Read Under The Moon Page 7

  The scuffling sound of heavy boots hitting the floor did not escape her notice but she chose not to look at the visitor. “Rhianna, how are you holding up?” a deep male voice that could only belong to Prince Marcus, a childhood friend of Rhianna’s and next in line to the throne, whispered over her shoulder as he hugged her close, feeling the tremors of suppressed emotions coursing through her lithe body, screaming for release.

  Rhianna bowed her head, blinked back tears when Marcus released her from his comforting hug and turned her to face him. “Let it out Rhianna … let it all out,” he gripped her arms but not too tightly forcing Rhianna to release all of her pent up emotions that he saw too clearly mirrored in the depths of her brown eyes.

  “As much as I wanted to let go of the storm brewing in my soul right now, I can’t. You know I can’t Marcus and you know what will happen if I do so … the consequences of releasing such strong emotions could stir up a greater storm than last night’s. The people have suffered enough,” Rhianna cried sadly as she buried her tear-streaked face on his chest.

  She heard his deep sigh and felt his sadness, his longing, his despair and it somehow echoed her own. As he pulled Rhianna closer yet again for comfort, a different emotion assailed her senses, throwing her off balance and reeling from the negative impact on her energy.

  Sensing the lady’s distress, he pulled her aside, stepped forward, shielding her with his warrior’s body, a hand went automatically to the hilt of his sword, ready to fight and protect if need be. A shadow near the door to the tower’s balcony moved. Muscles tensing, Marcus gripped the hilt of his sword tightly … waiting.

  The small black paw of a cat’s moved from the shadows into the fading sunlight. “Oh, Midnight!” Rhianna cried out and they both burst out laughing breaking the sad spell. Crouching down, she gathered the black stretching Egyptian Mau into her arms.

  Cuddling him close, Rhianna straightened up and stroked his fur the way he liked it best but was startled when he started hissing and wriggled to get down.

  “Hey, what’s wrong Midnight? It’s ok … hush,” Rhianna cooed to the cat but it made no difference except for the fact that she started feeling tired all of a sudden.

  “Rhianna, you’re looking pale. Are you unwell?” Marcus worried as he scooped her up in his arms and brought her back inside and settled her down on a settee. “You shouldn’t have been out there like that,” he admonished.

  Tired brown eyes looked back at him as he searched the lady’s pale face for signs of recovery, it endeared him all the more to Rhianna to know that he still worries a lot about her despite the great powers that she possesses. If the lady weren’t already in love with the man, now would probably be the time to do so. Alas, theirs is a love that can never be.

  “How do you feel?” Marcus asked, gathering both her hands in his.

  Rhianna was about to answer but got interrupted when Princess Ana, the third member of their trio passed by the open doorway and happened to look in on them.

  “Rhianna, weren’t you on your way to the circle in the forest?” Ana asked, with obvious confusion swimming in her blue-gray eyes.

  “What do you mean? Why would I go to the circle when the burial ceremony for the High Priestess is about to begin?” Rhianna answered.

  Ana moved deeper inside the chamber as Marcus stood up to his full height while Midnight jumped down from the settee and greeted the new comer. “Well, I just saw you down the hall a few minutes ago and asked where you’re going to in such a hurry but you didn’t answer me. I thought something was bothering you so I came in search of Marcus to ask him about it and here you both are,” Ana narrated. “Are you alright? You look a bit pale,” she asked, concern about her friend clearly etched on her lovely face.

  “I’m fine now but I’m afraid I may have unconsciously unleashed something evil because of my grief. You see, I felt an overwhelming sense of foreboding earlier before Marcus arrived and Midnight was hissing at something or someone inside this chamber. A few seconds later, I could feel my energy draining slowly and he carried me inside and that’s how you found us,” Rhianna explained tiredly.

  “I believe that would be the time Ana saw you hurrying down the hall towards the direction of the circle,” Marcus put the pieces together.

  “It very well could be … but who or what is that I just saw?” Ana asked, a worried look on her face.

