Read Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Page 8

Chapter 8

  Shade now stood between Alex and the unquestionably frightened Royal Guards, who were just about to kill his only remaining family. Because of his enormous and solid form and bristling fur Alex could only see five of the eight-and-twenty remaining executioners. Sleek black fur stood on end and his coat shone a brilliant onyx from the direct sunlight. What they were about to do was dishonorable. A fight should be one on one, but their numbers were still too great for the two of them alone to deal with and survive. His claws had become coated with his clear liquid neurotoxin. The courtyard still vibrated from his murderous growl. His ears were flat against his head and his sabers looked ready to be used on any who were foolish to approach another step. His head was aimed directly at the guards, but he spoke to his brother. “Alex, get your things and get on. Let’s get out of here before the shock of my arrival wears off.”

  With the blind he provided, Alex spun, slid the pack and two full water skins over his right shoulder. He then crouched down, placed his palms on Shade’s back and leapt with everything he had. He landed in the center of Shade’s back and held onto the loose fur between his shoulder blades.

  Ready, Alex yelled “Shade, GO!!!”

  The guards fell back in another shock after hearing their target’s howl and Shade took the advantage by running straight through the center of them. He put his head down and plowed into one guard and sent him off to the side of the courtyard. Shade ran over the dead blacksmith with easy strides and cleared the corpse without needing to jump. The three guards who were hiding in the back were healers and the forth was their only specialist. The specialist began screaming into an orange oval device in his hand and Alex knew he was calling in more reinforcements. He yelled. “Shade, kill the specialist!”

  Shade instantly made a minor adjustment to his course and aimed directly for the specialist, who was screaming into his paw. Alex prepared himself for the attack and clamped his legs together against Shade’s sides and tightened his grip on the loose fur. Shade jumped and extended his claws forward. His massive muzzle opened and the guard’s eyes were wide eyes understanding this was his end, there wasn’t any other alternative.

  Without slowing his momentum, Shade pierced the man’s chest with his claws and broke his neck, once the man’s head fell between his teeth. Shade instantly released the man and continued running down the narrow passage. He turned left once they made it to the corner and didn’t slow his stride. He actually moved even faster once their way was clear.

  “We need to get out of the city. Marlin will meet up with us tonight.”

  “I know the way. I memorized all the roads while you were inside that den.” Shade admitted and Alex suddenly realized he had been the one following them all day. It was a relief knowing that he had been there for him yet again.

  “You saved me again, Shade.”

  He continued to run as he admitted “We’re not out of peril yet. Hold on tight, Alex!” He did so as Shade rounded another corner at a blinding speed.

  Running in this way was unlike anything Alex ever felt before. Shade’s strides were lithe and weren’t as jarring as he once suspected, it was much easier and faster than riding a horse. Soft fur offered support where it was most needed for a male rider. It felt like they were physically of one body from the way they seemed to be moving. They were swift and agile hunters and none could stand in their way. Shade’s ribs would contract as his back legs propelled him forward and he would inhale as his front legs landed or as he made alterations to his direction he’d take a deep breath and force it out in an explosive turn. His head remained straight and alert as he focused on escaping, to save both of their lives. Sharply attuned ears were pointed up and listened to everything because danger was imminent and could be around every corner. It was essentially effortless to ride on his back. Alex felt as invincible as Shade’s fur while riding.

  Rounding the next corner revealed this road was bustling with people, once again. Shade pushed on like they weren’t there. Once the crowd realized what came barreling towards them, they all screamed and fled for safety. Having the height advantage, Alex gave Shade directions and he abided them without question. Once there was a mother and child who couldn’t get out of the way and Shade easily vaulted over them. She remained in the center of the street, completely stunned and the babe cried in her arms. If there wasn’t possible danger around every corner they’d have had a good laugh from the sight.

  The next corner Shade turned onto was the main street. He made it around the corner and ran as quickly north as he could. People continued to flee and they could barely hear the peoples screams any longer. Their heart continued pounding in exhilaration as the city walls in the distance approached. Something behind Alex caught and retained his attention. It was a single squad of Royal Guards all approaching on horseback.

  “Shade, were being followed by more guard’s on horses”

  His made a quick glance behind and grinned. He looked forward again and stated “No ground animal alive can outrun a Shadow Fang!” With that said he leaned forward and his strides became longer, more powerful and his speed increased threefold. The squads started falling back rapidly because they couldn’t keep up with Shade’s innate speed.

  The two gate guards spotted them since they were larger than your average person, even riding horseback. They didn’t understand what was happening and were confused by the panicking crowd. By the time they decided to close the gate the two brothers were already too quick and too close to be stopped.

