Read Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Page 4

Chapter 4

  The instant Alex heard her name his feet abruptly locked him in place. He ambled closer to the entrance and peered into the dimly lit tavern to listen in to the conversation more attentively. Circular tables were arranged in random order and it was easy to spot Rakkel off in the furthest corner of the room; along with his unruly companions. Most everyone remained quiet and drank from their frothy mugs to remain inconspicuous of the Guard’s consideration. Everyone kept glancing at the boisterous group, but none dare speak their mind or else they’d get in serious trouble with the wrong group that sat within their midst.

  A squad wasn’t unknown for killing any who thought differently.

  Suddenly the man with the menacing scythe looked at the woman and said “You mean the Blood Moon? Yeah that girl scares me half to death. She may have a comely face, but that’s all that’s attractive about her. I’d sooner date you, Michelle.” Michelle, the two knife wielding warrior, grinned and punched him in the shoulder and both laughed. Then Rakkel added “I met her once and she’s more man than woman. I’m glad she has been shipped off into Nicronane’s hands. Let’s see how those commanders try and deal with her.” Alex finally found where she was and now she had been taken far away, to the mainland.

  His heart dropped because he’d most likely never get to see his friend ever again. Leaving the tavern was the best choice because he didn’t want to hear them slander his only friend anymore, but the last thing his cousin said was “I hope that woman get’s what’s coming to her.”

  You should get what’s coming. Alex thought angrily.

  He walked unaccompanied down the torch lit roads with his heart thrumming with fury. All they did was make a joke of my friend. I might have met her for only a few minutes, but I knew that she was strong of character and that she has honorable. Unlike those five, he knew she would be a better choice of friend.

  By the time he made it to the outskirts of the market his rage dimly smoldered. The lit torches were long gone and he was secluded in a forest of rustling palms. The breeze carried the salty scent of the ocean and helped clear his mind. He looked around for any form of life, but didn’t find anything. He walked off the trail and into the thick woods. He soon found a small open area covered in white sand and whistled for his younger brother. It took a few minutes before he felt a presence behind him. It was familiar and calming. Alex straightened up and said “Shade, your losing your touch.”

  Alex turned around as he looked up in confusion “What do you mean?”

  He knelt down and rubbed Shade’s head. “I knew where you were this time. Maybe I’m getting better at knowing where you are, when I cannot see you.”

  He smelled the air and grinned. “What is that tasty aroma?”

  “This?” Alex stood back up and wrestled to get the thick slab of food from his pocket. Soon it dislodged. When he knelt down in the soft and cool sand again he opened the package, Shade’s gold eyes widened and twinkled. “With the money my uncle made, I was able to buy this for us to eat tonight.”

  “MEAT!!!” and then he howled and Alex could see how excited he was to see it. “I haven’t had any in so long…” He walked right up to Alex and smelled it. Shade’s mouth began wondering from such a delectable scent. He couldn’t stop his nose from twitching in excitement for such a treat. Shade sat on his haunches and looked up at him with questioning eyes. “Alex, what did they do to the meat? It’s all brown and salty smelling.”

  He smiled and explained. “Cooked meat tastes better, and the salt not only makes it last longer, but it and a few other seasonings give it more flavor.” Alex pinched a small piece and ripped it from the slab. He held it down in offering and said “Give it a try.”

  Shade eyed Alex suspiciously for a moment and then leaned forward with an open mouth. As he began chewing his eyes opened in amazement. After he finally swallowed he licked his chops and said “That really was better. My parents never brought home anything that tasted so delicious. May I have some more?”

  Alex laughed at the request and ripped the slab in half with his bare hands. He put the wrapping down flat on the sand and sat Shade’s portion on top of it. His rough tongue licked the top of the meat and cringed when he tasted nothing but the salt and spices. Regaining his composure, he put the meat between his paws and started ripping it into smaller, edible pieces. While he did that Alex took his first bite to find it really delicious. He ate the solid meat meal in six bites and it felt great on such an empty stomach. Shade finished his meal a few minutes after Alex did. Once they were finished Alex smiled as Shade began licking his front paws to get every bit of what had a smell of meat in his fur. He was savoring it all.

  “Shade, while you waited, did you find any drinkable water sources? There should be some close by, if I’m not mistaken.”

