Read Unforgettable You Page 3

  “Sure.” She looks at me expectantly. She can’t see Clint when she looks at me, but I can, and he’s shaking his head.

  “Oh, I’d love to, but you probably need some time with Clint and Trish. I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”

  “Oh. Sure. Thanks, Steffen.”

  “You’re quite welcome. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope I see you again.” I take her extended hand and kiss the back of it. Clint’s fighting to keep his composure. Hey, I’m a gentleman. Suck on that.

  “Same here. Bye.” They stroll away in the direction of one of the larger sofas, and her beautiful ass calls to me as they go.

  I watch her the rest of the evening. I’d like to say I was covert about it, but it’s hard to be inconspicuous when you’re drooling everywhere. I’m not surprised when Dave poses the question, “What happened?”

  “Clint told me to take it slow and easy. I’m just taking his advice.” I take another sip of the diet drink I ordered. Only one alcoholic beverage. I keep hoping some sub with whom I can scene will suddenly appear.

  “Ah! Wise. They know her pretty well, at least I know Trish does.” He wipes down the bar in front of me. “She’s a lovely woman. Do you have plans to . . .”

  “Why, yes I do,” I interrupt. I most definitely do.


  “Well what?”

  “Do you like her?”

  “Clint, god, what’s not to like? Beautiful tits, beautiful ass, beautiful legs, porcelain skin, that hair, those eyes. How could I not?”

  “Forget about her looks. What about her?”

  I snort – I can’t help it. “Well, gee, it’s really hard to get to know someone well on the first date, but . . .”

  “Oh, cut the bullshit. What did you think?”

  I’m looking for the right words. “Um, she seemed kind of, uh, repressed? And a bit scared maybe?”

  “Fair assumption. She was engaged to a guy who went off on her one night and nearly beat her to death.”

  The words feel like they’ve punched holes in my gut. “Is he in jail?”

  “Yes. For two more years. Everything was fine – they’d been together for two or three years – and all of a sudden, everything just went south. He lied, said he was going to work, but he wasn’t; he’d lost his job because he was skipping out to go to hotels with hookers, paying for the rooms with Sheila’s credit cards. He raided every one of her accounts by forging her signature and almost bankrupted her. Gave her chlamydia; she was terrified he’d given her something worse. Used her credit card to buy a woman some expensive jewelry. And when she caught them together, he got mad at her and beat her until he put her in the hospital. So, as you can imagine, she’s scared to death to get into another relationship. This is the first time she’s even shown any interest in going out and doing anything; she usually just holes up in her house. But she’s got a bullshit meter that’s finely calibrated and a zero tolerance policy to go with it, so I’m hoping she’ll be okay.”

  “Sweet lord, I would hope so. Bless her heart, that’s horrible.”

  “Yeah. Trish doesn’t know it, but I’ve made it my life’s mission to find her a Dom, a good, responsible, respectable Dom, before that time is up so I know she’s safe and cared for. She doesn’t think he’ll come after her when he gets out, but I’m not so sure.”

  “And so who are you thinking?”

  “Well, who do you think? Are you at all interested?”

  “Do I have functioning eyeballs? Yes, of course I’m interested. Very. But I don’t know if she’s interested in me.”

  Clint chuckles. “I’m about to take care of that. You just play along and everything will be fine.”

  “I can definitely do that.”

  “Will you be at the club tonight?”

  “If I need to be.”

  Clint snorts. “You need to be.”

  “Then I’ll be there. No problem.” Now my palms are starting to itch thinking of that ivory skin.

  “So will we. See you then.”


  Now I’ve got to get myself psyched up for tonight. I don’t know what he’s got in mind, but I’m plenty willing to find out.

  Chapter Two

  The room is already buzzing with patrons when the three of them walk in, and I almost don’t see them until I see Trish and Sheila’s backs disappear into the locker room. That’s when Clint walks up and slaps me on the back. “Hey, buddy!”

  “Hey!” I take another swallow of beer. “Okay, so how about you tell me what’s going on?”

  “We’ve been talking, the three of us, explaining things to Sheila. And I think she wants to scene.”

