Read Unliving Love Page 23

  *I will stop there I have probably said too much in here already and I am sure you probably don’t want to read the rest anyways. I wrote it all down originally it’s in my set of journals that has my more sensitive material but for my rewrites for you I’m leaving some stuff out but just wanted to toss this little bit in.*


  I waited the few days she asked me to before I went back over. She was drained from my birthday and said it would take some time to recoup. I never got to tell her about buying the house nor did I get to ask her about how she did what she did so waiting a few days I have to admit has been almost torturous! I packed a small lamp in a bag and took it over with me last night. When I got there she was well rested and ready to answer my questions. She asked about the bag pretty quickly after I got there but I figured it was my way of torturing her for a bit.

  My first question was how she did what she did on my birthday. The quick answer is she doesn’t know how she does it. Her best guess is that it’s something like possession she just connects and they both see the same images and feel the same feelings. It reminds me of a Vulcan mind meld BUT I left that out of the conversation. Given everything I’ve experienced lately I’ve learned to just go with the flow sometimes so that part of the conversation didn’t go on too long.

  My next question though that went on for a while it lead to different thing after thing. I asked how she knew she could do it. “I’ve done it before.” she said. I have to admit when she first said that I got upset. That was my first for that experience and the experience we had while she was doing her mind meld. I couldn’t even put into words how special it was to me and she had done it before… BUT then she informed me she’s connected thoughts before but never like what we did. That was her first time for that too and never dreamed of doing that with anyone else. I was relieved but then I felt kind of stupid for getting upset I’m sure she saw it on my face too… I couldn’t help it though it just happened.

  When I asked her when and who she did it with that is when our conversation got very long. She told me all about her death and her past before she was murdered. There is a lot of stuff she told me and some of it I almost wish she didn’t. It isn’t bad stuff it’s just secrets about people. The kinds of secrets that give you the internal battle of keeping or confronting the people involved. She made me promise not to tell anyone about any of it, not yet anyways. There may be a time when everything needs to come out but right now isn’t it.

  It was hard to get past the conversation we had but I still wanted to tell her about me buying the house. I’ve been sitting on that info for too long and I’ve been dying to tell her. So I made her close her eyes (yes when she closes them she can’t see) and I took out the lamp plugged it in and then I had her open them as I turned on the lamp. She smiled “That’s why I’ve been so full of energy?” which proved my thoughts about the electric being on and her new found energy. I think I’m getting a good grip on all the rules to this stuff.

  I told her that the electricity isn’t all and then I told her about buying the house she was very excited. The house was her core it is where she is bound to and though she can leave, it is only for brief periods of time. She has to have a connection of some kind to where she is going. It is very, very draining experience for her. I’ve never asked what happens if she is gone for too long I can guess it would be bad though. We talked about the house and what we could do to it and I told her that I want to do a restore more than anything. Take it back to its original grandeur even the furniture and stuff. She liked that idea too. After we planned and discussed I brought up my concerns of agitating “Him” and her excitement did dwindle some. This brought up my next topic which we went outside to discuss…

  I told her about my idea of a confinement spell to make it so his essence can’t go outside of his room anymore. She asked me if it was possible and I told her that from what I’ve read it is. It takes a powerful spell usually cast by a few “Witches”. The problem is finding the ones willing to do it but I’m working some angles and pulling some resources and I think I may have found some that are willing to try. I found a website dedicated to the practice of witchcraft and there are countless people to talk to. After talking to a lot of people I do believe I found the right witches.

  I explained the situation every detail of it and I told them money is no problem I will cover all expenses travel, food, lodging, everything. Either they saw dollar signs or they recognized my desperation, I’m not sure but either way I think they are going to try. I am just waiting on the final ok and then it’s a matter of working out the details. She expressed a few concerns about herself and what might happen. That was my main concern too and after discussing that with them they assured me that it won’t harm her it technically won’t even harm him. It will just confine him to one area and as long as that area is left unopened he won’t be able to get out. After a long discussion about it, weighing our options we decided to go ahead and try so I sent the final ok so now just waiting on their response. I hope this works I know she is scared of “Him” even though she won’t admit it. If this will bring us some peace and allow her not to worry or waste energy keeping him at bay then it will be worth any price they ask.


  Last night was the night of the confinement. I was more than a little leery about the whole thing when I first met Clarissa, Stella, and Bethany “The Three Witches”. When I met them at the airport they looked exactly like you would expect three withes would look. Long dresses, wore lots of different beaded jewelry, and had different ornaments hanging from them. They looked like people who were trying too hard to be witches to actually be witches. My worries were soon put to rest after I actually met them. They picked me out of a crowd of people as I was walking to meet them. They had arrived early and I was running late I began walking back to meet them at their terminal when they approached me from behind so not only did they recognize me but they did so from behind. That was impressive, even to me. That could be faked though so I was still a little reluctant to full on believe them yet. They sold me when after talking to them for all of maybe two minutes Stella looked at me with the saddest face I think I have ever seen and just blurted out “Oh my. You poor thing.” When I asked her what she told me how she could see that I was sick and dying from the aura I was putting off. Then a smile adorned her face and she said “Well at least you’ll be with her forever soon.” There are only a handful of living people that know that I’m sick so unless they were able to hack into the hospital database (which I know is possible but is highly unlikely) there is no way for them to have known. That is what sold me on them and as the night went on I became more and more of a believer.

