Read Under The Moon Page 6

  “Thanks Grace. I will be done here in about an hour. Two at the most. Then I’ll go to the inn as soon as I can. Be careful okay?” Helena said without breaking focus from the potion she was concocting.

  “Yes, do be careful. I guess it would be best if you hurried so the boys can keep you company at least,” Serena waved Grace off.

  “I will. Bye! Serena, I’ll see you Friday unless I see or hear something important then I’ll look for you here at the house. Helena, I’ll see you in a bit,” then Grace raced off towards the beach where she managed to catch sight of Richard and Drake diving into the ocean. She ran then neatly dived onto incoming waves and swam after the two boys.

  “Hi! I thought I’d keep you boys company on the way to the castle,” Grace greeted her friends.

  Richard smiled and took her hand in his. “I’m cool with that,” he said. Drake said nothing and stared straight ahead.

  They reached the vicinity of the castle all too soon and Grace said her goodbyes to her friends once more and proceeded alone to the inn and hurried into the kitchen to help with dinner preparations.

  “You’re late!” the gruff voice of the cook assailed Grace’s ears when she walked thought the kitchen’s swinging doors. The cook himself continued chopping without even looking up.

  “I’m sorry. I got carried away at the market. There’s so many beautiful, shiny things in there, I just couldn’t help myself,” Grace knew how to play the gruff cook. She sent him her sweetest smile, put on a dreamy expression and danced around the kitchen with a lot of hand gestures as if she’s about to break into a song and dance routine any minute, all the while chattering on about babbles and trinkets mainly because she knew he doesn’t have the patience for such frivolities. As expected, he tuned her out and ultimately forgot to scold her or to ask about Helena.

  Grace chattered a bit more about the market while keeping an eye on the cook’s facial expression to make sure he wan’t listening at all. Then gradually, she ceased chattering and started peeling half-cooked shrimps. When she was done peeling shrimps, she scrubbed soaking mussels. She was just about to start on rinsing a huge container of seaweed when Helena burst through the swinging kitchen doors.

  “You’re late!” came the gruff voice of the cook without looking up. His permanent frown deepening the creases of his weathered cheek.

  “I know and I’m terribly sorry! I forgot the time! The market! Oh! The market was just super fabulous!” Helena dance and gestured wildly around the kitchen, finally stopping beside Grace. “Did you know…” Helena continued prattling on and on about shiny trinkets and baubles just like what Grace did earlier and the cook rolled his eyes.

  “What is it with young mermaids and shiny trinkets and baubles?” the cook waved his hand at Helena to stop her onslaught of words. “Enough of this chatter! Get to work!” he scolded the two girls.

  Sharing a secret smile, Grace and Helena worked side by side in silence, rinsing out seaweed.


  Richard and Drake reached the courtyard in time for the guard shift briefing and were able to slip in unnoticed.

  “There is still unrest among the villagers and they have been requesting that the King and Queen be released to them. I have heard rumors that these peasants are gathering their meager strength to either attempt to rescue the King and Queen or to risk attacking us. So, for every shift, I want each and every one of you to always be on the lookout. That is it for now. You are all dismissed. Go back to your assigned duties,” the captain of the rebel guards barked orders, and swam back inside the castle to report back to the usurper.

  “Those peasants are really nothing to worry about,” one of the rebel guards snorted. “Kill a few of them and they will all run and hide, like the coward that they are,” he said, laughing with the other guards.

  “Why don’t we ask these two newbies? See what they think of this latest threat?” another rebel guard suggested.

  “I think you both are correct. The peasants are not something that we should be worried about,” Drake started.

  “They don’t have the weapons to attack us and they definitely don’t have the legendary skills the guards are known for,” Richard added.

  “You are absolutely right, kiddo!” the older of the two rebel guards smiled and laughed, slapping Richard on the back then swam away with the others to their posts.

