Read Unique, Different, Found Page 24

  I haven't seen Axel a lot in the past month either. He seems to be stressing and working way longer than usual with only minimal sleep. I worry about him. He's too stressed for my liking...

  A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. I glance up and notice Callum in the doorway with Comrade behind him. I beam at them.

  "Hey!" I exclaim, happy to have some company. They beam back at me.

  "Hey," they say simultaneously. They walk in and that's when I notice that Callum is holding three massive bowls of popcorn while Comrade is holding a stack of movies, ranging from Disney to ‘shoot em up, bang em up’.

  I grin at them and move to the middle of the bed so that they can sit on the sides. It's a king size after all. Comrade lays all the movies out and tells me to close my eyes.

  "Now point in a random direction," he tells me, which I do. I open my eyes to see that I pointed at The Legend of Ron Burgundy. I squeal and fist-pump the air, they both chuckle at me. Ron Burgundy is the best comedy movie in the world! If you haven't seen it, watch it!

  Comrade puts the movie in and we all sit back to watch with popcorn in hand and staring intently at the screen.

  I laugh harder as Ron gets a panicked look on his face and starts screaming, 'he's gonna die.' I glance at Callum and Comrade to see that they're also laughing, but seem a bit off.

  After the scene ends, I paused the movie earning me questioning looks from the both of them.

  "What's wrong? You guys seem off," I tell them, looking at them both curiously.

  Comrade lies back, resting his head against the headboard and closing his eyes.

  "Should we tell her?" he suddenly asks Callum. I whip my head around to look at Callum. "Tell me what?"

  "I guess." Callum sighs. He lifts himself up from the headboard and gives Comrade a look, almost like he's asking him if he's sure about this. Comrade just nods and looks away.

  "Celina, since the Moonlight Pack knows our weaknesses and our strengths, Axel has asked us to fight. The Moonlight Pack won't see it coming and we're gonna use that to our advantage. Since becoming your guardians, Comrade and I have been upgraded, if you will. We're stronger, faster, stealthier, so we'll be major assets in the fight," Callum tells me with a soft voice, Comrade mumbling an agreement.

  I stare at him in shock and sadness, but also pride knowing that my guardians are not the only ones protecting me, but the pack, too.

  "You guys are gonna fight?" I ask sadly, despite my pride. Two pairs of arms wrap around my waist at that moment, Callum’s and Comrade’s.

  "We're sorry, Snow, but our pack needs us and, as much as we want to protect you, we have a duty to Axel, the pack and even you, the Luna," Comrade tells me softly. I sniffle, but accept what has to be done.

  I press play, trying to avoid the conversation, and watch as the movie starts up again. We continue to watch, but the playful atmosphere is gone.

  When it hits late afternoon, I say goodbye to Callum and Comrade since I feel a bit sleepy. At the exit, they both kiss me on the top of my head and say goodnight. Before they can close the door fully though, a hand lands on it. I look to the door curiously to see Axel standing there with a small smile. I smile widely at him and open my arms, as if to say 'hug me.' I haven't seen him in ages!

  He doesn't waste a second as he crosses the room and takes me in his arms, hugging the life out of me. Without a word, he climbs on the bed and sits behind me while placing his hands on my absolutely massive stomach.

  "I missed you," I whisper as my eyes start to get droopy.

  "I missed you too, but now you need to sleep," he whispers in my ear. I obey like a good girl and fall into a sleep filled with what I imagine to be the upcoming war. I just hope that Axel, Comrade, and Callum stay safe…



  I wake up to someone kissing me softly on the lips. I immediately respond, knowing it’s Celina. I pull back after a while and open my eyes and see her face.

  "Hey, sweetheart," I murmur softly. She smiles at me and brushes some of my white hair off my face. I always wonder why I get the white hair and Celina gets the black hair. That's just how fate works, I guess...

  We sleepily get ready for the day, with me taking extra time. I haven't had a good night’s sleep in two months, so cuddling up to my mate before three in the morning is a nice feeling.

