Read Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Page 5

Chapter 5

  Five months have past and many things have happened during their time together. Alex was currently stretching his limbs, preparing himself for the nightly sparring session with Shade. The season was now well into winter, but around here that means that the air is only comfortable and cool. Since he lived in tropical weather they never get to see snow, but it is better than freezing to death, from what his uncle explained. Not that Alex has ever recalled ever seeing snow himself. He’s heard and read its pure white and cold as ice. Many even die because of it. The sky was clear tonight and the moon was full. A gentle breeze came from the southeast and it was invigorating and slightly bringing a feeling of nostalgia. Alex couldn’t help himself as he remembered what changes the two of them had gone through.

  Shade’s changes were even more prominent than Alex’s. About a month after Shade made his first kill Alex couldn’t hide him in his room anymore. He had almost doubled in size in such a short period of time. They both knew it was time for a change when he was too tall and wide to fit through the hole anymore. At that point his fangs had grown nearly to the bottom of his jaw. During that brief month he grew from Alex’s calf muscle, up to standing somewhere just above his knee. He was a large juvenile pup now.

  In a response to this rapid growth Alex had built him a shelter out in the woods. It was a simple den, as he always called it, close enough to the farmhouse, but far out of sight so no one will ever see it or find it by accident. It was built from old wood panels in the front room that his uncle wouldn’t miss. He was given a wooden floor with three walls and a slanted roof for a home. The open front of his den was as tall as Alex’s shoulder and as wide as his outstretched arms. He made it large, so as Shade grew, the room wouldn’t need to be rebuilt soon to accommodate future size.

  When Shade first entered his den it was expansive, but he said he loved it. That night they were lucky because it had rained and they stayed together inside his new home. They rested together and shared warmth while watching the rain dance before them. They were both pleased because it didn’t leak a drop.

  His physical growth was only eclipsed by how quickly he learned to read and write. It had taken him three weeks to learn how to read efficiently and he read the entire leather bound book himself during those three weeks. Soon he grew bored with the book and wanted something more challenging to read. He read a book on plants and learned which were edible and which would kill. He also began to ask questions about numbers and was taught how to count. He learned to count faster than he learned to read and used his new skill to aid his reading.

  When Alex would work on the farm during the day he left a book for Shade to read at his leisure. He snuck up on him once just to see how he reads. Shade always lies on his belly to look over the pages of the book. Once he was done with one page he would gently use his sharp claws to lift a page. When he turned the page, he would look at the page number to be sure he didn’t skip any pages. Soon he became fascinated with stories and books on adventure. He would make requests and Alex would tell him if he had a book that he would enjoy.

  Once Alex finished stretching he watched Shade as he did his own stretches. He couldn’t believe how large Shade has become. He was now standing just above hip level. If he stretched his head up high enough he can look him directly in the eye. His head had become large enough to be nearly half the size of Alex’s torso and he had already surpassed his big brother’s weight by the middle of the third month. And the biggest physical change in appearance was that his fangs were now five inches long. With the growth of his size came the growth of his quarry. He had started eating small and average sized prey, but now he was starting to prey upon medium and a few larger animals. Alex was also proud because he wouldn’t always eat meat. Shade used his book knowledge to supplement his diet with wild fruits, nuts and vegetables found on their island, but stayed away from people and farms. Alex’s job was to still cook his captures and Shade would still share small pieces of his kills for cooking for him. If anything could be said, he wasn’t a greedy beast. Alex soon came in the habit of carrying a small knife on him at all times, mainly to clean his brother’s kills.

  Shade finished loosening his muscles and grinned. His long and pure white fangs glistened in the moonlight. His voice had slowly become deeper and less childlike. His voice was calm yet deep as he said “I’m ready when you are.”

  In response to his initiation Alex began to run, weave and dodge through the forest. When Shade would get close he would turn quickly and suddenly. Shade had the speed advantage and Alex had the benefit of agility. So their records are relatively even.

  During some of their past sparring sessions either he or Alex would have minor accidents. Several times he would accidently scratch Alex with his neurotoxin. Shade started crying a few times, thinking that it might kill his brother like it does to all of his prey. Alex kept telling him it wasn’t his fault. He had to explain that only the place where he was cut only goes numb for an hour or so now. Alex hasn’t had a reaction come even remotely close to the first experience with Shade’s uncle. Sometimes Alex would accidently kick or do something that would hurt Shade. One time he fell into a hole that Alex didn’t see and Shade limped for five days.

  While still defending, dodging and weaving through the forest Alex noticed how strong and fast he himself had become.

  Every day he would help his uncle work the farm. Gambit would use his item to cut the volcanic rock into soil and Alex would pull out any debris he had missed. They made a second compost pile from unsalvageable crops, leaves, grass trimmings and waste, and Alex added some mushroom spores to the other pile to aid in the decomposition and for the mushrooms to sustain them. Together they took the original heap and spread the compost over the entire farm. It needed to be fertilized and Alex was the one to do most of the work.

  When a strong storm came by Alex fixed the damaged areas of his home’s structure and reinforced others knowing the rainy season was approaching.