  Shade looked up and grinned brightly. He was having a great day and his tone reflected it. “Follow me.” He stood and started trotting through the dense palm and pine forest. Alex followed him for fifteen minutes while watching where he stepped because there were some sharp bushes around these areas. Soon he heard a quiet sound of trickling, moving water. Shade used his agility and smaller size to bound around a tree as he explained “Were here.”

  Before them flowed a small stream about a four feet across and just a few inches deep. It cut through the forest and led to the ocean. It held no connection to the market so neither of them paused for sanitary reasons. They could easily see that the water was flowing quickly and that it appeared clear. Alex went to his knees and tasted the water to find it was indeed pure. He cupped his hands and drank, remembering how Lily did the same thing before they met. As he drank, Shade moved to his left and started lapping graciously. It was always fascinating to watch him drink. He would stick his rough tongue in the water and rapidly pull it back in. Then his mouth would close to capture the water. He did it so quickly it was hard to see how it was done. With a full meal and a good drink Alex had to tell him a few things he’d uncovered in town.

  “Shade,” He looked at Alex, felling how he couldn’t eat another bite of the flavored meat, and sat in a dry spot by the stream. “Do you remember me telling you about Lily?”

  He nodded vigorously. “The woman whom you saved? Did you find her?” He grinned and his eyes danced as he asked “Did she become your mate?”

  He shook his head while smiling. “Aye, she is the one I saved and she is my friend. I like her, but I might never see her again.” His pointed ears wilted. “Don’t be upset. At least I know where she has gone to. She’s moved back to the mainland.”

  “I’m sorry, Alex. I know you want to see your female again. At least you still have me.” He grinned so openly that it made Alex laugh.

  “That I do.” He smiled back and rubbed Shade’s head affectionately. Suddenly he remembered something from earlier in the past week. “Shade, since we don’t have anything to read would you like to learn your letters?” He became like a playful pup again and started jumping up and down in excitement. He let out a lighthearted howl again and Alex was glad they were too far away to be heard. The night sounds went silent again because of the howl.

  Alex grabbed the closest stick with his toes, grasped it in his hand and told Shade to sit close by. He began making the first letter and started teaching, just like his uncle taught him years ago. When he completed the first letter he had Shade repeat the sound it made with him. Then Shade started using his paw to copy the letters in the sand. He made a very legible letter beside Alex’s and started saying the letter aloud, over and over, memorizing it. Then once he had it figured out he wiped the markings away with a few sweeps of his paw and asked for the next letter. During the night Alex taught him fifteen letters and their corresponding sounds.

  By the time the dawn reappeared Alex met his uncle by the wagon. The wagon was now completely empty except for the tomato baskets and his uncle saved him some bread from the meal he had earlier in a tavern. Some fresh supplies were stacked in the bed, Gambit had done some shopping
. Alex could see that he also bought several large bags of salted meats and knew it would go to a good use in the coming days. As he stuffed half of his bread into his pocket he said “Uncle, since we aren’t hauling any more crops I was wondering if I could push the cart home?”

  He laughed and crossed his arms. “And what would you have me do?”

  Alex smiled and said “You could take a break for once and ride in the wagon.”

  He scratched his beard, looked at the relatively empty wagon. “I think that I would enjoy a nice ride home. A little luxury never hurt anyone. I’ll take you up on your offer, once we get out of the market.” The compromise was welcome.

  At his word, once they made it past the last building of the market Gambit jumped in the back to lie down. His item lay across his chest. While he wasn’t looking Alex dropped the bread in the white sand and pushed on the bar. Just as he rounded a corner he saw that the bread already disappeared.

  Around noon he took a small break and was glad that Gambit refilled the pail before leaving. He drank over half the water by himself. His muscles were completely sore, but he started pushing again.

  By the time they returned home he was almost dead on his feet. Gambit’s pride had grown because Alex accomplished another task he set out to do without complaining the first time. Alex pulled the wagon into the barn with a little help from his uncle. Gambit patted him on the back with another job well done. He could see the pride within his uncle growing, in his blue eyes. Gambit told him to relax in his room and said he would do the rest by himself. Alex was too sore and weak to argue, nor did he want to do anything else except collapse.

