Read Unique, Different, Found Page 23

  "How was your day, sweetheart?" Axel asks as he gently places me on the bed. I shrug my shoulders and grin. Axel raises a questioning eyebrow at me, but I just shake my head.

  "Today was the most fun I've had in two months!" I exclaim. Axel laughs at me before kissing me on the forehead.

  "Get some sleep. I have something special planned for us tomorrow and I don't want you falling asleep half way through it," he tells me while pointing an accusing finger at me. I giggle at him. He's so childish at times.

  "Where are we going?" I ask as a yawn escapes my lips. Axel brings the sheets up so that they sit just below my chin.

  "It’s a surprise," he whispers, but before I can continue to interrogate him, I fall into a dreamless sleep.

  "Why can't you just tell me where we're going?" I complain for the hundredth time. When I woke up this morning, Axel told me to dress in something comfy then proceeded to blindfold me. I've been blindfolded for the past three hours!

  "Celina, stop asking! You'll know when we get there," Axel snaps back at me. I huff and cross my arms on my chest. We stay silent after that.

  It's nice to know that Axel is doing something special for me. I guess you can call this our first date. That's funny, I'm on my first date and I'm pregnant. Nice.

  It's also nice to just escape for a little while. With everything that's going on with training and the war, it'll be nice to relax for a bit.

  Axel, in particular, has been really stressed out. The day before yesterday, he started work at five in the morning and I know for a fact that he got to bed just after midnight. It's not healthy for him to be working hours like that! I guess the prospect of war and me giving birth are really getting to him...

  "We're here!" Axel suddenly announces, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  "Finally," I mutter as Axel gets out of the car, slamming his door behind him. A second later, my door's being opened and Axel's guiding me down what seems like a very uneven road.

  I don't say anything as I know he will probably ignore me. I can't keep the excited smile off my face though, and I'm guessing that Axel is grinning like the Cheshire cat in front of me.

  Axel's hands suddenly let go of mine and I panic slightly, that's before the blindfold is taken away from my eyes. Before I can properly look at my surroundings, Axel's hand covers my eyes. I groan and Axel chuckles at my reaction.

  "Keep your eyes closed for a second, sweetheart," Axel's voice speaks right next to my ear in a whisper. I shiver as his warm breath hits it and travels down my neck.

  Axel removes his hand and I obey like a good girl and keep my eyes shut. I hear some shuffling before Axel gives me the all clear to open my eyes.

  I do and gasp at what's before me. A huge, clear, blue lake is the first thing I see. The water sparkles as the sun hits it and the black swans swim around gracefully, basking in the morning sun. My eyes then travel to the rest of my surroundings and I see we're in a secluded part of the lake's edge. The area's surrounded by trees, but there's a clearing just before the lake, that's where we're standing right now. Birds chirp happily in the trees and I can hear animals running on the forest floor. All in all, it's absolutely beautiful.

  I look at Axel with wide eyes. At Axel's feet, a picnic blanket has been set up. Cakes, sandwiches, biscuits, and all sorts of drinks are all neatly placed on a certain part of the blanket, waiting to be eaten.

  I look back to Axel with teary eyes. The grin that is on his face suddenly drops. He races over to me and engulfs me in a hug.

  "What's wrong, sweetheart? Don't you like it?" he asks with nervousness lacing his voice.

  I stare at him in shock. "Axel, it's beautiful. I can't believe you've done all this for me," I tell him honestly in a whisper. Axel breathes a sigh of relief at my news. I look at him questioningly. His shining, greyish silver eyes lock with mine.

  "I thought you wouldn't like it," he whispers as he places his hands on my stomach. I roll my eyes at him.

  "Of course you would think that. You know, sometimes I think-" I'm abruptly cut off when Axel places a soft kiss on my lips, silencing me. He pulls away too soon, causing me to pout at him. He chuckles.

  "Relax, sweetheart. You can have me all you like tonight," he whispers huskily in my ear. I shiver as different scenarios enter my mind. I shake my head to get rid of them, blushing.

