Read Unicorn Witch Page 5


  Laura was anxious to check on her patient, Megan wanted to see how Laura had dealt with the break, and Tyana knew that Merlin would, in spite of his injury, want to speak at length with Marcus.

  Karim, still being mysterious, had asked to be allowed to visit the herd for the day and had left at dawn.

  This left Tyana vulnerable, as well as Marcus, so Lindsey and Hondo insisted that Dustine and Darryl never left either of them alone even for a moment.

  Immediately after breakfast the coach and four greys were readied and to her great delight, Laura was allowed to drive. Megan, Marcus, Tyana, and her brothers rode inside, whilst Princess, Bess, Timber, and Ebony cantered alongside as escorts.

  After checking on Merlin, Laura and Megan went their own way as Megan had promised over breakfast to familiarise Laura with the area and introduce her to the many friends she had made during her month on Refuge. Darryl and Dusty took very seriously the threat to their sister and stationed themselves by Merlin's door with Timber and Ebony keeping watch outside.

  "We don't expect trouble for another five days," Tyana protested. "Karim would never have gone off for the day if there was any risk."

  "For your information, Sis, Karim made us promise not to leave your side until she returned. Anyway, we need to be here to cover Marcus!"

  After listening to Marcus and Merlin questioning each other for five minutes Tyana stopped laughing long enough to say, "You're not going to get anywhere like this. Both of you are asking questions but neither of you are giving proper answers.

  "Marcus, you and I have plenty of time for me to tell you all about life here, unless you don't like the idea of spending time with me? You answer Merlin's questions and I'll answer yours later."

  Needless to say this appealed to Marcus and for the rest of the morning Merlin asked question after question and he, Tyana, and her brothers became more and more amazed at what life had been like for Megan, Thomas, Laura, and Marcus. Tyana commented when there was a pause in Merlin's questions, "I'm no longer surprised at the shock Megan felt when she saw Karim for the first time. What I don't understand is how Laura and you adapted so quickly."

  "I think it was having something to do which made the difference for Laura," answered Marcus, "so she didn't have time to brood, she was too busy doing what she'd always known was her job in life. Too often before she's got into trouble just by taking the pain away from an injured person.

  "For myself, I've always felt as though I didn't fit in until I arrived here. I knew I could do things other people couldn't, but I never dared to try and explain how I did them."

  Hearing conversation outside Tyana left for a moment to see who the visitors were. Marcus was quick to say, "Merlin, may I ask just one question of you, please?"

  "If it is just the one, and if I can answer it."

  "How does one go about courting a girl here? I never believed love at first sight was possible until yesterday, but I swear I fell in love with Tyana the moment I looked at her. She's everything I ever found attractive in a woman all wrapped up in one package. I want to tell her but I don't want to frighten her off."

  "Just be yourself," Merlin replied. "I'm pretty sure she feels the same way. If you want to be absolutely certain ask Karim when she returns. But my advice is to tell her how you feel!"

  Tyana returned with Megan, and Laura, who looked at Merlin, laid one hand on his forehead and said, "That's quite enough for one day! I want everyone out of this room, and no more visitors today.

  "No Megan, not you! I'd like you to help me examine him."

  They found that Merlin's arm was only very slightly swollen below her improvised plaster, but his temperature was raised. Megan watched her touch foreheads and seeing her reaction started forward.

  "Don't worry, Megan, it isn't enough to get concerned about but, Merlin, you really must rest. I insist that Marcus doesn't return until the day after tomorrow and I know just how to make sure of that.

  "Either Megan or I will be in this evening. Please be patient. You've lived this long without the knowledge that Marcus has, and a couple of days more isn't going to make any difference."

  "Before you go, Laura,” asked Merlin, “can you tell me one thing? Just what is a detective?"

  "That's a hard one," Laura replied. "On Earth there were a lot of crimes committed. Except for this Theurgen thing you don't seem to have any here. A detective had to try to find the person or persons who committed the crimes, whether murder, which is killing someone, theft, assault, or ........"

  Laura noticed that Merlin's expression had changed and that Megan was looking at her in a peculiar way, so asked, "What is it? Have I said something wrong?"

  "You've only been here a day, My Dear Laura," answered Merlin, "so I'm not annoyed with you but sit down a moment will you?

  "Imagine you were back on Earth and a few adults and large numbers of your teenagers who are the most affected, suddenly went blind. Two years later another group suffered the same fate. If this happened every two years for a decade, the numbers increasing each time and several of the young people committed suicide rather than be a burden, would you refer to it as 'this blindness thing'?"