  They had taken seven more loads of their harvested crops to over to Jakz and Alex noticed many things about himself. He was getting stronger and his daily work started becoming easier to do. He didn’t get tired as easily and was able to labor longer. He wasn’t as sore when relaxing in the shade nor did his uncle since he steadily started doing more than Gambit. The cost of these muscles and new strength was that Alex’s apatite had increased dramatically. He was eating more than ever before and his uncle seemed proud and unsurprised. They never ran out of food to feed the two of them. With his new size came another problem.

  Alex’s arms and legs had grown almost as large as his uncle’s and his hands had become calloused from hard work. His roomy tunic and pants didn’t hang loosely any longer. Over the five months he had filled them out to fit comfortably. His chest and back had become thicker and broader than he ever could have anticipated to be real. Alex could even see that his neck had thickened. With these new attributes he could no longer fit through the original hole in his room. The only response was to make more panels that could be removed. When his uncle wasn’t close to home and at the market he cut out three extra panels with a saw. He used some adhesive tree sap to hold all five wood pieces together so they would keep together. With the extra room he was able to leave his room with ease and remain undetected.

  And then last month was very special for both Shade and himself. His uncle brought home some special ingredients from the market. Shade and Alex celebrated their birthdays together with the cake Alex made from his uncle’s surprise. It was a rare treat and one they both shared in secret. Shade turned one whereas Alex turned nineteen. They didn’t exchange presents, but they did enjoy the rare treat.

  Shade was now running directly at Alex while he held his ground. Despite Shade’s weight he made the barest audible thumps as he ran. His larger golden eyes were locked only on his brother, hoping to win tonight. His mouth was only slightly open and his long fangs were exposed. When he came close he launched into a powerful sprint and opened
his huge mouth as wide as possible. His bottom jaw easily passed his fangs and was wide enough to bite Alex’s entire torso.

  As Alex was about to dodge the attack, the wind shifted.

  There was a new smell that mingled with it and it seemed ominously familiar. With Shade still launching in his direction he planted his feet as solidly as possible. He brought his hands forward when Shade was close enough. Alex grabbed each of the large fangs, making sure to only hold the fronts of his teeth because they were slightly rounded and harmless, but the backs of his fangs were sharper than the sharpest blades. Also staying away from the pointed tips of the sharp sabers were always a healthy idea.

  With his hands holding the charging teeth Alex was forced back ten feet, but retained his balance and didn’t fall or lose focus. He didn’t know if it was his strength or Shade locking his legs, but the two of them stopped without hurting each other.

  Golden eyes were wide with distress. Alex had never done that with him before. Alex slowly stepped back and released his hands off of Shade’s sabers. His mouth slowly closed and his voice was as shocked as his eyes were. “Alex, that was the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done. Why did you stop me like that?”

  So I was the one who stopped him, he thought to himself. Alex pulled himself back to reality and looked him straight in the eye. He spoke quickly and calmly while fear crept into his chest. “Shade, do you smell that?”

  His brow furrowed, but he sniffed the air after the question. His eyes widened even more as he realized that scent specific from the countless others. “Smoke!” He became confused and asked. “But it rained only yesterday and it’s still too wet for there to be a forest fire. What could be burning?”

  A horrible and sickening feeling starting to knot in his stomach, then Alex felt suddenly cold even as he was sweating. He was right about the rain and there is only one other possibility. Shade gently butted Alex’s chest with his snout and it brought him out of his thoughts. He asked in a worried voice “Alex, what’s wrong? You don’t look so well.”

  Alex’s heart was thundering now. He started running in the direction the smoke was coming from. Shade was running hard by his side as Alex said “What’s the closest place that could make that much smoke?”

  His eyes widened suddenly in realization. “Our Dens!” He shouted and both of their strides became faster and longer.

  The heightening feeling surged through him again, like the time he fought against Shade’s uncle, but he was running even faster than he did back then. His built strength had made this sensation of awakening stronger. His heart was pounding and his body poured out copious amounts of heat. He felt the air lashing at his face as he kept running without making any sounds. The trees seemed to almost slow as they were in his vision and he could feel them zipping past him as they cleared from his sight. The only thing that kept up with his speed was Shade and Alex could see he was running at his swiftest as well. His eyes were focused straight ahead and his ears were flat against his skull. At this very moment their speeds and anger were identical.

  What is happening at our home? It felt like forever to reach the tree line, but it only took a few minutes and once they did his heart was thrumming behind his ears once again.

  The farmhouse lit up the night in a roaring inferno. The entire house was engulfed in red and orange flames shooting into the sky like a beacon to guide sailors safely home. Tears were streaming down Alex’s cheeks, seeing the only home he’s ever known being consumed.

  Shock held him in place as his sight tried processing what laid before him. Even at the very edge of their property they could feel its heat warming the chilled air, while smoke blotted and warped the image of the hanging moon. Alex stood in the expression of horror at the side of the field, knowing nothing could be saved from the place he called home. There were so many memories being charred from existence. Then his eyes were drawn to six shadowy figures standing off to the side of the blaze.

  First to be easily seen was his uncle standing like a proud warrior, since he was larger than the others. His legs were spread and his item firmly placed proudly in the ground. He was showing his defiant and passive stance. His front mostly faced Alex and he could tell he was waiting patiently for something. Gambit appeared well lit from the blaze of their home. Then Alex recognized the five others who were with him. It was Rakkel and his squad.