  Drake and Richard sighed with relief when they were left alone in the middle of the courtyard. “That was pretty close. I am so glad you added that bit about their legendary prowess in battle,” Drake grinned.

  “Thank God they bought it. Over the years I lived as a vampire, I have learned that flattery can get you further,” Richard shot his friend a wry smile.

  “I can absolutely believe that,” Drake smiled and led the way to the tower where the King and Queen were kept prisoner. “I’ll take the tower entrance, you take the tower room,” he added.

  “Fine,” Richard mumbled and swam up towards the tower room door to keep watch.

  Thankfully, both Richard and Drake have the same guard shifts so every time they are not on duty, they swam to the surface to keep Serena posted.


  Serena woke up to the sound of soft jazz music playing from somewhere in the house. Rubbing her eyes, she got up, fixed the bed and stepped out of the bedroom and headed towards the source of the music.

  “I’m sorry if I woke you up. I was just making sure these potions are ready and now I’m just packing up these vials to transport to the inn for tonight’s midnight plan,” Helena turned from the kitchen sink, holding a tray of vials with glowing green liquid and flashed Serena a smile.

  “I can’t believe it’s finally happening. Do you think we can pull it off? What if we get caught?” Serena slumped down on a stool, her hands cradling her head.

  “Serena, don’t borrow trouble when there’s none to be had. I am quite positive everything will go smoothly tonight. Have faith, okay?” Helena patted her friend on the shoulder.

  “I’m just nervous,” Serena replied, her tone apologetic.

  “I know you are. That’s why we have decided to change the plan a little bit that way there won’t be any bloodshed when you and your family take your kingdom back,” Helena answered, closing the lid on a plastic box holding a dozen vials. She sat next to Serena, leaned closer to her friend and whispered, “So this is what we planned to do…”


  “Good grief, it seems like everyone from the village is here to celebrate Serena’s coming home,” Grace observed, peeping out from the kitchen doors.

  “It sure beats the slow pace,” Helena grimaced, hefting a platter of seaweed, mussels and clams. She swam towards the swinging doors and stopped at a table and served the food accordingly. She was about to return the kitchen when something silver flashed in the distance. Out of curiosity, Helena swam towards the entrance, peeked out from one of the windows and gasped. “Looks like trouble heading our way,” she said, swimming back to the kitchen as fast as her fins could propel her.

  She burst through the kitchen door, grabbed Grace and her box of vials stashed beneath the kitchen sink and whispered tersely, “The rebels are here! Quick! Help me with these!”

  Together the girls sprinkled a vial of the sleeping potion on three platters of stuffed squid. “Hurry girls! The guards will want something to snack on. I’ll make sure of it,” the innkeeper’s wife bustled into the kitchen, grabbing a platted of stuffed squid and left the other two platters for Grace and Helena to carry out and serve.

  The captain of the guards along with men sauntered through the door of the inn but before they could cause any trouble, the innkeeper’s wife was there to greet them with a platter of very appetizing stuffed squid. “Welcome to our humble inn, captain. I am the innkeeper’s wife and may I offer you and your company some stuffed squid, sir? It’s on the house as you and your men have honored us with your presence,” the innkeeper’s wife bowed and help up the platter for his inspection.<
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  “I, uh, thank you. I have to admit these look tempting and delicious and we have not had our supper yet. I hope you have more than one platter of these?” the captain asked, his eyes widening in surprise at how delectable the squid actually was and grabbed another one from the platter before seating himself at a vacant table in the middle of the crowded room. He gestured to the rest of his men to go and find themselves places to sit, eat and drink. The guards occupied the three largest tables at the inn and each table had a platter of the spiked stuffed squid. Their hunger was yet to be satisfied after they’ve gone through the squid and so each table ordered more food to be brought out.

  “Thank goodness I had the foresight to make a dozen of these sleeping potions. We can just dump a vial on each platter of food that goes out to the guards’ tables,” Helena whispered to Grace, the cook and the innkeeper’s wife as they huddled around the kitchen preparing the food.

