Read Uninvited (Fate #7) Page 18

  As uncomfortable as having this conversation had suddenly begun to feel, Nathan decided to find the silver lining. He was setting a precedent here. Hopefully, she, too, would always be as honest and open with him about everything—even minor details she might otherwise think unimportant.

  “I need you to understand something, Anna.” He slipped his hand into hers. “Sai didn’t even reconnect with her until over a year after I’d lost contact with her. Then it was months after that when he told me about it. I didn’t even remember who she was when he first mentioned it. But after all that time he still remembered the way I introduced her to him. And that’s why I introduced you to them the way I did today. I didn’t want him comparing the two because this is so different. I figured he’ll know—everyone will soon enough—just how different this is for me without me having to label it. I’m already sure of it. Not just from her but from any other girls I’ve dated.”

  Finally, he got a genuine smile from her, and he leaned in and kissed her. “I know what you mean,” she whispered, licking her lips. “I probably haven’t dated as much as you have, but even back at the cabin when it started to feel like something might happen between us, I knew it too. Even if it was just sexual. I wasn’t trying to compare, only trying to prepare myself. As early on as it was, I could already tell that if you ever did to me what Jace did, it’d be real pain not just the anger and humiliation I felt when he did it.” Her mouth fell open, but she said nothing then shook her head. “You hadn’t even kissed me yet.”

  Even this made Nathan feel better about the alarming hold this girl already had on him. “You know my sisters are strong believers in fate and destiny and all that shit.” He chuckled at her expression in reaction to that last comment then kissed her nose with a shrug. “I don’t know. It could be true that everything happens for a reason. They’re convinced it was how Isaiah and Kelli ended up together under such improbable circumstances. Now that I think about it, maybe if they hadn’t gotten engaged and pregnant so fast, I might not have felt the need to get away from the weirdness I was feeling. I never would’ve met you. Was it just coincidence or destiny? Only time will tell, right?”

  “I believe in destiny.” she said, smiling. “And I’m okay with the whole Kelli thing, really. She seems very nice and totally in love with your brother. She’s probably not even that pretty,” she added with a playful smirk. “It’s just the glow of the pregnancy, I’m sure.”

  Nathan was glad for the unexpected discussion. Despite her playful cattiness, it was after all, an unusual situation. “Yeah, well, plutonium glows too. Not necessarily a good thing to everyone.”

  Anna laughed as Nathan stood up, picking up both their empty plates. “You full?”

  “Yes, very.” She patted her belly.

  “Then let’s go for that romantic stroll on the beach you mentioned earlier.” He put the dishes in the dishwasher and turned back to face her with a grin. “Then we can come back and burn off more of these calories in a more pleasurable way.”

  The thought of this day ending soon and having to be away from her for days maybe longer because of her school and his work schedule was the only thing that made his smile wane. But Nathan focused on the positive. So far, everything between them seemed beyond perfect, especially the fact that she didn’t seem to have an issue admitting she was feeling just as enamored as he was. It was too soon to start suggesting she might move closer to him than Escondido as she mentioned. But suggesting it had definitely moved up on his to-do list after today.

  Chapter 18: The Slip


  Several things happened in the weeks that flew by after their destiny conversation. Valentine’s Day rolled around, came and went. As much as Aiyanna had made it clear what her thoughts were about Valentine’s Day, she was still a little surprised that Nathan hadn’t so much as mentioned it. Sure, she thought gifts received on the day or any romantic date you went on in celebration of it was nothing more than a guilt thing, a date specifically made up by corporations and retailers to arbitrarily force you to have to spend money on something romantic. Nathan had agreed; though he said he still thought it was just another good reason to spoil your sweetheart. But he said he respected her views.

  Still, she thought he’d at the very least send her a silly text asking to be his Valentine or something. Since the day had landed during the week and he was working anyway, she shrugged it off. Even after Heidi had sent her a picture text of the roses delivered to her place from her fiancé, Aiyanna didn’t think much of it. Nathan had texted her most of the day and had been his usual loving and romantic self, regardless of the day.