  Laura realised how closely she had come to spoiling a new friendship and said, "Oh, Merlin, I'm truly sorry! I'm only just beginning to realise how important what you call 'magical ability' is. I thought it was just convenient, but I suppose for you it's a way of life. I'm sorry ......... I really am!"

  "Enough, Laura, you weren't to know. Now, returning to Marcus, was he a good detective?"

  "He was the youngest Sergeant in Chicago, so he must have been! Why?"

  Merlin explained how long he had pondered on the problem of the losses before giving it to Tyana. He recounted her tour of Refuge ending with, "So, although she provided us with a defence against the thefts and helped a lot of people, she's no nearer than I was in learning who? why? or even the detail of how? the thefts take place, and we have no experience in solving crimes. Do you think he would be willing to help?"

  "Quite simply, when he knows what you've just told me, no power exists which could stop him.

  "Now - Rest!"

  As the whole party returned to the Counter ranch Laura asked Darryl to drive so that she could tell Marcus what she had learned and, as she expected, he was determined to help, making Tyana explain in detail all she knew and all she had experienced on her recent trip. By the time she had finished they had had lunch, and it was late afternoon.

  "For someone with no training," he said to Tyana, as they lounged against a tree near the paddock where Ebony and Timber were being groomed by Dusty and Darryl, "you've done remarkably well. You spotted the common factor in those who were not affected, and you've arranged protection for all who need it. Nasom is going to advise you through Karim when any strangers arrive, but just what do you expect to do when you find them?"

  About this time, Megan came over to ask all four to come in for tea. It was obvious even to Marcus from the looks exchanged between them that she and Dusty felt about each other as he did about Tyana but had not had the courage to declare.

  "That's the trouble. I don't know yet ..... Question them I suppose. Remember, Karim can't be lied to! Have you any better ideas?"

  Marcus, of course had plenty of them. "This is obviously very well organised, and has a regular collection route with each town being visited only once every two years.

  "Catching one or two of the thieves is of no use to you, it will just let them know you know about them. If I was handling the case, I'd simply follow them when any strangers arrived. What we want to know is how, and why, as well as who! Karim should learn what she can without arousing their suspicions, then we'll follow them.

  "That means I'm going to need a horse. Can you arrange one? And can you explain why my mother had to have a familiar immediately, yet I get given a guard? Not that
I'm complaining! I've never known her to be as happy as she is now, and naturally I'd want her to be protected first, but I confess to being puzzled all the same."

  "I only know," Tyana replied, "that yesterday evening Karim said that there was only one familiar suitable for you and she was gone this morning before I could get any more details. We'll soon know. I expect she'll be back before dinner!"

  Marcus was obviously puzzled. "I don't think I understand this 'familiar' thing. How is it that Princess and Bess do just what Laura and Megan want, yet Karim, belonging to you, who everyone says is so powerful, just does as she pleases?"

  "You're right. You don't understand it!

  "Centuries ago, on Earth, our ancestors discovered that the power we have is doubled, or even more, if we bond with an animal. That animal was by tradition a cat for a female and an owl for a male. The Old Ones brought here a complete selection of Earth's animals, but not enough cats and owls for everyone to have one but this didn't matter as we found that literally any animal will do. The animal gains human intelligence when near its owner which slowly fades with separation, and they live as long, only ageing as does the human.

  "Unlike my parents and brothers, although I like horses, I didn't want one for a familiar as I'd become friends with Karim and I rode her everywhere we wished to go. You see, unicorns are already as intelligent as humans, possibly more so in some cases, and they are universally telepathic.

  "Karim's not my familiar, as everyone believes and as we've encouraged them to believe. She's my best friend and an equal partner. It was, for instance, she who worked out that having a familiar gives protection. It was she who organised over six hundred animals to bond with the inhabitants of New Salem. If you have any doubts about her intelligence, try playing chess with her this evening. One final surprise for you, but this one is not for telling to anyone yet. I'm sure that the great power that I undoubtedly have, a hundred times more than I've ever shown so far, comes from bonding with Karim. That's not all, and this is the best kept secret we have - - she is in her own right at least Gold standard, and is probably as powerful as I am!

  "What I don't understand though is why I'm telling you. Not even Merlin and Shaena know yet."

  "I think," said Marcus, "that just as I would trust you with life or my Mother's, you know that you can rely on me. I've never been in love before, so I can't be certain, but what I feel for you is different from anything I have ever experienced. It's a mixture of respect, adoration, attraction, even envy. What I do know for certain is that I will die before I will allow harm to come to you. ... ... Please don't laugh."

