Read Unique, Different, Found Page 12

  They would face many struggles and another war would start. No. Not between Shaded and Colored Wolves, but between dominance, revenge, greed, and power.

  The lives of Princess Celina Goddess Heart and Axel Moon Night would not be a road once travelled.



  After reading all of that, my mind feels numb and my eyes feel heavy. The prophecy about me and Axel being mates is obviously true, so that means another war is coming... and I can't do anything about it. I feel so useless.

  "Tired?" Axel asks and I sigh while resting my head on his shoulder.

  "My whole life has been a guessing game of what will happen and where I will go," I explain while looking at Axel, Comrade, and Callum. "I guess my life was already planned out for me since the start, though. I just never knew it."

  I smile at all of them and they smile back. If it isn't for my past, I may have never met these people whom I now call family.

  My eyes close on their own accord and I faintly feel Axel kiss my temple before falling asleep.

  I wake up to the sun's rays falling into the room and lighting it up. I turn and bury my head into something cozy, not a pillow though. Without opening my eyes, I feel it around with my hand to see what it is. When I come in contact with something hard, my eyes shoot open and I bolt up straight. My eyes lock with grayish silver ones and I relax back down.

  "Axel, you gave me a fright," I tell him and rest my head back on his chest, releasing a small yawn.

  Axel chuckles at me. "Sorry, sweetheart. Have a good sleep?" he says and I nod. He leans to kiss my lips and I gladly respond to him. A thought suddenly strikes me. This is only the second time I've kissed my mate. The first was the other morning.

  He nibbles on my bottom lip asking for entrance and I happily open. The kiss isn't heated or lustful; it's soft and loving.

  We break apart and I smile widely at him. He returns it with a goofy grin.

  "Well, that's a good wake up call," he says and I playfully slap his chest.

  "Shut up," I mumble when he laughs at me. We spend the rest of the morning talking about random things while Axel continuously runs his fingers up and down my back, leaving little goose bumps and a trail of fire.

  "So, ready to meet the pack yet?" Axel asks while kissing down my neck. His question doesn't register as I focus on his magic lips.

  "Mmm-hmm..." I mumble and I feel him smirk against my neck. He starts to suck where he'll mark me, causing a loud moan to escape my lips. I feel his hard erection pressing into my stomach, making me moan again.

  "Would this afternoon be ok? I'm sure they would all love to meet you," Alex mumbles against my skin. Again, his question doesn't register and I happily agree without knowing.

  He slowly pushes me down onto the bed and presses his body against mine, but not letting any of his weight on me. He leaves my neck and makes his way to my jawline then my lips. I moan into his mouth as he massages my tongue with his. He lets his hands travel up and down the side of my body, lifting my shirt up every time.

  I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands dive under my shirt without any warning. I gasp loudly as he starts to massage my stomach with his thumbs. In a flash, my shirt's gone.

  My arms fly up as I try to cover myself. Since I didn't get dressed this morning, I have no bra on. Axel pulls his mouth away from mine and growls. I stare into his black eyes and know that mine probably looks the same.

  "Don't hide yourself from me," he growls before pinning my arms above my head.

  I gasp as he stares down at me. A feral growl leaves his mouth and I blush bright red. He trails one finger across my jaw line while the other still holds my hands.

  "I love it when you blush," he mutters huskily. Butterflies erupt in my stomach at the sound of his voice.

  Before I can respond, his mouth connects with one of my nipples. I moan loudly and thrash my head from side to side from the pleasure.

  "Oh god!" I yell when he sucks hard. He moves to the other nipple and the pleasure doesn't cease.

  He kisses down from my cleavage to the waistband of my shorts. He releases my wrists to massage my breasts. I take that as an advantage and trail my fingers down his toned back. He looks up at me with black, lust-filled eyes.

  "A bit eager, are we?" he teases with a smirk. I growl at him and trail my fingers along his boxers’ waist band.

  "Axel, please," I beg and he immediately complies. I'm filled with so much pleasure I could burst! I don't know how he does it, but Axel always seems to get me worked up.