  After stuffed squid came platters of salmon steaks, baked mussels and stuffed crabs, all spiked with sleeping potion that was served to the guards. The rest of the diners had the same orders minus the potion. Finally, when the tables were cleared of food and serving dishes, the guards were too full to move a muscle and so stayed put for a bit until one by one, they started to close their eyes and dozed off.

  “That was one of the best dinners I’ve had in years! Innkeeper! You and your wife have outdone yourselves!” the captain of the guard saluted the couple with his empty glass and fell face down on the table, snoring.

  As soon as the guards were all asleep, the rest of the diners got up, grabbed sturdy ropes from under their tables and tied up all the guards and they began swimming as one towards the castle, their prisoners in tow. Serena met Grace, Helena and the rest of the villagers halfway between the inn and the castle.

  “Thank you all for your loyalty and support. I am so glad my friends here were able to find a way to win back our kingdom without so much bloodshed. And now we must go to the castle and restore the true King and Queen to their rightful place as rulers of the Pacific!” Serena rallied her people and they cheered.

  Serena, together with Grace and Helena, led the way straight to the throne room where the usurper sat, red-faced with anger at seeing all his men trussed up like common criminals and asleep!

  “What is the meaning of this?” the usurper’s voice boomed and echoed down the empty throne room in his anger.


  “You two are staying here to keep an eye on the King and Queen. Make sure they don’t escape or I’ll have your heads!” the captain of the guards addressed Drake and Richard on their way out the east gate. “I’m taking the rest of the men to capture the Princess Serena. We received reports that the villagers are celebrating her return at the inn not too far from here,” the captain added, opened the east gate himself and led his men out.

  “Boy am I so glad, the captain is taking everyone with him,” Drake smiled at Richard and together they swam up the tower and waited for the signal. When a series of flashing light came from the direction of the inn, Richard unlocked the tower room door and both entered to find the King holding his trident aloft, ready to attack.

  Drake and Richard automatically sank to their knees. “Your highness, we are friends of Serena’s and we are here to set you free,” Drake said.

  “At the moment, your daughter is on her way to the throne room with two of our friends and the entire village to dethrone the usurper,” Richard added.

  “Then I guess we don’t have time for detailed explanations. We have to find them before the usurper kills them all!” the King tightened his grip on the trident and surged forward followed by the Queen then Drake and Richard.

  The King and Queen halted just before the entrance to the throne room when they heard their daughter speak. “You are not fit to sit on that throne, much less rule the Pacific. Your tyranny is at an end! Voluntarily step down now and I promise you, the King and Queen will be merciful,” Serena’s voice rang out with power.

  “I have every right to this throne by conquest!” the usurper screamed.

  “What you did was no conquest!” the villagers screamed their defiance and moved forward, getting ready to attack the usurper to bring him down if need be.

  Seeing the unrest, the usurper stretched his right arm upwards and drew down a black trident from swirling bubbles of water above him and aimed it at Serena and the villagers. The tips of the trident glowing red.

  “You should not have crossed me, Princess. You could have been my bride. But now, you shall suffer and pay for your insolence!” the usurper shrieked in rage and got ready to use the trident.

  A blinding ball of white light came out of nowhere and struck the usurper, sending him to his knees. He howled in anger and in pain. The sound echoed through the walls, stirring the guards from their slumber. At first, they struggled against their bonds. But they soon realized they have lost and sat dejected in a corner of the throne room.

  The King and Queen, in all their glory, swam towards Serena. Facing the usurper, the King said, “Don’t you dare harm these good people, not to mention our daughter.”

  “Surrender now…” the Queen said.

  “Never!” the usurper interrupted the Queen and reached for his trident.

  The usurper got incinerated instead for the King was quick to defend his loved ones and the people he care about. The villagers cheered wildly at the demise of the usurper. “Long live the King! Long live the Queen! Long live the Princess!” they chanted.

