Read Unliving Love Page 24

  Chapter 19

  Last Day

  This is my decision I want this. The pain has been increasing and yes it is my doing as well since I have stopped taking my medicine. I want my death to be on my own terms. Prolonging a life that is never going to be able to be lived with full purpose and enjoyment is just illogical. Everyone who is close to me will have to suffer more and more as I go on and I do not want that. It is better for everyone including myself to just be done. All it would take is one little slip up for my secret to get out and then my medical practice and everything I worked for would be ruined. I will never have a family and children so my life amongst the living has been forfeit for a long time now, it just took me a while to realize that and I hope you can accept that. Ever since my accident I have had one foot in Death’s door and I feel that it is time I walk in. Just remember that I love you all and I am sorry you have to find out this way. I knew if I told you ahead of time you would do everything in your power to stop me and that would be counterproductive for all of us. I would suffer more and you wouldn’t be able to begin your grieving. You will have to grieve eventually you may as well do it now so you can come to terms with it and get on with your lives. Remember I love you and who knows we just may see each other again someday.


  Wesley Joyner

  Wesley sat down his pen, folded up his letter, and placed it into an envelope. He scribbled out “To whoever finds this, please deliver to my parents.” and then sat it on the kitchen table.

  “That part is done” He spoke aloud though no one else was in the room with him.

  As he turned the corner and made his way to his living room a mist began to form behind him. He smiled and turned to face it. When he did the mist had vanished and a young woman with wavy hair and a beautiful face had taken its place. The woman was a pale white and her hair was a light grey. She looked as though she had been plucked out of an old black and white TV and looked every bit the spirit she was.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” She asked as she moved within inches of him. “I would understand if you changed your mind. You are so young Wesley.”

  Wes could feel the coolness that radiated from her body as he looked into her eyes and smiled. “Em we’ve talked about this and besides I am older than you were when it happened to you.” He raised his hand and traced her cheek with it. “This is what I want. You are what I want.”

  She smiled “What kind of Fiancé would I be if I didn’t ask?”

  He smiled back. “Speaking of that, I need to get to the airport so I’m not late to pick them up.”

  “I have actually missed them; it’ll be nice to have them back here.”

  “Yes it will. I am very excited too actually.” He turned to grab his keys and his jacket and continued on to the entrance room of the house. When he got there Emily was waiting for him by the door. “I’ll be quick. I love you.”

  “I love you too and do be quick, but being carful is more important. I can wait. I have waited this long what’s another hour or two?”

  “True.” Wes smiled, put on his jacket, and walked out the door making his way to his car.

  His ride to the airport went relatively quick and when he arrived his biggest hassle was finding a decent parking spot. After parking, he made his way through the massive crowds to the terminal where he was expecting Stella, Clarissa, and Bethany, the three witches that had done Emily and himself a great favor by confining the evil spirit of Warren Montgomery into the hidden room of their house. Since that time the house has been a very cheerful and love filled place unlike the airport which was full of hurriedness and irritation.

  The three witches, as he had begun to refer to them were easy to spot. Stella, the oldest of the three, who had long flowing red hair and fair skin adorned with freckles always walked in front. Clarissa had short black hair with smooth mocha colored skin. Bethany had blonde hair that was pulled into a loose ponytail and skin with a pinkish tone to it. They were both born on the same day states apart but now called themselves spiritual twin sisters. They trailed Stella side by side. It was always Clarissa on the right and Bethany on the left.

  They spotted Wes almost immediately and as they walked towards him.

  “I can’t thank you all enough for doing this.” He said as he gave each of them a hug.

  They had all kept in contact since they had first met and had become quite close. They were always very easy to talk to if he ever had a question or dilemma. They were by far the most knowledgeable people he knew in the paranormal world.

  “It’s not too late to turn around and go home.” Wes said with a smile

  “We wouldn’t dream of it.” Clarissa said with a wave of her hand.

  “This is a once in a lifetime event for us.” Bethany said with a smile that showed of her near perfect teeth. “We wouldn’t dream of missing it.”

  “Let alone to be the ones to perform it.” Stella said as the other two fell back in line. “And for two of our dearest friends at that.”

  “I just want to make sure. I don’t want anything to fall back on you.”

  “We are well aware of the possible repercussions.” Stella answered as all four began to walk, dodging people as they made their way to the baggage claim. Once their bag was located they had no need for much luggage as they would only be there one day.

  “I have done everything in my power to make sure that nothing will come back to you three. There shouldn’t be a problem.” Wes was referring to the letter he had personally handed to his lawyer with the instructions to open it tomorrow and a letter that he had signed and had it waiting at the post office to be delivered to his friend tomorrow and the handwritten letter for his parents he had written before his drive to the airport. “Now we just need to go find my car and we will be set.”