  Shade and Alex just about flew through the half opened gate. They ran down the stone road and the few travelers and caravan’s who saw them screamed as they fled into the woods for safety. Little did they know that in a different situation the trees would offer barely negligible protection. Once it was clear that they weren’t being followed Shade dove into the trees.

  They safely survived escaping the city. With that thought Shade began to relax and slowed to a trot.

  Once they found the clearing they used early this morning Alex jumped off and started laughing. Shade caught on and started barking amusingly himself. When they finally calmed they both laid on the grass together to feel the relief of escaping the hostile situation. Shade was still only breathing deeply and evenly even after such a stressful run.

  “Now, I saved you, Alex. We got out.” He grinned playfully.

  Alex smiled and changed the subject. “When did you learn you can move through the shadows? What is it like?”

  He grinned and barked. “I learned to use my ultimate ability only yesterday. I felt something change inside of me…like being unbound or released from a burden. When you left yesterday I felt a sensation lift off my chest a few hours later. I felt free. Then it was like I could actually feel my shadow that was cast below me. I touched my shadow and my paw actually went into it. And then I found out that I can absorb my entire self in my shadow to travel through any surface whether it is flat or vertical. My physical substance becomes incorporeal, but to remove myself from my shadow I need a surface large enough to crawl out of. It almost felt like water when I would play with you in a stream or a lake. It really does feel’s cool like water as well, but there isn’t any resistance. When I’m in my shadow I can see things like I do right now. And I also learned that I can dive into my shadow or walk on its solid surface or somewhere in between. It is effortless to make the choice. I thought it would take a lot out of me, but it doesn’t. I can move as easily through the shadows as I can up here.” He smiled even more brightly and shook his head. “That was why I was late last night. I was using my ability to play with the herd of deer. I used them as practice and I was glad I did.”

  “I am too. If it wasn’t for your new ability I would be dead in the courtyard, right this very moment.” Alex admitted, rubbing his brother’s head between his ears.

  “Speaking of dead,” His large golden eyes twinkled. “That was a great throw with the knife. I didn’t understand what you said, but I was proud of your action.”<
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  “Since you didn’t understand I’ll explain.” Alex explained about how he met the blacksmith at the market when they first made it to the mainland, and how his item can track his wares. “It was me he was using to find Takka. I was glad that we managed to split up and not get caught together.”

  Looking Shade directly in the eyes he said “Marlin was innocent and I thought he was the spy. I will need to apologize properly when he gets back.” Alex then explained to him what he told Marlin to do.

  “Why does he need a horse?” He then scratched his ear with his back paw.

  His sigh couldn’t be stopped. “Because Lily will be executed soon,”

  Shade’s gold eyes became instantly serious, ears pointed up in attention. “What has happened to your mate?” he asked in cool anger.

  “That is what I needed to speak to you about. She saved a woman and her children by killing her superior. In two and a half months she will be lost to me, forever. We will need to travel a great distance and I know I can count on you and Marlin to help me.” He nodded in absolute brotherly loyalty. “Like you did today, I will need you to carry me there. Marlin is getting a horse so he could keep up with us. It will be the only way that we can make it there in time. Was it difficult to carry me earlier?”

  “I didn’t even know I was carrying you actually. I barely knew you were even riding on my back, but it felt right oddly enough. You were weightless to carry. Don’t worry, Alex. I’ll get you there in plenty of time to save your female. When do we depart on our journey?”

  Thinking was the easy part and doing would be the true difficulty. “When Marlin show’s up with the steed, I’ll explain the plan.” Alex stood up and found a dirt patch. “Give me time to think.”

  Shade went silent as he began drawling in the sand.

  It was well into night when something was heard approaching from the woods. The noise of rustling leaves and snapping branches became louder. Shade and Alex knew it was big because of the sound its feet made. Shade growled if it was an intruder. Soon they heard “Alex, are you in there?”

  “This way, Marlin,” Then he told Shade it was alright.

  Soon he was the first one to enter the clearing and held a leather lead rope. Behind him emanated a sound of snorting and heavy breathing. As he continued to pull, a magnificent steed entered the flame lit clearing. The horse was definitely male, young and proud. He had a similar size as Shade, but with a longer neck and face to appear larger. On his back resided a simple padded cloth saddle and Marlin’s pack. His ears were straight up and alert and his nose flared when he caught a scent he didn’t like. Its long brown mane was brushed to the side of his neck and his short hair remained chestnut. It had a wide chest and large muscles suited to travel vast distances with relative ease. This steed was undoubtedly in his youthful prime and used to hard work. Its hooves were newly shoed. Large eyes surveyed everything and once he saw Shade he reared and neighed. His frightened voice exclaimed “Predator!!!”

