Read Unforgettable You Page 2

  They all speak as I walk through and just keep talking about the game. I change and stalk back through the room; they say nothing as I pass. By the time I get to the bar, I’m in a better mood. And it doesn’t hurt that Dave’s standing back there, drawing beer and smiling at me. “Hey, Steffen! How ya doin’?”

  “Pretty good, pretty good. Can I have a Lite?”

  “Sure!” Dave draws the draft and sets it in front of me. “I’m glad you and Clint talked. He really values your friendship, you know.”

  I nod and smile. “And I value his. I’m glad we talked too. I’ve felt better ever since.” And that’s true. It’s going on three months and we’ve barely seen each other, but that’s because they aren’t coming to the club much. Instead, they’re staying home and trying to get to know each other a lot better, and apparently it’s working. A couple of people who’ve seen them said they seem really, really happy. I’m glad for that, truly glad. They both deserve to be happy.

  “I have to tell you, I haven’t seen Clint this happy in a long, long time, maybe never. Trish is so good for him. And the girls! She always wanted kids but that dickwad she was married to didn’t, and now she’s got two who adore her as much as she adores them. She’s turned into an amazing mom and they’re really attached to her already. It’s a wonderful thing to see. Marrying her was the best thing he ever did.”

  Ouch. I want to yell, Thanks for the reminder. They got married last week on Labor Day, and I was invited, so I went, even though it was hard. I do want to stay friends with them. “So, when are you going to find yourself a permanent sub?” I ask with a grin for Dave from inside my beer mug.

  “Me? Shit. I’m too old for that, too set in my ways. Who the hell would want me?”

  That makes me laugh right out loud. “The women around here go wet when you walk through the door. They all think you’re the hottest thing they’ve ever seen and you know it!”

  He makes a face. “Well, I’m not the worst thing they’ve ever seen, I’m pretty sure.”

  “Aw, you’re just an old stud, Adams. You can’t help yourself!” Now I’m laughing so hard I’m snorting.

  “I don’t know about that, but so far none of them have complained!” He’s laughing too. I’d forgotten how much fun Dave can be.

  “Find one, Dave. You need a woman.”

  “No, I need a housekeeper. I can get a woman any time I want one. I just can’t keep ‘em.”

  “One will come across your radar and you’ll latch on. You just wait. She’ll . . .”

  “Whoa!” Dave stops me dead in my tracks. “Would you take a look at that!”

  I turn to see what’s gotten Dave stirred up and almost drop my beer mug. Clint and Trish have walked into the room and there’s someone with them. I recognize her immediately: Sheila, Trish’s best friend, last name, last name . . . Brewster. Yeah, that’s it. I tried to talk to her at the wedding, but she was having none of that.

  Her long, pumpkin-colored hair frames her face and makes her eyes look even bluer than they already are. She’s taller than Trish, but not by much, and outweighs her by a good twenty pounds, every one of them voluptuous and sassy. Bigger tits, bigger hips, round and lush all over. Creamy skin. And freckles. I haven’t seen that many freckles since Melinda Houser in second grade. And they’re adorable.

  They walk right up to me. “Steffen! How’s it going?” Clint shakes my hand and slaps me on the shoulder with his left one.

  “Doing quite well, thanks!” I turn toward Trish and ask, “Hey, sweetheart, how are you?” Instead of answering, Trish glances at Clint, he nods, and she hugs me. She feels incredible in my arms, and I think about asking Clint if the three of us can scene together, but I remember hearing him tell someone that he doesn’t share. That would probably be a bad idea anyway.

  When she turns loose and steps back, she smiles at me and my heart almost breaks. Then she says, “And I’d like you to meet someone. Sheila, this is Master Steffen. Steffen, this is my friend, Sheila. I think you two met last week at the wedding.”

  Her eyes are steady, and I like that. Confident. Strong. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again! So is this the first time you’ve been to Bliss?”

  She giggles, and it’s a sound like chimes ringing. “It’s the first time I’ve been to any club like this. I really don’t know what to expect.”