  Three Weapon’s Class warriors stood in a perimeter around his uncle. The woman, Michelle, had both of her daggers in her hands and stood several feet in front of Gambit, sneering like a rabid dog. The two men stood off to Gambit’s sides with their weapons drawn as well. The man with the claymore had it pointed directly at his uncle whereas the man with the scythe held his back in a swinging position, ready to cut him in half, at a moment’s notice. Rakkel and the healer stood behind the woman with the daggers and Alex was looking at their backs. Their red tunics made them look like they were covered in blood and ready to draw more. Alex could tell that they were speaking, and it was Rakkel’s voice doing it the most.

  Why are they all here? Could this have been an accident? Nay, the way they look says all of this is intentional. Otherwise they’d help put out the flames…

  Getting down low on his knees, Alex noticed Shade had already had the idea and was already crouching. “Shade, can you hear what is going on?” He shook his head and kept his cautious eyes fixated on everyone who was in the field. “We need to get closer, but stay low.” He finally looked away to silently nod approval for what his brother decided.

  Since they were close enough to the new compost pile and it was situated between the house, the tree line and the unwelcome guests, they decided to make their way there because it would be the only way not to be seen by the Guard. They walked through the shadowy trees for a hundred feet, then crouched down and slowly made their way to hide behind the large pile. It did have an unsettling odor, but it didn’t matter at this moment. Alex took the right side of the heap to get a closer view and Shade took the left.

  No one had made a single movement and they noticed something new from the change of venue. Rakkel held an unrolled scroll and was reading from it in a loud and clear voice. His voice was cold and emotionless, just like his facial expression. His golden hair looked ablaze from the fire to his side. Alex had only heard the very end of his speech. “…are hear by ordered to be executed for crimes against the king.” He rolled up the paper and Alex’s anger boiled once again as he tucked the paper in a satchel at his hip. “Before we carry out our orders, I have a question for you, Father.” Uncle Gambit didn’t flinch or even acknowledge his son. He looked like a statue, proud and unwilling to break. “Where is my traitor cousin? Since he is like you, he too shall be executed as a coconspirator.”

  Then Uncle Gambit’s statuesque figure finally unfroze as he moved his head to look at his son. Rakkel made an involuntary step backwards from an intensity he’s never seen before in his father. His voice boomed with calm pride. “You won’t find him. And he isn’t part of any of this. He is neutral. All you want is to finally get rid of him by using me as an excuse in your scheming plans.”

  “It doesn’t matter how you say it. He will be executed just like you.” His voice changed into a command. “Do it!”

  Rage finally broke through his frightened restraints as Michelle took a sudden single step forward. Gambit’s eyes caught a blurring movement as Alex ran around the heap, streaking like he did through the trees moments ago. Alex was too far away and he knew it, Michelle thrust her arm forward. Gambit smiled proudly one last time as his legacy and hope would live on.

  “UNCLE!!!” Alex yelled knowing he wouldn’t make it in time either, even with this strange sensation that coursed through every fiber of his body.

  He still had to try.

  Still running as quickly as he could, and when everyone heard his explosive voice, their heads seemed to turn slowly in his direction. He no longer cared about stealth anymore and the ground around his feet seemed to scream as he
propelled himself forward, faster and faster. He could see only red at this single moment and his legs were pumping like never before. By the time the Guards spotted Alex, he was already inside the group. He raised the palms of his hands towards Michelle and when she stood in his territory he placed both upon her chest. His momentum stopped as he transferred it all into her. He watched as she seemed to fly over forty feet and into the burning blaze. There were crashing and shattering sounds that came from the blaze, but nothing else happened. It was like the shock of his forceful impact killed her. Alex didn’t know how he accomplished such a feat, but she wouldn’t come out of there alive. He didn’t have time to dwell on her for long.

  Every squad member went stunned for a moment.

  Uncle gambit started falling right before Alex’s eyes. He didn’t care about anyone else but him at the moment. In Gambit’s shock his item dropped to the ground just as he dropped to his knees. A jagged dagger, plunged from the guard, was protruding out of the left side of his breast.

  Moving to intercept, he caught his uncle’s shoulders, just before he fell forward. He yelled “Uncle, you will be alright! I’m right here. I’ll get you to a healer…” Gambit looked up with calm blue eyes and gave his nephew a weak smile. That brought his rescuer to silence.

  “Alex?” He heard incorrigibly behind himself. It was Rakkel’s astonished voice. Alex looked to see his cousin’s bewildered blue eyes looking between him and to the fire where his crispy comrade flew into. He started speaking incomprehensibly. “How…You’re weak…what…” Then his eyes flared as he yelled “KILL HIM!”

  Alex heard whistling in the air and looked back as the other two weapon users were coming at him with an intent to kill. They were moving in unison and he knew that he couldn’t get away and hold onto his uncle safely in his arms.

  Then came a murderous, snarling growl rapidly approaching. Shade was watching the whole thing and when he heard the blond one shriek and the other two move to kill his brother his own anger roared like never before. No mercy would be granted after what they intended to do.

  Out of the shadows lunged Shade looking more vicious and bloodthirsty than Alex ever been before. His lips were completely pulled back and was snarling menacingly. He jumped right in front of Alex, shielding his brother and uncle, and everyone heard the claymore screech off Shade’s ribs without damage. He used his teeth to grab the scythe from the other man. He grabbed the item and flung it away with a flip of his head. Before the scythe user could react to what was happening, Shade had already raked his claws through the man’s tunic and chainmail and ripped his chest into four long, meaty strips. His claws cut through the metal links like water. Alex immediately saw blood pouring from the man’s chest as he lost control of his nervous system within seconds.