  “Well, from what mother has taught me, it is a spirit called a Doppelganger wherein it shows itself as me to friends and family to confuse people. But common lore has it that if friends & family does see someone’s doppelganger, that person is bound to be ill and when a person sees his own doppelganger, he is bound to die sooner than later,” Rhianna explained, a worried expression flitted across her face.

  “Then would that mean you’re going to fall ill? You do look a bit pale still. I’ll ask the wise woman to prepare a brew for you,” Princess Ana was about to get up when Rhianna reached out a hand to stop her.

  “I don’t know and I’m not sure but hopefully, my powers are greater than any doppelganger’s I may have unleashed,” Rhianna smiled tiredly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine in a bit,” she added, leaning back on the cushions and closing her eyes, meditating to recharge her energies.

  “Ana, what does that doppelganger look like?” Marcus asked curiously. “I mean, is there any difference so as to easily distinguish one from the other?”

  Ana shook her head. “The doppelganger and Rhianna looked exactly alike, Marcus. I just don’t know if any differences between them would show up upon closer inspection but one thing is for sure, she didn’t even try to speak to me or answer me when I asked her where she’s headed. It is as if she either doesn’t or hasn’t learned to speak our language yet,” the princess recalled her encounter with the doppelganger.

  “She will learn the ways of mortals the longer she walks this place,” came the quiet voice of the meditating witch.

  “What do you mean, Rhianna?” a worried Ana frowned as she looked over her shoulder into the woods beyond the terrace doors.

  “Will that doppelganger permanently take your physical form and be human as it’s time here passes by? And if it does take on human form, will it become a threat not only to your personal health and safety but also to that of my people’s?” Marcus paced before the reclining witch.

  “I am not entirely sure of what it will be capable of doing but whatever it is, I have a very strong feeling that it is somewhat evil, everything that I am not or I wish I am,” Rhianna tried to explain as she slowly sat up.

  “Do you wish you were more evil than good then, Rhianna? Is that what you’re saying?” Marcus shot her an incredulous look as soon as Ana said the words out loud.

  “Well, there are always two sides to a coin and doesn’t it follow that there is also two sides to a person’s character? Both the good and the bad,” Rhianna paused for breath. “And sometimes, when a person is innately good, the bad side would find ways to remind everyone especially the person himself that there also exists a sinister side too,” the young witch added.

  “So you mean that basically, this doppelganger is also you? It’s just that now, there will be two Rhiannas walking around the castle grounds,” Ana started looking perplexed by this whole idea of having doubles or evil twins as some cultures referred to doppelgangers.

  “Basically, but really, it’s not me but a part of me. It’s like right now, at this moment, I’m only half of who I used to be, because that doppelganger is the other half of me,” Rhianna smiled at the confusion swimming in both of her friend’s eyes. “Confusing, isn’t it? You’ll get to understand it as the idea grows in your head. Just don’t overanalyze it because the more you do, the more its logic eludes you,” she smiled helplessly.

  Just as soon as the sun disappeared from the horizon, lonely, solemn drum beats broke the stillness of twilight, calling everyone in the castle to gather round. A young page boy came hurrying down the hall
towards Rhianna’s chambers to announce that the ceremony for the safe passage to the afterlife of the High Priestess is about to begin.

  “Thank you young man, you may go,” Prince Marcus ordered with a curt nod of his head as he helped the witch to her feet. “How do you feel?” his eyes bright with concern.

  “Are you sure about this?” the princess asked as she took the witch’s other arm to steady her and to lend comfort and support for what she is about to do.

  “This is the very least I can do for the High Priestess, my mother. Yes, I’m very sure about sending her safely off to the afterlife myself,” Rhianna replied resolutely.

  Outside, on the castle grounds, the solemn drum beats continued as everyone slowly made their way towards the newly built pyre where the High Priestess lay as if she were in deep slumber.