  At least, technically, she had a Valentine. One of the other reasons why she refused to fall into the propaganda of Valentine’s Day was because of the damage it did to so many. Just like during the holidays, the suicide rate went up, and it was a little known fact that it also rose among the divorced and recently heartbroken and depressed around Valentine’s Day. Aiyanna had witnessed it firsthand this year. While Scott wouldn’t admit the holiday just upped how depressed he still was about his breakup with Josh, clearly it had.

  Aiyanna had bought a big box of chocolate malted crunch ice cream, brought out her box of chocolates, and she, Scott, and Sam had sat around watching a Star Wars marathon. No one mentioned either of them being down because of Valentine’s Day. Technically, Sam wasn’t down, but, unlike Aiyanna, she was one of those who got sucked into the holiday.

  Heidi had shared the photo of her roses on her social media, so even though Aiyanna had tried to spare Sam, she’d seen them. Sam could say she was happy being single until she was blue in the face. Truth was the poor girl was a true romantic with the worst luck in love. So they spent their evening drowning in ice cream and watching non-romantic movies, and no one dared utter the word “Valentine.”

  That weekend Nathan picked Aiyanna up, and she was spending another Friday at his place, but when they got there, he had a surprise. He made her wait in the laundry room for a few minutes because he had a few things to set up.

  “This has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day,” he said when she gave him a playfully scolding look; though secretly, the idea of him having done something anyway thrilled her.

  A few minutes later, he was back, reaching out his hand. “Okay, it’s ready.”

  “What is it?” She giggled curiously, almost nervously so.

  “You’ll see.”

  They walked through his kitchen where nothing appeared any different. Then they turned into his formal dining room, and her jaw dropped. An explosion of red and gold decorations filled the room, only there wasn’t a single heart in the mix. Red streamers and paper lanterns hung all around, along with paper dragons. The table was set up with romantic candles and settings for two. Several vases held rose bouquets, but the twig-like tree with red tags hanging off the branches that was a uniquely pretty but odd centerpiece threw her. She turned to Nathan curiously. “What is this?”

  He kissed her hand, but before he could say anything, the doorbell rang. Nathan looked down at his watch. “Perfect timing.”

  “For what?” Aiyanna asked nervously, suddenly not feeling dressed for the occasion. “You invited people?”

  “No, it’s a delivery,” he said, rushing out of the dining room. “I’ll be right back.”

  Aiyanna stood there, feeling warmed by all the detail he put into this, but she still didn’t get it. The lighting, candles, and flowers made for an incredibly romantic setting, but he did say this was not for Valentine’s Day. And technically, Valentine’s Day had been days ago.

  She walked around the dining room, taking in all the other details of his decorating. The table to the side held an assortment of mini cupcakes and other desserts. What looked like gold coins but were probably chocolates wrapped in gold foil were all over the little dessert table along with mini twig trees.

  Nathan walked back in, holding a paper bag. The moment he passed by her and set it down on the end of the de
ssert table where there was an empty spot, Aiyanna knew the delivery was food.

  “Smells good.”

  “I know. It's Chinese takeout and I’m starving.” He turned to her with a big silly grin.

  “So what is all this?” She grinned as big and equally silly. “It’s beautiful, but I feel dense because I don’t get it.”

  “Happy Chinese New Year!” He held his arms up at either side of him, and suddenly it all made sense—but then it didn’t.

  “Okay . . .?”

  “Alright, so first of all, I can’t take credit for all this.” He pointed around and shook his head as if even he thought it was overkill. “You know my family, right? My sisters asked what I was doing for our first Valentine’s together. They insisted I needed to make it special, so when I told them you don’t buy into all the Valentine BS, they were totally disappointed.” He shrugged. “No biggie. But I did mention I had something for you I was saving for a special occasion and trying to figure out when to give it to you since your birthday is so far away.”