  Shade then turned to the next threat, the swordsman, and without delay. Shade lunged at him without regard, he wanted blood. As Shade and the man were falling backwards the man’s head found itself in Shade’s teeth. When they landed Shade jerked and twisted his head and heard a quick and satisfying pop. The man went instantly limp. Shade then released the skull.

  Behind Alex, he heard the healer yell “SHADOW FANG!!! RUN!!!” Shade heard the shout and growled so deeply it couldn’t be heard, but all could feel the vibrations in their chest. They started running away and Shade turned his head and his muscles began to bunch. He was about to take care of them.

  Alex yelled just before he launched into another chase that he was sure to win. “Shade! Stop!” He did and looked at his kneeling brother and Alex saw both of Shade’s fangs were coated crimson. “Let them go. Uncle Gambit needs our help.” His gold eyes were still blazing, but he knew that this matter took precedence. He took a deep breath and let out a menacing howl mixed in a bark towards the cousin and healer. The sound ripped through the air.

  Two mindless murderers began running even faster into the forest. Soon they were gone. He looked back to see that his uncle was weakly looking up at him. His blue eyes were barely open. Alex leaned him back on the ground and twisted his legs straight to ease any discomfort. The protruding blade remained and they already knew there was nothing anyone could do and their voices were trapped by swollen throats.

  When Alex read to Shade, when he was still small, he asked about items and how they worked. He knew they appeared next to the child when he or she was born to the world, but he wanted to know what happened if a person were to die.

  Shade watched as the sword and scythe disappeared into nothingness, but the dagger in Gambit’s chest was slowly fading. That meant Michelle was dying slowly. The two of them wanted to relish the thought, but there were more pressing matters to deal with at the moment.

  With his uncle laying on his back Gambit spoke weakly, feeling his life fading and worrying for his nephew’s future. “Alex, m’ boy.” He rushed taking his uncle’s large, calloused hand into his own. He said swiftly “I’m right here, uncle. Try not to talk. You need to save your strength.”

  He took their combined hands in his other and Gambit smiled. “I’ve known about you and your little friend here for three months now…” he looked up at Shade because he peered over Alex’s shoulder. “You make the oddest friends, Alex. Your just like your fa…” he coughed just as the dagger in his chest finally disappeared, making the blood rush out from the wound. He coughed and spat out blood. Alex took his hands from his uncle’s and compressed them over the pooling wound, being sure that his strange surge of strength didn’t hurt him. “We both know I’m not going to…be in this world for much longer…” He coughed again and Alex couldn’t think straight at the moment. “Remember what I told you… about the chicken coop?” he nodded. “Now is the time, you must get it…” He choked as he said “I…Love…Y…” and his arms went limp and Shade saw the hoe by his side completely disappear.

  He was gone.


  The one person who taught Alex about the beauty of life lived no more. Gambit didn’t fight back tonight because he couldn’t bring himself to fight his own son. It was the costliest mistake. He never could strike Rakkel. His own son was his executioner and nothing could bring back such a great man. Without his guidance, what was Alex to do now? He wasn’t ready for it all to end like this…

  Putting bloodied and soaked hands in his face he cried into them for the loss of his mentor. He heard Shade take a deep breath and let the world know what happened with a loud and long mournful howl. All that heard could feel the emotions of his howl and it let everyone know the sadness and cruelty that has occurred here tonight. Alex couldn’t help nor stop himself from crying like a youngling. The last time he ever cried was when his mother passed away.

  It was a few minutes later that Shade rubbed the side of his face against Alex’s. He looked up into gold eyes as he said compassionately “I know he meant much to you. I enjoyed listening to him, when the two of you would talk in the other room. I couldn’t understand what he said, but I could tell he loved you.” Alex was glad he was here as he shakily stood up and wrapped his arms around Shade’s neck. He leaned in and let Alex hug him for support and comfort.

  When they pulled away he replied in a strained voice “I know he did and I loved him too.” He looked around and saw that the fire wasn’t as intense as when they originally arrived. “I cannot give him a proper burial, but I will give him a sending worthy of a good and kind king.” Shade stepped back as Alex walked forward.

  He looked down at his uncle and picked him up into his arms. He was a large and strong man, but he felt as light as a newborn child right now. He made this house a home and Alex thought it only fitting that he should go with it. It would be what he wanted. He walked through an open space, inside the burning building, and found a flat of unburned boards. Alex laid him to rest on the wood and said “Farwell, Uncle. I will meet you again in the next life. Give my regards to Aunt Jeda when you reunite with her again after all these years.” He grabbed a piece of burning wood and lit the bottom of the flat.

sp; When he walked out, Shade waited patiently off to the side. He moved away from the other two lifeless men he saved his brother from. He stood up and said “What are we to do now, Alex?”

  “I will do as my uncle said. He said he left something for me.”

  Over behind the chicken coop they went and Shade silently walked by his side. He ignored the chickens screaming for them to escape and Shade didn’t even spare them a glance since he already had a successful hunt.

