Read Unliving Love Page 13

  Chapter 11

  The Story of Warren Montgomery

  The next few nights Jen was getting home much later than usual. On a normal night she would get home well before Mike but she was getting home an hour or so after him. When he asked her about it she explained to him that she was spending time at the library with Tracy, the girl she met there. They spent the day talking about all things paranormal and it would tend to go well past Tracy’s shift so they would either stay there or go to dinner and keep the conversation going. So when he saw the two walk in together he wasn’t the least bit surprised.

  Tracy had straight chin length brown hair that made her already paleish skin look even paler around her face. She wore light blue glasses that surrounded her blue eyes. The light blue of the glasses made the color of her eyes stand out. She stood a few inches shorter then Jen but Mike was sure it had more to do with her slight slouch than her actual height.

  “How was your study date?” Mike asked while he was lying on the couch with a bag of ice on his right shoulder. “You two look to be in high spirits.”

  “Well I’d say we fared better than you did.” Jen walked to the couch and sat on the edge. She gently lifted the bag of ice off of Mike’s shoulder. “You ok?”

  “Yeah just sore.” He flinched as she sat the ice back down a little rougher than desired.

  “Sorry.” She said with a frown.

  “It’s ok.” He reached up and adjusted the ice pack. “Just a rough day at practice. A freshman got a little over zealous and I went down on my shoulder.”

  “I bet coach was pissed.”

  Mike smiled and laughed then immediately grimaced from the pain. “Yeah I think he is still running laps. Luckily it wasn’t too bad or he’d probably still be running till practice tomorrow.”

  “That is a bit much.” Jen said as she gave him a questioning look.

  “Hey not my rules babe… Besides he and every other freshman need to know not to hit the superstar quarterback.” Mike smiled as he gingerly sat himself up a little.

  “Aren’t we full of himself today?” Jen said.

  Tracy who was still standing by the front door let out a little laugh.

  “Laugh it up.” Mike gave her a smile as he adjusted the ice bag again. “Enough about my day though, you two looked excited about something.”

  Jen’s face immediately lit up. “Yes we are. I don’t know how she did it but Tracy the miracle worker got the entire story on Warren Montgomery.”

  “Who?” Mike asked.

  “You’ll find out when you read the journal entries, but it won’t hurt you to listen to this.” Jen turned around and looked at Tracy who was still standing near the front door. “Trace what are you doing?”

  “Nothing.” She said in a soft voice.

  Jen shook her head. “Come sit down.”

  “Ok” Tracy slowly walked over and sat in the chair that was adjacent to the arm of the couch that Mike had his head at. It was obvious that Tracy wasn’t yet comfortable in these surroundings. She was naturally a shy individual and being here with Jen and Mike, even though she had been here once before she was still very timid.

  “Ok so like I was saying Trace dug up some crazy details about him and you wouldn’t believe the stuff that went on in that house.”

  “I’m liking it already.” Mike said with a sly smile. “So let’s hear it.”

  “Go ahead Trace.” Jen said as she looked up at her.


  “Yeah why not?” She asked with a smile. “You found it all and told me about it so it would probably be better coming from you.

  “Oh… Ok.” Tracy began to rummage through her papers she had sitting on her lap. “Just a sec.” She finally pulled out three pieces of notebook paper that had hand writing written all over it. ‘Here they are.”

  “Anyone want a drink or anything before we start?” Jen asked

  “No I’m good.” Mike answered.

  Tracy shook her head. “No thank you.”

  “Ok just wanted to make sure.” Jen situated herself so she was gingerly lying across Mike’s lap. “This ok?”


  “Ok good.” She looked up to Tracy. “I’ll stop interrupting now.” She said with a smile.

  “Ok… So as I was telling you earlier.” She nodded at Jen. ‘This goes way back and none of it is documented so I can’t guarantee it is real, but I would bet it was. I trust the person who helped me and they have never let me down with their info.” She pulled out another sheet of paper and sat it down on the coffee table. It was an old black and white photo of Wes’s house. “This is the house right?”

  Mike glanced down at the old photo. “I would say so yeah.”

  “Well according to my source he ran an exclusive club from his house. It was a club for the rich and twisted.”