  I slowly carry Celina down the stairs and into my office. I place her down on the couch that is opposite my desk while she gives me a confused look. I can't blame her. I make her stay cooped up in our room for over a month since she can't walk, just to keep her safe.

  "I need some advice on things and who better to ask than my beautiful, lovely mate," I say innocently. Celina just rolls her eyes, not saying anything.

  I make my way to my desk and pull out the first matter at hand: the war.

  The war is all I've been focusing on for the past two months. With the recent news that we've been watched, I've asked Callum and Comrade to join the fight. I’m confident since they've become stronger. They're sort of like our secret weapon. This may sound like I'm using them, but in a way, I am. They are essential to this pack's survival and I will do anything to protect my pack and the ones I love.

  I clear my throat to catch Celina's attention. Her head whips to me, a small smile on her face. I smile back.

  "Celina, have Callum and Comrade told you the news about the war?" I ask calmly, trying hard not to raise suspicion.

  Celina's face drops. I'm not sure if that's because of the mention of the war or if she already knows...

  "Yes, I know," she states in a quiet whisper. She avoids eye contact after that, getting engrossed in her thoughts.

  I know Celina loves Callum and Comrade, but they're also her guardians. They are alive to protect her and make sure she's safe at all possible times. Like a second mate, but without the lust.

  I continue to look back at the paperwork in front of me.

  - Members of the Moonlight Pack have been spotted on the boarders of our territory, but have not crossed over or came in within 100 meters.

  - The Greenwood Pack has offered to support us.

  - The Firelight Pack has offered to support us.

  - The Harold's Pack has declined to help us.

  - One Moonlight Pack member was spotted on our land.

  All the rest are the same, what packs aren't and are helping and updates on the Moonlight Pack. I can't wait to get my hands on that son of a bitch, Damon and tear him to shreds! He's what started all of this, and I'm gonna end it. Him, and everyone else in his pathetic pack, aren't gonna live to see another day once I'm through with them.

  A growl escapes me, making Celina gasp from across the room. My head snaps to my frightened mate. I instinctively rein in my wolf so as not to frighten her anymore.

  "Sorry, sweetheart, this is just so infuriating! The Moonlight Pack is causing trouble and so far, only two packs are offering to help us. It's all Damon's bloody fault!" I roar as I throw a chair across the room.

  My breathing comes out heavy, my hands ball into fists, and my eyes are glowing silver.

  "Come here, Axel," the little voice of my mate orders. I stalk my way over to her, my wolf and I still pissed off.

  Her small hands land on my shoulders, massaging them making the tension leave. My wolf slowly starts to relax at the feel of our mate comforting us.

  I take Celina in my arms, breathing in her addicting scent. My hands trail up and down her back, sending a shiver down her spine.

  "I'm sorry," I whisper as I softly kiss my mark, earning me a quiet moan. I love the effect I have on her, it makes me smile.

  "That's ok, just control yourself," she whispers back, running her hand through my hair. I sigh in contentment at the feeling.

  "We have a meeting with Doctor Aileen today," Celina informs me. I pull away from her in confusion. We do?

  "We do?" I ask, voicing my thoughts. Celina nods her head giggling. I smile and scoop her into my arms.

"Well then, let's get to that appointment," I announce with a grin. It's something to get my mind off things anyway.

  I run out my office with a laughing Celina in my arms and head straight to the medic room. I burst through the door with Celina laughing her head off and me almost doubling over from laughing so much. I don't even know what's funny... I guess that's what makes it funny. This is the most fun I've had in ages, all because of my little mate.

  Doctor Aileen looks up at us with a start, but relaxes once she realizes it's just us.

  "Alpha, Luna. What can I do for you?" she asks politely.

  I gently place Celina on the bed and turn to Doctor Aileen.

  "We've come for our supposed appointment." I mimic Celina's words, making her whack me on the arm. I chuckle as I see her eyes sparkle.

  "Oh! I thought that would be in another few hours," Doctor Aileen says in surprise. It's obviously directed towards Celina because she has a sheepish smile on her face and Doctor Aileen is staring right at her.