  "I'm not laughing at you - I'm just happy, and I remember saying something like that to Shaena when I was eight years old and about to bond with Karim."

  The sound of departing hooves had all four running outside.

  Laura and Megan on Princess and Bess were heading for Camelot at a ten times gallop. "Your mother surely is a fast learner, and that speed tells us that both she and Megan are potential Golds or even higher. But I wonder where they're off to."



  By the time it was fully light Karim was through Camelot and galloping South as fast as she considered safe. She was, of course, not going to her own herd, but to the one eighty miles up the river from Kissimmee.

  She crossed 'Tyana Ford' as it was now known, then called for Scimitar and Rebel to meet her there without letting the herd know of her presence. Their curiosity aroused, the twins arrived.

  What followed took only seconds with three way telepathic transfer of thoughts, but using words instead it was more or less:-

  > she started. >

  Karim was waiting in the trees, and after Scimitar decoyed the herd back over the hill, they recrossed the ford and walked quietly north until out of sight and hearing.

  Quickly Karim checked that Rebel's injuries were only superficial, then by experimenting discovered that she could invoke a nine times spell for both of them. Rebel was fascinated with the experience of travelling at some two hundred miles an hour and wanted to continue all afternoon but Karim veered to her right and insisted on stopping twenty miles up river from Camelot. They swam to bathe Rebel's wounds and then grazed for a couple of hours while Karim told him all that had happened since they last met, including glowing reports on Marcus and especially Laura.

  They then went on at a more leisurely pace of five times normal back towards the ranch, slowing to a walk some four miles away. Karim found that she could call that far to Laura and Megan and asked them to meet her, saying only that they had horse fight injuries to deal with.

  Laura was the first to realise what Karim intended and looked carefully at Rebel even before introductions. With her experience of horses she was impressed to say the least. Before her was a jet black, seventeen hand stallion, weighing almost a ton, yet with muscles as well defined as those she had seen on a thoroughbred race horse. Gold horn, hooves, mane, and tail made him extremely attractive, but it was when she looked deep into the large golden eyes that she realised the difference between unicorns and horses. Behind those beautiful eyes was obviously a brain to be reckoned with. While Megan tended to the various bites, bruises, abrasions, and stitched one small stab wound from Scimitar's horn, Laura got to know him, explaining that Marcus was her son. Injuries tended, the party returned, Marcus was introduced, and he and Rebel went out to "talk" just as Thomas and Jet had such a short time ago.

  They found many common interests, Rebel being especially interested in the art of detection from a small number of clues. Given several examples Marcus had previously used to test 'rookies', he solved every one with no trouble.

  "I feel that we could be equal partners if you are willing," said Marcus. "How about you?"



  "How about a goodnight kiss between partners then?" she asked.

  This time she slipped one hand behind his neck to draw his head down whilst the other arm went behind his back as she had seen Megan do with Dusty. She also cuddled as closely as she could, making sure he would feel the swell of her breasts against his chest. She remembered reading this in one of her mother's novels. How she wished she had experimented more with the boys in Camelot instead of playing with Karim. This, counting the earlier one, was only her second non-family kiss. She decided that before the third she would have to have a long chat with Megan who, although a year younger was obviously a lot more experienced. Eventually they came up for air and went to their respective beds.


  Thomas was excited that there would be a newer member in the Bronze class than himself, but Jet cautioned him, >

  Qamar was taking the class in the absence of Merlin, and it was being run as a rehearsal for those ready to qualify at Halloween. Each in turn was required to conjure an object weighing more than eight ounces from outside the room to his own hand, and here at least Marcus was on home ground as he had always moved the big Colt automatic from holster to hand mentally which had saved his life on many occasions. He had no trouble, therefore, bringing in his selected box of apples.

  Equally easy was the second test of conjuring an object under control to a third party. He did this by passing around the box of apples and inviting each of the class to take one.

  He had never before started a fire, but that was Thomas's speciality and he explained, "Just think about what you want to burn, and 'stead of making it come to you, make it shake itself on the spot till it warms up."

  Marcus tried and much to his surprise, found it easy. 'Three down, Two to go,' he thought.

  Making rain was harder, but after watching the others he got the idea, drawing together all the water vapour in the atmosphere near them and cooling it till the dew point was reached and down came the rain, not very localised unfortunately.

  "The next one's the one I can't do, and neither can my friend Jim," said Thomas, "bu
t I'm not too disappointed as Auntie Tyana was eight before she made Bronze and she was the youngest ever. If I manage it next year I'll still beat her by one year.