  There was much dancing and feasting that night to celebrate the restoration of the kingdom. As for the rebel guards, they were thrown and locked in the dungeons to think about the wrongs they did.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please!” the King announced. When all the noise died down, he continued. “I would like to extend my deepest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to Helena, Grace, Drake and Richard. Though land dwellers, they have proven themselves to be true friends to the merpeople. We owe them our lives, our kingdom, our freedom,” he added and the crowd erupted into cheers. The noise died down when the Queen stepped forward.

  “Please accept our humble token of friendship,” the Queen said and presented each of the humans a queen conch shell. “Wherever you may be, the ocean and all who live in it will be with you,” she added then kissed each of them on both cheek.

  “We will treasure this always,” the humans said in unison.

  “As much as I hate to break up the party, I have to send them to the surface before the merpeople spell I cast on them wears off,” Serena interrupted and ushered her friends out of the castle amidst cheers and waves from everyone. “Sorry about that guys, but I would really hate for you guys to get trapped down here and maybe drown. I know you wouldn’t mid it Grace but your parents will be really sad if you don’t go back to them,” she added.

  “But I haven’t even told you about my mermaid adventures,” Grace pouted, sounding like a five-year-old.

  “I know, but this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me. How about if I meet you at the beach every weekend or something?” Serena suggested as they continued swimming towards the surface.

  “But how are we going to let you know when to meet and where?” Richard asked.

  “The conch shell. Just whisper your message and to whom and the next time we pick up our own conch shell, we’ll hear your message,” Serena smiled.

  “Wow… That’s the first time I’ve heard of that. The only thing we humans know about the conch shell is to put it to our ear to hear the ocean and that’s it,” Helena chimed in.

  “Nope, it’s our equivalent to cell phones you land dwellers love,” Serena laughed, the sweet tinkling sound of her laughter mirroring the flashes of sunlight over the waves of the ocean when their heads broke the surface and found themselves in that same quiet cove. Serena hugged her friends and said, “Well, this will be the last time you’ll be swimming with your tails. Once you’ve dried off, that is it. You’ll be back to bei
ng human with legs and you don’t have to worry about getting in contact with water while out in public. If ever you’re still in the water, I don’t know if the spell will just wear off and your tails will turn into legs so just to be on the safe side, no more diving for all four of you. And if you ever need help, blow on the conch shell. Dolphins are usually the first responders and if you needed more help than what the Dolphins can do, one of them will surely get one of us,” she added then hugged each of her friends one last time before diving back into the water. And with a colorful wave of her fins and a huge splash, Serena disappeared under the waves.

  After an hour, despite being in the water, their tails transforms back to human legs and so they all go tout of the water and sat on the sandy shore, just watching the waves. When their clothes were completely dry, they walked back to Serena’s house, collected their things, returned the house key to its hidden spot and sent a message using Grace’s conch shell.

  “Thanks for all the adventures, Serena!” Grace said then passed the shell to Helena.

  “‘Till we meet again!” Helena added, passing the shell to Drake.

  “And stay out of trouble!” Drake and Richard said in unison, laughing.

  Bonds Of Fate


  At this time and place, where magic is still very much feared and at the same time revered, Rhianna never dreamed such powerful magic & responsibility will be passed on to her so soon.

  The High Priestess, Rhianna’s mother, died during the storm that raged so wildly in protest last night, as if the universe too were in despair for such a great loss. She was a woman of integrity, of great power, of strength, a patient teacher, a supportive friend, but she was above all a loving mother. As Rhianna stood looking out the east tower of the castle where she grew up and learned of her gifts, honed her craft and ultimately controlled the powers given her, she surveyed the activity below with a sense of foreboding dominating over her sense of grief. They were building a pyre from the woods gathered in the forest surrounding the castle where her dear mother will be laid to rest.