  Once they got to his car and he placed their bag in trunk they started the drive home.

  “Are things still peaceful at your house?” Stella asked.

  “Yes very much so, we still owe you three a great debt. She has been happier and is full of energy. We are almost always together now.”

  “That is wonderful.” Stella said with a smile. “We could tell how drained Emily was when we were there. Keeping that much negative energy in check had to be absolutely exhausting.” She paused for a second or two. “And how have you been?”

  “Overall ok, I have my good days and bad days.” He glanced over and saw the sadness on Stella. “But hey, we will be together forever very soon so all is well.” That comment brought a smile to all three of the witches’ faces.

  “Will anyone else be attending tonight?” Clarissa asked from the backseat. “Has Michael ever come around?”

  “No it will just be us.” Wes’s face couldn’t hide the sad feeling that stirred up at the question. “He has a lot going on in his life. Besides he wouldn’t very well approve nor would he let me go through with it.”

  “Did you ever explain to him?” Clarissa paused “I mean everything to him?”

  “No I still haven’t told anyone about it. It will come out eventually I’m sure.”

  “Well either way tonight will be a happy night.” Stella said trying to change the mood of the car.

  The rest of the ride was fairly quiet with a little small talk here and there to pass the time.

  “That car.” Wes pointed at a newer silver four door Chevy Malibu. “That’s the car.”

  “Oh wow.” Bethany said with excitement. “You really didn’t have to do that.”

  “Well you three will need a ride back to the airport and I’ll be in no condition to give you one.”

  “Did you have any troubles getting it in my name?” Stella asked from the passenger seat.

  Wes smiled “No, money can persuade just about anyone.”

  “Only the weak willed ones I like to think.” She replied.

  Soon they were pulling into the drive and into their garage. Wes rarely parked in the garage but he didn’t want everyon
e seeing Stella, Clarissa, and Bethany getting out of the car. The people of the neighborhood have always been a nosey bunch. When the garage door shut, the four climbed out of the car and made their way into the house. The three witches walked inside as Wes took their bag from the trunk.

  “Emily!” The three erupted as they walked through the door. “How have you been?”

  “I have been well thank you. How have you three been?” She smiled as they all approached her. The only contact she ever had was Wes which of course she enjoyed but being able to talk to other people was always nice.

  “We have been very busy but very good.” Stella said with a smile. “You two have done an amazing job with the house. I am in awe, it looks amazing.”

  “Thank you. It was all Wes.”

  They all heard Wes laugh from behind them. “I have paid for most of it. All I did was paint the rooms upstairs. That was only done for a cautionary measure though or else I would have had someone do that too. A handy man I am not.”

  All four of the ladies smiled.

  “Well maybe so but you are a great man I assure you.” Bethany said with a smile. “Emily is a very lucky lady.”

  “Yes I am.”

  “And I’m a lucky man.” Wes said. “So where would you like this bag?”

  “Where ever we are doing the ceremony.” Stella answered. “Are we still doing it at sunset?”

  “Yes” Emily and Wes said at the same time.

  “We should go ahead and set everything up so if you could show us where we are doing it at.” Clarissa said.

  “I’ll show you.” Wes took them up to the room with the wardrobe in it and sat the bag down in the middle of the floor. “In here, this is where she passed so I really want it to be in here.”

  “This will work nicely.” Stella said as she looked around the room taking it in.

  “Yes.” Bethany began to look around “This is perfect.” She smiled and then stepped to the bag, kneeled down, and opened it up. “We’ll get started so we have it all set up and ready for you.”

  Wes walked back down stairs letting the three witches begin their set up. When he made it back down he saw Emily standing in the kitchen looking at the letter he had written earlier. “What’s wrong?”

  “Just worried.”

  “About what?” He walked over and stood beside her and glanced at the letter. “Something wrong?”

  “Just worried that when everything happens you will have regrets and blame me.” She turned to face him. “This isn’t like normal when you can just get fed up and walk out.” She went silent and paused for a few seconds before she said “This is forever.”

  “I know it is and that is how I want it.” He smiled. “I want this so please stop worrying.”

  She nodded not saying a word.

  “Trust me.”

  “I do.” She forced a smile.

  “Then stop worrying.”

  She nodded again.

  The three witches soon joined them in the kitchen. “We are all ready to go.” Stella said as she grabbed Wes’s hand and looked him in the eyes. “When you do it you need to lie inside the candles. We will give you two privacy and then, Emily.” She paused and switched her gaze to Emily. “We should be able to feel it happening as he passes but if we don’t come in you will need to get us. We have to come in and perform the ceremony. This will intertwine your two’s spirits forever. It’s like marriage but more intense. For instance, if something were to happen to one of you the other would feel it. Whether good or bad your souls will be permanently connected.”

