Read Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Page 7

Chapter 7

  During the next two and a half weeks a few subtle occurrences have happened to the growing pack. The wound on Marlin’s head had slowly healed properly and he no longer wore a wrap for protection, but it remained bruised and a few scabs lingered. All were glad that the damage wasn’t any more severe, because it was pleasant to speak to another person close to Alex’s age. Shade had slowly started giving Marlin some leniency, but still kept his suspicions. He would let the two of them walk side by side and get to know each other. Marlin was always curious about how Alex wasn’t born with an item and he thought that maybe it gave him the ability to speak with fiends because they don’t have items either. It seemed a logical idea. Marlin also stated that since Alex didn’t have a proper weapon, or an item of any kind, that he would be Alex’s guardian. He was told repeatedly that a companion sounded better. That way when or if a fight should break out, they won’t make the other person feel submissive or be treated like a servant or worse, a slave. He didn’t answer so Alex guessed he would consider it.

  Marlin also came in handy when they finished off their supply of food. They would find small lakes and creeks along some paths that their guide knew by heart, being a local. Shade and Alex would watch when Marlin put a small piece of bait on his hook and fished. He did close his eyes as they all sat on the banks. When his eyes opened he would yank back on his rod. Then the line would bend as Marlin fought to pull in the fish. He caught them at least fifteen pounds fresh water fish in one night which they all indulged in.

  Marlin caught nine in total. They cooked eighteen filets of pure white meat. Shade alone ate ten strips, Marlin and Alex divided the remaining evenly. The remaining two strips were stored for the next day. Shade wrote ‘Thank you.’ for the meal Marlin provided for all of them.

  Shade still continued to slowly grow in height and size over this period of time. He had been as tall as Alex ribs as they left the ship, but now his shoulders were almost as tall as his brother’s. His sabers had now reached almost eight inches in length and passed the bottom of his jaw. With his size now reached like the average Shadow Fang, Alex knew he was now as large as his uncle. He could look Alex eye to eye without stretching and they both liked that for it made them feel equals. The size of his head was enormous and when he completely opened his jaws he could easily hold a grown man’s entire torso without much effort. His apatite began to even out and that it meant that he is maturing into an adult. His pure black fur still held a healthy sheen and when the wind blew, he was a magnificently stunning creature. A primal beauty that couldn’t be surpassed.

  A week after Marlin joined, Shade and Alex resumed their nightly sparring. Marlin watched and they knew he wanted to join in, but he respected Shade’s rules to never fight either of them or he would have a fatal consequence. It also felt to Alex that he was studying them.

  The road to the Nicronane trade city had become wider and more trails and other roads began blending into the main road. The main road was soon made with cut and flattened stones and red bricks dominated roads and bridges in most areas. The road became thick with travelers and other traders making their way in and out of the city. The group would only travel hidden by the trees or at night when there were wide open spaces. Marlin had trouble seeing at night so Alex held the end of his rod and led him over the dark lands. Shade made many comments that made Alex laugh as he led the pack by holding a stick.

  Then one day as they were hiking through an easily navigable forest during the night was when Marlin said “We had best stop here for a time. We are close enough to be in the city in less than an hour. We should retire for the night.” Alex stopped along with Shade.

  The sun was about to set as they located a small clearing surrounded by thick vegetation. Alex opened his deer-skin fur and Marlin took out his wool blanket. They didn’t dare build a fire because it could be spotted by someone in the city. The last thing they needed is to be spotted before they could join a respectable cause.

  Just before it became light the three of them woke up and packed their things. There weren’t any options available to bring Shade with them and he realized it too. Alex slid on his mostly empty pack and water skins. He gave Shade a quick pat on his now massive head just before starting his journey into the city. He made it five steps when Shade said “Wait.”

  Marlin stopped about fifteen yards ahead as Alex halted to speak. “What is it, Shade?” His tone was a calm empathy. He didn’t want to leave Shade alone.

  His head straightened out and his golden eyes were guarded. “I know I cannot go with you or else cause panic with the many humans, but I wanted to say keep your guard up. We didn’t travel all this way just to get captured. Keep an eye on Marlin. He is strong and decent, but don’t give him unconditional trust…just yet. He isn’t proven reliable any further than speaking politely.”

  “I will and I hope to come back with good news. Be safe, little brother.”

  He grinned and his eyes became playful. “Bring me something sweet.”

  “I will…later.”

  Alex turned and began walking beside Marlin. Once Shade vanished from sight he asked what was said. Alex told him that he was worried about the two of them going in alone and finding trouble. Marlin understood Shade’s worry, but knew that he wasn’t told the entire truth.

  They waited until it was clear to walk from the forest and onto the stone path. It was cool and very hard on Alex’s feet. He moved around any sharp spots in the stones. The last thing he needed was to cut the bottoms of his naked feet. The multitude of people on the road were traveling towards the city, each with their own personal goals. Most people were travelers, but some pulled their wares in wagons or as a caravan. Marlin and Alex passed few itemless beggars that made his heart break for most were taken as slaves, especially those who lost their item. Where he was from, everyone tried to help those in need, but at this moment the three of them needed savings that much more.

  Then later, just like Marlin said, it was an hour when they found the first signs of the city. Alex paused for a moment to awe at the sight.

