Read Unicorn Witch Page 3


  Awake early next morning Tyana's first thought was for their guests and she said to Karim. >


  There was just one snag. Wind noise made normal conversation impossible.


  The sight of forty unicorns with colours ranging from white to black, red to blue, and with tails, manes, hooves, and horns always in a contrasting colour made Tyana pause to admire the herd.

  Zoltan, identical in colour to his daughter, except that his contrast was black, trotted over with Belle just behind him. Tyana dismounted and watched for a few minutes as the family went through their greeting ritual, then interrupted.

  "Forgive the intrusion please, Belle. May I call you Belle?"


  "Ten years ago Merlin asked you to encourage the friendship developing between Karim and myself. Yesterday Karim decided that it was time for me to learn of this. Have you any idea what Merlin was thinking of? Was he just being cautious, or did he even then suspect the trouble we now have?"


  "I'm very grateful for that permission. There's something I feel you've a right to know. Although everyone believes Karim to be my familiar, the true state is that we're equal partners. She was at least my equal in intelligence before we were partnered so since a normal familiar becomes equal to human what must she be now?

  "Changing the subject, if I may as we have only a little time, you know of course that hostile magic is ineffective against a unicorn. Has a unicorn ever tried to perform magic?"


  They couldn't reply as their bags were over-filled and they were choking. Tyana took pity on them and made the necessary adjustments, including a quick release so that they could take them off when they had finished the treat their daughter had provided.

  It was time to take their leave and Tyana thanked Zoltan for his hospitality, apologised for her rudeness in defence of Karim, and walked off alone, thinking how lucky she was to count a unicorn herd amongst her friends.

  Soon she was joined by Karim, mounted her, then found to her joy that the seven times spell was still operating.

  > said Karim.


  Tyana wondered again just who were the Old Ones referred to in the often used phrase? She must remember to ask Merlin. In fact there were going to be a lot of questions for Merlin to answer before she agreed to run any more errands for him.

  A glance at the sun told her it was eleven o'clock and time to prepare herself. Arriving home she found Dusty and Darryl eager to help and wanting to know how. She could hear Megan still playing her harp inside the house, but Thomas was alongside Dusty.

  "I'd be grateful, and so would Karim, if you'd put away the saddle and groom her for me whilst I shower and change. I know I could use magic, but she really enjoys the attention."

  "Won't you need the saddle?" asked Darryl.

  "No, I'm going to wear my ceremonial Gold, and I have an identical outfit in white laid out on the bed for a surprise later. I'll just use a blanket and ride side saddle as I want to draw attention away from Karim for the contest, and give the impression she is merely transport and familiar."

  Dustine, always the schemer, said, "If that's the idea, why not travel in the carriage and let Karim run alongside?"

  So it was that at five minutes before noon a Golden Coach given to her parents on their last anniversary by Tyana, drawn by four matching greys, pulled up to the stage erected overnight. Karim trotted alongside with Thomas on her back as a special treat and 'thank you' for helping to groom her.

  Tyana emerged, helped down by her father purely for effect, and approached the waiting panel, trying to ignore the lump in her throat and butterflies in her stomach. Her parents, brothers and Megan collected Thomas then joined the waiting audience.

  It seemed that Nasom had spread the word that something was to happen at noon as a few people were just arriving, adding to those who'd been watching since ten.

  The table was semicircular, and from left to right were seated Mattra and a stranger who Tyana recognised as another of the dissenters from yesterday, Ricardo and Francoise from Argentcourt, then Shaena, Merlin, Qamar, Dafydd and Anghared, the last two representing Midwitch. The nine familiars were each behind their respective partner.

  Shaena glanced at a large gong at the rear of the stage and it sounded, bringing the gathering to order. She rose to her feet and her jet black eyes seemed to Tyana to be peering into her soul. Then came the formal wording, used for centuries,

  "Tyana Counter, thou art present here today before authorised representatives to challenge for promotion from Gold to White. Hast thou objection to the panel of judges before you?"

  "No, Ma'am."