  Just as the horse ripped the lead rope from Marlin’s shocked hands, Alex’s throat tickled and changed again. He ordered the horse to “Stop!” He obeyed, with obvious distaste and reluctance as he looked Alex in the eye. He was frightened so the situation needed to be alleviated. “Shade, will not hurt you. He isn’t hungry. My name is Alex. What is yours?”

  “A human can speak to me?” Alex nodded and noticed the disbelief in his large brown eyes. “My name is Clift. Why are you not running from the predator?” he snorted again while his hooves pranced in preparation to flee.

  “Because he is my family. Now please come over here and stop being rude.”

  He snorted angrily and threw his head back in a dignified manner. Clift slowly made his way closer to Alex. Off to the side of the small clearing Marlin was standing next to Shade and only one of them looked confused. “What do you want Human?” Shade could understand what both Clift and Alex said. So animals can understand different species, but why can’t humans?

  “Tell me something, were you born in the wild or raised in a stall?”

  His eyes lit with indignation as he snorted again. His front hooves dug into the soil. “I was a wild colt until humans forced me into submission.”

  “Would you like to be free once again?” His eyes widened at such words. “I can see you hunger for freedom. No one should be used and sold like food or something inanimate. You are alive, proud, wild and I can see that you want to be rid of us humans as soon as possible.”

  “That is true.” His tone became business like. “What will be the cost of my freedom?” Clift said while gnawing at the metal spade bit in his mouth. Alex could see where old scars, around the mouth, have healed from the inhumane torture device. He was forced to wear a spiked spade bit.

  Alex stepped up to Clift’s face and he became immobile. He found the clasp and opened it. It took a minute to take off the leader and the bit. As they dropped on the ground Clift neighed and played with his freed mouth. Hope rekindled in his brown eyes. Alex stepped back and waited for him to settle down. “Clift, the cost of your freedom will be to carry my companion to a single destination. It will be a two and a half month journey and it will most likely be the most dangerous job of your life. You will need to keep up with Shade and myself. I need to hurry and save someone important to me and it will require your assistance. Once we reach our final destination you are free to go about and do as you like. Do you accept my terms?”

  It didn’t take long for Clift to give an answer. “I accept your terms and I request one of my own. Do not put that thing in my mouth ever again. I will stick with your group until my task is completed. If I fail in my task the predator can have me.” He raised his head again proudly and Shade smiled, in arrogant acknowledgement or possibly hopeful ambition. Either way the group would benefit.

  “Thank you, Clift. We will be leaving very shortly. In the mean time you may graze to your heart’s content.” He nodded and dropped his head to the grass and started eating, but always left one eye on the predator.

  Alex turned towards Shade and Marlin. Shade understood what was said, but Marlin seemed left out. He walked up and explained about the agreement and Marlin understood. “I have come up with a plan and I need to get your input and advice.” And Marlin said that it would be fine.

  As Clift ate, Shade, Marlin and Alex walked over to the drawling in the sand. A fire close by was lit so Marlin would be able to see. In the sand Alex drew the map that he remembered from the book that his uncle had given him. Marlin seemed truly impressed at how well drawn it was along with all of the small details. So Alex began talking about his plan to Marlin since he had already explained the particulars to Shade. “We are here at the north side of Trade City in Nicronane. I have calculated that it will be extremely close, but we might be able to make it just in time to save Lily. She is being held here in Central City.” Alex pointed with a stick. “We will need to find a way to cross the Warp River and travel through the Ruler’s Forest…”

  “Hold on a moment!” Marlin stopped the rehearsed explanation. “Do you even know about the two forbidden forests?” He shook his head honestly and it made Marlin sigh heavily. “Since you are from the islands and not from around here, I’ll explain to you what I’ve learned.”

  Marlin began telling a short story. “The two main forbidden forests are the Ruler’s and Widow’s. No one attempts to go inside those borders because the place is truly cursed. Any human foolish enough to go inside won’t ever come out alive again. The forbidden forests are said to house more fiends than any other land and most of those fiends aren’t as pleasant as our friendly Shadow Fang. There is even some who believe that the trees might also be alive, but usually those men drink so much that they cannot truly be relied upon. I think that this might really be a suicide mission, just like Takka said back in his shop.” Marlin truly believed what he was saying and was honestly scared of the presented option.

  Alex leaned back and smiled. “It might be, but that won’t stop me
from at least trying.” Marlin was stopped short at hearing such a tranquil voice. “If we go around the forest we will be too late. It would take over three months if we rounded the forest; just to remain safe from superstitions. But it also means we’d be more vulnerable to being spotted. I know just how worried you are and your fears are understandable, but I’m going.”

