Read Uninvited (Fate #7) Page 19

  Aiyanna’s gut was still knotted up, thinking about Scott and Josh. Josh had done plenty of groveling, even called Aiyanna to apologize to her about hurting her friend, which was a nice gesture but totally unnecessary. Nathan texted back immediately as he usually did and she clicked on it.

  Not a problem and don’t worry. If Scott’s happy, then maybe we should think positive and be happy for him too?

  Feeling warmed by his response, Aiyanna couldn’t help but smile. She already knew what Sam would say if she showed her Nathan’s text. Too good to be true. Aiyanna had to admit the pessimist in her had thought it so many times, even after he’d begun to tell her he loved her. But so far he hadn’t given her a single reason to question his sincerity.

  Nathan was picking Aiyanna up since she was spending the night at his place again. As unreal as this all felt just weeks ago, staying over at his place was just a given now. Aiyanna had had her doubts in the beginning, especially because everything had just come together for them so easily and effortlessly. She refused to think negatively anymore. Everything between them had been perfect in every way. His sisters had taken a liking to Aiyanna almost immediately. Even his hot-tempered brother AJ had been a sweetheart to her. And Nathan had mentioned how hard he’d initially been on Kelli because of the whole having-gone-out-with-both-brothers thing.

  Just as his sisters had been so helpful in the Chinese New Year’s celebration, no one in his tight-knit family seemed to question how fast they were taking things. Aiyanna had kept to herself the multiple times her best friends and sister had kindly reminded her to not get ahead of herself. She knew they just meant well and worried for her, but she didn’t want Nathan to think any of them were doubting his sincerity. Especially not Scott. That spark of unease about her close friendship with Scott had been put out now, but she knew there might still be some smoking embers in there somewhere. She would not be fanning them in any way.

  Scott was driving into La Jolla with Heidi, Gordon, and Sam. Josh was meeting him there later since he didn’t get off work until a little later that night. Nathan picked up Aiyanna early in the day, and as usual, they spent a passionate afternoon at his place then got ready for their night out.

  Even having been there twice before, Aiyanna was still beyond impressed with Moreno’s restaurant. It was so elegant yet authentic in its decor. The painted murals on the wall were huge and beautiful. And all the decorations were so colorful and true to the culture she may as well have been dining at a restaurant in Mexico.

  They’d closed off an area of the restaurant just for this party. While there were a lot of people attending—it was just intimate friends and family—Moe explained they hadn’t needed one of the banquet rooms upstairs because there were no kids.

  “That eliminates about seventy percent of the family.” He’d laughed.

  The grandparents and older relatives had all volunteered to babysit. Moe warned this would be a booze fest and time for the adults to relax and let loose for once. Their uncles, Manny and Max, were the only old timers there.

  Despite having met the guy a couple of times already, it was still a thrill to know AJ was going to be there tonight. Both her best friends and Heidi had all asked if he’d be there, and at the time, she hadn’t been sure. Now that she knew he was, she was excited for them. They were going to freak out! They had from just her retelling the story of the day she first met him. Then again when she’d been around him the second time.

  Nathan and Aiyanna took a seat at one of the longer taller tables with barstool high seats. The only one of his siblings already there was Emi, who sat at the same table with her husband, Sydney. But Isaiah and Kelli soon followed, and then Moe and his wife took a seat with them. The moment Sam sat down she held her phone up to take a selfie with Aiyanna and Nathan. “This place looks and smells delish,” Sam gushed. “I can hardly wait to eat. I’m starving.”

  “I love the decorations,” Heidi said, glancing around the restaurant. “Look at that mural. That’s amazing—”

  “Oh my God.” Sam gasped, interrupting Heidi. “Is that really . . .?”

  After seeing Sam bring her hands over her mouth so dramatically, they all turned to what Aiyanna expected would be AJ “Rage” Romero. It was, but she instantly knew that’s not what Sam was practically hyperventilating about.