  "Are you willing to accept their choice of opponents?"

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  "It is my duty to advise you that there have been no successful promotions to Gold this morning, and that all Golds present are either of your family or close friends and thus disqualified."

  At this conversations started all around the audience and Shaena had to sound the gong repeatedly to get silence so that she could continue.

  "We consider it essential that you are not denied the opportunity to be promoted today, and ask that you challenge any two of the panel of judges."



  She won only one more point, then end score being 21-16.

  "Five minute break," announced Shaena. "Anyone present may challenge to replace either or both of Tyana's opponents and may name the third contest."

  Immediately Mattra was on her feet. "I so challenge. Dominic and I will contest the balance with this upstart."

  Merlin and Qamar took their places as witnesses and exchanged worried looks with Shaena. The balance had not been used in qualifying meetings for over five hundred years. It was perfect for one on one trials of strength, but was deemed unsuitable for two against one, even when it was two Silvers against one who wished for Gold.

  Essentially it consisted of giant scales, each pan of which could hold three tons of cannonballs. It was set so that a surplus weight of five hundredweight would put one side down. The scales were one hundred yards away, and a pile of balls each weighing one hundredweight was on either side of the stage. Whilst a White could be expected to move twice his or her weight, one of these balls was normally regarded as the limit if the feat had to be repeated many times until one side had five more than the other.


  Shaena whispered to Merlin and Qamar that all would be well.

  Anyone watching would never have guessed the real content and would assume they were just worried.

  The five minutes soon passed, and Shaena called, "Commence!"

  Two of the balls on the left rose and moved towards the scales, taking ten seconds for the journey, landing in the right pan with a double clang.

  All eyes turned to Tyana to find her standing with an arm around Karim's neck and a glass in the other hand raised to her mouth.

  As she finished her drink the second pair of balls fell into the right pan, leaving only one more for victory to Mattra and Dominic. Of all her friends watching Nasom was probably the only person present who was not concerned.

  Suddenly there was silence as the top nine balls in Tyana's pile overtook the one Mattra and Dominic were taking between them and landed silently in the left pan taking it down.

  Turning to Mattra, Tyana said quietly, "I did that to humiliate you. I don't know why you're against me but I do know that making the challenge implied that Merlin and Qamar were not doing their best and I couldn't forgive that. Do not cross me again."

  Shaena rose, sounded the gong again and raised her arms for silence.

  "By the power vested in me I declare that henceforth Tyana Counter shall be known as a full White Witch. Let the record keepers at Abinger be so advised. Tyana, that gold dress no longer becomes you as it once did."

As she said this she pointed at the dress. Instantly Tyana exchanged the clothes she was wearing for the identical outfit laid out on her bed, but to the audience it looked as though Shaena had changed the colour to white.

  Megan and Thomas could contain themselves no longer and started cheering as they would have at a rugby match in Wales. The audience joined in and during the next hour it seemed that everyone present except Mattra and Dominic had to give their congratulations.

  Later Merlin, Shaena, Qamar, and Tyana were finally alone in Merlin's cave. Cave is the only word suitable as it was carved out of solid rock below the castle dominating Camelot, but once inside, palace, workshop, laboratory, library, or any of half a dozen other words would have done.

  "Congratulations from us all, My Dear," said Merlin. "You had us worried in that last session. I for one was very glad that Karim had tipped us off.

  "Still, all's well that ends well. Now you're fully equipped to tour Refuge to see what you can learn."

  "Not so fast," replied Tyana, "I've had a day to think since you asked me yesterday, and I want a few answers from my friends before I go out asking questions which may be of our enemies.

  "Before that, though, what were you and Qamar doing in that ping-pong game that I couldn't handle. I didn't fake that - you really beat me."

  Merlin chuckled.

  "Qamar, you tell her, after all it was your idea."

  "Like most things it's simple when you know, Tyana. Most of the time you were just playing Merlin, but every so often without even warning Merlin, I didn't try to affect the ball's path at all, I just put as much spin on it as I could manage in the quarter second or so after Merlin had 'hit' it and before it crossed the net.

