heard a voice say, Don’t bother with us. In fact, don’t go anywhere near us. It is dangerous. Your life will be at stake.

  The voice in her head had the deep melodic sound of pure male that sent delicious shivers up and down her spine. Driven by curiosity, quickly and without hesitation, Grace got her bike out and pulled the door shut behind her, pedaled as fast as she could to catch up to them and see where they live. Grace rounded the corner and saw them enter a vine-covered wall located on the left side of the street. Grace leaned her bike against the wall, walked to the spot and parted the vines inch by inch to see if there was a hidden door. She was about to give up when all of a sudden, Grace saw fading sunlight filtering through the thick ivy wall. Gingerly, she parted the ivy curtain, and stepped into a thickly wooded village within her neighborhood and the time in this village seemed different from the time in her world.

  From where Grace stood, the road to her left led down to the village proper while the road to her right led to the mansion. Right in front her was a signboard, “Welcome to San Antonio” nailed to an old tree, the paint peeling off on the side. Great big Oak trees lined the street on both sides. Right now, everything seemed to take on an orange hue due to the fading sunlight. Grace started down the road on the left and saw little kids playing on the street with toy cars and dolls. They were all poorly dressed. Their complexions browned by the sun. Their faces, arms and legs, were dirty from playing all day on the street.

  Every human activity on that street stopped the moment they saw her as if they have never seen a stranger. What is wrong with these people? Grace whispered the question to herself while every mother collected their children and ushered everyone inside their home as fast as possible before she could pass by. They all have the same small cottages, which were all the same in color too: brown. In short order, the village became a ghost town. Slowly, Grace retraced her steps back to where she started and walked down the other road to see if it would indeed lead to the mansion.

  Lightning illuminated the skies over where the mansion stood, the moon slowly rising from its hiding place behind the clouds. All of a sudden, Grace felt a chill, not from the wind but from something unknown. As if someone was watching her or following her … behind her … waiting.

sp; Grace turned around and ran back to the entrance of the village when suddenly, two strong hands held her shoulders.

  His hands were like bands of steel, holding her tightly and firmly to where she stood. Grace's eyes stared at his black leather shoes, slowly traveling upwards to his very pale face. He has the most kissable lips I’ve ever laid eyes on. His eyes are the color of smoke pulling me, she thought. From that moment on, Grace knew deep in her heart that she wouldn’t be able to forget him. His hands moved down to her arms, shaking her back to reality.

  “What are you doing here? Haven’t I warned you to stay away from us?” he asked, gripping her arms tightly.

  “So, it was your voice then? But, how did you do it?” Grace asked him out loud but she was thinking, For a dead-looking person, he is quite strong, as if possessed by some superhuman strength.

  “Yes, it was I who warned you. What are you doing here?” he asked again.

  “I was just looking around,” Grace answered, swallowing a lump forming in her throat.

  He released his grip on her arm and she rubbed them unconsciously to relieve the pain. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. I just don’t want any of you people endangering your lives by going in here. Now go. And don’t you ever return here in the future. It is too dangerous,” he said quietly.

  “What danger lies here?” she challenged him.

  “Do you see that house down there?” he pointed at the mansion and continued, “That is where I live. It is dangerous for people like you to wander around here because I belong to a family of vampires,” he elaborated without preamble.

  “And you expect me to buy that? Are you kidding? There is no such thing as vampires,” Grace raised an eyebrow, unable to believe what he said.