  “Well, if you have any questions and they’re not handy, ask me or Dave back here,” I tell her, pointing at Dave, “and we’ll try to answer them.”

  “Thanks. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise. I hope to see you around again soon.” And I mean that. I watch that beautiful ass sway as she walks away and god, I’d like to spank that. So would my cock. At least that’s what it’s telling me. Loudly.

  “Wow.” Dave’s voice brings me back.

  “Wow is right. That is one fine. Looking. Woman.”

  Dave nods. “Yes she is. I think that’s one to watch.”

  “You want a run at her?”

  Dave shakes his head. “Trish’s friend? No. That would probably be a bad idea. I’m family.”

  I snicker. “And I’m not!”

  The grin Dave gives me is full of mischief. “Well, you know what they say. He who hesitates is lost.”

  Trish and Sheila disappear into the locker room and all of a sudden, Clint’s back. He grabs me by the upper arm and pulls me off the bar stool. “We need to talk.”

  My eyes have got to be the size of saucers. “What? Did I do something wrong?”

  He drags me out the side door behind the bar and around the corner. When he stops and spins me around, he smiles. “Take it slow and easy. Remember that I said that. She’s had the daylights scared out of her a time or two. Get it?”

  I nod hard. “Got it.”

  “Okay. Slow and easy. She’s really, really curious, so Trish and I are going to scene tonight, let her see something kind of tame before the hard stuff gets cranked up. I’m going to suggest that she sit over on one of the sofas with you so she’ll have someone to answer her questions. That okay?”

  I’m shaking with laughter. “Well, hell yeah! I haven’t completely lost my mind! Sure. Works for me.”

  “Let’s get back inside before they think we’re up to something. Even though we are.” Clint turns and strides back into the building. I’m taller and my legs are longer, but I’m having a little trouble keeping up.

  We make it to the big room just in time to see Trish and Sheila come out of the locker room. Trish is her usual self, beautiful garter belt with a skirt attached, stockings snapped to it, stilettos, and nothing from the waist up. Sheila, unfortunately, is completely clothed. Damn. But she still looks good. She’s got on a beautiful silver and black corset with a sheer blouse over it and a pair of some kind of stretchy pants that look like water clinging to her curves. Double damn. What I’d give to be those pants.

  They join us at the bar and Trish says, “Are you still planning to scene, Sir?”

  Clint shoots Trish a smile that would melt steel. “Absolutely.” He downs the rest of his soft drink and turns to Sheila. “Want to watch?”

  She shrugs. “I guess. Is it going to be bad?”

  Trish giggles. “Define bad!”

  “No. Not bad at all. Easy stuff. Steffen can explain things to you if you’d like.”

  She turns and looks at me, and I can’t read her face. “Sure.” That’s all she says.

  “Well, then, come on over and have a seat!” I try to sound as cheerful as possible, but I’m getting the impression that she’s really, really nervous, or maybe she doesn’t like me at all. I can’t tell. “Clint’s been in the lifestyle for a good while. Everything will be fine.”

  “Yeah. Fine.” Her face is still unreadable. I’d love to pick that brain, but I’m not going to push it per Clint. If I piss him off, I can forget this hook-up permanently. We find a sofa that’s not occupied and have a seat. I fight the urge to put my hand across the back behind her. I want to, but I do
n’t dare.

  Clint and Trish move up into the performance area, and Clint puts a hand behind Trish’s neck and pulls her up to him. He says something into her ear and she smiles up at him, then drops into presentation pose at his feet. I sneak a look at Sheila and she’s watching so intently that she wouldn’t notice if I looked her dead in the eye. In a moment or two, Clint says something else to Trish that we can’t hear and she rises, then walks straight to the St. Andrew’s cross near the wall. I watch Sheila’s eyes go wide as she takes in the sight of Clint strapping Trish to the cross face-first.

  When he pulls his flogger out of his bag, Sheila goes rigid. Her breathing quickens as Clint drags the familiar circle eight in the air with the falls of the flogger. As the first strike falls and Trish cries out, Sheila begins to pant.