  Trade City was surrounded by large walls made of stone pillars riveted together with wood and metal beams. Each pillar tip had been sharpened to keep fiends and intruders away. On the outskirts of the city were many homes and farms. As they continued to walk a large metal gate appeared in the distance. It swung inwards and held multiple torches on each gate door. It was the widest entrance Alex had ever seen. It could fit six wagons side by side and still have enough room to maneuver. Multiple stacks of smoke billowed over the three story walls and the city behind those walls were larger than one could imagine without seeing it with their own two eyes. As they made their way closer Alex noticed two attentive Royal Guards guarding either side of the gate. Marlin said to not hide their face or else they will stop them to get a better look. It gave Alex an idea.

  Marlin was right, but Alex scared him half to death in his next stunt. Alex strode directly up to the sword wielding guard and asked when they closed the gates. The guard seemed kind enough and said that they closed an hour after dark and opened an hour before. His heart began to slow as they made their way down the road and after Marlin scolded him on how much of a fool he was. Inside the impressive city were several utility class workers cleaning the streets before the crowd became too thick. One person had a shovel and cleaned up after horses and other beasts of burden. Another woman in the street swept with a broom just like Kori’s daughter. She swept only once and mounds of sand and dirt were being blown to a man with a large and glossy green bag. Marlin and Alex watched in amazement as the man closed the bag and the bag itself shrunk down to a small sack about the size of their individual backpacks. It was amazing to see so many new items and how they were used for a variety of situations.

  The buildings were mostly one or two stories, but they grew larger and taller the further one went inside the city. The city did have an odor, but it wasn’t too unpleasant; thanks to all of the florists and bakers that made
up this part of the city. The city’s torches were slowly put out one by one and the relative emptiness of the city became crowded. The noise was originally calm and soon the market became loud and bustling. The sellers shouted to gain the customers attention. Marlin stayed by Alex’s side as they moved deeper into the city. Alex kept a hand over his money satchel just incase there were any specialists who excelled in thievery.

  They searched all day, only to become frustrated when there weren’t any viable clues. At one time Alex was about to approach two men in strange red robes, but Marlin stopped him with a hand as a look of horror crossed his usual jolly personality. He explained “Don’t go near those men. They are Juguan priests and if the stories are true, they’ll end your existence for their foolish religion. Believe me, it’ll be the last conversation you’ll ever have in this life. They make the Royal Guard look kind and honest.” From that point on they gave ample room for the few bald priests within the city.

  Eventually they went up and down each of the main streets and the alleyways in search for the elusive leaf pattern. They explored the entire southwest part of the city hunting for a fruit stand with a leaf over its eve. There were so many merchants and traders that things became almost confusing. Marlin and Alex stopped by a public well and cranked the bucket up that had drawn water. He helped Alex in refilling the skins and they also drank from the ladle that hung off the side. It was then that the hairs on the back of Alex’s neck first stood up. He looked around to find nothing out of the ordinary, but he decided it must have been his nerves playing tricks on him. He decided to let it go for the moment. Marlin used a copper piece to get them two rolls of bread and they ate the fresh meal off in the shade of one of the buildings. Alex sighed, thinking that maybe they were on a fool’s errand.

  “Excuse me gentleman.” A well dignified man soon stood before them with a bearing of grace and hospitality. He wore a wealthy black suit, white gloves, polished leather shoes. In his suit was a gold chain hooked on the outside and led to something round inside his pocket. A breast pocket revealed a folded, blue handkerchief inside it. Grey hair crowned his scalp and was wrinkled from age. He wore a simple curled mustache which made him look dignified. He looked almost like a kindly grandfather, but he was more like a servant from one of the old books Alex read about. From the attire, the man’s master must indeed be wealthy.

  The boy in black stood up from the shady spot and Marlin followed, but the man remained where he first spoke to not appear threatening. Alex asked “Is there something we might be able to help you with?”

  He smiled pleasantly enough. “Maybe, but I believe my services will be of more assistance to you, I think, Young Sir.” He then slowly took off his right glove and showed off a hidden ring. “I thought you reminded me of someone I knew from long ago. In response to that uncanny resemblance I have followed you for the better part of an hour.”

  Alex laughed and shook his head, without breaking eye contact. “Try again. You’ve only been following us for thirty minutes at most.”

  “Ah, so you are correct, Sir. I am sorry for the misinformation. You are searching for someone with the symbol similar to this ring, correct?” Alex nodded and Marlin reached back and held his collapsed rod behind his back, ready to use at a moment’s notice if the need arose. “Well our mutual friend is now established along the northern road. He is now in a psychics shop at this time. He had to move a few months ago for certain reasons.” He smiled again. As he pulled the glove on he said “Good day, gentleman.”

  Just as he turned to leave Alex stated and asked “My name is Alex. What might yours be, sir? And who do I remind you of?”

  He smiled politely, but a twitch of the brow made Alex wonder what it meant. “Forgive my rude manners.” He bowed respectively. “My name is Kikren. I am the aid of Lord Gerieg. You reminded me of an old acquaintance, that is all. I hope we meet once again, farewell, Lord Alex.” With that, Kikren turned and blended in with the crowd. For a moment Alex thought Kikren seemed overjoyed, though his expression never altered after the initial twitch.

  “What do you think? Should we believe him?” Marlin asked while still clutching his item.

  “I haven’t a clue, but he didn’t seem to be malicious. It is the only reasonable clue we’ve gotten all day. If he was a Royal Guard, don’t you think we would be chained up right now?” Alex then placed a hand on Marlin’s shoulder. He made sure that no one was around or eavesdropping. “Relax. Think about it for a minute. If Takka is such a well known person in Freelan, don’t you think he will need to move quite regularly? He might even be on the guards watch list. Plus he’d have a bounty on his head if he has been recruiting for years.”

  “I guess.” Marlin looked up. “We have two or maybe three hours before sundown. Do you want to check it out before then?”