  When Alex reached the backside of the coop he went to where Gambit had said. He went down to his knees and started digging out the soil with bare hands. Shade silently watched the heartbreaking work. The soil was cool next to the flames, but nothing was quiet, not outside in the fire nor inside the mind. Alex kept digging away the heavy soil to have something to focus on or else he’d fall apart again. It took a little while until he felt a flat surface. He dug quicker and soon found a simple wooden box. He wanted to open it to see what was so important, but they had another problem to deal with.

  He stood and tucked the box under his arm. Alex looked at his only remaining family. “Shade, we need to get away from here as soon as we can.”

  His ears perked. “Why?”

  It was difficult to take a calm and steady breath. “Because my cousin is going to bring reinforcements as soon as he finds his superiors and tells them what happened. Humans aren’t like fiends. When those who loose poorly and are weak of honor, they will come back in greater numbers. Fiends learn and adapt, but some humans don’t know how and they rely on others to do the job for themselves.” They looked at the bodies and Alex said “I’m also afraid that since I’m not among the dead someone might figure out that you saved me.”

  Shade looked over and realized the gravity of the words. He said “Before we go we need to bathe to get rid of the blood and then we’ll go somewhere inconspicuous. We need to hurry though, Alex.”

  He had a point so they both walked to the pond. Alex sat the box on the edge and walked into the chilly water. He submerged himself; clothes and all. Shade didn’t splash into the water like he usually does because the memories of his deceased parents began surfacing in his eyes. This was not a time for playing with our memories. Alex thought acidly. After he removed the blood and dirt from himself he swam over to Shade. He let Alex rub the blood from his neck where he hugged him with bloodied hands. He drank and also washed off his teeth. They were brilliant white once again. Soon they were both clean.

  When they both got out of the pond the cold air made them both shiver. He grabbed the precious box as Shade offered his den for them to go hide for the moment. Alex couldn’t refuse.

  They made it into the deep part of the woods and found the den. He walked in first and Alex heard his claws tap against the wood floor. Now he filled most of the room, but still had a ways to go before it became cramped. He walked to the back and slowly lay on his side. His head was raised and his front paws were crossed, waiting. He didn’t have to wait long for his brother to come in. His laid his back against his warm belly and his damp shirt warmed right up. His hands still shook for some reason.

  Wooden box still in hand, Shade smelled it. He said “It still has your uncle’s scent, but it is old. Go ahead and open it. Or would you like me to try? I’m getting better at opening objects with my paws and teeth.”

  He smiled weakly at Shade’s attempt to cheer him up. “Nay, it is my responsibility.”

  Grasping the front clasp he lifted the box’s lid slowly. At the top was one piece of parchment and it was folded with a wax seal that belonged to Gambit. Below that was a small leather belt bag and below that was a rolled scroll. Alex grabbed the letter first.

  On the front of the letter was written “Alex” and Shade was the one to read aloud. It had been written in Gambit’s very own handwriting. The wax seal was easy to break as the lip lifted. Inside waited a single piece of parchment. He slid it out of the envelope, unfolded it and held it so that they could read it together.

  Shade began to read the letter aloud and Alex followed. He could tell his brother couldn’t speak. “Alex, if you are reading this I am in serious trouble or I have already passed on and am reunited with my beloved wife once again.” Alex’s throat thickened even more as Shade read and was thankful he kept going. “The most likely reason for any tragedy to befall me would be from my very own son. What I’ve never told you was that I was once a ranking commander for the rebel group called Freelan. Our group has been the only real threat to King Runkamon for the past twenty years. I have seen firsthand what that tyrant did to so many people for the sake of Sacrificing yourself for the whole. I joined Freelan after seeing one of my dearest friend die. I would have also told you more about your family, but I made a promise to Eriana not to. She said it was for your protection.

  “As a Freelan rebel I fought through the ranks and dealt blow after blow against the king’s rule. I was given the title, Gambit the Red Soil. Use my title with discretion or else you’ll wind up at the stocks or with a noose around your neck. I fought for Freelan until my wife died to bring Rakkel into this world and you came to live with me. Now you have to decide on how to go on without me.

  “Inside the box is the deed to the farm and everything on it. You may continue living there or you may sell it. It is your choice.

  “Look at the leather bag and you’ll see a special ring that has been laced within the strings. It is a very special ring and one that I want you to have. It was mine. Put it on the index finger of your right hand…” Shade stopped reading as Alex suddenly dug into the box and pulled out the bag. It was heavy and filled to capacity. A silver ring was tangled in the straps. It took Alex a moment to get the ring out. He did as Gambit said and slid it on his right index finger. It was a perfect fit. He held it up to see the engraving and maneuvered it so Shade could see it too.

  The engraving held what looked like a leaf.

  When they finished gawking at the inheritance Shade continued. “That ring might come in handy for what I’m going to tell you next.” They glanced at each other and then went on with the letter. “This decision is one that may change your life, but only if you choose. You won’t have long to act after you read this. You may stay and live on the farm or you may leave, but if I’m gone your life might be in danger. To me you were never a slave, but others don’t see it that way. I have seen how you loved freedom and love speaking your mind. It is a trait you learned from watching me, I’m proud to say. If you want to fight for the freedom of all lands you must see Kori within the day of my demise. She will know what to do if you show her that ring.” At the very bottom was a small sentence. “Just know that I died a happy man, without any regrets, knowing that I had the honor of raising you. I love you, Alex.”

