Read Unicorn Witch Page 4


  It was, in her opinion, painfully inadequate showing as it did only the ten towns, five rivers and the coastline of the continent. No details were given of hills except for showing the New Pennine Range from which all five rivers came.

  Apparently the other side of the mountain range had either not been explored or had been declared unimportant.

  There were no roads shown even though she knew there were regular wagon trains taking goods between the various towns and they should at least have made tracks that she could use to check her progress. Unicorn hooves were much more durable than those of horses but at the speeds Tyana intended to travel she was going to keep to grassland as much as possible.

  They passed through Camelot at a normal canter, acknowledging the greetings of the few who were about so soon after dawn and headed South, intending to find the river then follow it into Kissimmee. As soon as the light was good enough Karim invoked her ten times spell and settled into a mile eating gallop.

  They needed to know just how much ground could be covered in a day and Tyana thought it likely that they could get the news to the most southern towns much earlier than the normal messenger service. She was, therefore, carrying additional copies of the last meeting and its recommendations. Thus Kissimmee was to be their first call followed by Brigadoon as the farthest South from Camelot.



  Yet again Tyana experienced the fulfilling sensation of performing annexations.


  Slowly walking down the main street in Kissimmee Tyana was struck by the differences when compared with Camelot. No one left their home to greet them. Conversations stopped as they approached then continued after they had passed.


  Tyana shouted, "Have none of you any manners in Kissimmee? I demand that someone summon your Council Leader, or at least tell me where she's to be found!"

  "I am Blanche, the Head Witch in Kissimmee. It is to me that you should pay your respects."

  The speaker was six feet tall, dressed all in black with a traditional witches hat and had a black cat on her shoulder. She was about fifty, slightly overweight, and with a very pointed nose and high prominent cheekbones. After a little thought, and remembering what Koasati had told her of this woman, Tyana replied, "In Camelot, where I come from, respect has to be earned before it is due.

  "You will, therefore, receive none from me until I'm satisfied you're worthy of it. I will come straight to the point.

  "By what right did you negate an annexation spell cast by Merlin ten years ago in this town?"

  "I see no need to answer you, but I suppose there's no harm in you knowing. The ruling Council had decreed that magic should only be practised by those with a majority of White American or English blood. Anyone with more than a trace of American Indian ancestry should learn their place as servants to the ruling class.

  "It was obvious to me that Merlin failed to realise this when he functioned as leader during my illness so on my return I corrected his oversight."

  Tyana decided that Blanche's necessary humiliation should take place before the whole town and said loudly, "Thank you for explaining. I understand now how things are in this town and I'll act accordingly.

  "I bring news that I'm only empowered to tell before your whole council. Please arrange a full meeting in public for tomorrow morning at ten o'clock in this square."

  Turning her back she continued to Karim, >

  They arrived back at Koasati's home to find it the source of the incessant drum beat they had been listening to on the return trip. Members of the once proud Indian tribes were arriving in ones, twos, and whole families. All were of mixed blood, of course, after three hundred years, and except for Koasati and Freshwater not one had a familiar.




  "Hello, The Town."

  The traditional cry of the Mail Pony interrupted her.

  "Tyana! What a lovely surprise! What are you doing here? They told me you'd gone to Kissimmee, so we sent their copy and Brigadoon's by slow wagon train."

  Tyana turned to see Randolph, who had qualified Silver when she became Gold, then moved to Midwitch with his brother to join his uncle running the Mail Service.

  "Relax, Randolph. We'll explain later. It's lovely to see you again, but please give Bill here the documents and then you can enjoy the party they're going to throw this evening."

  "I can't! Dad stressed that I mustn't relax until I've told Drogheda, and I promised him I'd get there by the evening of the day after tomorrow.

  "Why are you laughing?"

  Tyana controlled her giggles and answered, "If you travel with us you'll be in Drogheda by lunch time tomorrow!"

  "That's not possible!"

  "I've already been to both Kissimmee and Brigadoon, Randolph. Trust me! Enjoy the evening."

  A few carefully worded questions, with Karim monitoring the answers cleared this town of suspicion, and Tyana could take her own advice.

  Enjoy it they all did. The Eurekans were very keen on voice as an instrument and there were several Barber Shop Quartets, one of which had Randolph as guest bass for the evening.

  No matter how often Tyana explained that she had not personally 'cured' those who had now recovered they insisted on giving her the credit and when she sang 'One Fine Day' from Puccini's Madame Butterfly they recalled her for no less than four other arias as encores. She finally got away by getting them all singing together.




  Tyana now addressed the whole Council of Elders in Karim's mental voice enhanced to give them a headache as it was so deafening.


  "We do not involve ourselves in the affairs of others!"


  "My name is Elder Timothy, and there are no women here because we follow the teachings of The Bible. Women prepare food, have children, tend the sick, and keep house. Men provide the sustenances, and make the decisions."


  "Animals belong on the farm. We use our magic powers for the common good. We do not believe in the practice of Witchcraft. That was what caused the trouble in Old Salem."