  I know my eyes are the size of saucers. “Really? You’re sure about this?”

  “Yep. Pretty damn. Now listen, negotiate carefully. I think she wants to do it in private and with her clothes on, but it’s a start, don’t you think?”

  “Well, hell yeah!” I want to jump up and down and cheer like she’s a touchdown at a Seahawks game, but I keep my mouth shut.

  “Okay, here they come. Act cool.”

  “Do I know another way to act?”

  Clint slaps the back of my head. “Dork.”

  “Hey!” Before I can slap him back, the two of them walk up. I try not to stare at Trish’s nipples, but damn, they’re fine. Another new garter belt with stockings and some rhinestone-studded platform pumps. Yeah, that’s a beautiful package.

  And this time, Sheila’s tried. She’s got on a corset with a ruffled skirt, fishnet hose, and a pair of black stiletto sandals. And her legs are smokin’. I can’t help but smile at her, and she gives me a nervous little return grin. “My, you look nice tonight.”

  She giggles a little. “Thank you. Trish helped me pick it out.”

  I nod at Trish. “Very good work.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she replies, remembering her manners.

  Sheila looks at Trish. “Am I supposed to . . .”

  Trish nods. “Yes. It’s a point of respect. He’s a Dominant in this club, and a well-respected one at that.”

  I give her my best look of approval. “Why, thank you, subbie. I appreciate that.”

  “You’re welcome, Sir. You deserve respect. You’re quite the gentleman.” She extends a hand to me and I take it and kiss it. That makes her giggle.

  Clint wraps an arm around her waist. “So, Vännan, would you like to partake in some sins of the flesh tonight?”

  “Yes, Master, I very much would.”

  “Would you please excuse us? I think there’s a stage waiting for us.” With that, he whisks her away and I’m left standing with Sheila.

  “Well, hmmm. So would you like a drink? To sit down?”

  She smiles. “Yes and yes.”

  Dave pours us a couple of drinks and we head toward an empty sofa, but I turn to her and ask, “So which scene do you want to watch?”

  A funny look passes over her face. “Could I talk to you about something?”

  “Sure.” I point to the sofa and sit. She joins me there, and she sits closer to me than she did the time before. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Um, Clint told me to ask you. I’m thinking I’d like to scene.”

  I nod, trying not to grin all over my face. “So, what would you like to do?”

  “Just something very basic. No sex.”

  It’s time to push the envelope. “I can reserve a stage.”

  “No!” Panic blooms across her cheeks. “No, I’d want to do it in private. Would that be possible?”

  “Yes, absolutely. And now we have to negotiate the boundaries of this play. So,” I ask as I level my gaze at her, “what exactly did you have in mind?”

  “Well, Clint suggested that I learn to kneel. And then possibly to engage in some kind of, I don’t know, making out, I guess you’d call it?”

  “Okay, what do you want that to consist of?” I’m trying to get her to be specific.

  “Well, maybe some kissing? Touchi
ng on top of my clothes maybe?” I nod but I don’t say anything. I keep hoping she’ll add more, and I’m not disappointed. “Maybe aggressive touching?”

  “Meaning what? Fondling through your clothes?” She nods. “Would you like to reach climax?” She nods again. Hallelujah, it’s my lucky day!, I congratulate myself. “That’s doable.” I think about the first time I scened with Trish and how pissed Dave was at me. You can bet I won’t make that mistake again. “You have a safeword, and it’s red. If you use it, play stops. I’ll honor it unless I don’t hear you, and then just say it loud enough that I do. Understand?” She nods. “And don’t nod anymore. I can’t hear a nod.”


  “So if this is what you want to do, from this moment on you will address me as Sir. Understand?” She nods again, then verbally affirms. “Let me find out from Dave which rooms are available. Stay right here.”

  I scoot over to the bar and Dave’s already looking straight at me. “Room three, Steffen.”

  “Wow. I didn’t know you were psychic.”

  “Yep. Body language. It’s breaking out all over her.”

  “Gotcha. Thanks.” That makes me feel better. Dave can see that she’s responding to me, and that means I have a good chance to make this work.