  Alex put the paper down just as Shade rubbed the side of his head against his. When he found his voice he asked “What do you think we should do?”

  The silence was crushing until Shade eventually spoke. “I don’t want to stay here anymore.” He looked to see Shade weighing the options. “We don’t need the trouble of seeing Rakkel ever again.” Then he smiled. “If most of the human warriors are like your cousin, I think we should help those Freelan people. I think a new order of freedom is exactly what we should assist. Don’t you?” His gold eyes were calmly expectant.

  “I agree. We can’t stay here and wait for destiny to find us.” Alex rubbed his neck and Shade smelled the leather bag. “Let’s see what’s in there.”

  Untying the strings was more difficult than opening the leather mouth of the bag, especially with shaking fingers. They were both completely stunned. It was stuffed full with silver coins. It was enough to buy the land off his uncle, five times over. He pulled out one coin and explained what the coin meant to his brother again. He then said “He must have been saving that for a very long time if there is that much. He wanted to make sure that you were well taken care of.” He then turned his head to the mouth of his den. “We should hurry. We can’t be caught and daylight will
be our greatest enemy. Do you agree?”

  Alex stood up and slowly tied the strings of the bag onto his belt. He also tucked his uncle’s letter and the deed inside a back pocket. When he ducked to step out of his den Shade followed. Alex said “How about we drink from the stream and then make haste?” He agreed and soon their bellies were full of cool water and they ran away.

  Shade and Alex ran all the way to the market just an hour before the sun arose in the sky. They only stopped to relieve themselves. They made it close enough inside the trees, but Alex’s muscles were pained from the excursion. His new physique gave him more stamina, but his stunned mind helped dull the ache of his agonized muscles. The two of them ran around the perimeter of the market because their destination was on the other side. Both were on high alert, knowing how dangerous things were for them.

  “Wait in here. I will be back as quickly as I can.” He understood as Alex left him in a gigantic thorn bush. He wouldn’t be seen until Alex returned.

  The dark market only held two inattentive people, going somewhere in the same direction, away from him. The street’s torches were still burning and the foul smell of the area hadn’t strengthened yet.

  He walked normally so no one would be suspicious, if someone watched from the shadows or through cracks of their homes.

  When finding Kori’s Clothing he knocked on the locked door loudly, nearly beating the door off its hinges. Her home was on the second floor and her workshop waited below. She had a large window display that showed her clothing on wooden mannequins. Only the drapes were pulled so that no one could see and it was dark inside. He knocked a little harder.

  On the forth try he heard her rich voice say “Hold Your Horses!” She sounded annoyed and he easily heard her coming down the steps in a hurry. A small candlelit lamp approached the door and then it was sat on a table. She unlatched her heavy wooden door from being locked. Then she opened it, just enough to see who it was with one eye under a still locked chain. Her brown eyes scanned the stranger before she said “What do you want so early in the morning? My shop doesn’t open for a few more hours.”

  “Kori, it’s me, Alex.” Her eye narrowed annoyingly. “My uncle’s, Gambit.”

  Her eye widened in recognition as did her voice. “Alex! My word, you’ve gained some muscle since I saw you last. I also see that you are wearing one of my outfits I gave him as a present seasons ago. It looks good on you.”

  He said evenly “May I come in so we may talk?”

  She asked “Why?” In response to her cautious voice Alex held up the leaf ring that Uncle Gambit told him to brandish. Her eye widened in shock. “Where did you get that? It’s Gambit’s!?”

  He leaned forward and whispered. “Kori, Uncle Gambit was murdered a few short hours ago.” Her eyes started to tear as her hands came up to her mouth to stifle a mournful wail. He asked again to enter and she slammed the door to take of the thick chain from the door.

  Her throat strained as she spoke after reopening the door. “Get inside. Quickly…” She grabbed the collar of his shirt and jerked him inside the store. Then she shut the door and locked it back up.

  Alex hadn’t been in here in three years, but everything was relatively the same. Off to the back was a door that led to her workroom and stairs up to her loft. Off to the left were chairs people would wait while Kori fixed or made their clothes. To the right wall held different fabrics and colors, ranging in different prices depending in the material. The floor was made of pine and felt cool and hard on his feet. He turned around once he heard her feet quickly shuffling closer. She grabbed his left arm and led him into the back workroom with the candle leading the way.

  Once she locked the workroom for privacy she lit several other candles and the room quickly brightened. Her short brown hair and white nightdress spun as she turned to walk up to her late friend’s nephew. Her motherly face was pained as was her voice. “Tell me what has transpired tonight.”

  There were two chairs by her sewing table so Alex dragged one out to sit on. She did the same and sat directly in front of him. She kept a hand on his thigh and that was the support he needed to tell the tale. She had the same ring on her right index finger that comforted him, he noticed. It was slow and painful to tell, but Alex told her everything about what happened and he referred to Shade as my friend. Alex felt the wetness stinging in his eyes again, but they remained behind the lids, unlike Kori’s streams of anguish. He didn’t realize they were this close as friends. After recounting the tale Alex said “Kori, my uncle wrote me a letter telling me about the Freelan. I would like to join and see if I may be of any help.”

  Her voice was weak. “Of course I understand. Give me time to think, alright?” She would need some time to work out details so she quietly contemplated whatever she had to do.

