Read Unique, Different, Found Page 11

  "Coughing? Broken wrists? When did this start?" she questions while putting the back of her hand on both Callum and Comrade's foreheads.

  "A few minutes before they came racing here to wake you," I explain and she gasps. Her eyes grow wide and I'm almost positive she stops breathing.

  "Celina, sweetheart, breathe," I coach her and she takes in a deep, labored breath. What's going on with everyone today? First, Celina's history, next Callum and Comrade breaking into coughing fits and having sore wrists, then Celina waking with a scream and recognition on her face! What is going on?

  "I think you guys got the impact of my nightmare," Celina whispers and we all stare at her in confusion.

  "What?" we all ask at once and I would've chuckled if it wasn't serious, given the situation.

  "In my dream, I was being kicked in the ribs and my wrists were being twisted. I was having a memory of a beating I once had," she explains quietly with guilty eyes looking down. Why would she feel guilty about this? It isn't her fault those monsters did that to her.

  I pull her into a hug as she continues, "You guys must've picked up on it somehow. I'm not sure how though..." she trails off and an idea springs into my mind.

  "Wait here," I tell them, then sprint out of the room. I open my office door and search the bookcases until I find what I'm looking for. I pull out the old leather book and race back to my room. I get back on the bed, with Celina on my lap, and show them all, the book.

  "What is it?" Celina asks and I smirk at them. I slowly open the front cover and there, in neat cursive writing, is the name of the book: History of Shaded Wolves.



  History of Shaded Wolves. That's the title of the book in front of me and my curiosity spikes to a level I never think possible.

  "This book tells you everything recorded about the Shaded Wolves. It can tell you myths, legends, facts, pretty much anything," Axel explains and I reach for the very thick and very heavy book.

  "Is this how you knew about me?" I ask and Axel nods as I turn to the first page.

  Written by: King Ronald Heart and Queen Rosemary Heart

  Dedicated to their beloved daughter, Princess Celina Heart.

  For her future to be filled with adventure, hope, and love.

  I gently run my fingers over the names of the authors. Axel wraps an arm around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.

  "Are those my parents?" I say softly and Axel kisses my forehead while silently nodding his head.

  Tears prick my eyes and I sniff. I've never actually cried over my real parents' death before, and I don't plan to. They deserve to be remembered, not mourned, even if I don't remember them myself.

  "Well, if my parents wrote it, then I'm sure that this stuff is valid," I mumble and everyone chuckles as the once thick atmosphere evaporates.

  I turn the page and see the contents. Wow, I guess my parents were smart like that. Seeing as not many people used contents back then... I think.


  1. Introduction to Shaded Wolves

  2. The Facts and Myths of Shaded Wolves

  3. The legend of Shaded Wolves

  4. How the Shaded Wolves lived

  5. The Royal family

  6. Guardians of the Royal family

  7. What Powers the Shaded Wolves Possessed

  8. How the Shaded Wolves Came to Be

  9. How the Shaded Wolves Came to an End

  10. The Prophecy

  As I read through the contents, I can't help think that all of this happened to my parents and their people, while I'm happily living my life with my mate and the family that I never knew I could have.

  I let those thoughts leave my mind as I turn the page over and begin to read the Introduction to Shaded Wolves.

  The Shaded Wolves were one of the most highly respected races of wolves. There were three types of wolves: the Shaded Wolves, the Colored Wolves, and the Rogues. Each of these groups made up the society of wolves across the world.

  The Shaded Wolves were respected by all, even by the Rogues. They, in a way, ruled the wolf society. They made sure everyone was well and happy, as well as safe and secure. Not one little thing got past them and not one wolf could do wrong without them knowing.

  The Shaded Wolves had a royal family, consisting of the kind Queen and the brave King. All the different wolves lived in harmony and there were hardly any disagreements.

  The book continues to talk about how all the wolves lived in harmony and how the wolf society worked. As I near the next section, I start to feel giddy.

  The Facts and Myths of Shaded Wolves.


  - Shaded Wolves possessed powers

  - They practically ruled the wolf society

  - They only had white, black, or grey fur, never mixed

  - Only the royal family had the gift of gold eyes

  - Non-royals had silver, black, or grey eyes

  - Shaded Wolves were preferably larger than other wolves


  - Shaded Wolves were vicious creatures. They actually had the same instincts as any other wolf

  - Shaded Wolves craved for dominance. They strived to be always on top of all wolf kind

  - Shaded Wolves had more than one mate (that's definitely not true) Shaded Wolves only had one mate, unless those mates were twins, then yes, they had two

  - Shaded Wolves used their powers for evil. Only the very, very rare ones did and they were usually grey

  That's all that part of the book says, but I know that my parents left a few things out. I can feel it.

  Then the legend follows. This part is less than a page long.

  The legend of the Shaded Wolves was that the Moon Goddess magically made them and had every wolf follow them no matter what.

  That's pretty much the summary, although it's not what I'm looking for...