  “Nay, Shade is worried as it is and we need to get something first. We can check it out in the morning.”

  It had become dark just as they reached the forest once again. Having a good judge of distance, Alex found the exact spot where they hopped on the road. Marlin was honestly impressed with such trailing skills, to say in the least. He was even complementing Alex’s night vision from time to time. Alex silently made his way through the tress while Marlin was less subtle.

  When they returned to the small clearing Shade wasn’t there. Alex whispered to the darkness “Where are you?” and was answered by the insects and night animals all around them. Some of the animals said the predator left after sunup. Worry set in. Shade is always on time.

  Then Marlin put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry so much. We both know he can handle himself in a tough situation. He might be out scouting or hunting for us. I have only known the two of you for a few weeks, but I can tell that neither of you will go down without taking your enemies with you.”

  He sat down in the grass and Alex took off his pack to join him.

  When it was past midnight and Marlin fell asleep he heard a branch snap. It brought Marlin wide awake and his pole was fully and instantly extended. “Who’s out there?!” He demanded.

  “Alex, tell him to put that away.” and then a deep rumbling growl emanated from behind a large thorn bush. Alex told Marlin who it was and the pole retracted. Alex stood and looked at the bush. “Come out here, Shade. I have been worried sick about you, when we returned you were gone.”

  The leaves rustled as he walked through a large bush. His eyes were joyful, he learned something new, but wouldn’t say just yet. “I’m sorry about that, but I have been doing something. I found a herd of deer earlier and I played around with them for most of the day. I didn’t come close to harming them, but I had fun…” His ears twitched and then he sniffed the air when a sweet scent wafted in his direction. “What is that delicious smell?”

  “That would be your treat from the market. Would you like to see what I picked up?” His tailed blurred in answer.

  Soon the backpack was opened up. It took both hands to remove the package from the backpack. The treats were wrapped in parchment because the inside was sticky. Sitting down to unwrap the presents, Shade walked forward. He tested the air with a twitching nose and his ears were listening to the crackling parchment with complete excitement. Once he completely unwrapped the package Shade’s sabers were already dripping with saliva. Two wooden stems were being held as a handle to turn the objects up for him to see more clearly. “These apples have been submerged in a sweet and sticky mixture. It was my favorite treat as a kid.” He reached his arm forward and said “Open wide and I’ll toss them in. It won’t taste as delicious if sand sticks to the coating.”

  Shade stuck his tongue out and tested the sweet coating of one of the apples. The response he revealed was a pleased grin. He opened his maw and received his first successful catch and made all sorts of crunching sounds as he ate. He rumbled with pleasure for each bite until all that remained of the six apples were an empty piece of torn paper, afterwards he licked all the goodness off of it as well. He burped
as he laid on his side. “I can see why they are your favorites. I wouldn’t mind a few dozen more, but I don’t want to get lethargic.”

  When Alex told Marlin, they both chuckled.

  A few hours later they traveled through the woods together. Since they were on the west side entrance of the city, and knowing a closer destination would be more beneficial, they skirted around the boarder to get to the northern side. While They moved through the woods Alex told Shade all about what they saw inside the city. Every now and then his eyes twinkled or he would grin. Alex wondered what he was planning, but didn’t ask because he would explain later. Whatever it was though, Alex was glad to see that he was looking forward to something. His patience would wait until Shade told them what he was up to.

  They left the confines of the trees just as daylight broke the night’s hold on the sky. There were even more people entering from the north than from the west. The guards at the gates merely glanced at them as they entered the city again. This side of the city had mostly in-store businesses rather than peddlers or merchants. A few minutes later Alex spotted a clothing store and realized a disrespectful fact.

  He looked down at his own old, tattered and well worn clothing. “Marlin, before we go find the psychic, let’s look at getting some new clothing. It wouldn’t be right to show up looking like haggard beggars upon our first encounter.” He looked at his own clothes and sighed. “Don’t worry. I have enough money to get both of us a new set. We need to work on our appearance.” He smiled and followed Alex inside. He couldn’t turn down new, and free clothes.

  It cost three silver pieces in all, but it was all worth it. The material had been made for doing hard manual labor and was at the same level as Kori’s work. Alex bought and changed into a similar color style. He wore new black pants and a long sleeved tunic of the same color. He put his knife, belt and money pouch back on for this new apparel. Marlin now wore a dark blue half sleeved tunic and brown pants. He had used the belt loops in his pants to slide his item through.

  Soon they’d look clean as well.

  There was an open well in an inconspicuous spot, so they walked over and drew water. Marlin had only a small cake of soap remaining. Alex lathered his week’s growth of beard and used his un-dulled knife to shave. He loaned his blade and Marlin also groomed himself. After they left they found a soap and body bath seller and they bought ten unscented cakes and split them between the packs. Every now and then Alex felt like someone was watching him again, but then the feeling would vanish during a scan of the surroundings where no one was around.

  With their restocking complete they walked down the main north road.

  It took just over an hour until they located it. The store was pushed back and situated in the shadows between a butcher and a jeweler’s shop. It was a single story wooden shack that had a central door with a circular window in the door. Over the door showed a display. It was a painted white eye. In the central circle of the eye held a leaf pattern, identical to the one on their silver rings. Other than that, it seemed an unremarkable place and was easily overlooked by many who passed by. Marlin glanced at his ring and then to Alex. “So this is it?”

  He crossed his arms and said “I hope it is.”

  They sighed and walked past the road, down the short walkway and in front of the door. Alex grabbed the door and opened it.

  “Welcome, Marlin. Takka will see you in a few moments.”