  “Time to go.” I reach for her hand when I make it back to the sofa, and she takes it and stands. Once we’re in the room with the door closed, I turn to her and tell her, “Kneel on the floor. Ass on heels, knees as wide apart as you can get them. Head down, hands palm up on your thighs. Let’s see how you look.” I take her hand to help her kneel without falling, and then she assumes the position. “Nice. Hold your head up high.” She follows my instruction. “Now, again, drop your head – not your neck, just your head.” She tries again and succeeds beautifully. “Very good! You’ll stay like that for a few minutes.” I think for a few seconds. “Do you want to learn very generic positions, or the ones I like best?”

  Her hesitation is only momentary. “Um, yours.”

  I can’t hide my smile anymore. “Okay, keep that pose. It’ll take you straight into mine. Put your arms behind you and grasp each elbow with the opposite hand.” When she gets her arms situated, I add, “Now arch your back. More. More. There, right there. And adjust your head and neck again.” When she’s done, I step back and look.

  There it is. Back arched and arms clasped behind her so her tits are on full, regal display. Knees apart; without the thong, I’d be able to see everything. “If I were your Dom, this is the pose you would use to greet me. It tells me that you’re open to my use and waiting for me to appreciate that fact. How does it feel?”

  She doesn’t move when she answers, “Awkward, Sir.”

  “It gets easier with practice. Do you want more?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please.”

  Aha. I like this, and better every minute. “Now, unclasp your arms and bring them around in front of you. And pull your knees together. Put your hands on your thighs, palms up, and try to relax your arms. Straighten your back a little. There, that’s it. Beautiful. This is the pose you would use to greet a Dom who is not your Dominant. It says you’re willing to serve without being open to their total use. That has to come with permission from your Dom.” I take a good, long look at the beauty there in front of me.

  And then it’s time to practice some other positions. “Stand. Walk to the wall,” I say and point to an empty space on one side of the room. She bobbles a little when she rises, so I add, “And practice kneeling and rising until you can do it gracefully.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She moves to the wall there.

  “Now, back up about two steps. Very good. Lean forward and put your hands on the wall, palms flat. Straighten your arms. Start backing out and walking your hands down the wall until you’re bent perpendicular and your hands are straight out, even with your ears.” She does exactly what I’ve told her and does it flawlessly. “Very nice. Arch your back. That’s good. This is my second favorite position.”

  “What’s your first?” I don’t answer her. “Steffen?” I still don’t answer. “Steffen?” She’s trying to turn to catch my eye when it hits her. “Oh! Sir?”

  “Much better. Straighten up. Go to the bed.” She gives me a strange look and tries to comply, but she wobbles and has to put a hand out on the floor to keep from falling. “We’re not going past what we negotiated, but I do want you to be comfortable.”

  “Yes, Sir. Help me up, Sir?”

  I chuckle. “I know it seems awkward, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.”

  “Yes, Sir.” I can’t wait for this, and I point to the bed. “Climb up, hands and knees.” When she’s done that and stopped, I bark, “Drop to your forearms, ass in the air.” She does exactly that.

  And that’s when my Dominant kicks in. That ass is beautiful, and I want inside it so badly that I want to beg. Instead, I say, “And you will arch your back to make your pussy more accessible.” I can tell what I just said makes her nervous. “Sub, you’ll have to get used to that. Pussy, cunt, tits, cock, shaft, channel, asshole, rosette, pucker. You’ll hear all of those and more around here. Just get used to it. Now, knees farther apart. Farther. Farther. Good, very good. I’ll start by touching your nipples through your clothes. Is that acceptable?”

  “Yes.” I wait. “Oh, yes, Sir.”

  “Good.” I think for a second and look at the straps peeking out. “Would it be okay with you if I did so on top of your bra but under your top?” Then I push a little. “Could you take your top off?” Before she can protest, I add, “It’s no different than a swimsuit.”

  Relaxation softens the lines at the corners of her eyes. “I suppose so. May I take it off? Sir?” she adds as an afterthought.

  “You may. I’ll fold it and put it on the trunk over there.”