  He slowly, torturously, slides my shorts and underwear down my legs. He pulls them all the way off, leaving me bare to him. He kisses back up my legs and sucks on my inner thighs. I moan again and Axel grunts.

  His hands slowly make their way to my butt and he cups it, squeezing it slightly, making me squirm. Without warning, his mouth goes straight to my very wet core.

  "Axel!" I moan out as his tongue circles before he thrusts it into me. I arch my back at the pleasure and my eyes close with another moan. God, this feels so good!

  He continues to explore my core while pushing me up to his mouth with the help of his hands on my butt. I don't know how long he does it, but I feel this sudden pleasure rise in me, begging to be released.

  "Come for me, sweetheart. I want to taste you." Axel growls before I explode in his mouth and he licks up every bit of it while I moan.

  He leaves my core and kisses me gently on the mouth as I try to catch my breath. If that's what it feels like to have an orgasm, I can't wait till we mate.

  Axel's hands continue to rub my breasts as I still try to catch my breath.

  "You liked that, huh? Just imagine what mating will be like," Axel whispers to me what I’m just thinking.

  With new confidence suddenly bursting in me, I straddle Axel's waist. He looks at me curiously, and it seems his eyes grow darker.

  "What are you doing, sweetheart?" he asks huskily, but I don't answer as I slowly trail my hands down his bare chest and over his abs.

  I bend my head and lick his delicious-looking abs and get a grunt from Axel as he tangles his hands in my already messed up hair.

  "What are you doing, sweetheart?" he repeats, but more distractingly. Ignoring him, I pull his boxers down and marvel at the sight of his very hard, very long, erection.

  I gulp as I shakily bring my hands to it and grip it tightly. A groan comes from Axel and I begin to slowly work it.

  "Faster, sweetheart, oh god, faster!" he pants and I do as he says, working my hands faster and faster.

  I get this strange urge in me to taste him, so I immediately do what my wolf is begging me to. The taste of him explodes on my tongue and I moan. He has a sweet, but spicy taste. I just take him whole in my mouth. I gag slightly, but that seems to just excite him more.

  "Celina!" he groans before exploding in my mouth after a few minutes. I moan along with him as the taste and feel of him runs through my body. I slowly take him out of my mouth, but leave a lingering kiss on his head. I collapse next to him and he takes me in his arms.

  "Well, who could've known that my little, innocent mate isn't so innocent at all?" he says, playfully pulling on my earlobe with his teeth. "I like it," he whispers in my ear and I find myself trying to control my excitement.

  I can't wait till we mate.

  After our... alone time, Axel explains to me that we have to get ready to meet the pack because, apparently, I agreed to it. In my defense, he seduced me and he knows it. So here I am, standing at the back door leading to the backyard with Axel by my side and all his pack members outside in the backyard. Let's just say I'm a little nervous.

  I'm wearing a beautiful red dress that flows gracefully down to my ankles. It's got one sleeve and the back is like a corset type of thing. It has white swirls starting from the sleeve and fading down until they are hardly recognizable at the bottom. My hair has been kept down with two thin strips tied back to keep the hair off my face. On my feet, I have white
stiletto heels on. I argued with Axel that I'll fall over, but he didn't budge. I just know I'm gonna fall over...

  Axel is wearing a nice black suit with a matching tie and his hair is in its normal messed up state. He grips my hand tightly when the opening music starts to play.

  "It's now or never, sweetheart," he mutters before opening the door and leading us out.



  The pack goes silent as they see us walk out the door. I spot the children I played with a few days ago, as they all smile and wave at me. I wink at them with a smile and they all giggle. That little moment kinda takes away some of the nerves I'm feeling.

  As we make our way onto the stage, Axel walks up to the microphone and clears his throat loudly. Hundreds of eyes focus solely on him and I take a deep breath, waiting for what Axel will say and the reaction from the pack members.

  "Today we are gathered here to celebrate a new arrival to our pack," Axel begins with a loud and clear voice. He smiles and graces the pack members' faces. "I have found my mate and your new Luna. She's smart, kind, caring, and loves children, so I'm sure everyone will get along just fine," he jokes and everyone laughs. I feel my heart swell at his words. Knowing that's how he sees me is a wonderful feeling.