  A woman sat behind a desk, staring into a crystal ball. The crystal ball looked to be giving off a faint green light that swirled inside the orb. She had long black hair, wrapped in a red scarf. Her nails were just the right length as she tapped the desk in a measured thrum. On her right index finger adorned the silver ring of Freelan. She was a beautiful woman who looked only a few years older than Marlin and himself. She was wearing a black top that showed off her ample bosom that rose and fell with each breath. She knew she looked stunning and allowed everyone to see her beauty.

  Inside the room, it was mostly open with a row of ten chairs off on the left wall. There were two men and a woman already waiting ahead of the two of them. They all wore the same silver leaf ring. Off to the right of the seated woman was a wooden door in the back. The room smelled pleasant and behind the woman with the crystal ball, were four lit candles of different colors that saturated the room in their delicate scents. The ground was made from wood and remained in perfect condition. Alex didn’t feel any rough edges with his feet.

  Marlin stood completely stunned from how she called him so suddenly and Alex became defensive. Was this a trap? “How do you know his name?” Her head immediately jerked straight up. She had hazel eyes that were shocked beyond belief. Her voice became guarded as she demanded “Who are you?!”

  Walking inside, Marlin closed the door behind them. Her shout could attract unwanted attention. The other three people kept their eyes glued dangerously on Alex. He forced his voice calm. “I asked you a question first. Are you going to be rude to a customer? Now, how do you know my companion’s name?”

  Her eyes narrowed and her voice didn’t change. “I am a level five weapon’s class seer. All who can see the future are categorized in the fifth level of weapon’s and that should be obvious. But I’m an exceptionally advanced seer by the normal standard. Time is fluid and constantly changes depending on a person decision or a group’s. I can see everyone’s past, present and future that comes in contact with me or my surroundings. When Marlin decided to join Freelan I immediately saw him in my crystal ball. I knew the exact moment he would open the door and I always speak the name of everyone who enters my shop.”

  Now it was Alex’s turn and her eyes were impatiently waiting. His smile disarmed the tense atmosphere. “Thank you for clarifying that detail.” He lightened his tone to pleasant. “My name is Alex, and I too wish to join.”

  She leaned back in her chair while looking slightly less cautious. “I’m Angie. Now I have always seen everyone who has come in here. I have never been mistaken over the immediate future, but it seems like your something I cannot see. Why is that? I didn’t see you coming and that scares me. It has never happened to me before. How do I know you’re not a specialist spy who can circumvent a seer’s item while trying to infiltrate our organization?”

  “You don’t.” Her face didn’t flinch and remained impassive and wary. “How do I know this isn’t a trap to capture those who want to fight for freedom?”

  “You don’t.”

  “That’s good enough for me.”

  Alex turned and walked over to the waiting chairs. As he walked he saw Angie’s tight lips turn up at a corner. Apparently she approved of him.

  Marlin was still stunned by the front door. He slowly walked over to sit by Alex’s side when he made a simple gesture. The other three people kept an eye on them, but they didn’t move nor say anything. Angie glanced at Alex once more before looking into her pulsating crystal ball again.

  Ten minutes later a young adult, looking about their age, walked out of the back door seemingly relieved. She must have been accepted into the organization as she silently walked out the front door. Then the woman who was next in line stood up and walked in. Then the two men went inside together. It was an hour before they finally left. Alex tapped Marlin’s chest and he followed him up.

  It’s our turn at last. They both thought.

  Alex walked through first and there was a dark hallway. With the door shut behind them Marlin followed his footsteps. Nineteen steps were taken when Alex found another door. He knocked and on the other side a deep voice commanded “Enter.” The next room was a little more extravagant. Quaint paintings hung on the walls and a burning fireplace off to the back gave off an aroma of orange and hickory. An exquisitely crafted table situated between two settees in the center of the room. On the table was a teakettle and small cups for guests. The room smelled almost like his old home, it was welcoming.

  On the furthest settee lounged a middle aged man with the darkest skin Alex had ever seen.
His skin was the color of ebony, but he looked unthreatening. He had laugh wrinkles around his eyes and was well groomed. He was a stocky man with large hands. A wealthy suit covered his frame and he had several gold necklaces hanging over the front of his suit. In his right hand clutched a book, but one like neither of them had ever seen before. It looked to be made of a green metal and it was easy to realize it was an item. Dark, intelligent eyes followed them as they entered the room and shut the door. He leaned forward and gestured for them to sit. They left their things by the door before taking his offer.

  While they moved, he leaned forward and poured tea in two cups.

  Marlin sat first and looked slightly uncomfortable, but once Alex sat he moaned in relief. The seat was so soft and comfortable compared to living outdoors for over a month. Before the interview began they each took a cup and downed the aromatic contents with much pleasure. His voice was deep and he used an accent unlike any either of them heard before. “That feels good, ya?” Alex smiled and felt even more relaxed. “Angie said that there would be only one other person for me to see today.”

  Alex regretfully sat forward. “That would be my fault apparently. She said she couldn’t see me coming.”

  “Interesting,” Takka leaned forward and sat the book on his thigh. “Now tell me, why are you two here?”

  “Because I want to make a difference in any way I can, and help to change the way our broken system works. Nothing is perfect, but there has to be a better way than what we are currently using. I want to live in a world where an individual can make their own decisions and not be killed because they won’t conform to the current reining society. We are all born free, but we’re shackled down by the king’s oppressive thumb.” Alex said in total honesty.

  “The way you speak…are you a scholar?”

  “Nay, but I like to read and learn whatever I can.”