  He shook his head with a smile while Aiyanna’s heart sped up and began hammering at her chest. He had something special for her?

  “The same evening I’d mentioned it to Liv they were all over it, brainstorming. You should’ve seen them today. They made a party of putting all this together. They even had Kelli, Rosie, and Izzy here today. I ordered lunch for all of them and they went at it. Those”–he pointed at the mini muffins– “are compliments of Emi, made right here in my kitchen for you. All this other cra—” He stopped and laughed. “All these other lovely decorations they put together as a team. This”—he pointed at the centerpiece tree— “is a Chinese tradition about a wishing tree. We write three wishes each on those little things you see hanging then put them back on the tree. Don’t ask me what happens afterward because I don’t know.”

  They both laughed as Aiyanna stepped toward the table to get a better look at the wishing tree. She’d heard of it before and now felt dumb for not having put two and two together.

  “My biggest contribution,” Nathan went on, “was getting sent out half a dozen times to buy everything they needed and helping get the higher stuff up. Halfway through this I thought it was way too much but had to agree. If you’re gonna be part of this family, we may as well get you used to this craziness early on.”

  Aiyanna brought her hands to her mouth full of excitement then turned to him. “I love it! This is so special and way better than Valentine’s. I’d love nothing more than to turn this into our special tradition.”

  Nathan wrapped his arms around her and kissed her then pulled back and searched her eyes. “So you’re not spooked off by my insane family yet?”

  “No.” She shook her head, laughing. “I think I’m falling in love with them as fast as I fell . . .”

  She caught herself when she realized she may have just gotten ahead of herself—something her sister and Scott kept warning her not to do.

  Nathan stared at her, a little more serious now. To hell with it. If she decided she’d go with her heart from the very beginning and not over think things, then she wouldn’t over think this either. She truly felt it in her heart now, so she may as well say it.

  Bringing her hand to his face, she smiled, and his expression eased up a bit, and suddenly there was no doubt in her mind. This felt right. “I fell for them as fast as I fell in love with you. I love you, Nathan,” she whispered that last part, suddenly feeling choked up.

  “I love you too, Anna.” His response was immediate even as he shook his head. “Fuck, this is almost scary.”

  She giggled in spite of her blurring vision. “Why?”

  Nathan took her face in his hands, kissing her lips softly again before pulling back and gazing into her eyes. “Do you know how long I debated and went over how I’d tell you? I’ve been wanting to for weeks now, but I was afraid you’d think me insane. I’ve been a fucking ball of nerves all day and actually grateful to the girls for keeping my ass distracted with all the trips they had me make to the party-supply store and supermarket. And then you just go and say it?”

  He laughed, letting his head drop back, but just as quickly, his eyes were back on hers, and suddenly the unease she’d seen in them earlier was back. Taking his hands away from her face, he walked over to the china cabinet at the end of the room an opened up one of the glass doors. He pulled out a small turquoise gift bag. As he turned and walked back to her, Aiyanna could see it was a Tiffany & Co. bag. Her heart thundered.

  No way.

  Aiyanna still had so many things she needed to accomplish before she could even think of getting married—engaged. As much as she was sure she was in love with him, there’d been zero talk of marriage. And for good reason! Declaring their love for one another after less than two months of knowing each other was maybe a little much. But Aiyanna knew enough about the psychological facts of love. The main one being love makes us crazy. You can’t control crazy. But you can think sensibly about how fast you jump into life-altering decisions.

  “Okay, before you freak out, this is not an engagement ring.” He held up the small bag on his finger as Aiyanna exhaled as inconspicuously as she could and then smiled. “I didn’t even know this was a thing until one of the guys down at the station showed up wearing one. Thank God he’s since transferred to another station because I teased him mercilessly about it.”