  "You have to take something and change it into something else. You know - - Lead into Gold, Poison into something harmless, Water into Wine, which is the one my Auntie did. I don't know where to start and so far no one can explain it. It's just something either you can do or you can't."

  Marcus thought for a while. Was it really possible that these people, the Bronzes and above, could actually change the nature of materials as Thomas said. Could Tyana really take a glass of water and serve it as wine? Then it struck him - when she was only eight years old! What could she do now?

  This last one appealed to him, so he started with water, then conjured into it some burnt charcoal from the fire for the carbon and concentrated on alcohol. The revolting looking mixture boiled, but did smell alcoholic. That told him he could do it.



  Karim had, as always, been brief and to the point.



  The scene was similar to that when Tyana had qualified White, but there were over twenty candidates. It had been raining hard, but the first few to arrive changed that, 'persuading' the rain clouds to go away with a suitable strong breeze from the South for a while. Marcus was to be last, but Merlin called him aside to explain that there might be a complication.

  "All the available Silvers are trying to qualify Gold today. If they make it, the two I've arranged for you to challenge will be Gold, and defeating them takes you straight to White. I have checked our Constitution carefully, and whilst it has never happened before, it's not against the rules. From what Dustine and Darryl said about your practice, you should try. Good Luck!"

  If this was meant as a spell it worked. Marcus found himself competing with two newly qualified Golds, each of whom thought of himself as the most powerful in the district and regarded it as an insult that a new arrival from Earth should be allowed to challenge not only him, but another almost his equal as well.

  Marcus, as challenger, had first choice, and remembering Tyana's experience was about to choose a power game when he realised that if his opponents thought mainly of power, they probably had little control.

  "I remind everyone of a toy used to teach children dexterity. There's a base with different shaped holes in it, square, diamond, circle, star, cross, and so on. Into it will fit objects the same shape. Is there anything like that here?"

  There was, so Marcus had the bases set fifty feet away and the piles of objects fifty feet in the other direction. "We'll have a simple race to fit all the objects in their respective holes."

  Shaena reminded the audience of the rules and started the contest. As Marcus had gambled, his opponents didn't have the fine control that came with an intelligent familiar, so he'd finished his twenty before they managed five each.

  The two new Golds conferred for a moment, then one said, "We choose 'Push Ball'. A one hundred yard pitch, with the first to score two goals the winner."

  A six feet diameter inflated leather ball was put on the centre spot of a standard football field. To score a goal, it was necessary to mentally 'push' the ball between the goal posts.

  Marcus was delighted to find that he could hold it against the two of them, but he had to draw on Rebel's power to move against them. He deliberately moved only slowly to score.


  Despite all the efforts made by the two, each of whom had considered himself invincible, Marcus had no trouble scoring again.

  2-0, Game, and Match!

  Shaena called for Order, and confirmed the result. Tyana caught her eye and obtained permission to speak.

  "I'm sure there are those here who will feel that Marcus has not been with us long enough to possibly qualify White. I know otherwise, and I want no doubt left in anyone's mind!

  "Can I have eight volunteers to assist the two Golds he has just defeated, so that he will be pushing alone against ten?"

  There was no shortage of volunteers and the contest took place as Tyana had suggested. This time Marcus did not bother to move the ball slowly, but once sure that they were all trying, moved the ball rapidly to score again.

  Shaena once again called for order and then addressed them.

  "As Marcus would be the first to admit himself, he has only been here a short time. However, you have all witnessed him defeating one White, five Golds, and four Bronzes simultaneously in a game his opponents chose.

  "If anyone questions his right to be known as White, they should speak now, or forever be silent on the subject."

  One person clearly not impressed by the display was Laura, and she said so.

  "Tyana, was that vulgar display really necessary? Frankly I was ashamed to be his mother. You were just showing off his new found power! I don't think I like that side of you very much!

  Marcus had arrived in time to hear her and replied before Tyana had time to think.

  "Laura, for once you've got hold of the wrong end of the stick! I would have said the same before I heard what happened to Tyana on her recent tour of the ten towns. Her life, or mine, could depend on us getting cooperation without having to prove ourselves. That was why she organised it."

  "He's right, you know, Laura." said Tyana. "Neither of us has any need to prove how strong we are, any more than you feel the need to qualify Gold. But suppose Marcus needs help to come to my aid, do you think I want to wait until he proves himself?

  "With the Pony Mail Service using my multiplying spell, by the time we get anywhere they will have already heard about this, and probably exaggerated it, so everyone will obey the instructions of anyone with a unicorn familiar!"