  He went silent for several minutes, after he stood up and began pacing.

  Alex thought: Marlin I know you’re worried and afraid of the unknown, but if we don’t take chances we’d never be able to do anything that held any significance in our lives. Shade’s with me, but he is the only one who doesn’t have much to fear because of his natural gifts. Clift is going because he wants to gain his freedom, no matter the cost. I’m going because I care for my friend, but will you leave just because it frightens you?

  Marlin stopped and looked at his new friend with a relaxed expression. His voice became composed and that was surprising. “I will go with you.”

  “Then we must be off as soon as possible.”

  “Wait…” Marlin began digging in his pockets. He then pulled out Alex’s flat satchel as he walked up to him. Marlin’s expression was drawn and his voice turned almost completely silent. “I’m sorry, but all I could save you was four silver pieces. The horse I got was the best I could afford from the stable master. I couldn’t haggle for one better.”

  Alex took the bag and handed over the last four silver pieces. The last of his uncle’s inheritance was now Marlin’s. A confused expression was almost constantly in place as Marlin traveled with his new companions. They never did anything like he expected. Alex explained the reasoning for giving him the remaining money “That is for getting an understanding and a strong horse. Clift is the best steed that I have ever seen and will do nicely for us. He is honorable. The coins are payment for the trouble you had to go through in retrieving him. Now let’s get going.”

  He then slid the empty satchel in his pocket. Alex was grateful that his uncle saved so much silver. It felt like Gambit aided him one last time. He smiled knowing that Gambit just gave him a way to save his very first friend. Uncle, your sacrifice will help save one more life, which is guaranteed if we succeed in this endeavor. Guide us if you see fit because I know you are always with me. He thought.

  “Clift,” He raised his head up and his ears turned to the strange human. “It’s time to get going. Follow us.”

  Alex picked up his bag and put it on with a water skin. He handed Marlin the other and he slid it over his shoulder. The fire was smothered by dirt before leaving through the darkness. Shade silently walked by his side and Marlin and Clift walked behind them.

  Once they found the stone road heading north they continued walking. It was too dark for a swift journey and no one saw any other travelers along the path. Clift clopped behind everyone while keeping alert. As they all walked Shade impatiently asked “Why aren’t we running yet?”

  “Because neither Marlin nor Clift are capable of seeing in the darkness as easily as we can. Once it starts lighting up, we will run then. And we won’t try to hide any longer.” Shade couldn’t help himself as he imagined no longer being stealthy. Clift and Marlin asked the same thing and Alex told them exactly what he said to Shade. They didn’t like what was said, but they knew he had a reasonable reason for pacing them in their nightly stroll. The last thing they needed was for Clift to break a leg if his hoof fell in a hole he couldn’t see coming.

  A few hours later Marlin walked up, looking quizzical. “After I bought Clift for you, something strange happened inside the city. I saw many people looking scared out of their wit’s end. And it was difficult to leave the city for several hours because the Guard closed the gates. The crowds were gathering all around the street. I asked what had happened and someone said that a fiend got inside the city and killed some Royal Guard’s. Did you see what happened?”

  So the government was already covering up what truly happened yesterday. “Before I’ll answer that, I need to apologize to you.” Alex looked at him and he tried looking back. “When I first saw the death squad coming in our direction I thought you staged it all so that you would befriend me and find a way to lead them to Takka and deal a blow to my dreams and that of Freelan. I thought maybe when I rescued you it was just an elaborate rouse. I gave you all my money so that I had time to think, alone, and if it was true that you were a traitor, I would leave and find a way to kill you because you knew of the next meeting spot.” Marlin seemed only mildly shocked at such honesty. “After you left I thought I managed to evade the guards, but I was completely mistaken. When I first made it to the mainland I met a peddler selling knives that never dulled. I needed a better blade and bought it, unknowing of the consequence beforehand. The blacksmith didn’t tell me that the knife was also a locater.” Alex sighed from his ignorance when shown a shiny bauble and buying it without thinking. “The conclusion you have already figured out was that I was the one who ignorantly led the guards to Takka. I also believed that night when we found you, it was also my fault because I wasn’t too far from your home. They were most likely tracking me even back then.”

  Alex stopped and sincerely stated “I’m sorry for all the pain you suffered and hope that you’ll one day forgive me.”