  Nathan pulled a small turquoise box out from the bag and set the bag down on the table. Aiyanna watched nervously as he opened the cardboard box then pulled out the black leather one. He opened that one and showed her. It was a ring, but it didn’t look like an engagement ring. For starters, it was too thick. It was silver with a heart engraved in the middle. He pulled it out and spun it around so she could read the words engraved:

  Believe in Destiny.

  It took Aiyanna a second, but then it dawned on her. “From the movie at the cabin,” she whispered. Nathan smiled, nodding as he put the black box down too. “But you hated that movie.”

  “I hated how many times we were forced to watch it because there was nothing else on. But I liked the message, and now I can appreciate it more. And look . . .”

  He nudged the very thick oddly shaped ring until it separated at the middle, making it two rings. A thicker bigger half and a thinner smaller half, and Aiyanna finally got it. It was oddly shaped because the bottom part was a smaller size.

  “How did they even do that?”


  Aiyanna laughed but then realized what it really was and her heart swelled. Heidi and Gordon had something similar—matching couple’s rings—only theirs didn’t break apart. They were just almost identical and had their names engraved into them.

  “I love it, Nathan,” she said, still staring at it.

  “Like I said,” Nathan said, sliding hers onto her finger then sliding the thicker one onto his, “not an engagement ring, but like the song says, ‘If you like it, then you better put a ring on it.’ And I don’t just like it. I’m fucking crazy about it, so I’m not just putting one on you. I’m putting one on myself.” He glanced up at her after staring at the ring on his own finger for a few seconds. “The lady down at the store called it a couple’s ring, but you can call it whatever you want.” He pulled her to him and kissed her. “I just wanted you to have something to forever remind you of the day I told you how in love with you I am. I had no idea I’d be commemorating the day you said it to me as well. God, can this be more perfect?”

  “I don’t think it can,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck when he hugged her tightly again. Nathan picked her up and started toward the door. “Are we skipping dinner?”

  “Nah, I’m starving,” he said, squeezing her ass. “This just can’t wait, so it’ll be a quick one because I don’t want all that work the girls did to go to waste. But I promise you after dinner we’ll take it much longer and slower.”


  As expected, Heidi, Scott, and Sam had much to say
about the ring.

  “Wow, that was fast,” Heidi said, somewhat concerned.

  Scott was surprised but seemed happy for her. “I knew that guy was crazy about you the moment I walked into that cabin,”

  “You are so lucky!” Sam had exclaimed in her usual cross between being thrilled for her and not bothering to even try to hide her obviously jealous tone.

  Except for Scott’s reaction, the other two were exactly what she’d expected. But over a month later since he’d given her the ring and they’d both declared their love for one another, Aiyanna agreed with Sam. She was lucky—damn lucky—and she’d stop questioning it and just accept it. Maybe Heidi’s luck in love had rubbed off on her. She’d never seen her sister happier. That she and Nathan were destined for one another was getting easier and easier to believe with every day, week, and now months that had passed and they were still ridiculously happy together.

  As they’d each gotten closer to each other’s friends and families, they both gotten further confirmation that neither had anything to worry about when it came to Kelli or Scott. Nathan was about to get even more now. She frowned as she sent the text to Nathan.

  Not sure if I should be happy or worried. But it’s official. Scott and Josh are back together again. Anyway, Scott wanted me to double check with you that it’s okay if he invites him tonight. He said if it isn’t okay he’d totally understand.

  Among some of Nathan’s other friends and family who Aiyanna had met in the past few weeks were his cousin Moe and his Moreno friends, the ones that owned the restaurants he’d talked about. After eating there a couple of times, Aiyanna had raved so much about the food there to Sam, Scott, and Heidi they made her promise she’d invite them the next time she went. Tonight they were getting together there for an adult birthday gathering for his cousin Moe’s wife. Apparently, they had monthly celebrations for everyone who had a birthday that month among the Moreno and Romero clans since there were so many of them now. But Nathan explained that was mostly a kid thing. They still liked having a night out with just adults even if it was just at Morenos. They were all kid-free for the evening and that’s all that mattered.