  Within his room he saw that two panels were down and the light shone inside. When a fraction of golden eyes peeked from behind a stack of books finally recognize who entered, Shade came all the way out. He said that Alex looked tired and he admitted it. Alex hopped into his hammock and started slowly swaying from side to side.

  Shade caught him off guard just before supper by saying “Alex, I’m going to try and hunt tonight.”

  Thinking to himself, he asked; What are you up to? Where did this situation come from? His gray eyes slowly opened and pulled himself out of the hammock. When his feet touched the ground Alex whispered to him. “What do you mean hunt? Am I starving you?” his voice was dry and full of worry.

  He shook his head while keeping eye contact with his suddenly worried big brother. “No, I’m not hungry, but you cannot keep feeding me scraps. I’m growing and soon enough I won’t be able to survive on what you can fit inside your pockets. I need to learn to fend for myself. Like you, I need to get stronger too. But I do have a small request.” He nodded for him to go on. “If I make a successful hunt, will you help me cook my catch?”

  Alex laughed silently and said “I can manage that. And you must also promise not to overhunt a specific prey. I can speak to the creatures and I know they can talk. They are alive and I’ve come to realize that I don’t like to kill to eat.” Shade stared in confusion and tilted his black head. “If we can limit our impact, we will feel better knowing that the lives we have to take will not be wasted. I don’t want a species to go extinct that has lived on this island longer than I have.”

  Shade blinked a few times and then understood what his brother was trying to instill in him. To kill blindly would turn him into his uncle and he never wanted to become that. “I understand. You want to live on only what you can to remain strong and healthy.” Alex nodded and felt proud that he knew what had been requested. “I promise to do as you said.”

  It was beginning to get dark outside because he had left the panels down, it kept the room from getting too stifling. He looked back at Shade and said “Go ahead and get started on your hunt. I’ll meet you at our usual spot.”

  He smiled and leaped through the hole after making sure the view was clear. Alex watched as he swiftly bounded straight into the woods, disappearing to go on his first hunt. He whispered “Good luck.”

  An hour later Alex smelled the aroma of supper as it was finally being cooked. He walked in the room just as Uncle Gambit began setting the food on the table. He grabbed three large slabs of fish and put it on Alex’s plate and he put two on his own. Before he could ask, Gambit stated “You need the protein for all the work you expended today. I did very little work this day, so I get less. This is only a one time deal.” Gambit grinned. “You did so much and this is your reward. Now get started.”

  He truly is selfless. Alex thought with a shy smile.

  With Gambit’s back turned, Alex stuffed a half of a fillet into his pocket; just incase. He started eating and Gambit had sat some large blueberries in the center of the table between them. He didn’t realize all the work he did would have made him this hungry because he ate all the fillets, half of the berries and drank three cups of water. When he finished his uncle said “Now you’re finally eating like a man should. Before you know it, you’ll look as good as I do.” Then Gambit really laughed at himself. Alex couldn’t help laughing with him. He was really a great man to spent time with. A person most cherished.

  His uncle went to sleep earlier than usual and before Alex walked out the front door he grabbed a scentless cake of soap, maneuvered the board behind the front door to close it behind himself. He had to make sure that it remained closed or else something or someone could easily get into his home.

  Waiting in the usual spot for over an hour he watched the stars until Shade came sulking into their usual resting place outside, his nose and tail drooped down to look defeated. Alex could tell he failed in his first hunt and felt discouraged. He rubbed his soft head and handed him the saved fish. He ate while still looking disappointed. When he finished Alex knew of only one way to cheer him up. “Shade, what are your two main weapons?”

  He looked up at Alex and said weakly “My teeth and claws. Why?”

  Alex stood up and brushed his legs clear of loose particles. Looking down at his small companion he said “That’s right. Before we start working on your reading and writing tonight, you are going to spar with me.” He tilted his head and Alex knew he was lost on that word. “Sparring is like fighting. The only real difference is that we aren’t going to try and kill each other. Tonight you are going to do your best and hunt me down. You will win the game if you can bite me or scratch me with your claws.” He stood up almost in a trance as he listened to Alex’s every word. “With your black coat you can sneak up on your prey easily in the darkness. After we are done with this lesson, you and I are getting a bath. If your prey can’t smell you, they won’t flee when they can’t catch your scent.” He stretched his sore legs and once they were somewhat loose Alex grinned. “Begin!”