  Marlin and the others stopped. Three silent sets of silent eyes fell on Alex. Marlin went silent while he contemplated the sincere words. A few soundless seconds later felt like an eternity. He placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder. “It wasn’t your fault. It would have happened sooner or later and I enjoy this odd bit of company. I have lived by myself for far too long and I like having someone to talk with. You’re forgiven.” Alex breathed a sigh of relief as Marlin put his arm down. “You still don’t have that knife still on you?” Marlin smiled like a content child.

  “Nay, and that is where the other part of the story comes into play.” He smiled as he learned how the blacksmith was killed. He whistled when he learned Shade could use his species special ability too. He was also proud that Shade killed a specialist before more reinforcements could come to the aid of the platoon. He laughed even harder as Alex told him about running through the crowd, perched upon Shade’s back.

  Once the explanation was finished, they began walking once again. Alex asked “You know this land better than I do. Are there any hidden, less traveled roads we could take and any bridges we might need to cross?”

  He thought silently for almost an hour while they continued moving north northeast. Marlin startled them all by smacking the heel of his hand to his forehead. “There is a trail almost a half a day’s ride that rarely has traffic and only the locals know about it. It leads to a bridge that is made of stone. It has been over ten years, but I still remember it.”

  Once the sun first began lighting the sky it was time to put on some speed. While Marlin situated himself comfortably upon Clift’s back, Alex leapt atop Shade and he didn’t flinch, taking the full weight. Alex adjusted his pack as he grabbed the fur on Shade’s shoulders. Marlin used the stirrups to support his legs. He took his hands and grabbed either side of Clift’s mane, to keep himself erect. Shade and the others looked at Alex and he ordered “Let’s move.”

  Shade began running at measured pace. Clift also gained a rhythm as his hooves clopped loudly behind them. The cool morning air began to sting his face, but it was keeping him awake. The continuous sounds of the running became like a primal beat, preparing oneself for a fight. In a way they were. They were about to reveal themselves to the world in the attempt to save Lily. They were about to defy the law of the land in an unprecedented way.

  Just like yesterday on the road, when people saw them they would flee into the forest for some kind of natural safety. Some remained still because of the shock of what they witnessed. It was unheard of seeing such a display. They charged by person after person and caravan after caravan. Shade and Alex took the lead position with Marlin and Clift running right behind. They continued running past so many people going towar
ds the city, for business of their own. Shade’s eyes were focused intently on what laid ahead and nothing would slow him down or get in his way. They were on a mission to save an important person that wanted to live as free as they did. Shade was as determined as his brother, as they headed to Lily’s rescue. They just had to make it.

  When it was almost midday, Marlin suddenly yelled over the sounds of Clift’s clopping “Alex, the path is off to your right!”

  Shade slowed some as Alex told him what Marlin said.

  Soon there was a small trail off to the right, and it headed due east. It was almost completely hidden between two large pine trees and a large shrub. Shade noticed it as well and turned onto the dirt path. His companions followed without falling behind. For over an hour they didn’t see the first sign of human habitation. Marlin was correct about this path.

  An hour or so later Alex made a request to his sibling and he nodded. As he smelled the air for a source, Alex searched around since he was in a higher position. A few minutes later Shade said “Found it.” and turned into the trees while Alex motioned for the others to follow. Since Shade slowed to walk in the forest Alex slid down and walked by his side. Marlin did the same with Clift.

  They came upon a fast moving stream just as Shade’s ears perked. They took over an hour to get a drink, refill the skins, relieve themselves, and eat a snack. As Shade relaxed in the grass Alex rubbed his large muscles because he couldn’t afford for Shade to get a cramp. Clift ate some fresh green grass while Marlin also rubbed out his muscles. Once everyone was well rested they began running once again.

  It took almost five days to reach the bridge Marlin spoke of. During the day they would run and at night Marlin would fish for them, when they found a stream or lake. It helped because Shade was usually too tired to go out and hunt. They came upon a large berry bush and ate the thumbnail sized berries. They all ate as many as they could and threw in as many they could hold inside their packs. The terrain of those days began to slowly change from a thick forest and into almost grassy plain, but trees were still scattered. They stuck to the old worn trail so they wouldn’t get lost. And during those days they only spotted a single person along the path and he didn’t even know they were there thanks to Shade’s impeccable sense of smell and stealthy tactics.

  The stone bridge before them crossed over the Warp River. The bridge was colored with green moss and worn from age and nature. It wasn’t a wide bridge, but it was long enough to reach the other side. The river was flowing towards the west and was colored a clear brown. Alex didn’t know what was swimming in the water or how deep it went, but he knew it would be dangerous to swim across it in ignorance. The risk wasn’t worth it.