  "Now you explain, please. Just how much could you have handled in that last push of cannonballs? And you, Shaena, how did you manage that colour change we saw?

  "It was very effective, I've never seen Mattra look at you with respect before."

  "Karim and I working together as we did then moved about twelve hundredweights at several hundred times that speed yesterday in practice, so I suppose the answer to your question is 'Sufficient’. Sometime we must find out just what we can move.

  "The colour change was Karim's idea. If we are to be away, and possibly Merlin too, I thought that the more our enemies were cautious when dealing with Shaena the better. It was a straightforward exchange with an identical costume of different colour at home. As you said just now - 'Simple when you know'.

  "Now, some answers to my questions, please:-

  "What did you learn, Merlin, ten years ago that worried you so much you asked Belle to allow Karim to be my familiar?

  "Who are the Old Ones we refer to in oaths?

  "Why has Camelot a history going back over one thousand years when Midwitch only records five hundred, and Argentcourt three?

  "Have you any idea at all of what we're up against?

  "In short, I'm not going anywhere until I know everything you know and everything you even suspect."

  "You remind me of me as I was forty years ago!"

  This totally unexpected reply was just what was needed to restore Tyana's normal easy going nature and she laughed.

  Merlin continued. "I mustn't tease you, though. Of course you will have all the information we can give you but I'm very much afraid it will be too little.

  "Ten years ago I expected it to be a simple problem, easily resolved. I expected to find a common factor - allergy to something for instance. Now I'm only too happy to turn it over to you.

  "One of the places I visited on my last tour was Abinger. I met a group of historians who had records of everything happening from when their ancestors awoke one morning nearly fourteen hundred years ago to find themselves on Refuge, though they hadn't named it that then. Their records go back 5,000 years before the move here. It seems likely that their's was the earliest colony founded, or at least no other has records going back that far. We measure our dates from when they moved.

  "The geography of the area around Abinger is very like that they had left behind in England and they naturally kept the name of their village. Most of the early settlements consisted of whole communities transplanted here, but after the first few they were usually made up of people from all over the country - always the same country though, and usually English speaking. It seems the Old ones made up villages as they thought fit. We have not yet discovered how or why.

  "The most recent arrival of a full village is New Salem. Since then there has just been the appearance of one person, or a family, usually at the rate of about ten people a year.

  "All your history lessons at school are based on the diaries kept and added to by the historians at Abinger. It is always arranged that they interview new arrivals after they've settled in.

  "There are several references to The Old Ones in the early writings of the first arrivals, and they explained that this world is a sort of refuge. Since then, that is what we have called it. Apparently they were real people who gave advice which always proved to be in our best interests.

  "About twenty years ago, Abinger started recording some cases of loss of magical ability. There seemed to be no pattern to it, just the occasional case. The year before my visit there had been an increase to twelve cases in that district that year.

  "My attention was drawn to a prophecy that had newly appeared in their records and caused much consternation which said

  'In times of stress and trouble you'll need

  The power of a girl with Horn and steed.'

  "They couldn't understand it, but I believed I did. I didn't know how it could suddenly appear in their chronicals, but I thought at once of you and of Karim and returned home as soon as possible as you were about to become Bronze. Imagine how I felt when Darren was affected just before you qualified.

  "You now know as much as we three. I've pondered on the problem for ten years, and gladly pass it to you in the hope that a fresh mind will see a way forward that I may have missed.

  "All I can say for certain is that there has never been a case where the victim was Bronze or above."

  > asked Karim.

  "Once we realised the losses were deliberately caused we considered that. Since the victims have no memory of being touched it must have been done by the use of magic.

  "Bronzes and above represent the most powerful group of our people and it would, therefore, be risky to try to hurt them. I would have thought that was obvious, Karim.

  "Tyana, we feel that your approach of looking for someone who is benefitting from the losses is a good one. Please pay particular attention to Kissimmee and New Salem. The leaders of both towns failed to attend either the recent seven yearly meeting or the one before it, which may or may not mean anything.