  He turned and ran. Shade stay stunned for a few moments and then he caught on to the game. Instinct driven to chase took over, but Alex’s strides were longer than Shade’s, but the pups latent speed surpassed Alex’s. So the book was right, his speed is extraordinary. It was a thrill to give chase, but Shade knew he was being taught through practical means. Right when he leapt and tried biting Alex’s leg, but his brother changed direction before being tagged. Another time when Shade leapt, Alex found a branch and used it to swing himself in a completely different direction. One time he held his ground as Shade charged head on. When he used his back legs to jump, Alex sidestepped and easily avoided him. Shade learned quickly and hid in some thorny shrubbery. Bramble was almost every creature’s enemy, but he used his armor to the advantage. Alex kept his eye on the bush and circled it, trying to find an opening. When Shade thought he came close enough he sprinted. He hears “Good job, Shade.” And he jumped forward again as Alex jumped over him. If it weren’t for such long legs he wouldn’t have been able to vault over Shade so easily. He stopped to look at Alex as he said “That’s enough for tonight. You did perfectly. And that bush trick was a great plan. Use it next time in your hunt.”

  His tongue flopped out as he started to pant. “I’ll get you next time. And thank you.” Alex waited for him to expla
in why. “Thank you for the lessons. I’ll remember those moves for later.”

  Alex grabbed the soap from his pocket and said “Now it’s time for a bath.” Shade groaned at remembering how his mother bathed him, but followed.

  They made it to the closest stream that didn’t have any connection to the farm. He took his clothes off before wading into the stream. Once he made it to waist level he noticed that the stream moved slowly. Alex quickly washed himself. After his hair was lathered he dunked under the water and the suds flowed away. Not long after, he was clean and refreshed.

  Shade waited by the bank and when Alex gestured him forward he grinned and jumped into the stream with a playful splash. It was the tongue bath he was dreading. He paddled his way over to Alex after the initial splatter of water. It was easy to understand that he loved swimming. Alex grabbed his taut belly and held him afloat. Once Shade realized he was being held he quit paddling. As Alex put the soap to his back he saw that the fur reacted to touch. When Alex rubbed his head he didn’t notice this, but where he scrubbed, Shade’s fur seemed to flatten reflexively into the armor the book spoke of. He scratched a spot along his spine and felt that the further he came closer to Shade’s skin, the harder the fur became. At one point it felt like scratching solid metal.

  When Shade was completely lathered from nose to tail Alex said “Hold your breath.” Sudsy ribs expanded and stopped. At that point he pushed Shade underwater and quickly brought him back up. He did it one more time just to get any soap residue out of his fur. Alex gave him some credit, he didn’t cough or sputter from being forcibly submerged.

  It didn’t mean Shade liked it either. He would rather dive under himself.

  When they made it onto land again Alex put the solid body down on the ground. Though Shade was little, he was firm. Once Shade touched the ground he started shaking and spraying everything within range, including Alex. He noticed his brother’s reaction and trotted closer to spray him again. Once he was finished shaking and laughing Alex put his clothes back on.

  While they had moonlight, energy to stay awake and soft soil to use Alex said “Ready for your next lesson?”

  He grinned and soon they began working more on his letters. Tonight Shade learned the rest of them. He used his paw to write every single letter that he learned in a single line and made the corresponding sounds. He did everything perfectly.

  The next night he came back empty pawed again and ate what Alex had brought from his evening meal. It was a stew in a wooden bowl. Though it was filling and tasty, the textures of the meal were strange to Shade. That night he came really close to tagging Alex’s heel and they then started writing and reading small, two and three letter, words.

  A week later Alex decided to bring his book with him after keeping it hidden in the room for so long. Shade had become quickly adept at reading words and tonight he would read from a book. And he truly surprised Alex when he finally tagged his heel with his claws the night before. Shade was happy as he was tossed in the air and Alex quickly found out he had grown and put on some more weight. Even his small sabers now barely reach halfway to the bottom of his jaw,

  As Alex waited for Shade he passed the time by thumbing through another illustrated animal book. He had already read and memorized every word it held so he studied the illustrations in further detail. He heard a stick snap and when he looked to his left he found proud golden eyes.