  “I’m going to need some help.” The corset looks pretty tight, and I don’t know exactly how this is going to work, but I get it unhooked and peel it off. The bra she has on underneath was obviously expensive. A bra under a corset. I can honestly say I’ve never seen that before. But once I have the corset folded on the trunk, I take a moment to take in what I’ve uncovered about this woman.

  Holy shit. Those have to be the two most beautiful breasts I’ve ever, ever seen. I can feel my fingers twitching. I finally get myself back together enough to say, “Back into the position.”

  Dropping into position, her breasts swing down and forward and my cock tries to introduce itself to her in person. My mind yells out, Down, boy!, but it’s no use. He’s locked and loaded. and I reach up and under her. When my fingers find her buds she lets out a hiss of air.

  Oh, my god, they’re hard. And big. I have no problem making out their definition under that bra, no problem at all. I give each one a gentle pinch and she sucks in a breath. “Does it feel good?”

  She answers with a squirm, “Yes, Sir.” I ramp it up a little and she moans in earnest, so I don’t stop. I can tell she’s having trouble controlling herself.

  “Does that feel good?” She nods. “No, you have to verbally speak. I might be in a spot where I can’t see you, so you have to communicate with me.”

  “Yes, Sir. It feels good.” I keep that up for about ten minutes. Now I know I’ve got her right where I want her. My abrupt stop startles her and I say, “This would be so much easier if you didn’t have your little skirt on, just your panties. Would that be possible?”

  “Well, I, um . . .”

  I pretend I didn’t see the thong earlier. “Oh! If you don’t have on panties, then I understand.” Squealing like a little girl crosses my mind, but I fight the urge.

  “Oh, yeah, um, a thong.” She blushes.

  “That would be fine, wouldn’t it?”

  “Yes. I guess so, Sir.”

  “Great. I’ll wait.” I watch, my cock straining against my fly, as she peels off the skirt, which is more of a tutu than anything. Hot damn, her hips are luscious. My mind is racing and I try to rein it in. “Just lie down
on the bed and I’ll lie down beside you if that’s okay.” The fact that she complies tells me that she’s ready. She settles in, and I settle in beside her. “You said you wanted to reach climax, so I can do that for you.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  She really is a fucking submissive. Oh, god, I want this to work out so badly. I can’t screw this up. My hand is almost shaking as I reach out and touch the smoothness of her belly, so warm and soft. I want to kiss it, and I decide in that moment that I will. I lean forward and press my lips to her skin and, to my surprise, she moans softly. Kissing up her ribcage and between her breasts, I go on up her chest and her neck with my lips and tongue and, to my utter and complete delight, she throws her head back to give me access. When I kiss her chin, she pulls her face down and her lips meet mine.

  I want to fuck her. Oh, god, I want to fuck her so bad I can’t stand it, but I’ve got to hold it together. My tongue presses against her lips and they part, and next thing I know, her tongue is exploring the inside of my mouth and I groan into her. As we kiss, my hand wanders down and over the silkiness of her thong. I can feel her clit, hard and throbbing against my fingers, as I stroke the top of the fabric over and over. Ten minutes in, I feel her hand near mine and I realize she’s moving the fabric out of the way. I break the kiss and look into her eyes. “Sub, this isn’t the way we negotiated this. Is this really what you want?”

  She gives me a breathless, “Uh-huh,” followed with, “Sir.”

  Satiny fabric moved to the side, I drop my hand low and stroke up her slit. When I reach the wettest spot, I dip a finger in and test it. Deeper I don’t know about, but the entrance to her pussy is good and tight, and she’s dripping. I continue on until I find what I’m looking for. It’s swollen and waiting, and I draw my finger ever-so-softy around it. That elicits a gasp from her and her back arches. I’m still kissing her, but I move back and say, “I want to look at you. Will that be okay?”

  Her face burns red when she nods and I want to remind her to speak, but I don’t want to discourage the direction she’s taking, so I say nothing, sit up a little, and look down. Shaved smooth, I can plainly see her clit rising up out of its hood because it’s so engorged. Then I nip her nipple through her bra and she cries out. I can feel her tensing. “Sheila, you’re safe with me. Let go and come for me. Just let go. You’re safe here.”