  “I ask, because men that look like you are used to hard physical labor and not versed in literatures.” He nodded to himself and then shifted his gaze to Marlin.

  “Alex saved me from a squad who were intent on my head or forcing my enlistment. I owe him my life and I will use it protect him for as long as I’m able.” Alex sighed as he continued speaking unabashed. “I want to stay by his side and if he joins Freelan, I will too. I have seen how corrupted our lands have become and the teachings of sacrifice aren’t the only ways to help others. I’ve made up my own mind to do what I want and this is what I want.”

  Takka leaned back and studied them. Though they were both young men he could see the hardships each have faced. “Those are noble ideals that you both share. Are those ideal’s worth dying for?” Neither said anything, but he could see their silent resolve. “Ya, I believe the two of you will do nicely in Freelan. There are many ideals and the main one we are striving for is freedom, hence the contracted name of what it was originally in freeing the land. You both meet the first criteria.” Then his tone became serious. “To join, you must be invited by a friend or a relative. Since you both are so young and new to my eyes, I’m guessing a relative told you about me.”

  He laid his book on the table and pointed to it. “I need to verify if you were related to someone in Freelan. This book is my item. I am a level five specialist. Anything that has ever been written on parchment, I can read everything related to it instantly and only I can read the texts. That being said, I can easily tell if you have lied and are spies of the king. Do you wish for me to continue?” They looked at each other and nodded. “Very good. May I have your name and the one to whom you’re related to?”

  “My name is Marlin. I’m the child of Egan and Alia.”

  Takka grasped the book and brought the top of the book close to his lips. He whispered “Marlin, son of Egan and Alia.” The thin, green metallic parchment pages flashed white for an instant and then Takka opened the book. He began flipping through the pages while scrutinizing whatever it contained. “Ya, here you are. Marlin… you were recently been ordered two options, but something about a Shadow Fang and a mysterious man in black interfered with their retrieval of you.” He looked up. “Isn’t that correct?”

  Marlin glanced at Alex and he barely nodded as he watched Takka’s body language and expressions. Takka seemed un-phased and unconcerned about what he has read. Alex took that what he had read was legitimate. But from how Takka carried himself said he was capable of winning a fight should they prove untrustworthy. Then as Takka moved his arm, Alex caught a silvery glint inside the right sleeve and realized he had a dagger hidden. But from Takka’s practiced movements he seemed used to sudden and deadly situations. Then there is the issue of his item. This man is even more dangerous if he can read any information ever written because knowledge is power. Marlin then said during Alex’s observations “That information is all correct.”

  Takka then said “Well with this, you are now part of Freelan. Now just wait a moment.” He turned to look at Alex expectantly.

  “Can it be my uncle who gave me this?” Takka nodded as he looked calmly at the old silver ring. “I’m Alex, nephew of Gambit the Red Soil.”

  He closed the book and brought it up to his lips, then froze mid-movement. His dark eyes widened and awe was in his voice. “The Gambit is your uncle? Commander Gambit?” Alex nodded and wondered what his uncle was truly like if it gave Takka such a sudden reaction. “He was one of the few men I trusted with my life and called friend. He was a fierce warrior and protector. How is he faring?”

  “His son Rakkel killed him two months ago.” His dark eyes were now completely surrounded by white. “I was there when it happened, but I couldn’t save him in time before a squad, led by Rakkel, executed him in front of our very home. Since then, we’ve been traveling to find you.”

  Takka sincerely apologized and whispered to his book. “Alex, nephew of Gambit the Red Soil,” His eyes widened as he began to read. He didn’t mean to, but he whispered as he read. “Born itemless… Gambit retired to raise the two boys… execution order was granted to Rakkel…” Then he looked up at Alex with a dazed expression. “You killed a level five guard with your bare hands and were last spotted when a Shadow Fang surprised the squad after the execution order was carried out… You… How…?”

  “Takka, breathe… Try and relax.” His words seemed to help and once he calmed Alex explained. “You don’t need all the details, but what you’ve read is probably correct.”

  He swallowed thickly. “It seems you’re more… interesting than I first thought, ya.” He closed his dark eyes and rubbed his temples for several minutes. “By my authorization you are both accepted into Freelan.” He then stood and walked over to a wall painting. Lifted it up and pulled one piece of parchment from behind it. He sat down and the two of them could see that it was a vague map. He handed it Marlin. They studied it and it led towards the land of Alluan. “Study it.” Takka ordered. Once they did, he took it from Marlin’s hands and threw it straight into the fire. He was keeping the next place secret. “When you find an open plain, there will be only a large single tree for leagues around. Find the tree and wait under it until a captain comes to pick you up. He will take you to the final area.” He smiled brightly. “Now that you two know where to go, we can do other business.”

  “What kind of business?” Marlin asked, looking a little more cheerful.

  “I can tell you everything you want to know about a person for just a single piece of silver, per request. The money helps to pay off anyone who gets too nosy about my business practices. It is the main source of income for my business.”

  Alex looked at Marlin and said “Go ahead and see about your brother. Don’t worry about the money.”

  Alex had two that he wanted to know about so he pulled three silver coins and sat them on the table. Takka understood their meaning and waited for Marlin’s request. He steadied himself and told the name to Takka. He brought the book to his lips and whispered “Pirn of the Cold.” The book flashed and he opened it. After Takka read it he said “I’m sorry, bu
t your brother has been transferred directly to the king’s royal palace in Ra’van a year ago and has remained there ever since. Apparently the king likes your brother’s ability to instantly freeze water into solid ice without sending men into the mountains to collect it. At least he is still alive, ya?”