  After remembering what the letter said Alex used the candle to burn it because if someone found this it would lead them to Kori and that would only worsen matters for everyone. She didn’t even ask what was burned.

  Alex stood up and pulled out the deed when enough time passed. “Kori, since I now own my uncle’s land and have no use for it…” He handed it in her shaking hands. “You can sell it and you can keep whatever profits you get.” Her eyes continued watering as he said “Use it to help support you and your daughters. I trust you know what to do should someone ask where you got the deed.”

  A few minutes later she finally spoke. “Alex, you told me about your friend. Does he want to join as well?” he nodded. “Well then I must meet him to see what kind of arrangements I will need to make.”

  His eyes widened as fear kicked into his emotions. He hadn’t planned on what he needed to do for Shade. Sometimes he acted more human than fiend. His mind was racing on what could be done to best avoid this situation… then he knew he couldn’t hide him if they were going to stay together. He steadied himself and flattened his voice. “Alright, but there is a condition you must agree to first.” She nodded hesitantly. “He will most likely frighten you, but you must not scream when the two of you meet.”

  “I will see for myself and decide then. If I’m to put my life on the line for you, I cannot make such a blind promise.” Alex didn’t take her involvement into account either so he nodded in understanding her feelings. He agreed just as reluctantly. “Good. Now we will wait until my girls go to the instructors.” She made a disgusted face knowing what they were being taught. “When they are gone, you and I will go meet your friend.”

  Two hours later her little girls roused and came down the stairs to meet. Alex met them as little babes and they didn’t remember him because he rarely left the property. They both look like younger images of their mother. The youngest wore a light blue dress and would grow into a level one healer because her item was a rod that could cool fevers with a single touch. The older sister wore a light green sundress and would be a level two Utility. She had a broom that creates small gusts of wind to blow dust and dirt away. He wondered how strong it would become when she becomes an adult.

  Once they had finally left to go to ‘be instructed’ in the center of the market, Kori closed the shop for the day for personal reasons. He was told to wait around the corner of her building until she completed closing her home and shop and found him soon enough. Once everything was secured in the store she changed into a white shirt and black pants with leather shoes. She took him by the arm and whispered “Walk with me and act like a long lost friend.” She wound her arm around his as they walked out into the busy street market. It was almost crowded at this early hour.

  Alex smiled brightly. “We are. You didn’t even recognize me when you saw me this morning.”

  She smiled and pinched his arm pointedly. “Of course I didn’t recognize you. Last time, you were so frail and bony that I could have used you for sewing my cloth, but now you’re as big as your uncle.” Her words didn’t bring him any sadness like he was expecting. It was the opposite. He felt pride from her compliment. “…it must be from all the work it
takes to run a farm.”

  They talked about little things and not a single person thought to look at them. The two of them were completely surprised and relieved no one stopped to speak. Time seemed to fly as they passed the last building on the street. She took her arm from his and wanted to walk along the trail, but Alex told her that his friend waited within in the trees.

  “Take the lead.” She smiled and Alex started walking through the thick weave of the palm trees and shrubs. He followed his footprints from earlier and moved closer with each step. The sand was soft and cool like the winter weather. He could hear the midmorning sounds of the animals growing while the sounds of the market slowly quieted into nothingness.

  Soon enough he stopped and turned to Kori as she was breathing slightly heavy from the trek here. She looked up to him as he said “Before the two of you meet, I need you to stay at my side. I can’t afford you to scare him because a lot is at stake for us.” She slowly walked up and stood directly by his side. They walked a few more feet and saw the large bramble bush.

  Alex had gotten used to that tickle in his throat that happened every day. He felt it again as he spoke in a conversational voice. “Shade, I have someone who wants to meet you. Come out slowly.”

  Kori’s head suddenly turned up to Alex’s when he spoke in an inhuman, primal voice. Her brow furrowed and her eyes were confused. What she heard was frightening and difficult to listen to, but she forcibly lightened her tone. “Alex, why did you just growl and bark at that bush. Is this all a prank? If it is I’m done.”

  Her head jerked to the bush just as she heard the bush shake and the leaves rustled and crackled under a heavy weight. Slowly the pointed green leaves separated as a large black snout came out. When Shade’s head came clear of the foliage Kori’s eyes were completely white and her face went ashen. Soon over half of his body was out was when Kori finally shrieked. “NOOOO!!!”

  Kori turned and started running. She hadn’t made five strides when she caught her footing on some vines. She fell face first into the sand and was completely stunned for a moment and then she quickly curled into a tight ball. She began shaking in fright. Alex could hear her quietly crying out for her daughters.

  Shade walked right up to Alex and rubbed his shoulder against his ribs. He threw his arm over Shade’s back and patted his other side. He turned his head and looked at him with playful golden eyes. “I made a perfect impression, didn’t I?”

  Alex smiled and said “It turned out better than I expected. You do have a reputation as one of the Big Three for a reason.” He grinned and looked down at Kori as she still remained in a tight ball. Alex told him “Write in the sand so she might understand you. She just confirmed something for me.” Shade looked back at him as he stepped closer to Kori. “My throat tickles when I speak with fiends. I think that’s how I’m able to communicate with you.”

  When he turned, Shade was thinking. He then stated “You’re right. When you had conversations with your uncle I couldn’t understand anything you were saying either.” He looked down at the crumpled form behind Alex. “Tell her she’s too small to eat.” Alex couldn’t help himself as a chuckle escaped him.