  Both Emily and Wes smiled at her last word. They all stood around the kitchen and talked till it was nearly sun set.

  “Well It’s about that time.” Wes said as he made his way to his room. Once he was there he grabbed a small zippered bag out of his top drawer and sat it down on the bed, then walked to the closet and grabbed some clothes. He made his way to his bathroom where he started his shower. As he stepped in the warm stream of water Emily appeared in the bathroom with him.

  “Your last shower, I have to say I do enjoy watching you in here.” She poked her head in the shower as he began to lather himself up.

  “Well can’t get real showers but we can play it out when we connect like we do from time to time, can’t we?” He started lathering up his hair. “I still remember on my eighteenth birthday. That was such a complete shock and absolutely amazing.”

  “Should be able to, I have gotten really good at doing it. I don’t know exactly how it’s going to work with things being changed.”

  “Me a spirit too?”

  “Yes that.”

  “Do you think it will stop us?” Wes asked as he began to rinse himself off.

  “I can’t say but if we have problems at first we will just have to figure it out won’t we?”

  Wes stepped out of the shower and began drying off. Once he was dry he grabbed his clothes and began to put them on. “I grabbed these clothes so I’d match you.” He held up a pair of khaki pants and a Yellow polo shirt with grey strips that ran horizontally across it. “What do you think?”

  “Looks wonderful.” She said with a smile. “This isn’t what I would have picked if I had a choice I can tell you that.” She looked down at her dress. It was a summer dress that had little sunflowers all over it.

  “I love it.” He said as he pulled his shirt over top of his head. “All ready.” He said as he tied the lace of his shoe. He stood and walked to the bed and grabbed his little black bag. “Well, now I am.” He took in a long deep breath and slowly let it out then he and Emily made their way back down to the kitchen.

  “Well don’t you two look absolutely adorable together?” Bethany said as Emily and Wes walked into the kitchen.

  Stella and Clarissa turned to face the two as they came into the kitchen. “Absolutely.” They said in unison.

  They all stood there in silence for a few minutes until Stella spoke up. “It’s time.” She said as she peaked out the window.

  Wes nodded. “The keys to your car are right there on the table. When everything is done take them and keep the car and there is a little something extra in the glove box for each of you.

  “Not necessary.” Clarissa said as she shook her head.

  “The wedding couple always gets the guest something, it is tradition.” Emily said.

  “Well thank you.” Stella responded. “You two are very good to us.”

  “You are the ones who have done us favors it’s the least we could do.”

  All three of them took turns giving Wes a big hug and a kiss on the check, each wishing him luck and a safe journey as they did.

  Wes with his little black bag and Emily by his side walked back up the stairs and down the hall into the room the three witches had setup there stuff in. There were probably fifty candles lined up to make a circle plenty big enough for him to lie in the middle of. In the middle of the circle was a lighter and drawn on the floor were a bunch of little designs. He stepped inside the circle and picked up the lighter and began to light all the candles. Once they were all lit he sat on the floor towards the center of the circle giving him enough room to lie down stretched out and still be inside the candles. He zipped open his little black bag and pulled out a syringe and two small glass vials. He inserted the syringe needle into one of the vials and drew back on it. Drawing the clear liquid up into the syringe.

  “You’re shaking.” Emily said as she noticed him having trouble getting the needle into the second vial.

  “It’s ok.” He took a deep breath, finally injecting the contents of the needle into the vial in his hand. He pulled the needle out and began to shake it, mixing the two liquids together. Once they were well mixed he shakily inserted the needle back in and pulled back on the plunger drawing all the liquid into the syringe. Once it was all drawn out he pulled out a large rubber strip and then tied it around his left arm. After a second or two he began to run his finger over his arm looking for a vein. When he foun
d one he brought the syringe up and slowly slid the needled through his skin into his vein. “I’m scared.” He said as he looked up at Emily with tears in his eyes.

  “You don’t have to do this I’ll understand.” She said as she raised her hand and sat it on top of his leg.

  “I’m not afraid of dying Emily.” He paused as he took a deep breath. “I’m afraid that I won’t stay here with you.”

  “I won’t let that happen and neither will they.” Referring to Stella, Clarissa, and Bethany whom were patiently waiting in the hall. “I will be right here with you, I promise.”

  Wes nodded took another deep breath and with one finger pressed the plunger and within seconds he began to fall backwards. Emily reached up and caught him as he fell and slowly lowered him to the ground. Kneeling beside him with her hand on his she watched as Wesley Joyner took his very last breath.