  Eyes trained on the still figure of the High Priestess, Rhianna carried coins and flower petals in her hands as she slowly made her way up the pyre with Marcus & Ana close behind. With a calmness that seemed to emanate from deep within Rhianna’s soul, she scattered the fragrant petals over her mother’s form, placed a coin over each closed eye and the rest were securely wrapped into cold hands, hands that used to soothe, to teach and guide her. Everyone present were mourning in their own way: some of them were staring blankly, unable to believe that their powerful High Priestess gave up the fight against the evil curse that befell her; others were crying still for losing a dear friend and teacher; and there are others who didn’t actually care but were there nonetheless for any display of power the daughter might entertain them with. And still, there is one among the crowd, who cared so much about everything it hurts … the pain of losing someone, the frustration at fate, the anger, the helplessness of not being able to find a spell to reverse the curse, the injustice of it all.

  Dark clouds rolled in and they were suddenly enveloped in darkness and the only illumination came from the single torch Rhianna was carrying. Lightning illuminated the black skies above and thunder droned out the drums. Great gushing winds threatened to extinguish the flaming torch but it only teased the fire to dance crazily, flaring it up a bit. She placed the torch to the side of the pyre and raised her arms to the heavens. Everyone fell silent, the drums stopped with a loud and final beat as Rhianna chanted, “I call upon the Goddess of the Earth to bless this mortal body and to safely send it to the afterlife. I call upon the Gods of the Underworld to take this soul unto your care. With fire I light thy path, with earth I end thy mortal journey; with water I purge thy soul, with air I swiftly send thee to rest. May peace be with you as you leave this mortal world behind. This is my will, so mote it be.” She then burned the wood surrounding the high priestess’ body, scattered salt around it, followed by sprinkling water over the body and signaled for the continuous beating of the drums.


  The being continued to roam the kingdom, going unnoticed by the crowd, seeing, tasting, hearing, feeling, learning all there is to learn about what it is to be human as she took a more solid form as days turned into weeks. She craved for more than the tiny kingdom that Prince Marcus stands to inherit can offer. She bravely set off on foot, over valleys and rivers, hills and forests she walked and learned some more. Sadly, she couldn’t see the beauty of nature, the goodness in people, and the true purpose of magic. She only saw the devastation left behind by barbarians as she journeyed on; felt the suffering, pain and hopelessness of the survivors of the raids, acknowledged the injustice of it all, and the need for revenge, to kill, grew at the very core of her being. She stayed in a kingdom long enough to learn a little magic, a few powerful spells here and there and used them without care of the consequences, taking no heed of the warnings her masters told her when using magic. Her powers slowly but steadily grew stronger as the seasons changed and the more she knew, the more she got corrupted by it.


  A year after Prince Marcus’ family were killed during a raid by the barbarians, Marcus was thus crowned king amidst loud cheers from the townspeople, their love and their support were very much evident in the way they welcomed him, accepted him as their new ruler. It was a week long celebration filled with funny shows for the children, and various games and contests for all ages to enjoy. At night, there were musicians, bards, and jugglers and a lot of feasting and dancing that people can look forward to. Despite the festive atmosphere, Rhianna couldn’t help but feel estranged from it all and a bit disturbed by the nagging feeling of darkness she couldn’t quite shake off. Unwittingly, King Marcus and Princess Ana saw Rhianna leave quietly to go back to the comfort of her spacious tower room above while they were in the middle of a waltz.

  “Do you think she’s unwell?” at such close proximity, Princess Ana clearly saw the concern etched on his face as he said the words, a concern that went far beyond friendships.

  “No, but maybe she needed some time to herself to think, perhaps, about what to do, now that her doppelganger is somewhere out there,” Princess Ana whispered back. “My Lord, can we talk later?” she asked, her expressive eyes troubled.

  When the castle has finally settled down for the night, the bright moon hanging on the inky black sky saw Marcus and Ana walking out towards the heart of the garden maze.

  “I can’t take this anymore!” Ana exclaimed as soon as they reached the center, wheeling around to face him.

  “What can’t you take anymore?” confusion filled his blue eyes.

  “I can no longer take the fact that you truly love Rhianna and I feel helpless about it. I know she loves you too and I’m the only one getting in the way. It’s not that I don’t love you Marcus, I do but not in that light. If only there is a way for us to invalidate our betrothal, I would have done so already,” Ana declared without preamble.