  As Shade looked down and started using his paw in the loose sand Alex made his way up to Kori. He knelt by her side and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. He felt that sensation again and knew his voice became human again. “Kori, it is alright. You’re safe.” She didn’t move so he raised his voice to a conversational level. “Listen to me. Shade won’t hurt you. He’s the only family I have left.”

  Her hand slowly released the sides of her head and her brown eyes finally locked onto his. Her locked body didn’t budge as she asked “Why aren’t we dead right this moment?”

  “Listen. Don’t be disrespectful to my little brother. His name is Shade and you said you wanted to meet him. He helped me try and rescue my uncle and you’re acting like he was going to kill you.” Alex didn’t have time to play nice as they needed to depart as quickly as possible. He stood up and said “If you run you’ll miss meeting one of the most special creatures in this world.”

  He looked to see Shade still writing intently in the sand. He continuously grinned and his tail was wagging. Alex only hoped he wasn’t writing anything inappropriate. When Alex peered down to see Kori, she had finally moved. She was slowly leaning up and her eyes were wide as she watched Shade moving the sand around with his front right paw. Her brow was still furrowed as she continued to watch this, but some of her color returned to her lips. When she sat fully erect she asked “What is it doing?”

  “He is writing in the sand so he can communicate with you.” She said that was impossible and Alex told her to go see for herself.

  Once Shade finally finished his letter he sat by the end and grinned, and it frightened Kori because she probably thought he was being aggressive. Alex left her side and she whimpered, feeling abandoned. He read Shade’s letter and chuckled. He stayed in the same spot as Alex walked up to him and rubbed his head. “Don’t be so malicious. She’s actually afraid of you.”

  He retorted with a smile and said “As long as she is a companion and not an enemy she will have nothing to fear from me.” With that he licked the side of Alex’s hand. Kori seemed to jump once she saw the show of affection.

  Kori slowly stood while eyeing the two of them. Her voice was quivering as she spoke. “He is docile…right?”

  “As long as you remain a friend.” Alex grinned and pointed at the sand. “Take a look at what he wrote you.”

  It was a painstakingly long process as Kori shuffled her feet closer to them. Every step she took was carefully measured and her eyes were honestly afraid of being so close to Shade. Her fear was understandable under the circumstances. Alex kept following her eyes as they kept wandering to his five inch sabers. She made her way close enough to read the white sand. Her voice changed from quivering to astonishment as she read the letter. “Good morning, friend of Alex. I’m Shade, Alex’s younger brother and the better looking one. I’m a big and mean Shadow Fang and all should bow before my terrible fury! Grrr” Kori actually made the grrr sound.

  Alex fell to the ground, laughing harder than ever at his brother’s idiocy. He knew Shade couldn’t understand her words, but he also flipped on his back and they laughed together.

  When Alex could breathe properly again he looked over to see Kori staring between them. Alex asked what she thought about the sand-written letter and she in returned asked “If it is safe. May I meet Shade…properly?”

  He was laying on his side, looking at Alex quizzically. He relayed her attempt at a greeting. In answer he stood up and shook the sand from his fur. Kori became motionless as Shade slowly walked up to her with his head held high. He looked her in the eyes as she said weakly “Hello, I’m Kori.” He looked to Alex and he sat up and translated what she said. Shade grinned at him and he could see in his playful brother’s eyes what he was planning to do next. Before she could escape or shriek, Shade opened his mouth and extended his tongue. He licked the entire side of her face in one sudden wet slide.

  As Kori fell back from the wet assault Shade grinned and trotted over to Alex’s side playfully. Shade dropped down to his belly as they watched Kori wipe the slobber from the side of her face and hair, cursing under her breath. While they waited he said “She took that better than I thought. I was waiting for her to run and fall over again. I wanted to see her do it once more.”

  Alex elbowed his ribs and said “Be nice. If we are to get away from here we will need her help.”

  “Oh, sorry,” He looked down at his straight paws, suddenly aware of his actions. “She’s just my first human that I’ve been introduced to. I’m so excited that I lost track of our objectives.” He looked up and barked at Kori.

  Shade stood and started writing on another spot of sand. Kori finally finished wiping her face and cautiously walked up to his side. Alex walked over to see Shade writing an apology for being so playful. Then they were both surprised when K
ori dropped to her knees and started writing on the ground. As she wrote Shade read her words as she wrote them. “It was alright. Since you’re my first Shadow Fang I’ll forgive you this once. If you plan on doing it again be sure to make your breath smell better.”

  Shade grinned and Alex relayed his message. He said and wrote “Next time I’ll see what I can do.” She smiled at him.

  After the stressful meeting was over Shade and Alex sat together as they spoke with the clothing maker in further detail of their predicament. Alex told Kori about how the two of them met and how he learned to read and write. She asked Shade questions and he answered with Alex as being the fiend/human translator. After two hours of deliberations they finally got down to the business at hand.

  Kori straightened her back and her voice calmed. “If I am to get the two of you off this island by tonight, there is much that needs to be done beforehand.” She gave details on what both Shade and Alex needed to do, for their departure to be successful. This wasn’t her first extraction and she was quite experienced. Apparently Alex had to do much of the legwork and details that needed to be accomplished promptly.