  “Holy shit.” Gordon half laughed, half man-gasped. “Rage and Sabian are here?”

  They all watched as bigger-than-life AJ, his beautiful wife, and his almost-as-big teammate Sabian walked toward them. Sabian was noticeably solo. While Aiyanna knew they’d be excited about meeting AJ, Sabian was as famous for his skills on the field as he was for being a bachelor. This was what had Sam so excited.

  Aiyanna turned to Nathan, who was looking at Sam a bit weirdly. “She knows and respects that your brother is married. It’s the other one she’s this excited about.” She then eyed her friend with a smirk. “Down, girl.”

  Heidi laughed. “Yes, don’t embarrass us.”

  Sam took a nervous almost trembling drink of her water, which only made Heidi and Aiyanna laugh more. “Stop!” Sam hissed but still appeared too awestruck to really tear into them for making fun of her. “Oh my God! They’re coming over here.”

  This time Nathan laughed. “Of course they are. They’re here for the party.”

  The three newest arrivals made their way around the area, saying hello to everyone. As soon as they reached their table, Sam’s demeanor had changed entirely. The girl knew how to work the sexy indifferent performance. Both AJ and his wife Addi hugged and kissed Aiyanna and Nathan, making Aiyanna feel that giddiness she’d felt earlier. Only she didn’t feel so bad now because the fact that she was becoming friends with AJ’s wife was also strangely exciting.

  Nathan introduced them to everyone, including Scott. There was no shortage of big goofy smiles from everyone, including the guys. Before the night was over, Aiyanna had a feeling this bunch would have a ton of photos they’d be posting on their social media with the two big superstars. For now, they behaved and didn’t ask to take any. But they would. There was no way the selfie and photo junkies would let this opportunity pass them by.

  More and more close friends arrived, and the buffet platters were brought out to their area. They’d since been joined by more friends, like Liv and her husband and his brother and his wife Rosie. They’d been in the middle of a discussion about formal dances. Sam was showing them photos of her cousin, photos her mother had just sent her. The girl’s dance was happening that same night, and Sam said she would’ve been there but couldn’t pass up being here tonight.

  “Her dad is having a real hard time with it because this is his baby and she’s not even a senior,” Sam explained. “She’s in the tenth grade but was invited by a senior to the dance.”

  “I went with a senior to prom when I was only in the eleventh grade.” Rosie beamed. “Of course, we were just friends though. So it wasn’t anything romantic.”

  “Yeah, my prom was anything but romantic too.” Sam frowned.

  “Unless you go with your boyfriend, I think most proms or formal dances are not romantic,” Heidi said, reaching for the chips and salsa, then motioned to Aiyanna. “It’s mostly about the experience, dressing up and all. Anna went with her best friend.”

  “I know,” Sam said, rolling her eyes. “But at least she got her first kiss out of it. That had to be a little exciting. I went with my cousin. That’s like the worst!”

  Sam laughed along with Rosie, Liv, and their husbands. The comment wasn’t met with the same humor by either Aiyanna or Heidi, who exchanged glances. Aiyanna had since let her sister in on Nathan’s initial misgivings about her relationship with Scott. She took a tiny sip of her beer, dreading even glancing up at Nathan, whose hand was now on her thigh. She could kill Sam now for letting this slip. That detail of her prom with Scott was one she’d hoped to never have to share with Nathan.

  Clearly, the girl didn’t even realize what she’d let slip because
she was still going on about her horrid prom night. “I swear it was like an episode of The Walton’s. My entire extended family was on the porch, waving us off as we drove away.”

  Rosie and Liv continued laughing. “I can imagine that’s what it’ll be like when the kids in this family start attending dances.”

  Taking a deep breath, Aiyanna finally turned to meet Nathan’s eyes. His expression was a vacant one as he sipped his beer then put it down on the table. For a moment, Aiyanna actually thought maybe he’d missed the comment or hadn’t put two and two together. Then he slipped his hand in hers and squeezed gently.

  “Scott was your first kiss ever?”