  "Welcome your Luna with open arms and big smiles, for she is something this pack has been waiting for, for a long time!" he finishes and everyone erupts into cheers and whistles.

  I smile broadly at everyone and feel a sudden wave of acceptance wash over me. I've been accepted. I've been accepted as their new Luna.

  Axel's face turns into a warm smile as he gazes at me and I return it with my broad one. Axel's eyes light up suddenly and that's when I realize that I haven't smiled like this around him before. In fact, I haven't smiled like this since I was seven.

  "I'm accepted," I whisper to myself as Axel engulfs me in his arms.

  We make our way down the stage and I'm immediately swarmed by the teenagers of the pack and Axel's been dragged away by all his buddies. I shoot him a worried look, but he just smiles reassuringly at me.

  I turn back to all the girls who have wide smiles on their faces and shyly look down.

  "Hi," I softly say and they all giggle. What's so funny?

  "Hi, I'm Kayla!" a blonde haired girl says and she continues with introductions. All the girls surrounding her seem to have the same dyed blonde hair and pink dresses on. As they continue to chat, I spot a small group of four people off to the side near the edge.

  "Excuse me," I say to them, but I don't think they notice. As I move closer to the group, I realize its Jasper, Chloe, Declan, and Matt. My rescuers!

  I tap Matt on the shoulder, interrupting him mid-sentence. He turns around, slightly surprised, but a smile graces his face when he notices it's me.

  "Well, hello there, Luna. How are you today?" he asks teasingly and I giggle.

  "I'm very happy, thank you," I reply and he motions me into the little circle.

  "I see you got away from the Barbie dolls over there," Chloe says while motioning to Kayla and the other girls I was with.

  I shake my head as I mutter, "Too much pink for my liking."

  Everyone laughs and we fall easily into a carefree conversation. It’s hard to believe that I've only met these people, and it seems I talk more now than I've done in the last nine years! I like this though, just talking. I've never really been able to just talk to people and knowing that these four new friends of mine won't judge me, it's a good feeling.

  A woman that looks a lot like Chloe suddenly races up to us. I stare at her with worried eyes. What's wrong?

  "Chloe! Thank the Goddess I found you!" the woman exclaims with a frantic look in her eyes. Chloe looks at her with the same worry I'm showing.

  "What it is, Mum?" Chloe quickly asks. That answers the question why she looks so much like Chloe.

  "The Alpha didn't organize food for the party and people are starting to complain. I need help!" she cries as she grips her daughter's shoulders.

  "Mum, calm down. I'll go help, ok?" she says and her Mum visibly relaxes.

  "Well, come on!" she exclaims while dragging her smiling daughter away. Declan chuckles at his Mum and everyone soon joins in.

  "I think I'll go help out, she seems a bit stressed out," I tell the guys as I make a move to leave. I enter the kitchen and see about four women, including Chloe, slaving away in the kitchen.

  "Do you guys want some help?" I ask and all heads snap up in my direction.

  "Yes!" Chloe's Mum exclaims before Chloe gives her a stern look and she clears her throat. "I mean, yes, Luna. That would be highly appreciated," she says in a much calmer voice while Chloe rolls her eyes. I just chuckle at them and get to work.

  "So what are we making?" I ask again as I take out the hair tie that was holding my hair back and tie my hair up in a ponytail. All the women look at me uncertainly.

  "What can you cook?" Chloe's Mum asks me and I shrug. "Can you make desserts?" A smile lights up my face. I eagerly nod as some of the women who were making salads clear a place in the kitchen.

  "Well, choose what you want to make and get to work," she orders me. My wolf growls lowly at the order, but I ignore her and set to work. She hasn't spoken to me lately, so why should I pay mind to her?

  Of course, I choose to make chocolate mud cake with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Surprisingly, they have all the ingredients. Chloe looks to me curiously as I begin to mix stuff without taking measurements or anything. I always do this with all my meals.