  Tyana could see that this would take too long and said, "I need a few moments to think."


  "As we seem to have no choice, I will, but will you please release my guards? Four of us have been trying continually since you bound them, yet you have held them and carried on the conversation as though making no effort at all. How is that possible?

  "And how do you manage to speak so loudly to each of us without even opening your mouth?"

  Tyana pointed at the rope, which immediately relaxed. She then smiled and answered, "You have been on this world only just over one hundred years and have wasted most of that because of your prejudice against women. We in Camelot have been improving our magical skills for well over one thousand years.

  "The possession of a familiar at least doubles one's power as well as giving a partner of equal intelligence and best friend for life, yet you have none. You know we have a grading system from Bronze to White?"

  They all nodded.

  "Well it may surprise you to know that any Bronze from Camelot could have held that rope tight against the puny efforts you were making to free it. Were there really four of you trying?

  "As for the speaking that is something you will never be able to do. It's only possible when one has a unicorn as a familiar, and no unicorn would ever bond with a bigot.

  "I or another White from Abinger will see you again tomorrow at three in the afternoon."

  As she walked from the room to join Karim she found that her partner had been busy. >

  Arriving at the nearest herd, Karim explained the situation to Caliph, the herd stallion, who was unconvinced of the advantages to any animal of giving up liberty to be a familiar.

  After requesti
ng him to keep the knowledge of her ability secret, Karim presented Caliph and his favourite mare with grain filled feed bags then, when they had had their fill, conjured them away and showed her multiplication of stride length ability.

  The same argument she repeated to Bullitt near Newport and Pegasus near Drogheda. She was assured that before the ten days were up every available animal would make its way to New Salem. She then, through Michaela O'Connor's familiar, a horse called Sheelagh, presenting it as a message from Tyana, arranged that they would immediately send any Whites they could spare, collecting others from Newport on the way.

  Tyana meanwhile had little to do except ensure that the record keepers had full account of her adventures to date. Merlin and Belle visited home, Midwitch, and Argentcourt to request the attendance of Whites at New Salem. Karim returned on the morning of the eighth day, and Merlin in the afternoon.

  After lunch on the ninth day, having compared notes and congratulated Karim repeatedly on her achievements they set off for New Salem.

  > said Karim to her companions. >



  The ten teachers had made good use of their time and ten women candidates had been proposed as well as twelve men. They had all been made aware of the need for familiars and a total of six hundred and thirty seemed to the teachers to be worthy of them. The election proceeded more smoothly than had the one at Kissimmee and the new Council, headed by Magdalena, a widow in her forties, immediately deputised Merlin to handle the annexations.

  Karim's friends had done well, and there were well over six hundred assorted ponies, horses, rabbits, cats, a few dogs, a fox, forty squirrels, a whole hatching of eaglets, and many, many smaller birds, all patiently waiting outside the town.

  As requested by Merlin, Tyana used Karim's mental voice to explain what would happen.


  Tyana turned to the crowd and in particular to the man who had been spokesman saying, "They tell the truth, Joseph. Give them food and drink. Do you not remember what you were told at school to say to new arrivals?

  "They will stay at the ranch with us but I must attend to Merlin first. That's why I'm here. Megan has had to go to Midwitch to attend a difficult childbirth. Where is he, and how bad is the injury?"

  Another man stepped forward. "We left him in his own rooms, Mistress Tyana. A large section of roof fell on him, crushing his right arm. He was alone and didn't see it coming. It was a chance in a million, but he's sure it was an accident.

  "Can you do anything, though? Megan may have been here only a month but we had no healer the like of her until she arrived."

  Laura tapped Tyana on the leg to get attention, saying, "I don't know what you mean by a healer, but I've had twenty years' experience of nursing. Maybe I can help. I'll worry about where we are later!"


  "Explanations later, Laura. You obviously ride from the way you're dressed. Mount Karim. She'll tell you a few things as you go. Just hold on to her mane. You don't need reins!

  "Karim, get her to Merlin as fast as you can."

  Even though it was only three quarters of a mile to Merlin's cave, Karim did just what she had been asked, leaving little time for her to do more than say,


  Laura thought about it until Karim appeared then said, "If I visualise what I need to treat Merlin, can you get Tyana or someone to bring the nearest equivalent you have in Camelot?"


  Press though she did, Tyana could get her to say no more on the subject.

  Dusty arrived home, hungry as he had not stopped for lunch, and his first question was, "How did Megan get on? Is she back yet?" This was followed very quickly by, "Whose is the palomino standing by Timber?"

  By the time he had been brought up to date it was time for dinner, soon after which an exhausted Megan arrived back.

  So tired was she that she allowed Dusty to tend to Bess for her and she promptly collapsed into Lindsey's arms.

  "Whatever is the matter, Megan? Did you lose one of them?"

  "No, but I could have and I might have caused damage to the baby. I just don't know what to do."