  When we arrived at the house (it was known in the community that I had bought the house. Things don’t stay secret for long here especially as far as that kind of stuff is concerned) they felt the presence right away, both of them for that matter. They spent about ten minutes casting protective spells on themselves before they went in. Said there is no point in casting one on me since I’ve already been exposed but they want to try and protect themselves from any negative energy attaching itself to them. Once that was done they led the way taking in everything as they walked past. If you would have seen all of us you’d have thought I was the guest. They said they were being drawn to an area and as they walked the found themselves at the little room with the drawings then they went to the room with my makeshift bed and they sensed some energy there (I couldn’t help but smile) and then finally they were at the area of the house with the hidden room. They were reluctant to be around it and they knew this was the source of the evil energy they were getting. At this point I had no doubt that they were the real thing and I was feeling very good about everything. I don’t think “He” felt the same way because as soon as Clarissa walked to the wall and placed her hands on it, there was a loud bang from inside the hidden room. She jumped and her hands went straight to her mouth to cover the gasp. “Dark… very,
very dark.” is all she said and they turned and made their way back out of the house. We stood in the back yard and they told me about what all they were going to do and how it was done. They told me that once the spell was put in place he would be trapped there for as long as he was sealed, but if the room is opened in any way whether it be a hole in the wall or a door the evil could escape and it would be mad and strong. They asked me to make sure any door or window to the room was sealed so I spent the rest of the day searching for any way in the room but found nothing. The walls were intact and I’ve looked for months for a door so when I was done I called them and they told me they would do the spell that night and they would call when they were ready. My nerves were in high gear waiting on them and as the night went on I laid in my bed Emily sitting beside me and we waited for the call.

  They called me around eleven that night and they said they would be over at midnight to prepare. I was curious to why they were doing it so late but when they showed up they informed me that their power was the most powerful at 2:00am so that is when they will have the best chance at casting the spell.

  When they arrived they had a bag with different items in it. I watched them set a few things up but then I felt like I was in the way so I walked down the hall and sat back down on my bed. I watched the clock waiting for it to be time for them to start. The time absolutely dragged on. I could tell it was getting closer to the time because there were bangs and crashes coming from here and there. They picked up as the time got closer, getting more and more violent as the time went on. I got up, walked down the hall, and peaked into the room that shared the main wall of the hidden room. I saw the three sitting in there in a small three person circle. They each had items in their hands but I couldn’t really tell what they were. They were swaying back and forth and I could see their lips moving but couldn’t hear what they were saying. They started swaying faster and I could hear their voices get louder and louder. I could tell whatever they were doing was working because the sounds were getting louder but they were all localized in the part of the house where the hidden room is. When I looked back towards my bed to look at Emily I saw her sitting beside it with her knees pulled up to her chin and she was rocking back and forth. I went and sat down beside her. The bangs were getting louder and louder and then I heard the most guttural growl. It sent chills up my spine and I saw Emily cringe. The growl was quickly accompanied by a scream. It was a man’s scream and it sounded how I imagine what someone being tortured would sound like. I heard the three’s voices pick up and then they were at a loud chant and then I heard one last scream then silence. The house always had this slightly eerie feel to it. I eventually just got used to it and accredited it to “Him” but when the house became silent it was gone. The feeling became a cheerful one.

  Stella, Clarissa, and Bethany came down to see me. They explained what had happened and had the pleasure of telling me that the spell took. They told me that the evil energy that was throughout the house was transferred and locked away in the hidden room. When I asked about the new light cheerful mood that overcame the house they said it was from Emily. It was from her energy and it took over as the main source for the house. They also explained to me that the house was apparently designed to amplify energies. It had to do with the way the house was facing and the design of the rooms and everything. So whoever designed it had to have known this because it was too much to be a coincidence. So the rumors of Warren Montgomery being in some kind of cult sound like they may have some validity to them.

  They didn’t stick around long after that. They packed their stuff then wished Emily and myself a farewell. I gave them money for all their expenses I even offered more but they refused. “We do not do this for money. We do it to help others and because it is the right thing to do.” Bethany explained to me when I asked them again to take money.

  After they left Emily and I went back up to our room and sat there. We talked about the three witches and what they had done until I fell asleep. The eerie feeling never came back.


  It’s been three days since Stella, Clarissa, and Bethany left and the house has stayed it’s new light cheerful self. Emily’s mood has been increased and her energy has gone up overnight. Now that she doesn’t have to worry about “Him” she doesn’t have to waste the energy on trying to keep him under control. It has been a very nice change to say the least.

  When the three witches had come and after talking to them some of the things they said made me begin to think about the future with Emily. When they said soon I’d be with her forever it really made me think about when that would be. I’ve thought briefly about it in the past but never to the extent I have the last few days. It made me wonder how far in the future. Yes I’m dying but how long will it be? With the right treatments people like me can live for a long time but two facts remain I still can’t have a family and I WILL DIE. So now I have to decide how that is going to happen. I don’t want to be thirty something when I go I want to be around the same age as Emily was when she passed. I have every intention on staying here after my death so we can be together forever just as Stella had said. Given my strong connection with Emily that part shouldn’t be an issue. The only issue is when it will happen. I have decided to stop taking my meds that try to suppress the virus and keep it in check. I told Emily about this and at first she was reluctant to go along with it but after explaining to her that I will die anyways and even if I lived I couldn’t have a family or anything like that because I would just pass it to everyone. After about an hour or so she accepted it and I assured her that it is truly what I want.

  The virus should spread pretty fast now that I am not taking my meds so it shouldn’t be too long before I do pass. It should be a couple years at the earliest and I have decided to not let it go past twenty-three so if the virus doesn’t take me by then I will do it myself.