  "We have made up a Seal signed by myself and all the leaders who did attend and it gives you the authority to take whatever action you think fit."

  "Qamar, Shaena, have you anything to add?"

  "Sorry, Tyana," answered Shaena, "we've been with Merlin on this for the whole ten years. I'm sure he left nothing out. I know you've only had a few minutes to think, but have you any ideas yourself?"


  It was Tyana's turn to weep as she saw the bag appear, just as either she or Karim could have done it. Her tears though were of joy for her friend, and of gratitude to Karim.

  After the rejoicing and congratulations had died down, Darren wanted to know, "Will it last? and what of Crystal? Oh, you don't even know Crystal, do you?

  "She was the second victim in Camelot, one month older than me, and we drifted from helping each other as teenagers to falling in love. Do you think you could help her, Karim? I'll give up my own again if you can only help one of us. What's so amusing?"

  "We not only know Crystal, we know how much you love her and your son Jason. We know she's blonde, beautiful, and has made you very happy."



  Darren confirmed that Crystal still had Simba as a pet and it was arranged that they would all return to the field in fifteen minutes.


  Tyana interrupted - "Don't repeat it, I've learnt to stay with you. She agrees, and is dying to know why."

  They passed a few minutes in casual chat, admiring the herd Darren's parents kept and comparing the Friesians with the more familiar (to Tyana) Texas Longhorns. It was indeed fortunate that Darren and Crystal had chosen this particular time to introduce Jason to his grandparents.

  "Here they come. Look, Karim, if anything she's even more beautiful than she seemed when Darren thought of her."


  With that warning from Karim they took their leave, promising that the next meeting would not wait six years, and set out for home. As they went over the hill separating the ranches the last sight they had was of Darren cantering to his parents' house on Flash with Crystal in front of him holding Jason, and Simba racing ahead.

  The short trip was uneventful and for the first time since walking into the Council Chamber the previous day Tyana was able to relax and enjoy Karim's company, at least until she asked,


  "I wish I knew. I can only say that I haven't yet met a man who I felt more than friendship for. Perhaps one day I will, if so I'm sure you'll be the first to know."

  She was saved further questioning by arriving home to find Pettra waiting in the library for her. This was a surprise, to say the least. Pettra rose as she entered and stammered,

  "Am - am I welcome?"

  Her bush baby, Carley, looked as scared as she did.

  "You tell me! I have never wanted any quarrel with your mother or with you, but she certainly seems to bear a grudge, or hate me, I can't make my mind up which."

  "I don't know much more than you myself. We arrived in Camelot and Mother immediately started pushing me to challenge for promotion. You were obviously way ahead of me and we had many rows about it when I wouldn't take you on.

  "That stunt you pulled with the cannonballs finally convinced her that there's nobody to challenge you. She says you're probably the most powerful witch who's ever lived, and she was also impressed by the ease with which Shaena dressed you in white. I'm here to offer you her support if you ever need it."



  Mattra rose to her feet and caught Shaena's eye, receiving permission to speak. "I would like to thank Tyana for the work she has done in such a short time and apologise for my earlier opposition. I also suggest that there is no need for a vote. Does anyone object to the motion to adopt Tyana's suggestion being carried unanimously?"

  Obviously there was no objection.

  Shaena took control, requesting Qamar to report to Midwitch and Dominic to Argentcourt to suggest the same measures there.

  The findings and decisions were written down, signed by the full Council, and copies sent by messenger to every town and village in the land, with a full transcript of the meeting for Abinger.

  "Tyana, I'd still like you to extend your enquiries if you will. We still need to know Who? and Why?

  "As you visit each town look especially to confirm that they are acting on the suggestion to annex all capable of it. They will have received that by the time you reach them. Are you willing?"

  "I'm not only willing, I'm determined to track down those who could inflict the suffering Darren endured for ten years.

  "I'll leave tomorrow, and will keep in touch through Belle, Karim's dame. I will annex the new arrivals Megan and Thomas myself if I may as they have both shown that they qualify,"

  "But Thomas is only six!"