  "Did anyone else know about this book in my parents’ time?" I turn to Axel and lock my gaze on his grayish silver eyes.

  "No, nobody knew about it. Archaeologists found the book when they were searching the battlefield, that clearing we went to earlier. They reprinted it twice and the actual copy is in a wolf museum," Axel explains and I nod my head. That must be why it has contents... As that realization comes to me, I look back at the book.

  How the Shaded Wolves Lived

  Back in the early 1600s, the Shaded Wolves lived in huts made out of grass and mud. During the 1700s, they made more suitable houses out of clay and twigs. When the 1800s came, they had made more suitable houses, but they never got any further.

  The royal family had always lived in a castle, ever since the dawn of time. As the centuries passed, the castle had renovations and new sections were added to it, until it became large, majestic, and beautiful, that everyone adored. Only the royals, the royal advisors, and the castle servants were allowed to stay there. Others could enter but with permission.

  The non-royals lived in the above mentioned houses and planted crops for themselves and the royals. These wolves were what held the kingdom together, with the guidance of the royals.

  Huh, I guess they had a very simple lifestyle. Why didn't they get to advance any further though? My mind suddenly goes back to Axel's story a while ago and I feel my heart break. They never had the chance because they were betrayed.

  The Royal Family

  The royal family consisted of the beautiful and smart Queen Rosemary Heart, and the strong and wise King Ronald Heart. They had been the rulers since the Shaded Wolves first came to be. Only the Moon Goddess knew how they lived for such a long period of time and still stayed looking the same age, while everyone else aged around them.

  The royal family had no sons, only a daughter. This daughter was named Princess Celina Goddess Heart. Princess because of her title, Celina meaning moon, Goddess meaning the Moon Goddess, and Heart as the last name of the royals. Nobody knew what happened to this baby, for nobody knew about this baby. The King and Queen kept it a secret fr
om their kingdom, for a war was brewing.

  The royal family had a loyal and trustworthy advisor named Alastair. The King and Queen told him everything, even if he wasn't fit to know. The only thing he didn't know about was Celina Heart, and the King and Queen made sure to keep it that way.

  The royal family was a kind and caring one, always putting others before themselves. They didn't think of themselves as higher than other wolves, but more of a role model that the other wolves could follow.

  Guardians of the Royal Family

  Each member of the royal family had a guardian. The King's guardian was called Leo. Leo was a brave knight with much honor and loyalty towards his King. He was known throughout the three types of wolves and no one dared to get in his way.

  The Queen had two guardians. This was normal for a female royal to have two guardians because they were more important to the wolf society and needed extra protection. Only female wolves could have offspring, so extra protection was required. The Queen's two guardians were called Luis and Paul. They were both gentle and kind towards the Queen, but were in immediate protection mode when danger ever arose.

  If worse comes to worse and the guardians failed, then the King and Queen would protect each other with their lives. This was, of course, an instinct between mates. But since they already had guardians, that instinct was slightly brought down.

  If these guardians were killed in any way, they would not be replaced and the royals’ survival instinct of protecting each other would double or triple, depending on how much devotion they had for each other.

  The guardians also felt the pain of the ones they were protecting. This could happen either the pain was real or just a dream. They would also experience headache when a vision occurred. These were the main aspects of the royal guardians. Furthermore, these guardians felt a connection and an instant trust to the one they were guarding. The one who was being guarded would also feel the same way.

  As I finish reading the chapter, I sneak a glance at Axel. I wonder if he will protect me with his life. Then I look at Callum and Comrade. The book states that every female royal has two guardians. Can they be my guardians? They felt the pain on my chest and wrist when I dreamt about my beating. That also has to be the reason why I feel so safe around them... trust them. I look at Axel for confirmation.

  "Axel, are Callum and Comrade my guardians?" I whisper and Axel's eyes go distant for a few moments. Callum and Comrade stare at me wide-eyed while I wait for Axel to answer.

  "Yes, I think they are. They felt your pain and you seemed to trust them before you even knew them. So yes, I believe they are your guardians," Axel states proudly, knowing that two of his pack members whom he appreciates and trusts are protecting his mate.

  I smile softly at the shock on Callum and Comrade’s faces. I will be too if I find out I’m protecting a Princess.

  "G-guardians?" Comrade stutters and I nod my head. Then they both look and smile at each other. They jump up and do a happy dance while I giggle at them and Axel rolls his eyes.

  "We're royal guardians! We're royal guardians!" They chant in sync and I throw a pillow at them to stop. They both settle back down after a minute or two and I continue to read.

  What Powers the Shaded Wolves Possessed. This is the one I've been looking for...

  Shaded wolves possessed many powers. Some came naturally, while others required training. There were some powers the Shaded Wolves did not have at all. The main three are listed below:

  1) Hypnotism - to influence someone or something by staring into their eyes.

  2) Energy Drainage - to suck the energy out of someone and transfer it elsewhere.

  3) Invisibility – to be not seen by others around.