  "First, say 'Hello' to Marcus. He arrived today from Chicago ... ... I expect you've heard of it? Next I want you to relax in the bath I've prepared and tell Marcus's mother, Laura here, all about it. She's a healer too. We were lucky to have her here today as Merlin was injured and she saved his arm."

  "Is he alright now? How did it happen? I can have my bath later, I must first go and see if he needs me!"

  Lindsey took hold of her and kept her still. "Honestly, Megan, he's fine. He's not in any pain and Laura will tell you all about it."

  Megan allowed herself to be led to the bath and relaxed.

  "I nearly lost him," she said to Laura. "I could've killed him."

  "Easy, Megan, start at the beginning. I believe it was a breech presentation?"

  "I got to James and Sarah's ranch and found her mother looking after her. As James said, it was a breech, and I've never even attended a normal birth.

  "As I arrived, the buttocks and legs emerged and Sarah's mother started pulling at the ankles. I screamed at her to stop, and I ran across.

  "First I laid my hands on Sarah to relieve the pain she was in, and conjured myself a tube so that I could listen to the baby's heart. It seemed alright, but with the chest compressed and head still inside, he hadn't started breathing, and I was worried that the cord might be pinched where the head or shoulders were stuck."

  "Yes, what happens is that the head can't get through the cervix as the baby's bottom doesn't dilate it enough. What did you do?"

  "I just helped her try to relax between contractions and hoped that things would be alright. Half an hour later there was no change in position, but he was slowly turning blue.

  "I wished, and wished, that I could get his head free, and there he was in my hands."

  Megan started to sob again as she remembered how scared she had been.

  "There, there, Darling. It's alright! Just take your time and tell me what happened next."

  Megan took a deep breath and continued,

  "I held him by the ankles, one slap started him breathing and his colour quickly recovered. Sarah's mother was delighted, and asked if she could assist now. I let her take over, but it wasn't until I was sitting down that the full significance of what I'd done dawned on me. Sarah's mother obviously thought that what I did was deliberate, and I'm ashamed to say that I was so stunned that I didn't let on that I'd done it by accident."

  "I'm sorry. I just don't understand what you think you did wrong."

  Megan started sobbing again, swallowed, then almost whispered,

  "I conjured him out! I conjured a human baby about ten inches! He could have brain damage, in fact he could have damage in every organ in his little body.

  "And it's my fault! Tyana told me it was dangerous. Oh, Laura, I didn't mean to do it! I wasn't trying to conjure him, I just wished, and there he was."

  "Megan, I was only a nurse on Earth, but I've seen a few births like the one you describe, usually slightly premature as an extra complication.

  "Each time the doctor had to perform a Caesarean, and let's be honest, could you have done that?"

  "No of course not."

  "That little boy would be dead now, and probably his mother too, if you hadn't done what you did.

  "I also know that it is possible to conjure a human without damage. I heard Marcus describe to Dusty and Darryl how he's done it himself."

  "You're just saying that to make me feel better, aren't you?"

  "Ask him when you see him and I'm sure he'll show you.

  "If all this happened this morning, how is it you've just got back? Was it a long way?"

  "Nowhere's a long way since Tyana developed a way of travelling on horseback at over two hundred miles an hour.

  "You don't look surprised!"

  "I first saw Tyana when she was doing just that to get to Merlin!"

  "Well, as soon as I left the ranch I found a queue of patients with minor ills to attend to. They all thought that it was not worth asking me to come, but since I was there anyway....I didn't mind as it took my mind off what I'd done."

  "I see! Now, I'll ask Lindsey to bring you some soup to drink while you soak."

  "I'd rather Dusty brought it if that doesn't shock you too much. He's bound to be worried.

  "Tell me about Merlin though!"

  Laura did so glossing quickly over her part, giving all the credit to Karim and Shaena. Megan listened without making comment but vowed to find out the true story. She knew that Laura must have had more to do with it than she had admitted.

  Meanwhile, Tyana, her parents, and her brothers were combining to persuade Marcus that he must have the company of either Dusty or Darryl until he could be paired.


  In the middle of the night a very surprised Marcus was shaken awake by Megan. "I'm sorry, Marcus, but I'm so worried, and you are the only person who can help. I conjured a baby this afternoon, and Laura said not to worry as you can do it without hurting yourself. Dusty confirmed that you had said as much to him. Please don't think I'm doubting you, but Tyana told me soon after I arrived here that nobody ever tries this because it's dangerous, and kills.

  "Who's right?"

  By now Marcus was completely awake, "I haven't been here long enough to start an argument with Tyana, but ...."

  Suddenly Megan was looking at an empty bed and hearing his voice from behind her continuing, "...have you ever heard the expression 'seeing is believing'?"

  Tears of relief stopped Megan from replying as she turned to face Marcus, realising that the little boy was going to be alright. Marcus put an arm around her shoulders and gently guided her towards the door.

  "From what I hear we all have a busy day tomorrow. Try and get some sleep."

  "Thank you, Marcus!"