  Chapter 19: The Flirt


  Alright, so this was a pretty fucking significant detail Anna had failed to mention about her friendship with Scott. But the fact remained this was a long time ago and Scott was waiting for his boyfriend to arrive tonight, one he’d been with for over two years. Nathan wouldn’t make a big deal out of this, but he was curious now about what else Anna might’ve left out when it came to Scott. Was it just a kiss or had they done more?

  There was no denying Anna had been a virgin when they first made love. But maybe she’d done more—other things with Scott—things Nathan had a right to know about, especially because she was living with the guy.

  “He was,” Anna admitted, squeezing his hand back. “But it’s nothing like what you’re imagining, I’m sure. I could tell you about it later.”

  “I don’t need details,” Nathan said immediately as the annoying memory of Scott and Anna’s emotional reunion back in Colorado assaulted him. “I’m just wondering what else you left out about you and him.”

  “Nothing.” She shook her head, only it was obvious her mind was racing.

  Nathan turned his attention to the girls chatting, as Rosie resurrected the subject of first kisses, telling about her own with Vince—her now husband.

  She was gazing at Vince with a smile. “He actually taught me how to kiss.”

  “How romantic,” Sam said, smiling big, then frowned, shaking her head. “I always imagined my prom being romantic, maybe even doing the deed for the first time. You know proms are supposed to be a big night to remember forever.”

  Heidi was on her feet. “I need to go to the ladies’ room. Anna and Sam, come with me?”

  Anna pushed her seat back and Sam started to also. “Since your seats will be open for a bit,” Nathan said, thinking fast, then turned to the other table. “AJ and Sabian! Come have a shot with me.”

  Instantly, Sam froze and her face brightened. “Ooh, shots.”

  “I don’t do shots,” Anna said quickly.

  “I do when I’m not driving,” Sam said, sitting back down.

  Nathan watched as her face lit up, staring in the direction of AJ and Sabian. I know you do, sweetheart. He turned to Anna, feeling a bit underhanded. “If you’re stopping by the buffet, get extra so we can share.”

  Anna nodded, only it was clear leaving Sam behind wasn’t what Heidi likely had in mind when she derailed the romantic-prom-and-first-kiss conversation the girls were having. It made him wonder if she was afraid Sam might let more out of the bag.

  Nathan eyed his brother and Sabian, who were already standing up. He flagged Isaiah and Moe down as well then turned to the other guys sitting at his table. “You guys up for a shot too? Ladies?”

  Sam and Emi, who said she’d share a shot with her husband, were the only girls joining them. Nathan put in the order for the shots. “I hear you’re a free agent now,” Moe asked Sabian the moment he got there.

  “Yep,” Sabian said with a smile.

  “Say it ain’t so,” Moe said, clutching his chest. “You’re not actually thinking of leaving the Padres? We have a dynasty going right now.”

  “Not so much.” Sabian shook his head. “Not with all the injuries we had last year, and some of the coaching moves they’ve made have pissed me off.”

  “Yeah, but this year when all those guys are back . . .”

  Nathan turned to Sam as the guys continued with their sports talk. She looked so completely enamored, staring at Sabian, it was almost funny. Maybe if Nathan’s mind wasn’t still on Anna’s first kiss, he’d laugh. At least chuckle. He’d been impressed with Sam earlier when he first introduced her to Sabian and AJ. As excited and nervous as she’d first seemed, she’d played it off pretty cool when they came around to say hello. Now she was all-out gazing.

  Nathan leaned toward her a bit. “You’re drooling,” he said in a lowered voice.

  Immediately, she sat up straighter, and her face tinged with color, making Nathan laugh this time. “I’m kidding; you aren’t, really.”

  “I know that,” she said quickly but still touched her lips then smirked. “Had to double check there.” She took a sip of her beer then turned to Sabian, who was still several people away from them. “He’s just so . . .” She lowered her voice. “I can’t believe how much bigger and better-looking he is in person than on television. And I already thought he was hot.”