  Now I’m about to begin to pant. I take a good look down Sheila’s chest, but with the corset it’s impossible to see the state of her nipples. If I had to take a guess, I’d say they’re rock hard. She licks her full, pouty lips and I almost see stars. Every strike of the flogger and every groan from Trish elicits some kind of response from Sheila, whether it’s a wince, a squirm, or a gasp. She crosses and recrosses her legs over and over, and my balls feel like they’re about to explode.

  Clint stops and runs his hands over Trish’s back, spreading the redness and warmth everywhere. He slips his finger between her legs and checks to see if she’s ready. But when he’s done that, Sheila turns and looks at me. “What’s he doing?”

  I raise my eyebrows and give her a small, placid smile. “He’s checking to see if she’s wet.”

  Her mouth drops open and she just stares at me. “Why would he do that?”

  My answer? “To see if she needs any lube.”

  “For what?”

  I grin. “For the fucking she’s about to get.”

  Her jaw drops. “Wait. He’s going to . . . they’re going to have sex here? Right now? You’re kidding.”

  “Not kidding. Not at all. Watch.” I can’t wait to see her face when they get started. Actually, it’s me who gets the biggest surprise. Clint drags out a stand with a mounting point on it and finds a large phallic attachment to put on it. He unstraps Trish from the cross, points to the stand, and she positions herself above it on her knees, then slowly lowers herself onto it and stops. Clint binds her hands behind her back and moves back in front of her, unfastening his leathers as he goes. Once they’re undone, he pulls his cock out, rubs the head back and forth over her lips a couple of times, then coaxes her mouth open and buries himself in her throat.

  Trish lets loose with a deep moan and, as Clint keeps fucking into her throat, she’s raising and lowering herself on the dildo. I sneak a glimpse at Sheila and see her staring, slack-jawed, and I wish my cock was between those pretty, open lips. Yeah. That would be awesome. Trish is moaning around Clint’s dick, Clint’s moaning with his head thrown back, and the glance I catch of Sheila makes me want to moan right out loud and tells me she’s more turned on than appalled. And I’m pretty sure she’d never own up to that.

  “Any other questions?” I can’t help but ask. Yes, I’ll admit it – I’m a smartass. I can’t seem to help myself.

  “No. I don’t think so.” I see something pass over her face before she says, “Wait! Yeah.”


  “Do they do this often?”

  “Who? Members in general, or Clint and Trish specifically?”

  “Clint and Trish.”

  “I wouldn’t say often, but they do play here from time to time. I think they do most of their playing at home now. Clint doesn’t share.”

  “Share what?”


  Her mouth forms a surprised “O.” “You mean sometimes they, more than, um . . .”

  I nod, trying not to smirk. “Yeah. Occasionally. There are some people who enjoy that and welcome it.”

  She fixes me with a cold stare. “Do you share?”

  I’m not going to lie to her. I really don’t want to tell her the truth, but I won’t lie. “Yeah, but not very often. Only if I’m invited. I never ask.”

  “No, I mean, do you share your woman?”

  “Just depends.” Her eyebrows shoot up. “I don’t have a woman. We call them subs, short for submissives. If I did, no, I wouldn’t be inclined to share a sub unless she wanted it. My utmost concern as a Dominant is her health and wellbeing, emotional, physical, and sexual. If that were something she really wanted, then yeah, I might pursue it, but only with someone we trusted completely.”

  She nods. “Trish has told me a little bit, but not a lot. I think she didn’t want to scare me off before I had a chance to actually come and see.”

  “And now that you’ve seen?” I can’t wait to hear the answer to this one.

  “I really don’t know what to think.” She’s still watching them intently. Trish is still riding the dildo, and Clint has begun a forceful ramming into her throat.

  “Does it bother you that they’re doing this right out in the open?”

  She shakes her head, but says, “I’m not sure.” She watches a few more seconds before she says, “It’s like they’re alone. It’s like they’ve forgotten that we’re sitting here.”

