Read Until the Gangaway Tears Us Apart Page 28

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  It was karaoke night in the crew bar and that was almost the same as being purser’s night. The pursers loved their karaoke and they took over the microphone as soon as the event started. The front row was all pursers apart from Sofia, Kieran, Albert and Carla, who were happily chatting. Kieran was enjoying the crew bar and the fact that he was allowed to be in a crew area when he was a passenger. It made him feel more special than the other passengers.

  Denise had decided to play the happy game and by the smile on her face anyone would say her life couldn’t be better.

  “Are you really okay?” Sofia asked discretely.

  “Do you want the sad truth or a sweet lie?” She replied, maintaining her best smile.

  “Always the truth.”

  “The last time I was this miserable was when my father got a new home, a new wife and left everything else behind including me, but I’ll keep pretending I’m as happy as kid in a candy shop until we get to Auckland. It pleases Diego and people leave me alone and don’t ask stupid questions.” She clarified.

  “You’re nuts. Is there anything I can do to make it easier for you?”

  “You can keep telling me good things and sharing happy thoughts. It’s inspiring. And some sleeping pills would really make my nights.”

  “All right,” she sighed, “come by the medical center tomorrow morning. I’ll give you one per night until the end of your contract if you promise you’ll be careful and respect the dosage.”

  “I will, thanks.” Denise made a genuine effort to enjoy the night on her dark and twisted way and the doctor kept an eye on her and admired her friend’s ability to act.

  Sofia thought it was really sad that so often people had to pretend things they didn’t really feel and she was grateful that her happiness was real.

  Diego and Aaron grabbed the microphones and sang “Radio Ga Ga” from the Queen. Their version turned out to be a slow assassination of the classic, but they managed to make the entire audience laugh.

  Since no one had the good sense to get the microphones out of their hands, the two went on singing and murdered a few more tunes before a bar supervisor replaced them and sang something that sounded less aggressive to human ears.

  The night continued with different departments showing their talents and a few more people embarrassing themselves until someone from the cruise staff suggested a competition. They nominated a jury with three people that were randomly picked from the audience and the contest began.

  After the third performance and with everyone laughing to tears, the crew club president realized that by the way things were going instead of rewarding the best voice, it was best to award the funniest act. That brought more enthusiasm to the many crew members who definitely didn’t know how to sing and the next hour and a half was one of the funniest Sofia experienced onboard.

  Diego and Aaron went back to their act and this time their chosen song was ‘I will survive’ by Gloria Gaynor, which was hard enough to sing even for someone with a good voice. Their performance was so hilarious that the audience stood up to applaud.

  Albert and Kieran entered the competition with a sad version of Michael Jackson’s ‘Black and White’. Once more everyone laughed out loud.

  While the jury decided who the winner should be, Sofia told Denise about her plans to move to Australia with Kieran.

  “You and Kieran made that decision over lunch, just like that?” Denise asked surprised.

  “Yes, that’s how I like to make decisions. Easy and quick.”

  “Nice. I wish I could be like that. It always takes me forever to make a decision. I envy you.”

  Sofia smiled and gave her a quick hug. “Don’t. We’re all different. You think too much, I act too quickly. It’s not always a good thing. I’ve done some serious mistakes because of being impulsive.”

  “Balance is the trick.” Diego said, listening to the conversation from his seat next to Denise.

  “Thanks Mr. Wise. Easier said than done.” Sofia replied trying to figure how sober he was and if it made any sense to talk to him at all. He didn’t look too bad yet.

  “I’m trying to replace Ian from next cruise to the end of my contract.” Denise shared with Sofia.

  “Night manager?”

  “Yes. I haven’t done anything this contract except work. Night manager for two cruises would give me some time off ashore and I could try to go to a few places I haven’t had the time to see yet.”

  “That’s a great idea.”