  Axel smirks at me, knowing full well what I'm thinking about. I lightly slap his chest and make my way to the blanket. Before I can sit down, Axel is behind me and helping me slowly lower onto the blanket. Once I'm safely sitting, Axel makes himself comfortable behind me, pulling me to his chest.

  "I can sit down on my own," I grumble. Axel just laughs at me, the sound reverberating off his chest, causing the movement to also move me.

  "I know pretty soon you won't be able to," Axel tells me while placing his hands on my ever growing stomach. I swear I'm bigger than I was yesterday!

  "Why's that?" I ask with a small grin.

  "You'll be too big to move," he says and Axel's laugh soon fills the air. I turn my neck awkwardly to gape at him. Did he really just say that?

  "You bet I did!" Axel says through his laughter after reading my mind.

  I huff and cross my arms on my chest. Stupid Alpha...

  Axel soon quiets down and wraps his arms around me again. I lean into his touch as he rubs soothing circles on my stomach with his thumbs.

  "I can't wait till you have our pups. We're going to be parents," Axel tells me while resting his head on my shoulder.

  "Great, I'm gonna be a Mummy at 17 and you're gonna be a daddy at 20. What more could we want?" I ask sarcastically. Axel chuckles at me before going quiet. It's calming to know that Axel is relaxed and his mind is off the subject of war. It doesn't only put him at peace, but also me.

  For the rest of the day, we joke around, laugh, and eat the food, with me devouring three quarters of it. Just as the sun's setting over the lake, giving it a beautiful sparkle and a magical golden glow, Axel stands up and takes me with him. I smile up at him and he smiles back.

  "Celina, I love you with all my heart and until the day I die, I will never leave you. You are my world and everything. Now, as a thank you gift, here's a little something. I hope you accept it." Axel's voice holds nothing but sincerity and love that it actually pulls at my heart strings.

  Axel suddenly gets down on one knee and presents a black velvet box. He opens it to reveal the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. I gasp in shock as the scene before me unfolds.

  "Celina, will you do the honors of being my wife?" Axel asks with a wide smile.

  He stares lovingly into my eyes, so much love that I'm rendered speechless. That and the fact he just asked me to marry him!

  All my life, I never thought I would find my mate. All my life, I never thought I would escape the hell hole I called home. All my life, I never anticipated myself being pregnant at 16 and being asked to marry my mate at 17. So what do I say? Yes, of course!

  I nod my head happily as the biggest smile I've ever worn blooms on my face. Axel gently takes a hold of my left hand and slips the ring on my ring finger. I stare at it in awe. It's beautiful to say the least. It has a diamond, shaped like a rhombus, with smaller black, blue, and violet gems surrounding it. It's all held together on a gold rose and white gold band that’s been swirled to perfection.

  Axel stands in front of me with a wide smile on his face. Nobody in the entire world can match my happiness right at this moment, not even if they tried.

  "Celina Night," Axel whispers, my soon to be name rolling off his tongue. "You will be my wife soon."

  Axel's lips soon capture mine in a passionate kiss that leads to a lot more.

  As I lay down on the blanket in Axel's arms, staring up at the sky, I can't help wonder, how did I ever get so lucky?



  I'm happily sitting in the kitchen talking to Callum and Comrade, when a ferocious growl is heard around the whole pack house. I freeze on
ce I recognize it as Axel's.

  I bolt up off my seat and race towards his office the fastest I can looking like a running whale. Callum and Comrade are trailing behind me seemingly trying to get me to slow down.

  I burst into Axel's office to see it destroyed to an extent where you can't even recognize it. I look at Axel with wide eyes. His chest is heaving evenly, his eyes are glowing silver, and his nails elongate. I slowly and cautiously walk up to him.

  "Axel?" I ask softly while placing my hand on his cheek. His head snaps towards me, his eyes softening a bit before they go back to their hard, glowing state.

  "The patrols that were running had an encounter with some Moonlight Pack members. Apparently they've been monitoring our every move," he growls while moving from my touch and punching the wall, creating another of several holes.