  “I assure you, they have. Right now, for the two of them, it’s just a Dom and his sub enjoying the pleasures they can give themselves and each other. The fact that they’re doing so in front of an audience is just icing on the cake for them.”

  “Huh.” That’s all she says. I wait, but she just watches silently. I’d love to know what’s going on in that pretty head of hers. Clint says something to Trish that we can’t hear, but I know exactly what it is, because I see her convulse with an orgasm just as Clint shoots into her throat. As he holds her head down over his cock, her hips continue to buck just a little until she’s finally completely still and when she is, he backs out of her mouth and she takes a big, shuddering breath. There’s saliva and cum all over her face and chest, running down those gorgeous breasts I’d love to touch just one more time, and he grabs a towel and cleans her up before wiping himself off. And when he finishes with that, he picks her up and carries her down the hallway. I’m getting ready to tell her about the private rooms when she asks, “Where are they going?”

  “He’s taking her to a private room for aftercare.” Her eyes question. “She’s on an endorphin high – we call it subspace. He’ll put her on the bed in one of the rooms, cuddle her, give her something to drink, maybe a little bit of candy of some kind, just generally take care of her until she’s back to normal. It’s good for him, too. It helps them reconnect after something that intense, not to mention how vulnerable she felt there in the performance area, half naked, performing an act so intimate in front of a whole room full of people. They need to be able to feel good about what they did and reflect on it in private.”

  “How long will they be?”

  I shrug. “Who knows? At least thirty minutes, I’d guess. Want something to drink?”

  “Sure.” I escort her to the bar and I get a soft drink because I’ve already had one beer; Sheila asks Dave for a beer. It’s getting noisier, and there are a few more couples who’ve taken up residence in the performance areas around the room. “Can we watch someone else?”

  I’m really surprised. “Of course. Which scene is of interest to you?”

  “Um, that one?” She points at a couple who are just getting started. I’m not sure what they’re about to do.

  “If you like. Let’s go get a seat.” I escort her to a sofa in front of the performance area. We watch as the Dom lays the sub out on a bondage table and straps her down. He readies her nipples, then puts a pair of clamps on. I catch a glimpse of Sheila out of the corner of my eye, and she’s visibly wincing. “Any questions?”

  “Yeah. Does she like that?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  She makes a face. “You’re kidding, right?”

  I shake my head. “No, not at all. Some people find a d
egree of pain very stimulating.” The look she gives me tells me she clearly thinks I’ve lost my mind. “Let me ask you something. Do you remember when you were a kid and they told you if your head was hurting you should do this?” I demonstrate by holding my right hand up, then pinching the area between my thumb and forefinger with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. “You squeezed really hard and it was supposed to take away the headache pain?” She nods. “Well, that’s kind of what discipline and punishment do. It’s why submissives look for Dominants to meet that need. The pain they get from it increases the endorphins in their system and takes them higher, pretty much like a drug, takes their mind off anything else they’ve got on it. If you tried it, you might be surprised.”

  “Uh, no.” That’s all she says, but there’s something going on behind those eyes that makes me want to know what she’s really thinking.

  We continue to watch as the Dom and sub who are scening work together. Once the clamps are on her nipples and she’s been given an orgasm by manual stimulation, he helps her sit up, wraps her arms in a squared binder, and then takes her anally. I see Sheila wince out the corner of my eye and I fight the urge to laugh.

  About the time they finish up, Clint and Trish come strolling out of the back, holding hands, a sight that makes me wince. “Everything okay out here?” Clint asks Sheila.

  “Yes. Steffen has been very helpful.” Now I feel like I’m about eighty years old.

  “Good! I knew I could count on him. He’s a very dependable kind of guy.” Clint smiles broadly at me. Trish isn’t smiling. She’s still got that sleepy, half-gone look on her face. Yeah, he’s definitely been working with her at home if she can slip into subspace that easily. Wow. Now I’m insanely jealous. He smiles at Sheila. “Want to come sit with us and talk? Maybe we can answer some questions for you.”