  Marlin fell back in the chair and sighed. Soon he smiled and vowed to himself. “As long as you’re alive, I’ll find a way to save you, Pirn.”

  Takka looked at Alex and he told him the first name. “Rakkel the Listener,” He opened the book. “Your cousin has been issued a immediate transfer order to the royal palace two days ago. He is a real piece of work, this one. He likes subjugating and harming people…Definitely not Freelan material. The wording for his order’s are highly cryptic so he is probably going to receive special orders from the king himself. That is a guess on my part.” He admitted honestly. “Now who is the next person you’d like to know about?”

  His heart began to leap as he requested “Lily of the Blood Moon.”

  Takka grinned, catching the change in the tall, young man’s tone. He whispered her name and read the book. “You have picked a very peculiar person. She has a long service record for her age and the exploits she has done from her battles are bordering on legendary…until only recently. She is used to fighting alone because of her personality with the other members of the guard… She only recently began to question some of her superiors orders after claiming a friend killed a Shadow Fang with a stick? What kind of a fool would do that?”

  “That would be me again.” Takka’s eyes widened once he realized that many events began connecting with this man. He had to keep an eye on this Alex for he seemed to be more interesting by the moment. “Don’t read any more into that. Tell me about her most recent events or maybe where she’s at right now.”

  He nodded and began flipping through pages and more pages. Then his face turned down and became grim. “Alex, I’m sorry but she is in an extreme amount of trouble. Things don’t look too good for her.”

  “What have you read!?” Something suddenly awakened inside Alex. His voice rang with clear authority which he’s never heard from himself. It was as if no one could disobey his command. It shocked both of the other men in the room as well. It was an odd feeling, but it vanished just as quickly as it surfaced.

  “Her last mission was to exterminate a mother and five of her children because their father is a member of our group. Lily refused her order saying, and I quote ‘I will not be a mindless drone and be set upon to slaughter a helpless family of women and children. My friend won’t forgive me in the next life if we were to meet again. My answer is nay, General!’ The person who wrote this document really didn’t admire her and I am not going to reiterate what else is written.” Takka looked up at Alex precariously. “She killed her commanding general and was arrested after taking down another eleven others, it took six more level five warriors just to subdue her. She has been taken to the prisons of Central City in Gagiat for her crimes. She has been found guilty of disobeying a direct order and killing her commanding officer. She is sentenced to be beheaded in two and a half months from now, to demonstrate for everyone what it means to disregard an order and kill an official. I’m so sorry, Alex.” He closed his book.

  Somewhere in the back of Alex’s mind he felt proud that she had freed the shackles of her mind and did the right thing. She had forever changed in that one meeting and in that promise to him she protected the mother and children by killing her superior officer. She killed to save the innocent. He could read between the lines on why she did what she did. But what her sentence is going to be…

  In the most dominant of his thoughts was in knowing that she is going to be executed for doing the right thing. The leaders will use her as a sacrifice to keep subjugating everyone’s innate freedom. He thought. Alex’s pulse began pounding in his chest as strongly as when his uncle was executed. His blood started boiling and he felt the heat radiating off his face and body from the thought of her head being separated from her body. She was his first friend who still didn’t know much about him, but she still honored their parting wish. Even in their short meeting he had, in some way, changed her. She had become a friend he was completely proud of.

  Sitting still wasn’t helping him at this moment. Alex had to release his aggravation in some way because his body began shaking violently from the building anger that seared through his veins. Something inside said he needed to move. He saw the stone fireplace and that was the answer to his release. He stood and walked over to the right wall. He brought his right fist back and forced it forward. Somehow he managed to punch straight into the solid stone like it was nothing more than firm cheese. His fist went almost through to the center of his forearm and the force made some of the stone, dust in a plume. He pulled his arm back while breathing heavily and the involuntary shaking was renewed. His eyes shut as his body begin to shake with even more frustration. He wasn’t shaking from fear, but for fear of his friend who would be dead in twelve weeks.

  Nay! You won’t die. I won’t allow that fate to befall you, Lily. You will be rescued by me, alone, if that’s what it takes. Aye, I can do it. You will be alive and safe when next we meet. Nothing will stop me. Alex vowed.

  When his eyes eventually reopened he turned around as the tremors slowly eased. Both Marlin and Takka were openly gawking at him. They were completely speechless and astounded by such violent actions and the sudden display of strength. Then Marlin’s eyes shifted to Alex’s right hand and that distraction gained his attention. Looking down, his fist was covered in gray dust and the knuckles were bleeding. Some drops of his blood were dripping on the exquisite flooring. He brushed off his arm and dusty sleeve with his hand. “I’m sorry about my outburst.” Alex said through gritted teeth because his jaw was clenched tightly together. If my jaw unlocked I’d bellow in a rage all over again. He thought.

  Takka threw his head back and started laughing. His belly jiggled as his laugh caught continued on. “No need to apologize for hurting stone, ya? In fact I was more surprised at how strong you are. I’ve never actually seen a person do that to stone without their item.”

  A minute later Marlin asked “Alex, what are you planning to do?”

  He went through many possibilities for a few minutes, but only one seemed feasible. “I’m going to save her, but it will be close. Gagiat is at least a three to four month journey on foot, but if we ride we just might make it in time.” From the look in Marlin’s eyes Alex knew he would support the decision and stand beside him.

  “Hold on for a moment.” Takka stood suddenly and Alex realized they were the same height. “What you are thinking will be suicide. What do you think you can do in front of the most guarded prison which holds the second largest establishment of Royal Guard’s? If you do this you will most certainly die.”