  "Sorry," she mumbles, her cheeks going a soft pink. I smile at the color, she's actually blushing. She looks adorable when she blushes.

  "Nonsense, Luna! It's fine! I'll just do the testing now," Doctor Aileen says with a warm smile on her face.

  As Doctor Aileen sets up, I make my way to a fidgeting Celina on the bed. About a week ago, she couldn’t walk anymore so it's rare for her to be out of bed. I'm just happy that the reason she can't walk is because of our pups and not anything else...

  "What's this appointment for anyway?" I ask Celina quietly. Her fidgeting halts as she stares at me in shock. What?

  "Do you not listen to me at all?" she asks dumbfounded. Confusion passes over my face then a thinking expression. What has she told me over the past week? She's told me about how much she hates staying in bed, how much she hates not being able to walk, how much she hates not being able to spend time with me, and how much she hates not being able to do anything herself... She's pretty much whined for the past week. I smile sheepishly at her, having no clue what she's talking about.

  She rolls her eyes at me and whacks my head.

  "Ow! What was that for?" I yell as I feign hurt. She didn't have to hit me! She rolls her eyes again.

  "If you had been listening, you would've known that today we are finding out the gender of our pups! I swear men never listen to a pregnant lady..." She trails off, but all I hear is gender and pups. I get to know if I'm having boys, girls, or both?

  What about names? We haven't discussed names yet. Why didn't I know about this? Wow, I sound like a girl. I grin mentally. I'm losing my man pride without even knowing it.

  Before my thoughts go into a rampage, Doctor Aileen pops up again. I notice that she's hooked up all the machines and has the wand and gel ready to scan Celina.

  She pulls up Celina's top and places a fair amount of gel on her stomach. I grip Celina's hand as I feel her nerves travel through me from the mate bond.

  'Everything is gonna be alright, sweetheart. Don't worry,' I coo to her through our link. She merely nods at me, focusing all her attention on the screen.

  I also turn my attention to the screen and beam at the image in front of me. Three healthy looking pups all growing in my beautiful mate’s womb. There are two slightly bigger ones and a smaller one that seems to be cuddled between the two. I bet the small one is a girl, my baby girl. The thought makes my smile even bigger.

  "Well, it seems like you're having a baby boy, another baby boy, and a little baby girl. Congratulations," Doctor Aileen says excitedly while beaming at us.

  Doctor Aileen walks out the door, giving us some privacy. I continue to gaze at the screen in complete awe. Two baby boys and a baby girl, my baby girl.

  Celina hasn't even given birth yet and our little girl's already got me wrapped around her tiny little finger!

  A soft hand lands on my chin, turning my head. I face Celina with glassy eyes.

  "We're having a baby girl," I whisper, turning my head back to the screen. She chuckles at me.

  "Two baby boys as well, Axel. Don't forget about your sons and future Alpha," Celina teases. I turn back to her with a smile on my face and kiss her softly.

  "We're gonna be Mum and Dad," I whisper as the thought finally settles into my mind. "We're gonna be Mum and Dad," I repeat a bit louder. Celina's eyes widen and she raises an eyebrow. "Hell, I'm gonna be a Dad!" I exclaim, pure joy radiating off me.

  Celina bursts out laughing for the second time today next to me as I look down at her with happiness in my eyes. I'm gonna be a Dad...

  "Yes, Axel, you're gonna be a Dad. You have been for three months," she says while giggling. I wrap my arms around her, placing my hands on her stomach.

  "I can't wait for you to give birth to our pups," I whisper in Celina's ear, love and adoration coursing through my veins. All we have to figure out now is how to win the war...

  After I take Celina back to our room and place her in bed, I head straight back down to my office, calling Callum on the way.

  Callum's sitting on the couch going through all the files we could find about the Moonlight Pack, trying to find something we can use against them.