  “Yes, it’s just going to be a problem to make it happen. I can’t ask Leah. She’ll say no to anything that can make me happy. Ian is going to put the request to swap with me. They like Ian. Let’s see if they take the bait.” She explained.

  “Your department is really sad. Why is it all so complicated with you people? It’s incredible how everything needs to be planed like a suspense movie.”

  Denise nodded affirmatively. “It is like that around here, there’s nothing I can do to change it. But at least Ian is being a good friend. I hope he succeeds.”

  “So do I. You could use some distraction, especially when Diego leaves.” Sofia looked straight at Diego when she said that but he played distracted and ignored her.

  The crew club president announced the winners, and with no surprise Aaron and Diego got the dinner for two in the Italian restaurant.

  “Does that mean you two have a date?” Albert snickered.

  “Don’t go that way doc. He’s not my type!” Aaron replied.

  “I hope not.” His girlfriend declared with a chuckle.

  The guys decided to turn it into a boy’s night out sometime during the cruise and go for dinner with a group. Diego invited Kieran.

  “Sorry doc, we’re borrowing him for one night. You can have my girlfriend to entertain you.” Diego informed Sofia.

  “Do I have a saying in that?” She asked.

  “Our decision is made. Live with it.”

  Sofia pretended to be offended. “Excuse me, Kieran, love, will you say something about this?”

  Kieran crossed his arms and smiled at her. “Honey, I’m on holidays. I’m easy.”

  Sofia gave him a it’s-not-worth-the-trouble look and pushed him towards Diego. “He’s all yours. Just make sure you bring him back. I don’t like to sleep alone.”

  Diego giggled victorious. “No worries. After dinner, beers, lap dancing and poker I’ll give him back to you.”

  “Don’t push it.” Sofia hissed.

  “It’s all fun and games.” Diego replied and held his glass to hers.

  As much as Sofia had some issues with him, she couldn’t help to like Diego. His charming smile and his easy going manner made it easy to forget about his flaws.

  “I like your friends.” Kieran told his girlfriend when they finally had a chance to be alone in his cabin later that night.

  “Yes, they’re a nice group.”

  “I can see why you like it here. It might have some strange aspects, but there’s a lot of fun too. I really enjoyed tonight.” He said.

  Sofia sat on the bed and brushed her hair carefully. “That’s the great thing about the crew. Apart from work there’s not that much for us to do onboard. We have to use our imagination and enjoy what we have. The cruises are for passengers and their fun has to be ahead of ours, so we become creative. Crew parties are awesome. This cruise you’ll get to see a crew disco, and I know Aaron is planning a party in the corridor one of the sea days. He’s also leaving next Auckland and this will be like a goodbye for him.”

  “Can you do parties in the corridors?”

  “We shouldn’t. But Ian promised to close his eyes until eleven as long as we don’t make too much noise.”

  “There’s always a way to break the rules, isn’t it?”

  “We don’t break rules; we only bend them a little bit.” Sofia answered and he giggled.

  “You people are not normal. Did you realize you behave like college students?”

>   “Like I told you, Peter Pan syndrome. Normal people have a life, we work on cruise ships.” She observed and cuddled in his arms.

  It was past two and Sofia knew she had an early morning ahead but she couldn’t resist talking to Kieran for a while more. They made some plans for their future life in Australia. It was probably too soon to make any plans at all but the idea of planning was fun and Sofia was happy to see Kieran enthusiastic about something again. Just for that, the thought of moving was already worth it.

  “You’re going to love New Zealand.” She told him.

  “What’s so special about New Zealand?”

  “Everything. Many places are beautiful, but New Zealand is a vast territory with only four million people. A lot of it is still untouched. Did you know there are twenty five sheep for each New Zealander? It’s amazing.”

  Kieran didn’t react.

  “Kieran?” Sofia glanced at him and found him asleep. She turned off the bedside lamp and closed her eyes. In her dreams she saw them both running on the white sand of the Australian beaches and hiking the mountains of New Zealand together. It was a very happy dream.