  Alex placed his left hand on Takka’s shoulder. “If I don’t try, she will die as if I were the executioner’s blade. I will find a way. If we don’t take chances then why is Freelan even alive today? If I don’t try then I’d give up on a mission and my joining would be all talk without action.”

  Takka shook his head and said “There was only one man as crazy as you are. Gambit really did raise a good man…”

  The door flung open and Angie burst inside. “Takka! Something is wrong. The rest of the day I saw has disappeared and been replaced with an impenetrable haze. I don’t like it. We need to go…now!”

  Takka remained calm as he moved away from Alex’s hand. His voice was calm and he again guessed Takka was used to the unexpected. “Alright we will all leave immediately.” He dug in his pocket. “But first I must give these away. Go ahead, Angie. We will meet in the usual safe-house.” She nodded and flew out of the room. He looked at the two of them and commanded “Hold out your hands.” Alex extended his left while Marlin stood and held out his right. Takka dropped one silver ring in each of their hands and gave a stern warning. “Give these rings to only those you trust. I can see tha
t the two of you are smart enough to understand my meaning.” He then looked directly at Alex. “If you do somehow manage to liberate Lily of the Blood Moon and survive, I have seen how she has changed. If you want, you may allow her to join because I have deemed her worthy. If someone like her can break the bonds the king has placed on her then our cause will have gained a powerful ally. The choice is yours… now hurry and get as far away from here as possible.”

  “Thank you.” Marlin also agreed with a quick nod.

  Alex slid the new ring inside his pocket just before he picked up his things and put them on. He began walking down the hallway with Marlin and Takka close behind. In the main room both Angie and her crystal ball were already gone. Soon all three of them walked through the front door and out into the light. Once the three of them made it to the road Alex’s heart began pulsating from what he saw.

  Coming down the road was a platoon of Royal Guards and all could easily tell that all but four were of the weapon’s class. Twenty five to thirty were in the entire platoon and most were men, but some were striking female warriors. They were walking down the street like a menacing curtain of red. Their boots clopped down the stone road in unison and the sounds echoed off the buildings ominously. The civilians on the street hurried to get out of their way. They were on a mission and Alex knew they were searching for something or someone. He couldn’t think of another reason why there were so many in a single troop moving in such a way. They were a death squad.

  Since they were still over three hundred yards away Alex looked back at the others. “Takka, this is where we must part. Be safe and don’t get caught.” He smiled and casually strolled off without a care in the world. Takka rounded a corner and disappeared. He looked at Marlin and said “Let’s go.”

  Walking normally away, Alex felt the stones under his feet were warm from the full day’s direct sunlight. Marlin moved naturally by his side, but his eyes darted in worry. They crossed the street and turned down another street corner. Once they were alone he told Marlin cautiously “If we are going to save Lily in time, you need to go buy a horse.” Alex untied the satchel from his belt and handed it all over to him. Marlin was shocked at what unfolded, but still walked next to his friend. “There will be just enough to buy a single worthy traveling horse. Get the very best that you can because we are going to ride; hard. Do whatever you must and meet me where we left Shade this morning. The quicker you meet up with us the sooner we can leave.”

  “But what about you, Alex? We need to stick together. I won’t break my oath to be your shield. I need to guard your back.”

  Alex stopped suddenly in the middle of the street and set his gray eyes firmly upon Marlin. He did his best to control the tone of his voice from the fury building within. “Marlin, I am a grown man who can take care of himself. I know you’re resourceful enough to get a steed. Go quickly, I cannot lose Lily.”

  His blue eyes appraised his friend and he then knew he was stalling. Alex was truly worried for this woman. He put the last of their money in his pocket and took different paths at the next intersection.

  Alex’s mind continued racing while he walked at a casual pace. He couldn’t think of anything except for the coincidences that correlated since the day he first met Marlin, he was among a group of guards and now today a large force of them just happened to show up that close to Takka on the day they met. There are no such things as coincidences. It felt like Shade was right about Marlin because no one other than he knew they were going to see Takka, except for Kikren, but he told them where to find Takka. Trickery, that seemed the only logical answer. Alex didn’t want to think that Marlin gained his trust so that he could use Alex to get close to Takka, but he didn’t have any clues to defend him with. He knew he gave away all of his money, but Alex needed time alone to himself. It afforded him time to set up some contingency plans, if in fact Marlin was a traitor.

  Are you a spy, Marlin? If you are, then I have no choice, but to kill you.

  The hairs on the back of Alex’s neck began to point straight up in warning. He could sense that he was being followed. It was strange because he could feel both a benevolent and a malevolent presence in pursuit. The city street before him was holding less and less customers the further down the unknown road he walked.

  Chancing a glance over his shoulder he saw a shadow move on the ground and when he looked up he saw a clothes line flapping with the winter breeze. A few minutes later he heard the same uniform clopping noise, from earlier, approaching from behind. His pulse started climbing when he saw the group of Royal Guards rounding a corner; not even one hundred yards behind him. He didn’t run until he rounded the next corner. Then stopped and cursed. It led into an open courtyard completely isolated and it held nowhere to escape. He was flushed out like a deer to be hunted and found only a cliff blocking his way to freedom from the hunters. Death couldn’t be avoided.