  Instead of the waitress coming back with shots, Alex, one of Moe’s Moreno friends and owner/manager of this particular restaurant came back with two bottles of their best tequila. The waitress was right behind him though with a tray full of shot glasses.

  “I’m paying for these,” Nathan said, reaching for his wallet.

  “Get out of here,” Alex said as the waitress set the tray down on the table.

  “But I ordered these,” Nathan protested as he opened his wallet.

  “It’s already paid for.” Alex motioned to Moe, who rolled his eyes.

  “Like these guys ever charge me what they’re supposed to,” Moe said then proceeded to flag his wife down. “But yeah, don’t worry about it. I got it. Izzy doesn’t really drink. Only I’m getting her good and hammered tonight. Once a year won’t kill her and it is her birthday. So she’s gonna relax and have fun.”

  The shots were passed around. Nathan took advantage of Scott and Gordon getting in on the baseball conversation with Sabian and Moe. Obviously, Sam didn’t know enough about what they were discussing to get in on it. She still gazed at him whimsically but turned to Scott when he asked Sabian something about the stats of the game.

  “You know,” Nathan said, taking a sip of his beer. “If I didn’t know, I’d never even consider the possibility that Scott might be gay. I guarantee you none of them”—he motioned to the group of guys surrounding Sabian and AJ— “have a clue he is.”

  “I know, right?” Sam said, turning her attention to Nathan. “I seriously had my doubts when I first met Scott. He’s always been so playfully flirtatious. The very first time I met him I actually thought he might be into me. That is, of course, until Anna told me he was gay. Even then I held out hope it was some kind of mistake.” She laughed. “Then I saw him with Josh, and there’s no denying how crazy he is about the guy.”

  Nathan nodded. “He’s supposed to be here tonight, right?”

  “It’s what I heard, but”—she lowered her voice— “I wouldn’t be surprised if he flakes. After what he did to Scott, I don’t think I’ll ever look at him the same again, but”—she pretended to zip her lips— “it’s why I never bad-mouthed him before and I won’t now. I had a feeling they might get back together.”

  “But you have met him, right?” Nathan felt like a douche for even asking. As if Scott being gay might be this elaborate hoax, having a fake two-year long relationship with guy who didn’t exist and all.

  She turned to Nathan with a weird expression. “Of course I have. They were together for two years. I haven’t known them that long, but I have for a little over a year now.”

  “Is he a cool guy like Scott?”

  “I thought he was until . . .”

  Nathan took another sip, glancing around again and nodding as if he understood. Then it hit him and he had to ask. “Does he know Scott was Aiyanna’s first kiss.”

  This time Sam’s eyes widened as if
she just realized Nathan didn’t know that detail until tonight. They were passing shots around again, and Sam and Nathan were momentarily interrupted when they were each handed another one. With more of the Moreno’s arriving, AJ and Sabian moved over to make room for them. So they were now standing next to Nathan and Sam.

  “I’m sorry.” Sabian turned and addressed Sam. “Anytime I’m introduced to a group of people all at once, I tend to get the names mixed up. You’re Anna?”

  “No.” She shook her head, and unbelievably she was back to being cool as ice. “I’m Sam, her best friend and roommate.”

  Sabian nodded. “But you’re Nathan’s girl.”

  “No.” She laughed softly. “That would be Anna. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  Nathan smirked as she snuck that last comment in there. “And you’re really not related to her in any way?” AJ asked, peering at her. “You two look so much alike.”

  “Not in any way that I know of.” Nathan had seen her beam before when told she looked like Anna, but this was the smuggest he’d ever seen. Then she added, “But I do get that a lot.”

  “The other one,” AJ said, motioning to Heidi and Anna, who were on their way back, holding plates. “That one is her sister, right?”

  Nathan nodded, taking in a breath at the sight of Anna, who smiled at him. “Yeah, that’s her sister.”

  “You look more like Anna than her sister does,” AJ said, turning back to Sam. “It’s crazy.”