  "What happened to the patrols?" I ask quietly. Axel whips around to face me.

  "They're fine, only minor injuries. They told Doctor Aileen that it was a warning," he growls again. I wrap my arms around his waist, trying to get him to calm down.

  "What does this mean, Alpha?" Callum asks as well. Although he's the Beta and Axel's best friend, you always show respect by using the title given when a high ranker in the pack is ticked off.

  Axel's arms tighten around my waist as he breathes in my scent.

  "It means that the war may be coming sooner than we think," he says, then hesitates before pulling back and looking me in the eye. "They also know that Celina's pregnant."

  I freeze at his words and go into a state of shock. They know? This changes everything. What if they come after me? What if they try to kill me? Or worse, kill my pups?

  In my shocked state, I don't hear Axel yelling out orders to Callum and Comrade. His voice is probably loud and clear, but all I can hear is my heart beating in my chest and my uneven breathing.

  I feel someone shake my shoulders and I place my shocked eyes on Axel's worried ones. His mouth moves, but no sound comes out. His face grows more worried by the second, but I can't do a thing about it. I'm in shock.

  Without thinking, I rip out of his hold and bolt out of the room. I run all the way to the backyard without stopping. I continue to run towards the forest until I come to a clearing. I drop to my knees and will the tears to fall, but they don't. My body feels numb and I don’t care what happens to me at this moment. Not even the fact that I've just run at a fast pace bothers me right now.

  I place my hand on my stomach and take calming breaths. Everything's going to be fine. Everything's going to be fine. I just repeat this over and over in my head, but no matter how many times I think it, I know everything's going to be the opposite.

  The snapping of a twig brings me out of my calm state. My head snaps around, but I make no move to leave. Another twig snaps and the person finally decides to grace me with his presence.

  To my utter relief, Callum steps out from the trees. He takes one look at me and his whole body slumps with relief. I release the breath I don't know I've been holding as Callum rushes to my side. He embraces me and finally my tears start to fall.

  "Celina, thank the Moon Goddess!" Callum exclaims happily. He continues to stroke my hair, soothing me.

  "Shh, shh, Celina. Everything's fine, everything's going to be alright," he coos in my ear. I cry harder at his words because I know everything isn't going to be alright. Damon knows I'm pregnant and he'll use it against Axel.

  A few minutes later, I pull away from Callum. I smile weakly through my tears and wipe the remaining ones away. I have to be strong, crying won't help.

  "Thanks," I whisper. Callum smiles at me while helping me up.

  "Come on, we're way too close to the boarder. We're literally sitting on it," he says a little panicky.

  As we make our way back, a voice that is all too familiar stops us in our tracks, speaking in a taunting voice, "Well, if it isn't little, pathetic Celina Heart."

  I shiver as his cold voice is carried through the once peaceful air.

  I slowly turn around and there, standing with only shorts on, is none other than Damon. A vicious growl escapes Callum as he pushes me behind him. Damon smirks at the action before looking Callum up and down.

  "Well, you're certainly not her mate, so you must be one of her two guardians," he taunts, earning another growl from Callum. So he really has been watching us.

  'Celina, mind link Axel now!' Callum's powerful voice enters my head. I quickly obey and try to get into Axel's head. He's blocked. I start to bang on his wall, trying my hardest to get through to him, but it doesn't budge.

  I groan internally then mind link the next best person: Comrade. He answers immediately.

  'Snow? Thank the Moon Goddess! Where the hell are you?' he yells at me after having his little relief session.

  'Callum, where are we?' I quickly ask since he's a little preoccupied watching Damon.

  'West boarder,' is all he says before releasing a growl when Damon takes a step forward.

  'West boarder, now hurry!' I scream through to Comrade. I hear some rustling and turn to my left to see a wolf growling and snarling at us.

  Callum whips his head around and growls loudly at the wolf. He growls right back. I snap my head to Damon when I hear him chuckle.

  "Seems like you're in a bit of a predicament," he says with another chuckle. Two more wolves come out of the woods, one behind and one to my right. We're surrounded. I press myself closer to Callum's back, seeking comfort.