  "Whatcha making?" she asks suspiciously, quickly getting the attention of everyone else.

  I shrug without looking away from the bowl I’m mixing stuff in. "Surprise," I say and that seems to satisfy them as they all go back to their stations and continue working.

  Twenty minutes later, I've made up at least five separate mud cakes that are ready to go in the oven. I place each one in and get to work with the whipped cream.

  Another few minutes pass before Axel bursts through the door. His eyes look frantic and worried as his eyes lock onto Chloe's Mum.

  "Nancy! Have you seen-" he stops mid-sentence as his eyes land on me. I stare at him with wide eyes as he takes two long strides towards me and engulfs me in his arms.

  He buries his head in the crook of my neck and I run my fingers through his silky white hair.

  "Axel, what's wrong?" I softly ask as he breathes in my scent deeply before pulling back and looking me in the eyes.

  "I couldn't find you anywhere outside, so I panicked. Please don't do that again," he whispers and he actually looks vulnerable. I kiss him softly on the lips and hug him close to me.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't know I would cause you to worry. I'm here now, though, I'm safe," I coo to him and he eventually calms down.

  "Aww, that's so sweet. I wish I’ll have a mate like that," Chloe mumbles to herself and I giggle at her antics. She'll get her mate soon.

  "So..." Axel says after clearing his throat. He's back into the big bad alpha mode I guess. "What are you making, since I forgot to organize food?" he rolls his eyes as he looks at a frowning Nancy.

  "Pardon me, alpha, but you usually organize these things with food for all the pack," Chloe's Mum bravely speaks up, but before Axel could reply or growl, I step into the conversation.

  "That's all right. He didn't mean to. He was a bit distracted this morning." I giggle and Axel growls lowly.

  "Just make sure everyone gets their food ok, Nancy?" Axel growls and Chloe's Mum nods her head. I guess her name's Nancy then... Axel walks out with an annoyed look on his face, but I just smile after him. He's cute when annoyed.

  "Don't worry about him," I assure her as she seems frozen in place. "He seemed to be distracted lately, don't worry about it."

  Nancy nods her head at me and everyone returns to what they're doing.

  An hour later and the pack is sitting at tables and wolfing down their food. I don't know how we managed to sit 300+ wolves, but we did. I ha
ve no clue how we managed to cook for them, too.

  I'm sitting beside Axel at the head of the pack. Comrade is sitting across from me while Callum is sitting on my other side, so I'm pretty much surrounded by my mate and guardians. It's a nice feeling, to be safe I mean.

  "So, how have you gotten along with the pack so far?" Comrade asks as he stuffs half a burger in his mouth. I roll my face up in slight disgust at his manners. I silently put another bit of salad in my mouth before I answer.

  "Everyone seems really nice. I think I'm gonna like it here," I say with a slight grin. They all return it as the pack members that heard also seem to grin.

  "Well, I'm glad you like it here. Everyone seems to like you very much. You seem to have won the hearts of many," Comrade wisely says and I raise an eyebrow at him. He just shrugs and swallows the other half of his burger.

  I pick at the food on my plate. I'm honestly not hungry. I'm used to being fed so little that I'm just used to hardly eating anything.

  Axel looks at me worriedly while saying, "You should eat more, Celina. You look a bit thin."

  I look at his worried eyes and contemplate it. I could eat more for him...

  I slowly take a bite of my meat and he smiles at me. I smile back and we continue to talk aimlessly. Well, more like me listening while they talk.

  A little while later, I watch as Nancy gets up, excusing herself and heading to the kitchen.

  "Excuse me," I say distractedly to Axel and not waiting for a reply as I get up.

  As I followed Nancy to the kitchen, I feel blisters forming on my feet and I slightly stumble in my ridiculously high heels. I'm surprised I haven't fallen over yet...

  I enter the kitchen and see Nancy holding an armful of chocolate mud cake with whipped cream and chocolate flakes.

  "Here, let me help with that," I tell her and she looks at me in shock. Am I not supposed to say that?

  "You'll actually help serve people?" she asks in disbelief. I look at her strangely before slowly nodding my head.