  Shade had finally achieved a successful hunt.

  With his head held high and his chest puffed out in pride he strutted up close and dropped the prize right in front of his brother. The kill had barely managed to fit in his mouth. Alex stated in a proud and astonished voice “Shade, you did it!” He got a hold of him and gave a tight hug. He looked down at the furry and rather large creature and had an idea. Alex let him go and looked him eye to eye. “When I read to you from this,” he tapped the leather bound book. “I read the common everyday animals and fiends. Can you recount what you read from that creature?” He pointed to the kill.

  He looked carefully at his kill and then used his claw to roll it over so he could get a better look in the weak moonlight. Alex watched as Shade slowly began to remember what he had been told. When he recalled it, he looked up with a grin and said “I remember. This is called a river rat. It is a common pest around the lands and is the cause of many sicknesses. They are difficult to eliminate because they reproduce so quickly and they can smell many poison in their food, so they eat around it or have become immune.” He smiled and Alex only saw a slight red staining over the sharp fangs. “Other than that, the pictures between a river rat and a house one look the same to me, but because of the larger size of this one there is little doubt as to what kind of a rat this is.”

  “Perfect answers, Shade.” Alex grabbed the large rodent by the middle and lifted it up. He looked at the little champion and said “I didn’t bring a knife with me, but I know some sharp instruments.” Shade grinned knowingly.

  He came closer and used one of his sharp saber’s to make a small incision from the base of the rat’s skull, along its spine and ended near the tail. The skin was easy to remove after that. Afterwards, while Alex was gutting the rat he asked “Tell me how you got a hold of him.”

  He became all too eager to explain. “First, I waited in a bush and I’ve noticed that all the other creatures go around the thorny bushes. They get hurt if they get too close to it, but I don’t. Well this guy was slowly walking around the bush I was hiding in and he didn’t know I was there. I waited as patiently as I could and when he came close, I sprang out. He was shocked and I took the opportunity and got him in my teeth. I did as you said and went for the throat. When I did get hold of him I twisted my head and broke its neck. It was a quick and clean kill, just like you taught me… So when can I eat?” He began licking his teeth impatiently.

  “You did your part, now let me do mine.”

  Alex left him and his kill to go get a stick and light it with a torch at his house. He rushed back and Shade had all the dry sticks and tender from the surrounding area ready when Alex returned. He knew they wouldn’t be seen from where they were so he lit the pile and the flames quickly took. As the flames were burning he made a spit and pushed the stick through the meat and he also wound the long tail around the stem as well. He washed his bloody hands in the nearby stream after putting the meat over the fire. “While we wait for it to cook thoroughly, how about I let you read.” And he said “Ok.”

  He wanted to learn and quickly took to his studies.

  Shade had grown so much these past two weeks that he could no longer sit in his favorite spot on his brother’s lap anymore. It was a remarkable growth rate. As the fire flickered Alex rested his back against a tree. Shade sat proudly to his left. He was now sitting almost at Alex’s shoulder in height. He looked at the words and said only those he could recognize. On the ones he couldn’t articulate properly Alex told him to read the individual letters and then sound them out. He read very slowly and enunciated every word until he could do it properly. By the time he read two whole paragraphs the meal had finished cooking.

  Shade was the first to get a hold of the hot meat. He learned quickly to give it a few moments to cool. After he swallowed his first chunk he licked his teeth and grinned. “The taste of victory was worth all the effort.” Alex laughed and then he went back to digging in. He was kind enough to offer a leg to his brother, which was a welcome change. It was rather good. Shade ate the rest of the meal by himself, bones and all. The only thing he didn’t eat were the guts.

  Alex said “I’m so proud of you, Shade.” He rubbed his soft head now that it was resting on his lap. His ears twitched as the only indicator that he heard the compliment. Shade was happy and had a full belly and had a successful night. With that combination he was soon fast asleep. Alex continued rubbing his head throughout the night. He did a great job.

  He knew if something were to ever happen to him, Shade would be capable of going on without him. He now knew how to
hunt and Alex couldn’t have been happier for him.

  They were both finally growing up and able to fend for themselves.