  'It's ok, Celina. We're going to be fine,' he says softly in my mind. I nod on his back.

  "Here's what I'm going to propose: you hand over Celina and we will stop this war. You don't hand over Celina and we will strike in exactly two months," Damon bargains. I can sense Callum's wolf trying to break free, so I gently rub his back with my hand.

  "I guess we'll see you in two months then!" an angry and totally pissed off voice sounds from behind me. I whip around to see Axel standing with only shorts on. I cry out for joy in my head, thinking it's not the best thing to do out loud at the moment.

  "Now, you release my mate and Beta and go on your way with no harm done to you," Axel says in his alpha voice while squaring his shoulders out. Of course, Damon isn't affected by this, but the wolves surrounding us are and they slowly start to back up.

  "Your turn, Damon," Axel growls, spitting out his name like a curse.

  "Two months, Axel, two months," he taunts the reminder with a smirk before disappearing into the darkness of the trees.

  Next thing I know, I'm being ripped away from Callum and into Axel's chest.

  "Mine," he growls lowly. He buries his head in my neck, lightly kissing my mark and breathing in my scent. I run my hands through his hair, trying to get him to relax.

  "That's right, Axel. I'm yours and only yours," I coo him. He seems to visibly relax at my words. I glance at Callum and he nods, already understanding without me having to say anything.

  "Alpha, it's not safe for the Luna to be out here. You should return her to the pack house," Callum says in all seriousness and in his beta voice. I've never heard him use it, so it's a surprise when I do. It holds just as much power as Axel's, just a little less.

  Axel carefully picks me up bridal style and takes off running to the pack house. He ignores the pack and runs up the stairs to our room. He plops me down on the bed before moving in next to me. He pulls my back against his chest and buries his head in my neck.

  "Don't run like that ever again, Celina. You almost gave me a heart attack when I couldn't find you," Axel whispers on my neck. I sigh.

  "I'm sorry. I was just so upset that we were being watched and we didn't even know it," I reply in a whisper.

  Axel growls again, pulling his face off my neck. His eyes shine with a new intensity as they start to glow.

  "It will never happen again." His voice holds a promise in it, letting me know that it will never happen again as long as he's around.

  "I've mind linked Callum to sort out a stricter patrol circui
t and, starting tomorrow, all training is going up a few notches," he says firmly, his mouth forming into a frown and his eyebrows pulling together.

  I smile at him before some of my alpha female side kicks in and my smile turns into a frown. "Don't work the younger wolves too hard. We don't want them too tired to not be able to fight," I tell him firmly. Axel smirks at me before kissing me softly.

  "Yes, Ma'am," he mocks. I roll my eyes at him before the urge to pee suddenly overtakes me.

  I wriggle out of Axel's hold and waddle my way to the bathroom.

  "Stay right there, Mister," I say while pointing a finger at him. He winks at me to which I chuckle and enter the bathroom.

  Once I've done my business, I plop back down on the bed. Axel's hand immediately comes to my stomach, stroking it with his thumb.

  "I swear you were smaller when we went on our date a few days ago," Axel says, confused. I sigh, aggravated.

  "I know! These pups of yours just don't want to stop growing! In a few days, I won't be able to even walk!" I exclaim with a bit of attitude.

  "Good, that means you can't wander off and get attacked in the woods," Axel replies cheekily, but with a sad glint in his eyes.

  "Yeah, yeah," I joke, trying to lighten the now sad mood.

  It's been about a month since my little encounter with Damon and a month less till he's going to attack.

  I was right when I said I wouldn't be able to walk in a few days because exactly three days after saying that, I couldn't get out of bed! Now think about this, how embarrassing would it be for you if you needed help in going to the toilet every time? Pretty much embarrassing, huh?

  The pups are kicking a lot more now and the cravings haven't died down one bit. When these pups are born, they're going to be a lot to handle.

  So anyway, for the past month I've been entertaining myself with movies, word searches, and other boring things. I've even done some coloring for goodness sake! Children's coloring to be exact.