Read Unliving Love Page 14


  “Well good evening Mr. Hardy.” A well-dressed man with slicked back greying hair and a matching handlebar mustache said. “Welcome, I hope you enjoy your evening with us.”

  Mr. Hardy was a bald heavy set man who had to be in his early sixties. “Oh I can’t imagine I wouldn’t Mr. Montgomery.” He said as he entered the beautifully decorated house. “You and your services come very highly recommended and held in the highest regards amongst my circle of friends.”

  “Well that just means the world to me sir. I aim to satisfy all the needs of my guests.” As Warren opened the double doors entering into the large great room the contrast between the two rooms couldn’t be greater. The entry room was nicely decorated; a very nice wooden bookshelf full of old large books lined the back wall. In front of that sat an elegant red velvet chair with a matching foot stool. As you entered the large great room there was two round tables each surrounded by five finely finished chairs. In each chair sat a man elegantly dressed, it was obvious that they were men of great wealth. On the tables was a mixture of drinks, cards, and large stacks of money.

  “May I take your coat and hat sir?” A beautiful young woman with large wavy blonde hair who wore only a tiny see through lace bra that looked as if it was a size too small, a tight lace see through slip, and a pair of stiletto heels all of which were a dark black in color asked Mr. Hardy.

  “Of course you may my dear.” He said with a smile as he handed her his coat and hat. As she walked away he turned towards Warren. “Very nice indeed sir.”

  “If you like her she can be yours but we have a wide selection of nice young women.” Warren raised his arms and gestured for Mr. Hardy to look around.

  The room was full of beautiful young women some dressed in similar fashion as the one who took Mr. Hardy’s coat and hat while others were fully dressed in elegant gowns and others weren’t dressed at all. The ones who were free of any clothing seemed to be used as more of a labor force than entertainment. They were scrubbing up spills, sweeping the floor, and one was even applying a fresh coat of paint to an area of the wall to cover what looked like a quickly scrubbed blood stain.

  “Well I shall take my time before I choose.” Mr. Hardy said with a smile.

  “I also have a selection of females that I like to call my private stock.” Warren gave a sly smile. “They are women of every size and color ranging from older to the very, very young.” He gave Mr. Hardy a wink. Might I offer a drink while you walk around and decide what your taste is?” Warren snapped his finger and one of the girls in the see through lace outfits began to make her way to them. “We have more entertainment in the room through there.” Warren pointed in the way of a doorway that girls would disappear with empty glasses and reappear with fresh iced drinks. “We have gambling tables as you can see.” He gestured in the direction of the two tables. “This young lady will take your order. I have a very wide selection of alcohol from around the world and I also have a fine tobacco selection. I have a line of much more rarer items that will put you in a much more intense state of inebriation as well.”

  The girl that stood in front of them had a similar look but had light brown hair. She wore the same clothes as the one who took his coat and hat but was a blue color instead of the black. This one however, looked as though she couldn’t be much older than fourteen or fifteen.

  Mr. Hardy smiled and rubbed his chin. It was easy to tell he was enjoying himself as he stood there eyeing the girl and pondering the possibilities. “I will take a glass of your finest whiskey and one of your finest cigars.” The young girl forced a smile and walked away. “For a start anyways.” His grin now stretched nearly ear to ear.

  “Girl!” Warren yelled after the young girl who took the order. “Take that up to my office.” She nodded and turned and hurried off through the doorway. “We can continue our talk up there it is a bit more private.” He smiled and began to lead Mr. Hardy through the large great room and through the doorway which lead to a room that was lined with bottle after bottle of alcohol.

  The girl who just took the order was digging through a box and finally pulled out a large cigar. She forced a smile as she caught Mr. Hardy eyeing her up and down.

  The next room they walked into was about half the size of the great room. In the back stood a long table with men standing around it, one man was rapidly shaking dice before he let them fly down the table. In front of that closer to the entry way stood a roulette table that was just as busy as the craps table behind it.

  “I have many clients who come mainly to gamble. However a fair amount of the big winners tend to partake in my other services as a celebration.” Warren smiled as he now led Mr. Hardy up a much smaller staircase than the one inside the front door. “This is my office.” He said as he made his way around a large desk that was adorned with gold trim. “Please sit.” He gestured at a chair that resembled the one found in the entry room.

  “Thank you.” Mr. Hardy said to him though his gaze was stuck on a very large man who stood to the right of Warren’s chair. He smiled at the large man before turning his gaze back to Warren himself.

  “Oh don’t mind my associate here.” Warren smiled. “As I am sure you can understand, a man in my line of work runs into a few problems from time to time, so Mr. Aleksandrov here keeps things inline. Isn’t that right Anton?” Warren let out a smile.

  “Dat iz ku-rect.” Anton Aleksandrov said in a deep Russian accent.

  “I could imagine he would come in handy.” Mr. Hardy said with a smile.

  Just then there was a knock on the door. “It’s your order sir.” A timid voice said from the other side.

  “Anton if you would please.” Warren said as he opened a large book on his desk.

  The large man slowly stomped his way to the door opened it up and took the glass and cigar from the young girl. “Nuw ko ahvay.” He said fiercely in his deep Russian accent.

  “If I could interject actually.” Mr. Hardy said as he turned to face the door.

  Anton turned to face Warren and the young girl froze in place. “Zer?”

  “Of course.” Warren said with a smile. “I take it you have made your selection?”