  There wasn’t any way for Alex to turn around, so he continued walking, hoping for a solution to escape. The courtyard was paved in stone just like all the roads in the city were. There were several benches that lined the stone city wall. The courtyard was half covered in shadows and small toys were scattered around a place where children come to play. The bench seats looked comfortable so he sat in the one in the center to think, since there wasn’t an escape. Before Alex sat he took his pack off and laid it between his legs, pulled out the knife from his pocket and opened it. He grasped it in his left hand because his right one was still a sore and damaged from striking the wall. He hid the blade under his sleeve so that it wouldn’t be seen should the situation turn badly. He rested both arms over the back of the bench and tried to look relaxed. His heartbeat wasn’t sporadic any longer because it now hammered with only a cold rage and determination. It was these kinds of guards who killed my uncle and who had given an execution order for Lily’s head. I’d finally get some justice for them both.

  Another part hoped beyond all reason they weren’t following him, but his hopes were proven false. The regime clopping of boots continued getting louder as they came down the hall, choking out the only escape. Many bobbing heads appeared at the corner, coming in a single direction. They walked with a purpose and it was their every intention to scare everyone, it worked, but Alex’s anger helped mask the clawing fear. All of their expressions were cold and emotionless. This group was specially trained and were experts at killing.

  Once the entire group made their way in the courtyard, they began to spread out, shoulder to shoulder. Alex took the time and counted a total of nine-and-twenty Guards and included the five hidden in the back. Each guard in the straight line had their hands on the multitude of weapon items that would all easily kill Alex, but panicking wouldn’t help the situation. Most warriors carried some form of sword or axe, but one had a golden bow with a quiver of arrows that seemed to rapidly multiply in the quiver until it filled to capacity. Two of the men were twins and they each carried a single moving rope, they were trappers, should he choose to run, they’d throw it and trip Alex up.

  He smiled and asked calmly “Is there something I might be able to help you with, gentlemen?”

  “Perhaps.” A person behind the line asked in a strong male voice. “By any chance, do you know where Takka has disappeared to?”

  “Who’s Takka?” Alex’s innocent voice was convincing, even to himself.

  “Oh, come now. He was that strange dark fellow. Tell us where he is.”

  “What’s in it for me if I knew who you spoke of?”

  The voice turned menacing. “You may keep your head.”

  Alex smiled. “If I’m to bargain properly, I must see who I’m talking with.”

  “Very well.” Two men in the center separated to allow the person he spoke to, to come forward.

  Alex’s eyes widened when he saw who led the warriors. It was none other than the blacksmith who made his new knife. This time he was wearing a red shirt. His hair was slicked back. The man before Alex moved like cold death. Once he made it
a step closer in his direction the two men behind him closed the gap once again. His arms were sleeved in crimson, but Alex remembered how large they were at his shop. He was not a weakling. His oval hammer was belted at his waist and it happened then that Alex put all of the random pieces together.

  Alex stayed in the same position since the forger was at least twenty paces away from him, once he finally stopped. His voice remained informal. “Ah, Mr. Blacksmith, I wanted to let you know how well your blade has served me.”

  His coldness melted into a prideful smile as he bowed. “I did tell you it keeps its edge forever.” Then his expression became cold once again.

  “But you forgot to tell your customers one very important detail.” The burly blacksmith tilted his head questioningly. Alex took it as a sign to continue. “You didn’t tell them about the third ability your hammer possesses. You can forge and keep your works edge, but you failed to mention that you can track your wares wherever they go. The knife I have is really a locater for you. That really isn’t a proper way to lie to your unsuspecting customers.” The random circumstances weren’t Marlin’s fault, but completely his own. If it weren’t for my ignorant actions I wouldn’t be in this unfortunate situation. Alex thought.

  “Very good. Your skilled when it comes down to deductive reasoning, aren’t you. I must say though, that you are only the second person who understood my item’s true unique ability without me giving them a proper explanation.” His voice remained hollow as he asked “Now where is Takka? I will not ask again.”

  Alex laughed which actually startled ten of the guards. “He is long gone by now. I would suggest that you try to scam some other person and hope that they lead you to him again.”


  Before the knife maker could finish his next word Alex instantly flipped his wrist and threw the knife directly at its maker. It was a perfect pitch and thrown with a blinding speed. He couldn’t avoid the heave as it implanted itself directly in his heart. His eyes widened as he looked at the black handled wood protruding from his chest. Alex slowly stood up and smiled. “Next time we see each other will be in the next life and I’ll give you a more proper thrashing. You made the wrong choice coming after me.” As he dropped to his knees the twenty five lined guards started closing the distance while drawing their weapons all at once. Alex balled his fists ready to take them all on alone and hoped to take a few down. He knew Marlin was alright, but would he go after Lily in his stead? Alex knew not.

  Then something happened to stop their charge instantly.

  A deafening howl erupted in the courtyard.

  The sound echoed off the walls and seemed that they were coming from multiple sources and being amplified. The murderous guards stopped to look at one another in surprised confusion. Then a massive shadow moved below them and some looked up to see what was casting it to see nothing above. The shadow came directly after Alex from the left side of the courtyard, but he could feel no malice towards him coming from it. It stopped right in front of Alex and the shadow seemed familiar somehow. It reminded him of the night he first met and rescued Lily. Then came the sounds of a primal growl that sent a chill up everyone’s spine and it emanated from the very shadow that casted itself.

  Then the shadow began to change and Alex’s heart beat with joy as a familiar shape began rising from the shadow.

  The first thing to reform out of the shadow was a large muzzle with long menacing sabers, ready for battle.

  A massive head with golden eyes were pulling easily from the ground while its ears were flat against its head. The head was followed by an immense and impenetrable body of black fur and deadly claws; that were as thick as a man’s finger. It was as if the creature just walked out of water instead of a shadow.

  The creature was Alex’s younger sibling, Shade.

  He could now use his trademark ability of the Shadow Fang species. He could move through the shadows.

  They were together again.