  I'm going through dates. About a month ago, we had a run in with Damon. The prick had the guts to show up on my land! He must be absolutely desperate to get Celina back. It can't just be for the maid service. It has to be for more...

  Going off from the topic a bit there… so, we had a run in and he stated that in two months he would attack on that exact day. That exact day is the estimated time for Celina to give birth. See my problem?

  If the war and Celina giving birth happen on the same day, I honestly don't know what I will do. I don't know who will die and who will live. I don't know if Celina will live to see another day, but I do know that I have to be by her side no matter what, always and forever.

  That's my first problem. My second is what Damon really wants with Celina.

  I'm sure that he doesn't just want her for maid services. Maybe it could've started out like that, but thinking of a bigger picture, it can't be that simple. The only problem is, I don't know what he wants to do with Celina and I intend to find out.

  Callum has shined some possibilities on me that I never wanted to enter my brain. For example, he said that maybe Damon wanted Celina as a mate, for her power and for her pups. I have to hold back a growl as the thoughts enter my mind once again. Let's just say that Callum didn't confront me for a few days after that. No one did.

  I shake my head and look back to the dates. That’s the only important thing right now, nothing else.

  8th November, Friday, 2013

  That's the day Damon confronted us. It's been a month since then. One more month and we'll have our war and our pups. Hopefully, one after the other...

  A sudden loud growl brings me out of my thoughts. My head snaps up to Callum's frustrated eyes as he throws the papers in aggravation.

  "This is hopeless! There's nothing in here that shows weakness, strengths, pack alliances, nothing! It's absolute shit!" Callum yells, throwing his hands up in the air. His eyes start to turn black as his wolf fights for control. I stand up and make my way to him calmly.

  "Callum, calm down," I state in my alpha voice. Callum may be the beta, but my power ranks over him so it does affect him in a way.

  "This is pointless, Axel," he says, a lot calmer this time. "We have nothing to go on for information. This war's in a month’s time, we're getting nowhere and Celina will be having your pups soon. On top of that, Christmas is coming up and we always hold a big Christmas feast for the whole pack and we have to get presents for all the children. When did life get so hard?"

  He falls back onto the couch, me joining him. We both stay silent as we stare at the wall in front of us. When did life get so hard? Before Celina came we never had a war to worry about. Before Celina came we never had to deal with other packs. Before Celina came, we were never stressed about Christmas, out of all the holidays to stress over. Plus, befor
e Celina came, pups weren't even in the picture!

  That's when it all clicks, like a switch going off inside of me. All this pain, stress and heartache, is all because of Celina. Ever since she came, pups, wars, stress and every other thing you can think of, just sort of fall into place because of her. She's the reason why I'm getting no sleep. She's the reason why my pack's in danger. She's the reason why I'm focusing more on family than on my alpha duties. She's the reason. Celina's the reason.

  A loud growl erupts in my head as my thoughts start to spiral out of control.

  'Don't you dare think of our mate that way! She's not the reason all of this has happened!' my wolf growls at me, baring his teeth in my mind.

  'Then tell me why! Tell me why all of this has happened! Tell me why!' I growl back, frustrated with myself. Everything's just so complicated and my mind just can't fathom it.

  'Ask your mother,' is all my wolf says, calmly I might add, before disappearing into the corners of my mind.

  My mother? He wants me to ask my mother? Actually, she would know. She would know why everything's happening. She's the Moon Goddess after all...

  With that thought in mind, I launch myself off the couch. I don't register Callum calling me as I race through the pack house and out the front door, shifting as soon as I get to the tree line.

  I run for a good half hour before I come to the place I'm looking for. Some people call it the summoning field while others call it the calling valley. Me? I call it my phone home.

  I shift back to human form, pulling on a pair of shorts that are tucked behind a tree. I make my way to the middle of the small clearing that is scattered with four leaf clovers.

  This small clearing is in the middle of my territory. This one place has four leaf clovers that are actually illegal to pick because they really do give you good luck. The last person who picked one was never heard of again. The clovers are said to be weaved by the Moon Goddess herself, but I don't even know if that's true.