  “You would do what?” Marcus asked in disbelief. “You know very well that such is not an option for us. We can’t do anything about it. The death of both our parents doesn’t invalidate the betrothal they agreed to on our behalf which is now our responsibility to honor no matter what happens,” he added resolutely.

  “But Marcus, don’t you want to be wed to someone you truly love rather than to someone you just care about? Well, I do want to marry for love or not at all,” Ana said as her chin rose up in a stubborn angle.

  “Ana, why are you saying this just now? It doesn’t matter what I want because it will all be just for naught. Why don’t we just make do with what we have and make it work instead of wishing for things that can never be?” Marcus suddenly looked tired as he expressed his sentiments.

  “Why are you giving up so easily?” Ana wrinkled her brow in frustration.

  “And why are you being so persistent?” Marcus countered with exasperation.

  “Because I’ve fallen in love and I just realized how hard it must be for you and Rhianna, how you both must have resented me for getting in the way of your happiness,” Ana whispered sadly.

  “No, we don’t resent you at all, Ana. We both know that our love was never meant to be and we’ve come to terms with it. Why don’t you do the same?” Marcus sat beside her on the stone bench.

  “I don’t want to go through with this betrothal anymore because I feel that I’m cheating everyone and myself out of our chance at true love and happiness,” Ana explained slowly.

  “But you know clearly well that there is no way to break the betrothal and only a crowned princess can ascend to the throne as queen,” Marcus reminded her of their strict laws and customs.

  “Well, I was hoping you’d rewrite those outdated laws and customs since you are now the king,” Ana suggested hopefully.

  “I don’t know Ana, if that is at all possible … I mean, if I even have the authority to change what was,” Marcus shook his head slowly … dejected.


  The end is almost upon me and I could feel her coming … always stronger than before if it were a day. I fear so much for the safety of the innocent and for purely selfish reasons, I fe
ar for my own. I know that death should not be feared for it is said that in death we shall live again. I don’t understand any of this … why does it have to be me and not someone who has far greater powers than I? Is this truly my destiny? Rhianna’s troubled thoughts filled her heart with anxiety as she opened the French doors leading out to her balcony. Stepping out into the cool night, made fragrant with the scent of nocturnal blooms from the clearly visible garden maze below, she stood still, contemplated the full moon and the stars above for a moment or two then closed her eyes to let the moonlight wash over her, cleansing her spirit in the process.

  “Stop fighting it Rhianna! Let go! Free yourself from this mortal bond that inhibits your true powers,” it whispered near her ear as she jerked her eyes open to see it shimmer before her then slowly took a more solid form, with a face so like her own.

  Taking a step back, she hissed, “No, you are not real.”

  “Oh I am very real Rhianna. You created me from the deepest, darkest emotion in your heart that you ignored as if you’ve never felt it. I screamed myself hoarse but you never listened and now you couldn’t hold it in much longer and I was set free,” it smiled sweetly and held out a hand to her. “Come Rhianna, you know we will never be whole again until one of us joins the other. Come join me,” the doppelgänger held out a hand.

  “What do you hope to gain?” she asked.

  “Why your deepest desire of course — to be the most powerful queen in all four kingdoms and reigning beside King Marcus and not your friend, who knows that you love him but instead she steals him from you and is even engaged to marry him in a few weeks time. Where does that leave you? You’ll be left all alone without a friend, you’ll see,” it answered all-knowingly then slowly faded into the mists when it sensed Marcus and Ana emerging from the garden maze.

  As if in slow motion, she sank onto the ground as tears began to fall from eyes filled with confusion, from the thoughts it left behind and seeing Marcus and Ana together as if on cue. “No, this isn’t true … this can’t be right. I’ve known Marcus and Ana my whole life,” she shook her head with disbelief. “I do love Marcus with everything I am but you’re wrong about me, about Marcus and most of all, about Ana,” she added firmly as she rose up to counter the winds it summoned.