  The bridge didn’t appear too safe so he dismounted and began walking across first as a test. The stone’s surface was still cold because the sun barely peeked over the treetops. Alex made his way slowly across the walkway and felt that it was sturdy. Soon the others crossed without incident.

  They then continued their journey and continued northeast.

  The terrain changed from a dry plain and into a damp and muggy swamp over the next six days. When they eventually stopped and dismounted Alex noticed Marlin’s hesitant expression. One hand clutched his item while the other held the shaking arm. His blue eyes darted from side to side as he peered into the thick trees that laid before them. His light brown hair blew from side to side because the wind had picked up. His jaw was tightly set and his nose flared slightly. His eyes shifted to Alex as he walked in his direction. “What do you need, Alex?” His tone was flat.

  “Tell me what’s wrong with you. You look tense.”

  His shaking slowed as he pointed towards the trees with his collapsed item. “That is the edge Ruler’s Forest. We are really here aren’t we?”

  “Aye, we are. Come on. The sooner we get in, the sooner we may get out the other side.” Marlin sighed and put his head down.

  The forest seemed to be looking at them all, at least it gave the same sensation to the others, Alex noticed. There were trees taller than any they had ever seen and there were very few sounds coming out of the forest. It was a haunted place to be sure, like Marlin said. No wonder why anyone would hate coming here. It was dark, depressing and eerie compared to where they stood. The air was permeated with the smell of decaying vegetation from the swamp. Upon a branch of an oak tree sat a hungry looking vulture. He stared at the group like they were its next full course meal. His large talons gripped the branch and his long black wings were tucked at his side. His beak had a slight curve and his tongue rubbed the edge of the beak. The large eyes looked hungry.

  This place would effortlessly eat them if they weren’t careful.

  “We need to stop procrastinating and get it over with.” For the last time Alex turned and crossed the ground and into the boggy forest. Shade was soon walking by his side and the other two began following reluctantly, but at least they didn’t complain. They knew working together would be the only way to survive this dangerous ordeal.

  It was slow moving in some parts because the ground became so saturated that they didn’t want to get trapped in the muddy bog. Some parts had to be circumvented entirely because the water was too high to cross safely. When there were dry spots they would run as quickly as possible. That first night it rained and the four of them huddled together for warmth. Clift didn’t like it at first, but he got used to being so close to Shade. The worst part was the biting insects. Every ten minutes Alex told them to go somewhere else, but they’d forget and come back seconds later.

  The days soon turned into three weeks and they learned how to adapt to this new environment. It would rain almost daily, but no more than an hour or two. When they would come across dry sticks and tender, they’d seal them in their packs for later. During the nights they would cook the fish Marlin would catch from the local streams. Alex would use the nightly fire to dry out his constantly wet feet. The last thing he needed was to get foot rot. Alex and Marlin would also use a thin filet knife to shave. Clift would munch on as much greenery as he could during the trek. When they would find fruits and edible plants they would store what they could. At least the swamp always had a readily supply of water, even if it always had to be boiled. Thirst wasn’t an issue.

  When they would feel a little sidetracked Alex would use the sun as a compass. He would find an open and sunlit area and grab a long, straight stick. The stick’s initial shadow was marked by a rock and an hour later, when the sun moved, he would put one foot on the new shadow and the other on the rock. He would then use his book knowledge to continue heading northeast.

  During the three weeks that passed Alex began to hear strange and ominous whispers, but when he would look around, there weren’t any fiends, animals or people in the area. It was an odd sound that no one else seemed to hear and it usually kept him up during the night.

  As it had become dark and Alex got a fire started in a large grouping of trees, they would all talk to one another and Alex was usually the translator. Shade asked Clift if he had a mare, but Clift said he was taken as an adolescent.

  Marlin turned his head and asked “So did you ever bed Lily?”

  “Nay, the first thing she did, when we met, was to hold a sword to my throat. Her sword was frightening. She popped my shoulder back in place, but other than that that was all we did.”

  Marlin started laughing. “She sounds like a woman who can keep you in line. She would need to be strong, just to keep you out of trouble.”

  When Shade asked what was said he barked a laugh and added to Marlin’s comment. “She might even be able to keep me in line.” Shade laid on his belly and on the other side of the comforting fire, working with his letters. Clift was off in the corner grazing on some grass while staying close to the fire’s gentle light. The light shimmered off his brown fur.

  Alex shook his head. “Will you two…”

  “Dinner Timessss!” Alex’s head jerked up as he heard the hungry noise.

  Above h
is head, a large white mouth was about to swallow him whole. There were two needlelike fangs, mere inches from his widening gray eyes. It was a large mouthed fiend that was ready to eat Alex without warning. Instinctively, he dropped flat on his back and rolled to his left. As he collided with the startled Marlin, the large mouth crashed into the dirt.