  Mr. Hardy began to smile ear to ear his eyes fixed on the young girl. “Yes I certainly have.”

  “Anton will you please escort her down to room… Let’s see here.” Warren began to flip through a smaller book that sat to the side of the desk. “Seven isn’t finished yet so how about room four.” He said under his breath. “Yes escort her down to room four.” He smiled.

  Anton nodded showing his understanding then he walked Mr. Hardy’s drink and cigar to the desk then turned to face the young girl. “Valk.” He pointed down the stairs. They both disappeared behind the door as Anton closed it behind him.

  “Wise choice I have to say I hear wonderful things about her.” Warren said with a smile as he motioned to the cigar then lit a match.

  Mr. Hardy picked up the cigar, put it to his mouth and then lit it from the burning match in Warren’s hand.

  Warren flicked the match around putting it out then sat it in an ashtray and scooted it in front of Mr. Hardy. “Now let’s discuss payment.” He flipped through the large book that sat in front of him, picked up a pen and began to write. “Age and use is taken into consideration for pricing and she is relatively fresh.” He looked up towards Mr. Hardy. “The base rate for her is five hundred per hour.”

  “A very fair price I must say.” Mr. Hardy pulled out a large rectangular pouch from his suit jacket pocket. He opened it up and began to take out bill after bill. “Aaaaaand five hundred.” He slid the large pile of money over to Warren.

  Warren picked up the pile and sat it over to the side. “Thank you.” He gave him a smile.

  “You don’t count it?” Mr. Hardy asked with a curious look.

  “I would never be so rude as to count it in front of my customers.” He said with a smile. “Besides that is one of Anton’s duties and it’s not like w
e won’t know where you’ll be for the next hour.” His smile turned into a different type of smile with those words. It was very clear that this smile was more of a threat than a pleasantry. “Now let us discus the rules.”

  Mr. Hardy took a long drag of his cigar followed by a large gulp of his drink.

  “During the hour, she is your property to do with as you please. Now rough house is allowed however if it gets too rough and she can’t perform her normal duties after you are done with her then you are charged a small fee. Also no damage to the face please they need to look presentable.” Warren smiled. “Anything below the chin is ok.”

  “That sounds completely understandable.” Mr. Hardy took another large gulp of his drink and a drag of his cigar. “These are very tasty.”

  “I am glad you like, they are complimentary with your purchase.”

  “I like them even more now. Can I get more?”

  Warren nodded. “Sometimes with newer girls they can cause problems and if that is the case I can either get you another or can send someone in to put her in her place.”

  “I hope it isn’t Mr. Aleksandrov. That would surely kill the mood.” Mr. Hardy said as he exhaled a large puff of smoke.

  “Oh no, we have some more seasoned women who take care of that aspect. Anton is more… public relations.” Warren smiled slyly. “With your choice though I don’t think it will be a problem she has already been broken.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” Mr. Hardy finished off his whiskey.

  Anton opened the door and made his way into the office. “Zhe es reedy.”

  “Wonderful!” Warren clapped his hands together and stood up. “Follow me and I will take you to her.”

  Mr. Hardy stood up and followed Warren down the stairs and back into the bar. Instead of taking the right to the great room he took him left into another room that was about the same size as the bar. He stepped up to a desk with another very large man standing behind it. “You can place any valuables in the protection of this man if you wish. It eases the minds of some of the customers. I do not employ common whores so stealing is extremely rare because of the extreme punishment associated with it. I will not be offended if you wish to place items here I assure you.”

  Mr. Hardy waved his hand in front of Warren. “Nonsense Mr. Montgomery I am perfectly comfortable. I have many friends who have come here in the past and as I said before they speak of your establishment in the highest of regards.”

  Warren nodded in a slight bow. “Well I aim to please.” He gestured towards a door that was to the left of the door that led to the bar. A buzz sound rang from the door and Warren opened it up allowing Mr. Hardy to walk through the doorway and down the steps that were just beyond.

  The room they entered was as big as the house was itself. There were four large pillars that acted as supports for the house and dead center of the room was a large silver drain. The floor was covered in large light brown tiles and the walls wood planks finished in a dark stain. There were eight large doors spread around the four walls two on each wall.

  Warren led him across the room over to a door with a large cast iron four in the middle of it. He motioned over to a door that was wide open. There were two of the naked women who acted as the laborers down on all fours scrubbing a thick dark red pool of drying blood off the floor. “This leads me to my finale rule.” He smiled. “If things get out of hand and they do not end well for your girl there is a large fee for cleaning of the room and disposal.”

  Mr. Hardy stared at the two women scrubbing the floor. “What happens to the gentlemen involved?” He asked as he turned his glance back to Warren.

  Warren’s smile broadened. “Just the fee, in fact the gentleman who occupied this room is a regular and let’s just say he has started to pay the fees upfront.” He gave Mr. Hardy a wink. “The doors lock from the outside and are watched by one of my employees.” He pointed towards a couple of women who were covered from head to toe in black. Their faces were hidden behind a heavy lace veils, their eyes barely visible. You could only tell their sex by their slender frames and large breast. “If you need anything whether it is to be let out, another drink, or any one of our wide collection of toys there is a button on your side of the door. It will ring out here and they will know you are in need of something.”

  “How do I know what stuff you have to play with?” Mr. Hardy asked.

  “There is a catalog on the bedside table in your room.” Warren walked over and opened the large door and motioned for Mr. Hardy to enter. “Now by all means Mr. Hardy please enjoy yourself.”