  "I know, but he can start a fire just by thinking about it, and I had in mind that anyone who can pass just one Bronze test should be protected as they are obviously producing theurgen!"

  "You're right, of course! We'll handle the others."

  Tyana took her leave and headed home. Karim called ahead.




  > said Zoltan, >

  The family were gathered around to congratulate Thomas, and to meet Jet, but what Karim was referring to was the way Megan was standing as closely to Dusty as she could, and looking more at him than at Jet.



  Megan again had trouble sleeping, but this time it was happiness that kept her excited. Bess had gone to sleep after a long chat - it had been wonderful being able to lay in bed and talk to her in the stable. She felt on top of the world, even if it was a different world she thought, and she just had to tell someone, and that meant she had to tell Dusty. She tapped very lightly on his door, and it opened at once, which puzzled her, as Dusty was still in bed. Then she realised. "I can't get used to it yet, this idea of never doing by hand what can be done with a thought."

  "Sorry! Come in, though, and it's not something only I can do you know. You must have the ability as well, or you wouldn't be here. Have you ever tried to move anything?"

  "No. How do you do it?"

  "I've got to think now. Let's see. Try this - -

  "Concentrate on this diary I was filling in, really want it to come to your hand, then think 'NOW' and it should happen."

  Megan did as asked, and sure enough, she found the book in her hand, and promptly dropped it.

  "No!" shouted Dusty as she bent to pick it up. "Will it to come to you again!"

  Megan did, and this time she held on to it. "May I look?"

  "I'm embarrassed to say some of it is about you. Merlin asked me to jot down anything interesting that the record keepers in Abinger will need to know, and of course your annexation, and even more so Thomas's, counts as interesting."

  Megan read through the account, then turned back to the record of when they had arrived, skimming through it looking for interesting of the most attractive girls I have ever met...........Mother says she senses tremendous potential in both of them........the boy is very advanced for six, and reminds me of Tyana at the same age..........She collapsed today, and we were frantic for a while, but it's alright....both she and her mother healers........must remember to ask Tyana how Mother knows..........too good for the likes of me..

  At that point Megan looked up and demanded to know, "What do you mean, 'too good for the likes of you'? You can do things I only dream about. You have your family, and Ebony. I'd love to be up to your standard!"

  "You probably are already. We'll find out when you're tested."

  "Will testing help me as what you call a healer?"

  "Well.... No, I suppose not."

  "So why should I be tested?

  "And anyway you're changing the subject. What do you mean, 'too good for the likes of you'?"

  "I just feel you deserve someone better than a ranch hand, and I don't want to take advantage as the first man here to really get to know you."

  Megan took his hand and looked him straight in the eyes, "I'm not suggesting we marry tomorrow, but I enjoy being with you, or I wouldn't be here now. Move over and let me lay down. I actually came as I wanted to talk about all that's happened in the last three days. I'll never get to sleep until I get it in some sort of order in my head, and you're elected listener!"

  Megan lifted his arm so that she could use it for a pillow, laid beside him, and just talked, as though dictating to a diary.

  Some time later Dusty woke to find that she had, like himself, fallen asleep, but it didn't occur to him to wake her. He felt strangely proud to look over and see her next to him. Fortunately, as a Silver, it was a simple matter to change the sheet and blankets for larger ones and cover her.

  He was still laying like that as dawn broke, and he plucked up courage to kiss her to waken her, half expecting her to panic, but instead she rolled over to face him and returned the kiss with interest.

  "If we don't get up now, we'll miss Tyana's de
parture. Breakfast is something of a tradition in the family when someone's going away."

  That morning, looking around the table at the Counter clan, Megan decided she wanted to be one of them. The only problem was convincing Dusty that he wanted it too. Looking at Thomas, she found that he had eyes only for Tyana. Natural, she supposed, as Tyana had Karim as he now had Jet.


  Geography had never been Tyana's best subject at school so as Karim cantered towards Camelot she studied the map given her by Merlin which he assured her was the most up to date available from Abinger and certainly more than he had had himself ten years earlier.