  Yellow eyes were the first thing Alex noticed on the large head and followed it up. It curved downward after fifteen feet in the air. The body was covered in moss and pseudo branches that came out of its scaly bark-like skin. At the ground it was planted in the dirt and it had pseudo roots in the soil so it may maintain its balance. It might have looked like a tree, but it was really an Akaror. An Akaror was in the venom snake family, but it became an ambush predator and waited for prey to come to it. It mimics trees and even its dark brown scales looks like the bark of a tree.

  “You Spineless Coward!” Shade roared as he jumped over the fire and used his sabers to pierce the Akaror behind its thick neck, and clamped on. Shade’s claws easily sliced through the rough skin. As the Akaror screamed in pain he reared up, taking Shade up in the air with him. It was an amazing display of strength from the fiend. The reptile fought futilely and tried to shake Shade off, but Shade only clawed more ferociously with all of his claws while constantly adding more of his toxin in with each deep laceration.

  As the struggling slowed, the Akaror could no longer hold Shade’s profound weight in the air. They both came to the ground quickly with a crash. Shade landed on his side, but didn’t release his hold. He got back up on his feet and stared thrashing his head while growling deep in his chest. Then with one last violent whip, Shade ripped a large chunk of flesh out of the side of its neck. He spat the piece out and went after it again, but Alex yelled “Shade, Stop! He’s Dead!”

  He stopped and was panting hard, teeth showing how dangerous he truly is. His gold eyes were focused at the head as he tried catching his breath, waiting for it to come back to life. The steam from his breath looked like rapid smoke signals. They could all see that the Akaror lay lifeless.

  After Alex ran around the Akaror he came upon Shade’s side, barely managing to wrap his arms around his neck. Alex butted his head against Shade’s and left it there. He slowly calmed himself and Alex wasn’t going to rush him to say anything. “Alex…are you unharmed?” He told him he was. “That was too close. I didn’t even smell him coming. The next thing I knew he was above your head… I thought he ate you. I couldn’t see you behind the fire…”

  “You don’t need to say anymore, Shade. It wasn’t your fault, he fooled us all. We didn’t know there was a creature like that living in these woods.” Alex then laughed and let go of his brother’s neck. Shade turned his brooding head in his direction. “You said you were getting tired of eating fish and look what you caught.” Alex pointed at his newest kill. “Look, you made us a meal for the next while. And we’ve never had Akaror meat before.”

  He sighed out a laugh. “That is a good way to look at it.” Then his head turned suddenly and Alex followed his line of sight.

  While they were talking, Marlin cut off the head of the Akaror. He looked up and stated “We need to get rid of the head. It can still bite and envenom us, even after the body has died.” He then demonstrated by grabbing a stick and putting it in the decapitated mouth. Alex had to stop Shade from attacking once he saw its maw clamp down on the wood. He said it was just nerves that haven’t died yet.

  Three sets of eyes watched as Marlin kicked the back of the head into the boggy woods. For the next few hours Marlin and Alex cleaned the meat and cooked some to eat for dinner. The rest they would let smoke throughout the night. Shade grinned once he was calmed enough to eat. The meat was remarkably delicious. Clift was still spooked so he laid next to Shade, while he ate the meat.

  After the unforeseen fight they each took a turn to stay up and guard the others. Shade was outvoted and told to take the first shift. Then it was Clift’s turn followed by Marlin and then Alex’s. The humans didn’t do as much work compared to the distances they needed to cross with Shade’s and Clift’s help.

  While everyone slept and it was Alex’s shift he put the chunks of dried meat into the two packs. He continued to hear the faint and strange whispers emanating from the forest itself. It was faint but he could almost feel a constant vibration in the ground, beneath his bare feet. He looked around the darkness and didn’t see anything moving. It was odd because he could swear that he could also feel someone watching them, but couldn’t tell from which direction the feeling came from. Alex hoped it was only his nerves making things up. They didn’t need any more surprises. Please let it be nothing.

  Once the sun rose again and everyone was awake they all had one last large meal before leaving the remaining carcass. With their skins and packs filled, they all started walking again. While they walked, Clift asked shyly “Doesn’t this place look different than it did yesterday?”

  “I was thinking the same thing, but the smell hasn’t changed at all. Only our scents are around here.” Shade answered.

  It was true. It seemed like the trees had somehow moved and the ground was raised, but it couldn’t be possible.

  Then Marlin pointed and said “Look everyone! Is that a path up ahead?”