  Some used these powers for evil, though it was rare. There were some cases about the evil usage of the Shaded Wolves’ powers.

  The royal family may have also possessed the following powers, but not all:

  1) Flying - when one can fly like a bird without wings. They can reach speeds of 80 kilometers per hour.

  2) Vision - when one can see the past and the future. This is a very rare trait and has only been gifted to Queen Rosemary.

  3) Manipulating the Weather - when one changes the weather from hot to cold, sunny to rainy, etc.

  4) Super Senses - when one has heightened senses than the normal wolf: sight, smell, hearing, taste, etc.

  5) Absorbing energy - when one can not only take the energy from others, but the energy from nature itself. Only King Ronald had this power.

  All of the powers listed above required training and great concentration. They were not something to fool around with and should be taken seriously. A royal Shaded Wolf did not possess all of these powers, but definitely some. It depended on the strength of that wolf.

  I should really see if I can do any of those things. I'll ask Axel later if he can help me.

  How Shaded Wolves Came to Be

  For some, this may sound complicated, but it was actually quite a simple process.

  The Moon Goddess caught the brightest star in the sky and whispered some words to it which remained unknown to this day. She then pushed the star into her heart and transported herself to earth. She came to a clearing and sat there for many days and nights. On the twenty-first night of her stay there without moving, light beams erupted from her fingers and all over her body, causing her eyes to shine. At that moment, the tiniest baby wolf was born. It was black, just like the night. The Moon Goddess declared it to be the first Shaded Wolf, and that little wolf went on to build the Shaded Wolves’ society.

  When the Moon Goddess decided that the society was well built and to her liking, she took the midnight black wolf away with her. The wolf only returned when the Shaded Wolves were dying or were in serious trouble. When it left, though, all its memory was erased except for the fact that its mother was the Moon Goddess. This had never happened before, but Queen Rosemary had seen it later in the future when the Shaded Wolves were on the brink of extinction.

  The midnight black wolf's name was Axel Moon Night. Axel meaning source of all life, Moon meaning the Moon Goddess, and Night meaning the time he was brought to life.

  That was how the Shaded Wolves came to be.

  My eyes are wide and my mouth agape as I finish reading the chapter and turn my head to Axel. He stares at me with knowing eyes, telling me he already knew about this and never told me.

  "Y-you..." I start, but can't finish. I'm in shock right now.

  "Shh, sweetheart. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought that would just raise more questions, so I let you read it for yourself. If it helps, I can't remember any of that. All I can remember is that the Moon Goddess is my mother," he explains as he takes me in his arms and buries his head in the crook of my neck.

  I stay silent as I absorb all of this and let it sink in. Axel, my mate who just so happens to be a Shaded Wolf like me, is actually the son of the Moon Goddess and was made from a star. Whoa...

  "So, you're telling me, that you're the Moon Goddess' son and that you were made from a star... but you can't remember any of it?" I say to Axel and he nods against my neck. I take a deep breath through my nose and let it out through my mouth.

  "Right, I can deal with that... I think. After all, I am royalty," I mutter to myself, but three snickers are heard around the room. I just roll my eyes and return them back to the book.

  How the Shaded Wolves Came to an End

  The Shaded Wolves came to an end by an act of betrayal. Alastair, the trusted advisor, thought that he could overthrow and bring the Shaded Wolves to the brink of extinction.

  As the 1800s went on, Alastair devised a foolproof plan that would bring down the Shaded Wolves for good. He rounded up all the Colored Wolves that were willing to help him, and got rid of those who wouldn't.

  When the time came, Queen Rosemary had already seen this happening and knew when the plan of attack was. She shared it with King Ronald and they agreed to wait for what the Moon Goddess said about
the matter. That night, Queen Rosemary got a message from the Moon Goddess telling her to let her people fall. She said that a bright future was coming for her child and that she would be safe. At that time, Queen Rosemary did not know she was pregnant, but she followed the Moon Goddess' orders and indeed, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

  The night Princess Celina Heart was born, the Moon Goddess appeared to Queen Rosemary and King Ronald. She told them that in order to keep their baby safe, they had to give her up to the Moon Goddess. The Queen didn't want to let go of her baby, but the King convinced her to, for the sake of the future of his baby girl.

  The day after Celina Heart was born, the battle commenced and went on for three days and three nights. On the third night, Alastair stood over the wounded King and Queen, and killed them with a silver dagger. Alastair and his followers killed every single Shaded Wolf... Except one, that one being Princess Celina Goddess Heart, the last surviving Shaded Wolf in existence.

  I gulp as I finish reading. The last surviving Shaded Wolf in existence. Me. I don't believe it... Just as I'm about to close the book, Axel gently grabs my hand.

  "There's more," he whispers and turns the page to reveal the last chapter...

  The Prophecy

  It is believed that Celina Heart would be the mate of Axel Night. When the Moon Goddess deemed it to be the right time, she would bring the two together and fate would take its course.