  It was in fact a path going in their general direction. Once they climbed on the raised ground it looked almost like the path had been recently made. But where did it come from and who made it without alerting us to their presence? Alex asked in thought. The path held just enough room for Shade and Clift to walk side by side and was dryer than the surrounding area. All of the trees lined the path and it looked welcoming. It was a turn of luck since last night or so Alex hoped.

  “Alex, this is too good to be true. Get on. We can make good time today.” Marlin said with relief.

  With the group excited for once he kept his objections to himself. He leapt atop Shade and soon they were running. Marlin was correct. They covered well over fifteen leagues over the whole day. They stopped to relieve themselves and to take a short break to catch their breaths. At almost the end of the day they had to stop and see what laid before their eyes.

  The end of the trail led to the largest tree that any of them had ever seen, maybe the largest in the entire world. It was five times as tall and large as any other tree in the entire forest. The tree’s canopy was well over one hundred acres wide. When they made their way up to the tree, they were all wholly curious about it. Alex dismounted as did Marlin. The tree was almost making its own clearing underneath because no tree wanted to live under its all consuming shadow. There was a lot of grass that Clift was eyeing off to the side and he went off to gorge himself. The smaller trees surrounded the great one in an almost perfect circle. There was even a small stream flowing with pure, clear and clean water not far away. It was a small paradise of wonder.

  The gargantuan tree was completely covering the small clearing with its massive canopy. The tree trunk itself looked like several giant trees wrapping together and forming one, but it was in fact a single, solid trunk at least five acres in all. The roots were everywhere and the wind in the trees made rustling music, yet no birds or animals seemed to call it home. Hints of pleasant flowers was littered on the ground and it calmed the group for the decaying swamp was overpowered by the fragrant flowers.

  Since it was beginning to darken, Alex suggested that they should stay for the night. Everyone agreed completely and without any hesitation. Marlin, Clift, Shade and Alex used the stream to clean themselves and it was refreshing to scrub off all the dirt and grime from the arduous travels. After the bath, Shade played in the water for almost an hour before coming back to the rest of the pack.

  Once night took its turn in the sky, the wind had become chilled so they used the trunk of the tree to block most the breeze. They were all butted against the tree trunk and Alex started a small fire to further help keeping the chill off of the four of them. They heard the sounds of the night and the whispers Alex heard for so l
ong seemed to cease. He leaned back and looked up into the glorious tree. He was remarkably calm and his eyes closed with contentment.

  Soon it became warmer than it should be. Did the wind die? Did someone throw a cover over me? Alex’s wondered and found his legs wouldn’t move as he tried turning on his side from the uncomfortable feeling that tightened around him.

  His eyes shot open and looked down to see things wrapping over his legs. “EVERYONE WAKE UP!!!” Once they were startled into waking they too noticed their bindings. More and more things wrapped over their struggling bodies and soon realized they were tree roots. This cannot be happening! Alex mentally shouted. He fought with all he had and even the smallest and thinnest roots were stronger than Alex was and couldn’t be torn off. He dug so hard to free himself that his hands began bleeding. Marlin began yelling, Clift was neighing in sheer terror and Shade was trying to use his sabers to cut through the roots. Nothing they were doing was availing them to freedom.

  Alex looked for the fire to see if it would burn away the root tendrils, but the fire was now covered in soil and sinking below the ground.

  The whispers were back and now were louder than ever. There were too many voices to understand. It had become a humming inside Alex’s head.

  Then a loud groan reverberated through the area and the whispers ceased instantly. All sound of the forest had stopped and was replaced with an eerie silence that frightened Alex even more. He looked up to actually see the enormous tree above them moving in an odd way. It was moving of its own accord and not because of the winds effect. Then the groan came again and Alex’s companions stopped struggling to look up for themselves.

  “Alex, what…” Marlin’s question came up short as another and louder groan came from the tree itself again.

  Oh no! Alex then recognized the tree from his book. It was the only tree in the world that could also be classified as a fiend.

  It was a Xeal tree.

  They were in more danger than they’ve ever been in before. What was about to come to pass would undoubtedly be their untimely end. They were fools to not recognize this sooner. Xeal trees were even more dangerous and feared than the Big Three when angered.

  Once known as an oak tree before the Ancients bestowed their gifts to the world, its wood now has the strongest structure and its flesh is even stronger than steel. It can react to stimuli and it is usually aggressive to whatever disturbs it.

  Everything they’ve strived for felt like it was coming to an end for them all, until Alex heard a deep and ancient voice ring in his head. “Who defiles my kingdom!?”

  The leaves of the trees began to shake as he had undoubtedly heard the voice in his mind.

  Trees could talk!